Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1305 The Children of the Qiao Family

Fang Wei said: "My ancestral home is here. There is a Meite apartment in the north, which is the former site of the Bank of France before World War II. Do you know where it is?"

"Of course." Lin Yue said: "I remember when I first came to Jianghai City, I once bumped into a light pole because I was greedy for a passing beauty, and the incident happened on the sidewalk opposite the Meite Apartment."

Fang Wei covered her mouth and smiled lightly.

The sunlight shone through the window on the white sweater she was wearing, which was as clean as her smile, making him a little dizzy.

"I'm curious, how beautiful is that girl, who can make you so distracted that you don't even look at the road."

She was really curious, because how should I put it, although Lin Yue is very young, four or five years younger than her, but it gives the impression that he is a super mature, stable man who does not match his age, it is hard to imagine, such He also has such a childish side.

Lin Yue smiled and shook his head, but did not answer.

The past was the past, and now is the present. At that time, he was a fresh-blooded young man who had just graduated from university. He was used to seeing plain-faced female classmates in school. When he met a beautiful woman who could match, make up and have temperament, not many If you look at it, it's called mental disability, but it's different now. If you count it by the day, Fang Wei's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather at his age can be more than a few generations.


Fang Wei didn't ask him what interesting things he had done, took a sip of coffee and said, "I want to see you from Grandpa."

To grandpa?

"Xiang Huai? Mr. Xiang wants to see me?"

Fang Wei nodded: "I told you that you are going to be a graduate student of Jiangda University. He asked you to go to his house when you have time, and said that I have a good relationship with you."

The last time I met Lin Yue, I just said it casually. When I met Xiang Huai later, she told about Lin Yue. Unexpectedly, the old man had a deep impression on the young man. After describing in detail the process of the two meeting in the antique shop , Only then did I truly understand how complicated, or rather embarrassing, Lin Yue's seemingly plain sentence "We are kind of destined".

"Okay, you go back and ask the old man when you have time, and I will visit him."

Tan Xiaoguang was very kind to him, and he was one of the few good buddies he had in Jianghai City. Even if he didn't consider his fate with Xiang's family, he should pay a visit just to have a good future for his brother. Seek Xiang Huai's opinion on professional matters.

A twenty-four-year-old young man visited a well-known professor without any embarrassment on his face, as natural as eating and drinking.

A year ago, he was a big boy who bumped into a telephone pole to see a beautiful woman, and a year later he became a mature person who has experienced ups and downs. What has he experienced in this year?

Fang Wei became more and more curious about him.

"Have you seen Liu Quan'an recently?"

"I met with him the day before yesterday when I went to 'Haihorse', and he seems to be in good condition."

Lin Yuexin said that seeing you could be in a bad mood, people just ran to you. In fact, he knew that Liu Quanan resigned from the position of boxing coach in Shangwu Boxing Gym and became a fitness coach in Haima. The reason why he asked this question was to find out about Fang Wei. Tone, to determine where the two of them are going.

According to Fang Wei... There is no progress in this matter.

He could only sigh secretly, sweating for Liu Quan'an.

"By the way, I heard that your girlfriend runs a pet hospital?"

"That's right."

The two of them didn't talk about this issue when they met last time, so Liu Quan'an knew without thinking about it.

"A fold-eared cat in my family is going to be vaccinated recently. The pet hospital that I have been going to before has moved. Since your girlfriend is a pet doctor, I want to take my daughter there next time and let her have a checkup."

"no problem."

Lin Yue knew that she had the idea of ​​taking care of Su Han's business, so he was not hypocritical. He took out a business card from his pocket and handed it over: "There is an address on it."

"Okay." Fang Wei took a look at it, put the business card in her pocket, and joked: "Your boyfriend is quite competent, and you carry your girlfriend's business card with you. This means that you never forget to help solicit business wherever you go. .”

"I can't help it. The store opened not long ago. As for me, I can't help at the technical level. I can only do what I can."

In fact, that's not the case at all. He really didn't expect the pet hospital to make much money. He opened this thing mainly so that Su Han would not be angry and could happily do what he likes. He threw these business cards into the system space casually, and planned to send them to the old men and women who raised cats and dogs in the community, but Fang Wei took the lead.

"Okay, I will post your girlfriend's situation to the pet group after I go back, so that the group friends have the opportunity to take care of her business."

"Thank you then."

Then the two chatted for a while, Fang Wei got up to say goodbye after answering a phone call, Lin Yue was about to send her out, when he turned his head to the door, and met the man who just came in, both of them were stunned.

"Lin Yue!"

"Xue Chao?"

Fang Wei looked at this and that: "Acquaintance?"

"Yes, the group leader I met when I was playing tricks in the film and television city, treated me pretty well."

"Have you ever run a trick?"

Lin Yue smiled and said, "I haven't been there for more than half a year."

Fang Wei looked at her watch, and it seemed that time was a little tight: "Then let's talk, the company is in a hurry, I'll go first and call."

"Okay, let's call."

Lin Yue watched Fang Wei leave the cafe, got into a Tesla Model S parked by the side of the road, and slowly merged into the main road.

Xue Chao sent the female friend to the bar to order, and went directly to Lin Yue to sit down.

"Girlfriend? It's not authentic to put someone aside."

"What girlfriend? That's my cousin. She insisted on dragging me out for coffee, and she even said something about introducing her to me."

"Yes, it's time for you to find a girlfriend."

Xue Chao is 33 this year, and he is several years older than Liu Quanan. Although Lin Yue hasn't gone to the film and television city for lunch for a long time, the work group used to receive notifications is still there. If you plan to get married, you must notify the group members to follow him.

"Let's not talk about this, it's meaningless to say this."

"Don't say what to say."

"Say Gu Ying, Gu Ying."

Lin Yue frowned: "Didn't I tell you the last time I called? I have a girlfriend, and I'm tired of the work of playing tricks."

At this time, Xue Chao's cousin came over after ordering, he quickly winked, sent him to a corner, rubbed his hands together and said, "Lin Yue, I was nice to you before, so just help me this time, okay? "

"What good will it do you if I meet Gu Ying?"

"She's a character now."

"Does Jiao'er have something to do with me?"

"Yes, of course." Xue Chao said: "It's actually like this. One day she met me at the south gate of the film and television city, and asked me about you and asked if you were still working as a group performer there. Well... I've always wanted to establish a good relationship with the assistant director of her crew, and when I got a cooperation agreement, I just... told her that you are still there, but I have a web drama to be busy for the time being, and I will be back in a few days."

Lin Yue understood that it really was Mr. Xue who had nothing to lose, no wonder he cared so much about his relationship with Gu Ying.

"Are you so sure that if I'm still working as a group performer under you, Gu Ying will help you get the qualification to cooperate?"

"You don't know yet, she is the sister-in-law of the producer's son, not to mention the assistant director, Director Kuang has to give some face."

"Sister-in-law of the producer's son?"

Lin Yue was really surprised when he heard the news, because he was an ex-girlfriend, and he knew a little about Gu Yingjia's situation. Her father died in a car accident when she was seven years old, and her mother took her ten-year-old sister away later. Back home, leaving her to live with her grandparents. She was very competitive in her studies. In her third year of high school, she was admitted to a university in Xi'an. After studying for two years, her grandfather was ill and spent a lot of money. The tuition was tight, so she took a year off from school. I went to Jianghai City to work to earn tuition fees, and then I was introduced to work as a group performer, because he took good care of her, and because of this, I had a fight with a certain group leader, and the two of them got together after half a year. After making friends, Gu Ying went back to Xi'an to continue studying, and the distance between them weakened.

I didn't expect to hear about her again and get involved with the producer. Could it be that she found her mother and sister who had been missing for many years?

Xue Chao begged: "Lin Yue, just help me out. More and more people are eating the food of the group leader. Brother, I have no choice but to beg you."

You must know the previous image of this guy, with a big gold chain hanging around his neck, a gold watch on his wrist, a jade ring on his thumb, and shoes that are not new to AJ. He always has a small follower with a bag, a gangster Great styling.

It's different now, the gold chain is gone, the gold watch is gone, and I have a pair of very ordinary running shoes on my feet, I haven't seen them for more than half a year, and I don't know what happened to them.


Lin Yue glanced at his watch, raised his head and said, "I'm in a hurry, I have to take a step first, let's talk next time."

After speaking, he got up and wanted to do it.

Xue Chao also stood up and grabbed his sleeve: "Lin Yue, Brother Xue, please, it's okay if you don't want to play tricks, partner, yes, how about a partner? As long as we can win this project, we will make a profit of 82% Split the bill, okay?"

"Not interested in."

This is not wrong, just take the just-concluded "Beijing Love Story", he didn't do any business to make money, would he like the small money who is the leader of the group?

"Seven three, seven three..."

Xue Chao held his hand tightly.

"Let go, don't let me go and get rough."


"I'm really rough."


"I really admire you."

"Then you agreed?"

"I said Mr. Xue, how come you are like Qiao Feng and the others, you have no bottom line and are shameless."

"Do you think I think so? Isn't it because more and more people want to eat this bowl of rice, and now they are all related households in charge, experience? Qualifications? Hehe."

Lin Yuexin said that it would take fart experience to do this, as long as he would charge a head fee.

"Okay, I have to go, call me then."

He didn't give Xue Chao a chance to talk nonsense, turned around, and left the cafe quickly.

It's not that he sincerely lied to Xue Chao, he was really in a hurry, because the system had just issued a new task, this time it was a drama he had never heard of - "Children of the Qiao Family".

Thank you for the 5,000 starting coins that are not a crime, the 400 starting coins for the post-77 bacon, the 100 starting coins for the book friends with the tail number 4357, and the 100 starting coins for the book friends with the tail number 5115.

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