After returning to the community, Lin Yue did not rush upstairs, but drove towards Furong Street instead.

Because I accepted the task of "Beijing Love Story" not long ago, it took more than a day to leave. Considering that this time it is another TV series, the domestic TV series will have more than 30 episodes. Compared with the real world, the time flow rate is at least one and a half days. Coupled with the time spent watching dramas, and not seeing anyone for five or six days, Su Han might be thinking wildly, so he had to go to check his presence.

I ate lunch at the pet hospital, chatted about meeting Fang Wei before, squinted on the sofa for a while in the afternoon, woke up and said that I was going out of town for two days, and told her to take care of herself, don’t worry about it Sick pets can't even take care of eating while waiting.

Drive back to the community, go upstairs and go to the bedroom, turn on the laptop, log in to your member account on the film and television website, and search for "Children of the Qiao Family" to play.

No wonder he didn't have any impression of this drama. It turned out that like "Thirty Only" and "Golden Days", they are all TV dramas that have not been released at the current time.

He focused on the number of episodes. It wasn't long, only thirty-six episodes, and the online reviews were good, and the Douban score was quite high.

The Qiao family's mother died when the fifth child, Qiao Qiqi, was born. His father, Qiao Zuwang, was a rough and selfish person. Yicheng, Erqiang, Sanli, Simei, and Qiqi were the five children of the Qiao family. In the difficult years, they depended on each other. As the eldest son, Qiao Yicheng took care of his younger siblings all the way up, but lived under the shadow of his excellent cousin Qi Weimin all the way. Qiao Yicheng was admitted to a normal university, and the younger siblings grew up with each other, and the family gradually escaped poverty. The trials and cares of life will never be absent. The studies, marriage, and work of several people have made Qiao Yicheng worry, and his own two marriages have also affected the joys and sorrows of this big family. They have experienced painful trials, but also ushered in hope and warmth, stumbling and bustling along the way. It cannot be said to be perfect, and each has its own shortcomings, just as Qiao Yicheng felt, although "everyone has his own quagmire", but for the brighter future, everyone is working hard to live.

After reading through the introduction of this TV series, he went outside and made himself a cup of hand-made coffee, brought it into the bedroom, and started playing "Children of Qiao's Family" from the first episode.

It played fast and slow, and it took almost a whole day to finally finish watching the show.

Let's talk about the plot, unlike the previous ones, such as "Love in a Courtyard", "Beijing Love Story", and "Golden Years", which destroy the three views, and the conflict is not too strong. I really don't know why the system chose such a plot. An unremarkable TV series as a new task.

Of course, if there is no solution, things still need to be done.

He didn't accept the task immediately, and opened the door to the living room. Originally, he wanted to pour some more dog food for Baton in the food bowl, so as not to starve the two pups during the time he was away. He didn't expect to see Baton chasing after him. The tail was twirling in the living room, and my heart moved. I didn't say much when I walked to the front, and threw it directly into the portable space, and walked back to the bedroom when I was done.

Call up the system menu and switch to the taskbar.

"Always Exchange New Peaches for Old Talismans": The complaints of the lucky viewer numbered 2021 were detected. Qiao Yicheng is so pitiful. The first daughter-in-law ran away to the United States. The second daughter-in-law is good, but his kidney It's over. Qiao Erqiang married an old woman and raised sons for others. Only Qiao Sanli and Qiao Simi had children of their own, and Qiao Qiqi was another son-in-law. It's good to watch this drama, but after thinking about it carefully, the honest and responsible men in this drama basically don't have a good life. What's up with recent TV shows? The protagonist is a prodigal son who turns back and has a happy ending. The kind, serious, down-to-earth person is always the one who is stepped on as a springboard.

Main task: (Enter the film and television drama world to activate).

Side tasks: (Enter the world of film and television dramas to activate).

Mission Difficulty: Normal.

Failure Penalty: None.

Mission time frame: 1990-2006.

Whether to accept: (Y/N).

After confirming the task content one last time, he pressed the "Accept" button.


A white light flashed in front of the notebook, and a large living person disappeared.

About five minutes later, there was a fluttering sound from the balcony, and the big villain flew in with something in his mouth, threw it on the bed, turned around and threw it into the birdcage.

Hearing the movement in the room, Xia Hou sneaked into the room through the gap in the door, jumped on the bed and took a look at the extra thing, blinked his one-eyed eyes, and seemed to be incomprehensible.


The sound of the wind filled the ears, and the white light dissipated.

Lin Yue gradually felt the presence of his body.

"Xiao Lang, when will my in-laws arrive?"

"They're on the train early this morning. They should be on their way. I've already written them the address. A friend of Yicheng will pick them up. They should be here soon? Ten percent, ten percent? Tell me something."

Lin Yue felt someone pushing his shoulder.

"What's wrong with you? You just sat down and there was no movement. What are you thinking? Are you okay?"

Qiao Yicheng?

She is calling herself?

As the light enters the eyes, the colors begin to converge, and the first and most dazzling one is the bright red symbolizing the celebration.

A suit jacket, a white shirt as the base, a small red flower on her head, two pearl earrings, and a somewhat mean face.

This is? Ye Xiaolang?

Lin Yue lowered his head and looked at the suit and red tie on his body, thinking that it was really Qiao Yicheng.

At this moment, a stream of information poured into his mind.

The irresponsible father Qiao Zuwang.

The honest and dull second brother Qiao Erqiang.

The gentle and virtuous third sister Qiao Sanli.

The wayward and lively fourth sister, Qiao Simei.

Qiao Qiqi, the fifth younger brother who didn't know him well.

There is also his cousin Qi Weimin who has been fighting openly and secretly for more than 20 years.

The memories belonging to Qiao Yicheng suddenly filled his brain.

If you wear your soul, you can wear it. If you wear it as the protagonist, you can wear it as the protagonist. What's going on in this time period?

It was only then that Lin Yue remembered that the task was set in 1990. In this year, Qiao Yicheng graduated from graduate school and was admitted to a TV station. For Lian Li.

He thought it would start from the day in 1977, when the mother of the Qiao brothers and sisters died.

"10%? 10%?"

A hand waved in front of him.

"Qiao Yicheng, what's the matter with you? You look like you haven't woken up. This is your wedding. Be more energetic."

He followed the sound and found that Qiao Zuwang was staring at him.

"I'm fine."

Lin Yue shook off the messy thoughts in his mind, picked up the cup on the table and drank the water in it in one gulp.

"Hey, that's wine..."

He didn't realize it until the bitter wine entered his throat. He couldn't vomit anymore. He swallowed it as plain water. Anyway, he wouldn't get drunk if he drank more.

He swallowed half a glass of baijiu without changing his face, while Qiao Zuwang was stunned, looking at the Yanghe Daqu on the wine table, he was convinced that it was wine, not water.

Maybe it's because the father underestimates the old wine when he is rich and doesn't care about his children. Qiao Yicheng rarely drinks alcohol, and only drinks a little when he attends some important parties. He drank the wine in one gulp, his face was neither red nor his heart skipped a beat, which really scared Qiao Zuwang.

"Oh, ten percent, drink it slowly. This is wine, not plain water." Second aunt Wei Shufang hurriedly snatched the cup away, lest he drank too much. You must know that Ye Xiaolang's parents have not arrived yet, and the wedding banquet will be held soon. At the beginning, according to this drinking method, you will be so drunk that you don't know what to do before you finish the meal, and you can't enter the bridal chamber at night?

Qiao Erqiang, Qiao Sanli and others sitting at the opposite wine table also gave him winks.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Lin Yue said, "Isn't it just a glass of wine? It's still 38 degrees, it's okay, I can drink well."

"Hey, you..." Qiao Zuwang wanted to call him "little bastard" at first, but suddenly realized that his daughter-in-law was right next to him, so he took back the rest of the words: "What I said means that you can drink better than your father, right? ?”

"Incomparable, incomparable." As he said, he picked up the wine bottle and poured a full glass for Qiao Zuwang: "You should drink more today."

This sounds fine, but there is always something wrong with it.

At this moment, the movement from the door attracted everyone's attention. Song Qingyuan, a colleague of Qiao Yicheng's TV station, pushed open the door and led a middle-aged man and woman into the room.

Ye Xiaolang hurriedly pulled him over.

"Dad, Mom, why are you here so late?"

Lin Yue didn't speak, and quietly looked at the poorly dressed old father-in-law and mother-in-law in front of him. Ye Xiaolang was a weird one, and her parents were even more weird. For such a big event, her daughter came here in her usual clothes.

If you want to talk about being poor, it’s okay if you don’t have money to buy new clothes, but you can always have money to take a shower and have a haircut.

"The train is late." Song Qingyuan helped explain.

"Yes, yes, yes, the train was late, and I didn't even look at the Yangtze River." Speaking of this, Ye Xiaolang's mother looked regretful,

"This is the father-in-law, right?" Ye Xiaolang's father glanced around, then walked towards Qiao Zu.

The two shook hands, and he went to greet Wei Shufang again, mistaking her for Qiao Yicheng's mother.

Afterwards, just like the show on TV, Ye Xiaolang's parents took out a pair of pillowcases from their bags after a long pause. This was all their dowry for their daughter.

Three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.

Ye Xiaolang's father took Lin Yue from the box to the corridor outside on the pretext of going to the bathroom.

To ask what will happen next?

Lin Yue knew better than anyone that money was needed!

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