Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1307 I'm Not Picking Up Trash

"Yicheng, my mother and I disagreed when Xiao Lang went to college, but she promised us that as long as she finished college, she would work, marry and have children. She takes care of everything in the room."

Ye Xiaolang's father took out a note from his pocket.

"Look, this is the letter of guarantee written by Xiao Lang back then, with her signature and fingerprints on it."

Lin Yue took it in his hand and looked it up a few times, then smiled, but didn't say anything.

Ye Xiaolang's father continued: "Isn't there a housing reform in my hometown? We can't spend so much money to buy a house, and if we can't buy a house, we can't get married. Xiao Lang doesn't care who cares about his brother's marriage?"

Even if he didn't listen to these words, Lin Yue knew what he wanted to express, so he took the opportunity to focus on the system space, pull down the interface to the task bar, and check the task content.

Main task: Be a different Qiao Yicheng.

Sub-task: Spread branches and leaves for the Qiao family (a reward of 100,000 RMB for each child born).

Mission Difficulty: Normal.

Failure Penalty: None.

Mission time frame: 1990-2006.

Let’s talk about the main task first. It’s easy to understand being a different Qiao Yicheng. After all, the protagonist in the TV series is very hard-working. He has spent most of his life worrying about his brothers and sisters. His own family is a problem, that is, Xiang Nanfang has a good personality. There is also the plot of his illness. Without these, with Qiao Yicheng's sensitivity and low self-esteem, there will be problems with the appointment of the second marriage.

Sub-task: Spread branches and leaves for the Qiao family (a reward of 100,000 RMB for each child born).

Regarding this setting, Lin Yue had nothing to say. The system saw that he didn't earn a penny in "Beijing Love Story", so he showed mercy and gave him another money-making game?

no, no...

He suddenly remembered the reward for the hidden task that had just been settled, which was the [Breeding Master]. in hand.

He didn’t run away, and the old bastard of the system was mocking him again, because he made a decision in the world of "Beijing Love Story", in order to resist the "tyranny" of the system, he will try to restrain himself in the future, like Yang Zixi, Shen Bing, Jiang Nansun, Zhu Suosuo, etc. A coquettish slut is not qualified to bear children for him, this kind of thing must take the eugenic route.

Then what? The system turned his face and threw him a task of making money by having a baby. What if he didn't want him to slap himself in the face?

Want money or ambition?

To be honest, if he really wanted to choose a few women from "Children of the Qiao Family" that he thought were okay, Qiao Sanli was one of them, but...well, German orthopedics, let's forget it. Then there were Xiang Nanfang and Chang Xingyu.

"10%? 10%?"

Seeing that he was silent, Ye Xiaolang's father was afraid that he would think about it for too long, so he hurriedly urged: "It is said that the married daughter poured water. Look, we have cultivated such an outstanding young man for the Qiao family. My daughter-in-law, you can't just watch Xiao Lang and her brother don't even have a house to get married."

Lin Yue wanted to laugh, Qiao's daughter-in-law?

What did Ye Xiaolang do after marrying Qiao Yicheng in the TV series? Aborted the child without telling her husband; created an economic crisis for Qiao Yicheng; never came back after studying in the United States, she was the first to mention the divorce, husband and wife? Qiao Yi's achievements are just a springboard for her to pursue her so-called good life. To be honest, whoever marries this kind of selfish woman is unlucky.

Some people said that the two have different values, as if they both made mistakes, but Lin Yue felt that this was purely a combination, or that some women with similar personalities to Ye Xiaolang were trying to make up for him. For those who only emphasize what they want and ignore their family responsibilities, not getting married is the best choice.

As for Ye Xiaolang's parents, what they think about every day is how to calculate the money of their daughter and son-in-law. Qiao Yicheng will be miserable for eight lifetimes when he meets this kind of family.

"Hehe." Lin Yue folded the note in half, and slapped it in the hands of his nominal father-in-law: "I can't decide this matter, you can talk to Ye Xiaolang yourself."

After answering, he ignored Ye Xiaolang's father's particularly ugly expression, pushed open the door of the private room and walked in.

Coincidentally, Qi Weimin pulled Qi Weiyi over and said, "What are you doing? I'm waiting for you two to toast."

"It's still early, don't worry." Lin Yue smiled at him, walked back to his seat, poured some wine into the glass, and brought it in front of Wei Shufen: "Come on, second aunt, let me toast you, thank you for your kindness to our family all these years care."

"Yicheng, you'll be offended if you say this." Wei Shufen said so, but anyone with a discerning eye could see that she was very happy. She picked up a glass full of juice, took a sip with a smile, her face was full of doting .

What's going on with the Qiao family? She's seen it for so many years. With such a selfish father, the responsibility of taking care of his younger siblings falls on Qiao Yicheng's shoulders alone. Under such circumstances, he can still pass the exam. It is not easy, really not easy to marry such an educated and beautiful daughter-in-law.

While the two were talking, Ye Xiaolang's father walked into the box with a face, ignored Qiao Zuwang who was holding a wine glass and wanted to toast, walked up to his wife, and whispered a few words in his ear.

The woman's originally smiling face suddenly disappeared, and she looked at Lin Yue with strong dissatisfaction. Last time he went to Ye's house to give a gift, and when he talked about his work unit, the whole family was very envious. Nanjing TV's A great reporter, with status, future and culture.

Because this kind of people have a good face, they want to take out Ye Xiaolang's letter of commitment at the critical moment of the wedding, forcing Qiao Yicheng to bow his head and admit it, but the result is not ideal. Send Ye Xiaolang's father away.

Ye Xiaolang's mother is not going to give up just like that, because she knows her daughter's personality too well. If marriage is a major event in life and her parents are not present, she can keep it a secret for a long time. If she can't take this opportunity to challenge the matter Ming, let that honest and talkative young man admit to this account, in the future... things will be difficult.

"Xiao Lang, come on, mom doesn't know where the toilet is, so accompany mom to the toilet."

She used this as an excuse to drag Ye Xiaolang out.

Qiao Zuwang and the others didn't think much about it. It was time to drink, eat, and chat, but Song Qingyuan stared at Lin Yue several times with doubts on his face, as if he had noticed that things had changed.

Soon, Ye Xiaolang went back and forth, without the bright smile on his face.

She walked behind Lin Yue and whispered close to her face, "Did my dad look for you just now?"

Lin Yue nodded.

"He is right, there is such a thing. I wrote the letter of commitment, and I pressed the fingerprints. Even if you are not sure whether the matter is true or not, can't you promise him first at this juncture? What should we do next? Can't we go home and discuss it? Do you want to make them unhappy? Just now my mother said that if there is no definite answer to this matter, she will go back to my hometown with my father now. "

"Go back to your hometown, don't you really want to see them two?"

Lin Yue didn't control the volume, and immediately attracted everyone's attention, even Ye Xiaolang's parents were no exception.

Qiao Sanli, Qiao Simei and others didn't know what they were talking about, they just stared blankly at Lin Yue.

Ye Xiaolang said, "Keep your voice down."

Lin Yue was puzzled and asked: "Why keep your voice down, I have no secrets with my family, and it can be said that we are all a family, so it's good to let them know. Ye Xiaolang, do you know? Strictly speaking, this kind of behavior is already It can be called a fraudulent marriage."

Fraudulent marriage?

Everyone was stunned by the word.

I don't understand what happened to these two people, why they said these things on the day of great joy.

"Qiao Yicheng, do you know what you are talking about?"

Ye Xiaolang was confused by his performance, who is Qiao Yicheng? He is a person who adheres to the doctrine that family ugliness should not be publicized, and he is a person who cares about face. Even if something makes him unhappy, he will not attack it in public. Now in front of so many people, why did he play like this?

Qiao Sanli across from him kept giving him winks.

Qiao Simei asked Qi Xiaoya: "Brother, what happened today? Did you drink too much?"

"Is what I said wrong?" The protagonist in the TV series held his nose and confessed, helping Ye Xiaolang to be a helper demon, what did he get in exchange? In exchange for cheating, abortion, going abroad, divorce, and the old father-in-law's mother-in-law repeatedly tried to trick her son-in-law, even if there were no system requirements, the Ye family would not be able to succeed in this matter: "Ye Xiaolang, I asked You, why didn't you talk about this before you got married? You gave the bride price and bought a house for your younger brother. You think our Qiao family opened an orphanage? And you threatened me to go back to my hometown? Okay, do you want to go? Song Qingyuan, help I'll send people to the train station."

Thank you for the 1,500 starting coins for the anti-pornography campaign, and the 500 starting coins for the centaur star A, the book friend with the tail number 2505.

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