Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1312 I Never Compromise With Others

Ye Xiaolang's parents made trouble on the TV station?

Lin Yue's face turned ugly when he heard that, since Qiao Zuwang spoke for Ye Xiaolang during the wedding banquet, her parents went to the old house to make trouble, and it happened to be disgusting, that selfish old man, he didn't take things to heart at all, it's better now, run away It's too much for his unit to make trouble.

"Where are they?"

"Office of the Director."

Without saying a word, Lin Yue closed the folder, stood up and walked outside.

Song Qingyuan saw his unkind expression, and was afraid that he would cause more trouble, so he hurriedly chased after him: "Qiao Yicheng, don't be impulsive, calm down."

The two left in a blink of an eye, wow, the people in the room immediately started talking, and two people pretended to go to the bathroom and followed them quietly, wanting to see how this matter would end.

"Qiao Yicheng, Qiao Yicheng..."

Lin Yue ignored Song Qingyuan's persuasion, walked quickly to the door of the director's office, knocked on it with his hands, and then grabbed the handle and pushed it inside.

I saw Ye Xiaolang's parents sitting on the sofa in front of the desk, Director Wang of the Information Department listened to them tell about Ye Xiaolang's situation with a smile.

"Qiao Yicheng, why are you here?"

"Director, I heard that Ye Xiaolang's parents are here." While speaking, he glanced at the pair of dog skin plasters, his face full of displeasure.

"Ah, yes, they talked to me about you and Ye Xiaolang." Director Wang said, "Little Qiao, for these two, it's normal to have bumps and bumps in life, and they break up whenever they feel uncomfortable. Divorce or something is too wrong, I think you should talk to the old... Cough, the two old people have a good talk, and they can always find a solution. "

Lin Yue was not surprised to hear such remarks, and sneered at Ye Xiaolang's parents: "Yes, I can find a solution, that is, I have to take the money. Not marrying Ye Xiaolang is called youth loss, If you marry Ye Xiaolang, you have to help fill in his brother's hole, right?"

Director Wang felt very helpless, in fact, he quite understood, who would not be angry if this matter was left on him, but Ye Xiaolang's parents came to the work unit to make trouble, what should they do when they encounter such a shameless thing?

Ye Xiaolang's father said: "Leader, do you see that this is him, is it reasonable to ruin my girl's reputation? He really lost the TV station."

Lin Yue laughed: "Press me with the leader?"

He stretched his hand inside his suit, took out a cowhide envelope and handed it to Director Wang: "Director, this is my letter of resignation."

This move not only confused Director Wang, but also frightened Ye Xiaolang's parents. Even Song Qingyuan, who was eavesdropping on the office door, scratched his head anxiously, muttering, "What is he going to do? Are two unreasonable old things worth it?"

Director Wang had a headache. He didn't expect Qiao Yicheng to be such a bachelor, he would not hesitate to resign and would not bow to Ye Xiaolang's parents.

"Little Qiao, don't get excited, don't get excited."

He didn't move the letter of resignation, stood up and said: "Now, everyone, calm down, have a frank and honest discussion, and discuss everything. As for me, I will go to arrange the venue and come back later."

After speaking, he smiled at Ye Xiaolang's parents, opened the door and walked out.

Song Qingyuan was eavesdropping at the door, and the two almost bumped into each other.

Director Wang gave him a hard look and left.

Lin Yue wasn't surprised by Director Wang's reaction, because Qiao Yicheng and Song Qingyuan were officials in the news department, and it would be a big loss for the news department to resign because of such a trivial matter.

Cherishing talents is one reason, and of course there is another reason.

What Director Wang did was to tell Ye Xiaolang's parents to accept him as soon as they were happy, otherwise, no one would be happy.

"Tell me, what is your purpose? Don't even think about marrying Ye Xiaolang. Even if I marry a pig, I won't marry your daughter."

" fart."

Ye Xiaolang's mother was so angry that her lips trembled. Ye Xiaolang's father was still focused on his resignation and didn't react.

Lin Yue said: "We are in free love, and we are ruining your daughter's reputation. Do you think this is a feudal society? Anyway, I have already handed in the resignation letter, and you have heard what Director Wang said. Do you want to say it? If you don't say it, I'm leaving .”

Ye Xiaolang's mother tugged at Ye Xiaolang's father's sleeve, and the man finally came to his senses: "5000 yuan."

The amount he gave at the wedding banquet before was 10,000 yuan, but now Qiao Yicheng did not hesitate to resign to resist. In order to avoid the collapse of the talk, he cut the amount in half in the end when the bamboo basket fetched water and paid for the travel expenses. With this level of trouble, the marriage will definitely not be able to be concluded, so let's get some money to spend, after all, the letter of commitment is still in hand, and when Ye Xiaolang makes another boyfriend who is talking about marriage, find the next one. Just pay the bill.

When Ye Xiaolang's mother heard that she had dropped so much, she poked the man in the back unwillingly, but she didn't get any feedback.

"If I give you 5000, you won't come to my unit to make trouble, will you?"

"Yes, otherwise you don't want to go to work with peace of mind."


Lin Yue suddenly picked up the phone on his desk and pressed several numbers.

"Hello, is this the Daguang Road Police Station? I want to call the police, someone is extorting money. Oh, my name is Qiao Yicheng, and I'm a reporter. Location? News Department of Radio and Television Station."


He hung up the phone, took out a palm-sized tape recorder from his pocket and shook it: "I forgot to tell you, I never compromise with others."

After speaking, he picked up the resignation letter on the table and tore it into pieces, threw it into the trash can, and left the office under the terrified eyes of Ye Xiaolang's parents.

Song Qingyuan didn't leave, but was still eavesdropping outside the door.

Lin Yue came out of the room, took several steps forward before he realized it, and chased after him immediately.

"Joe Yicheng."


"How long have we known each other?"

"It's almost half a year, don't you know how to count?"

"But why do I feel that I only met you today? You are so true...too ruthless."

Song Qingyuan shook his head while talking, he really didn't expect to come to this point, from the resignation letter to the tape recorder, it seems that this guy calculated the reaction of Ye Xiaolang's parents, and deliberately dug a hole for them to jump.

"Brother, I am really convinced that you are brave and resourceful."

The two of them turned a corner and happened to bump into Director Wang who was smoking a cigarette by the corridor window.

All fools know that it is an excuse to anoint the soles of their feet.

"It's settled?"

Lin Yue said, "No."

"Why did you come out without you?" Director Wang felt dizzy when he heard it. There is a saying that a scholar meets a soldier, and he can't explain it clearly. Facing Ye Xiaolang's parents, he was really troubled.

"I don't talk to them, someone talks to them."



Director Wang was stunned.

Song Qingyuan put aside and laughed, with a treacherous and treacherous expression.


Fifteen minutes later, Ye Xiaolang's parents were invited out of the TV station by the police from the police station. Before, they insisted on not leaving, but this time it was Lin Yue who was tough and refused to accept the mediation. He insisted on suing the two for extortion. They had no choice but to take them back to the police station to record statements.


Lin Yue corrected the manuscript, and lay down on the table to sleep while he was free. He heard the rattling sound approaching, and patted his shoulder with one hand.

"Wake up, hey, wake up, Ye Xiaolang is here, waiting for you in the reception room."

"No, say I'm not here."

Lin Yue waved his hand without raising his head.

Song Qingyuan looked around and saw everyone sneaking glances here, so he could only lean closer and whisper: "Are you really planning to send those two people to prison? Buying and selling can't be benevolent... No, the relationship is still there after the relationship is broken." no?"

"Are you here? What the hell." Lin Yue said: "When her parents stayed in my old house, I went to the newspaper office to look for her. In the end, Liu Xiaomeng told me that she was not here. Okay, let her beg Me, I'm not here either."

He didn't deliberately lower the volume, everyone heard it.

Song Qingyuan smiled at this one, and cheered at that one: "Can we not be so naive?"

"No." Lin Yue said, "I've never been at a disadvantage. Whoever makes me suffer, I will let him go around."

Song Qingyuan thought to himself, did you suffer less in the past? Help this one revise the manuscript, explain the essentials to that one, and from time to time give the people in the literature and art department and the advertising department a good job. Even the janitor downstairs knows that you are a bully. How are you doing now, this guy is awesome for you.


"not see."

"Okay then." Song Qingyuan saw that he was determined not to bird Ye Xiaolang, so he could only put on a mentality that it had nothing to do with him, and called the reception room, saying that Qiao Yicheng was not here, and that he had come out. Field work.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, when the TV station got off work, Song Qingyuan drove Lin Yue out of the parking lot. Not far from the gate, a person rushed out diagonally, scaring him into suffocating with the brakes, and the engine stopped immediately.

When he came back to his senses and was about to scold the street, he found that the person blocking the Toyota was none other than Ye Xiaolang.

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