Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1313 Take mine and return it, eat mine and spit it out

"Okay, brother, I can't help you this time." Song Qingyuan pouted towards the car door, meaning you can figure it out.

Lin Yue didn't say anything, just opened the car door and walked down.

Seeing him get off the car, Ye Xiaolang stopped fighting cock with Song Qingyuan, walked up to Lin Yue and said, "Didn't you go out to work?"

Lin Yue said flatly: "I'm back after the interview, can't I?"

"Qiao Yicheng, I really didn't expect you to be this kind of person."

"Each each other."

Ye Xiaolang held back his anger and asked, "I heard from the people at the police station that you are going to sue my parents for extortion?"

"That's right."


"Why?" Lin Yue seemed to hear a funny joke: "The two of them came to my work unit to ask for money. Isn't this extortion?"

"My parents are from the countryside and don't understand this at all."

"Is not understanding a reason to justify a crime? They don't understand, do you understand? Do you understand why I went to talk to you about this matter, but you avoided it? Now that things have come to this point, it seems that there is no way out, You came to me again to argue, Ye Xiaolang, you are worthy of being the daughter of those two people, you have received the truth for your shamelessness."

Ye Xiaolang was taken aback by what he said, because Qiao Yicheng had never been so aggressive as he is now. Whenever there was a conflict in the past, he was the first to give in and try to make her happy. Even the time when he stole his manuscript, It's okay to be coquettish and cute, look at the present, think about the past, Qiao Yicheng is a completely different person.

The point is, what she said made it difficult for her to refute. The last time Qiao Yicheng found the Nanjing Daily, she really avoided seeing her, and Liu Xiaomeng hurt him a few words.




She took three deep breaths and forced herself to remain calm.

"Tell me, how can you let them go?"

Lin Yue said: "Two conditions, one: return the dowry gift I sent to your house in full, and two: ask your parents to apologize to my younger siblings."

Ye Xiaolang said: "I need to discuss this matter with my parents."

This matter is placed in a normal family, and the parents are like that. When the children hear these conditions, they will definitely agree to them. After all, his request is not excessive at all.

Since the marriage was not consummated, and the fault was not with the man, the dowry had to be returned due to emotion and reason. Ye Xiaolang's parents went to Qiao's old house to make trouble, and the two strong, three beauties and four beauties couldn't have a good rest, so I have to say sorry.

Even Song Qingyuan, who was sitting in the car, felt that Qiao Yicheng's personality had changed, but his principle of doing things had not changed, and he was logical and reasonable in doing things.

"Okay, I'll give you three days."

Lin Yue sat back in the car, said "drive", the driver restarted the ignition, and drove to the north.

Why did Ye Xiaolang have to discuss it with her parents, because she was afraid that her parents would not admit it after agreeing, and put all the responsibility on her, and let her use the money to fill the hole in the dowry gift.

"As long as I finish my college education, not only do I not need a penny from my family when I get married, but my brother's wedding money will also be covered by me."

This is what she said. Not only did she not earn money for the family, but she also had a big oolong, and had to spit out the meat in her mouth. Just those two money fans, I don't know how much I feel distressed.

Song Qingyuan didn't speak, but kept giving him thumbs up.

Lin Yue said, "I have something to say."

"Nothing to say."

"Just concentrate on driving without talking."


The father-in-law and mother-in-law came to the wedding, turned their faces and sent the son-in-law to the house. This matter... is more magical than Journey to the West.


two days later.

It was that position again, and that pair of men and women again.

"By the way, what happened to Qiao Yicheng's father-in-law and mother-in-law the day before yesterday?"

"What else can I do? Withdraw the betrothal gift or go to jail, which one do you want to choose?"

"Hey, he's really good. He got the father-in-law and mother-in-law in and squatted there for a few days, and the bride price will come back. Why didn't I find out that he is this kind of person before."

"Be afraid. If you are afraid, stop gossiping behind his back in the future, and be careful that one day you will be involved."

"Then you don't have someone to chat with, won't you be lonely?"

"Speak nonsense again, believe it or not, I'll sew your mouth shut."

"Come, come, come, you sew, you sew."


Then a hand tapped on the table.

"It's almost done."

The two looked up and saw that it was Song Qingyuan walking over, they smiled at each other and stopped gossip about Qiao Yicheng.

Said Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived, only a few breaths left and right, a figure flashed at the door, the master walked into the room with a briefcase, glanced at the colleagues present, went straight to the desk, unzipped the zipper, and took out a few letters from inside Sign the paper, and after alignment, take a stapler and press it on the header.

There was a light click.

Stationery was stapled together.

Song Qingyuan walked up to him: "What is it?"

"A new topic prepared in the past two days."

"Hey, your life is like this, do you still have time and energy to work?"

"Of course I don't have the time for you to act as a disciplinary committee member."

"Brother, I did it for your own good."

Lin Yue clapped the things in his hands: "I'm doing this for your own good. If you don't do it, I won't do it again. Just wait to be scolded by the director."

"..." Song Qingyuan didn't know what to say for a while.

The two colleagues on the opposite side heard the two of them bickering and having fun. Why didn't they realize that Qiao Yicheng was so poor before, even the king of broken mouths was no match for him.

"Laugh, what are you laughing at!"

Song Qingyuan could only vent his anger on others.

"By the way, Director Wang told you to come over."

"You go with me." Lin Yue patted the bound document into his arms: "I'll give you half a minute to understand the content."

"Half a minute?"

Lin Yue ignored him, turned around and walked outside.

Song Qingyuan looked at the things in his hand, and knew what he meant, so he quickly corrected his attitude, and chased after him while quickly browsing the contents of the document.


A minute later, the Office of the Director of Information.

"Little Qiao, I heard that your old man... oh no, Ye Xiaolang's parents have returned home?"

"Yes, I went back yesterday."

"Now that this matter is over, let's work hard, don't think about it, and put too much pressure on yourself."

Director Wang is a good person, and he knows how to do the ideological work of his subordinates at the right time.

"I will."

If it was genuine Qiao Yicheng, it would be more or less affected. He was different, he didn't care about the Ye family at all, thinking wildly? psychological pressure? nonexistent.

Director Wang looked at Song Qingyuan in a daze beside him: "Song Qingyuan."


"In recent days, you should pay more attention and help Xiao Qiao in work and life."

Song Qingyuan said in his heart that he used my care? For a guy with a basket of ideas like this, even if the sky falls, he won't be able to crush him to death.

But his mouth is still very obedient: "Don't worry, director, I promise to take good care of him, and definitely don't let him have the chance to commit suicide."


Director Wang held the pen in his hand and nodded to Song Qingyuan with a smile.

Lin Yue took out the documents he had received from Song Qingyuan before entering the house and put them on the desk.

"What's this?"

"In it are my thoughts on the next feature."

Director Wang turned it over in his hand, and the surprise on his face became more and more intense: "You came up with this idea?"

Lin Yue looked at Song Qingyuan: "This is the idea of ​​the two of us."

Director Wang nodded, tapped his fingers on the table for a moment, and said in an uncertain tone, "Are you sure?"


Hearing such an answer, he no longer hesitated, and pushed the document in front of the two of them: "Okay, then you guys will chase after this, but remember to be careful in everything, and you must protect your own safety."

Song Qingyuan put away his hippie smile: "Don't worry."

After obtaining Director Wang's consent, the two left.

"Qiao Yicheng, are you really going to do this?" It was obvious that Song Qingyuan still had some concerns.

"Of course, that's not a bad thing."

"I know it's a good thing, but..."

"But what? It's not like your style for a big man's mother-in-law."

After saying this, he turned left, entered the stairwell, and walked towards the hall on the first floor.

"Hey, Qiao Yicheng, who do you think is not like a man." Song Qingyuan rolled up his sleeves and chased after him.


A week later, at nightfall, Lin Yue was walking towards the old house with the rock sugar pear paste and a large piece of Jinhua ham that he had made before. When he passed by the alley with the house number nailed to it, he heard the bell ringing quickly, so he dodged to the side , In a blink of an eye, a bicycle drove out at the corner, and the people on it walked forward dully, as if they didn't recognize him.

But he did recognize the man.

"Wang Yiding."

This shout startled the people in the car, because the brakes were too fast, and they almost hit the telephone pole with the missing person notice at the entrance of the alley.

"Big... big brother."

He let out a muffled cry, looking a little shy.

This person has a good personality, but he has no opinions, or is too honest.

"What are you doing, in a panic."

ps: It's the end of the month, don't forget to vote for the monthly pass.

Thank you Master Apprentice, Chen Ying for the 500 starting coins, Old Cat 6, Fu News, and Yun Yimiao for the 100 starting coins.

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