Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1315 Big brother has really changed

The word "Manager Qiao" stunned the whole family.

Qiao Zuwang put down the half-filled wine glass, looked at Lin Yue and said, "What business?"

"Aren't you and Xu Funian engaged in fundraising? I heard it's doing well."

"What? Are you interested?"

Lin Yue took a mouthful of food and put it in the bowl, seemingly casually said: "It's sort of."

"What do you mean?"

Qiao Zuwang was very proud, because this eldest son who claimed to be well-informed and a cultural person had always looked down on their projects, and kept saying, "I don't care how much you trouble me, as long as you don't hurt your family."

What about now? Didn't I hear that he made money and wanted to join in for a share?

Feeling elated, really elated once.

Lin Yue said: "Not only do I want to participate, but if I really make money, I can also help introduce colleagues from the TV station."

Qiao Zuwang was overjoyed, colleagues from the TV station? They are all rich people. If they can be brought in and spread word of mouth in the circle of relatives and friends, he, Qiao Zuwang, will soon be able to drive a car and use a big phone.

At this moment, Lin Yue poured cold water on him.

"But I have one condition."

"What conditions, you say."

"The gift money on this paper will be returned to me one cent at a time. It is the money that Aunt Wu and others gave me to start a business."

Qiao Zuwang thought to himself that he was reluctant to leave the child without a wolf. This little money is nothing compared to the big clients of the TV station: "No problem, I will give it to you in a while."

The two of them finished the deal with a few words. Qiao Erqiang looked at them like a fool, staring blankly, not knowing what to say.

After eating, Qiao Sanli turned on the faucet first, and then led Lin Yue into the kitchen.

"Brother, Dad was brainwashed by Xu Funian, why are you messing around with him?"

Her eyes were full of worry, she didn't dare to say anything in front of Qiao Zuwang during the meal, and she finally endured it until the end, before washing the dishes, she wanted to persuade him to rein in the precipice and not to be confused.

Lin Yue said: "Don't worry, I have a sense of proportion in this matter."


Qiao Sanli was angry and impatient, so it was proper to give the money to Qiao Zuwang to raise funds? Although she didn't understand the Taoism in it, she couldn't trust Xu Funian, and she knew very well that there would be no pies in the sky for no reason, and even if there were, it would be impossible for Qiao Zuwang to fall on his head.

Lin Yue was worrying about how to explain it to her, when Er Qiang happened to pass by the door.

"Second Qiang, come here."

Qiao Erqiang walked into the kitchen: "Brother, Sanli, what are you doing here?"

Lin Yue didn't answer this question, and took out the gift money that Qiao Zuwang had just returned from his pocket and stuffed it into Qiao Erqiang's hand.

"Don't you want to go to culinary school? Use the money to pay for the tuition."

The two of them were stunned when they heard this. They thought he asked Qiao Zuwang for money to raise funds, but they didn't expect to use it to pay his younger brother's tuition.

"Brother, this..."

"Excuse me? Then wait until you learn the craft and make a lot of money one day before paying it back to me."


Qiao Erqiang nodded and put the money in his pocket.

Lin Yue patted him on the shoulder: "Aren't you going to work early tomorrow? Go to bed."

"Then big brother, you..."

"I'll go back after talking to Sanli for a while."

"Oh, I'm going to bed then."

Qiao Erqiang turned and left the kitchen.

"Brother, you...are you lying to our dad?" Seeing him handing over the money to the second brother, she changed her mind, and suspected that what the two of them talked about during the meal was that the elder brother was fooling the old man. Gift money spat out.

"Almost." Lin Yue handed over the loofah used for washing the dishes: "Hurry up and wash, don't you still have to do the laundry after washing the dishes? It's too late, how will you work tomorrow?"

"Oh." Qiao Sanli took it over and responded dully.

"Okay, I'm leaving."

After Lin Yue finished speaking, he walked outside, and when he was almost at the door, he heard Sanli calling him, so he looked back.

"What's wrong?"

"Brother, if your clothes, blankets, etc. are dirty... I will wash them for you after I get off work on weekends."

Lin Yue wanted to say that he could still spare this little time, but when he saw the well-behaved girl under the eaves, his heart warmed up, so he didn't refuse.


He closed the door and walked towards Qiang Street with his briefcase, thinking about Er Qiang in his heart. In fact, he didn't need to go to culinary school for cooking, he could teach Qiao Er Qiang. A well-known chef in Beijing, who is proficient in Sichuan cuisine and Tan family cuisine, not to mention 70% to 80%, even if he only gets half of the authenticity, it is not a problem to open a restaurant with good profits in Nanjing city.

The point is that he doesn't have time, so he thinks twice, and still thinks that Er Qiang should go to the culinary school to practice the basic culinary skills such as knife skills, spoon skills, and butchery.

Learning to cook is a skill for making a living, and this guy's feelings are enough to worry about.

Should I tell him the address of Ma Suqin Tofu Shop? Or don't tell him, let everything happen?

A Qiao Erqiang and a Qiao Simei, both of them are the kind of stubborn donkeys who have no regrets even if their heads are broken and bloody.

When the taxi carrying Lin Yue was driving on Zhuhai Road, Sanli finished drying her clothes and went back to the house to lie down.

"Third Sister, have you noticed... Eldest Brother has changed a lot?" Qiao Simei turned over, looked at her and said.

"You didn't sleep?"

"No, I'm thinking about my elder brother. How come he seems to be a different person during the wedding? It's understandable that Ye Xiaolang's parents are impatient. After all, people will suddenly figure it out, but the matter of cooking , It can’t be improved in a day or two, don’t you think the cooking of the eldest brother is better than that of the second brother?”

Qiao Sanli nodded Qiao Simi's head: "You, you know how to think wildly all day long."

"How can this be called cranky thinking? It's called thinking. Thinking based on facts. Didn't my elder brother often say that people must learn to think and be good at thinking so that they won't be deceived?"

Qiao Sanli didn't bother to pay attention to her, turned over, faced the wall, opened her eyes and remained silent.

Qiao Simei thought she was asleep, she pouted like a piglet and grunted twice, turned over and stopped talking.

"Four beauties..."


"Did you find anything like perfume at your eldest brother's house last time?"

"No, brother doesn't usually have the habit of using perfume." Qiao Simei raised her head while turning over, looking at Qiao Sanli's side face facing in: "Ye Xiaolang should have it, but she took it away when she moved out. , No, Third Sister, why are you asking this?"

Qiao Sanli remembered the scent she smelled on the shirt when she washed his clothes before, and tilted her head: "No, I just asked."

"Oh." Qiao Simei stopped talking.


three days later.

In the office of Dayou Trading Company, Lin Yue met Xu Funian.

Strictly speaking, this is not the first time the two have met. When Qiao Yicheng was young, Sanli had a high fever one night. Qiao Zuwang went to play mahjong as before. Qiao Yicheng could only carry his sister behind his back. He went to the health center to see a doctor, and spent all his living expenses on infusions and medicines. He asked for money at the poker game, but Qiao Zu ignored him.

In a fit of anger, Qiao Yicheng went to the Hongbanqiao police station and sued Qiao Zuwang and others for gathering a crowd to gamble. When the police arrived there, they arrested them, including Xu Funian.

"Joe Yicheng."

Xu Funian put the briefcase under his armpit on the desk, and looked at Lin Yue with a smile: "In the blink of an eye, more than ten years ago, the little boy back then has grown so old, hey, I heard from your father a few days ago that you are married , Business was busy in those few days, and I was running business in other places, so I really couldn't get away to attend the wedding, it's a pity, it's a pity."

Heh, this guy is dressed like a dog, and he speaks well in the scene.

Think about it too, if it wasn't like this, how could Qiao Zuwang, such a rogue, be fooled by Xu Funian again and again.

"One percent, I heard from your dad that you want to raise money too?"

"That's right, everyone says that raising funds can make money, you see... I even brought a colleague with me."

Xu Funian followed his gaze and looked at the shoulder bag passenger next to him: "Who is he?"

"His name is Song Qingyuan, my good partner." Lin Yue said: "He also wants to participate in such a good thing."

Song Qingyuan smiled and said, "Hello, Mr. Xu."

"Good, good, good."

Xu Funian didn't think much about it, thinking that the purpose of the two of them was very simple, which was to make money. First, it is normal for his son to be affected by Qiao Zuwang’s precepts and deeds. Second, this fundraising is covered with a trading company shell, which is quite deceptive. From the perspective of the business process, it is completely legal and there is no fear of investigation.

It can also be said that there is no fear, whether it is the police or lawyers, there is nothing they can do about this matter, because it is a legal company that pays taxes according to the regulations and has a business license. I lead everyone to do business and make money. What can you do to me?

PS: Happy Holidays~

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