Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1316 Take the thief and take the stolen goods

Lin Yue knew exactly what these people were thinking.

This thing is actually a pyramid scheme. It makes money by constantly attracting investors to join in. As long as there are a steady stream of newcomers coming in as leeks, it can continue to do it. After hiding abroad, investors want to get their money back? Difficult.

Illegal fund-raising crimes only existed in 1995. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, the group of people who did bad things under the banner of fund-raising operations to give back to the society, let alone ordinary people, could not see through it. They also follow suit and spend money to raise funds. Even the judiciary is difficult to define the crimes of this group of people. Afterwards, companies that make money in the name of fund-raising continue to go bankrupt, and the person in charge runs away, causing losses to the majority of investors and triggering mass incidents. It has attracted the attention of relevant departments and issued corresponding laws and regulations as the basis for punishment.

"Mr. Xu, this... won't lose money, will it?"

Lin Yue pretended to be afraid of not being able to make money, expressing his inner worries.

"That's right." Song Qingyuan echoed, "I'm going to use all the money I spent on marrying my wife to raise funds."

"Don't worry, I will never lose money." Xu Funian patted his chest and said, "Who is Mr. Liu? From Guangzhou in the south, to the three provinces in the north, there are friends all over the country. The road is very wide. Do you know the wire rod?"

Song Qingyuan hurriedly cheered: "I know, this is a scarce commodity, and there is no way to buy it without approval."

"For Mr. Liu, as long as he wants to do this thing, he can do it in minutes." Speaking of Mr. Liu's ability, the expression on Xu Funian's face was as if he had met a real god: "I'm not afraid to tell you, Mr. Liu is in the customs system. It’s also very easy to eat, and it’s not a problem at all to get some imported cars and home appliances.”

The poor man of that era knew what was going on when he said it. A ton of steel bars was tossed several times in the hands of A, B, C, D and others. The steel bars were not moved in the warehouse. Finally, those who needed steel bars bought them. Fan.

Is this "A, B, B, D" an ordinary person?

In Lin Yue's view, if you want to fool people in any era, you must have a beautiful copywriting or hype concept, just like the "water hydrogen car", "wechat business", and "P2P financial management" 20 years later. Or in the TV series, Qiao Zuwang's Dayou trading company will hold a so-called presentation at the beginning of its opening, to brainwash those short-sighted neighbors, and to constantly exaggerate Mr. Liu's supernatural powers, and Xu Funian's example of making a fortune, so they will not flock to it. ah.

Lin Yue and Song Qingyuan looked at each other, nodded, and each took out 3,000 yuan and handed it to Qiao Zuwang.

"This money is considered an initial investment." Song Qingyuan said: "If the benefits are good, we will add more money. In addition, we will help you with publicity. We have to meet with Mr. Liu to learn more about the company's situation before we can write a manuscript. .”

Lin Yue added: "The TV station is very strict. I agree with Song Qingyuan's proposal. First, write two articles in the "Jinling Evening News" to test the water. If the response is good, we can apply for resources from the station. And he and the "Jinling Evening News" The editor-in-chief of Jinling Evening News is very familiar with it, so it is relatively easy to do this.”

"It should be, it should be." Xu Funian said, "Don't worry, this matter is on me."

"Okay, that's it for now. It's getting late, and we have to go back to the station to put the equipment."

Lin Yue said goodbye, and walked outside with Song Qingyuan.

Xu Funian and Qiao Zuwang were sent outside the hospital.

Song Qingyuan drove away from Shamaoxiang. While paying attention to the road conditions, he complained: "Three thousand yuan, nearly half a year's salary, you can really do it."

Lin Yue said, "What? Does your flesh hurt?"

"3000 yuan, don't you feel pain? How many KFC family buckets can you eat?"

"I don't want the child to be tied to the wolf." Lin Yue patted him on the shoulder: "How can we gain Xu Funian's trust without bleeding some blood? Now we have invested a lot of money, and they are asking for us. Only when there is a mutually beneficial relationship can the following plans be implemented.”

"It's just that person, who looks like a stingy rat, and a stingy person like your father, how can he fall for his tricks several times?" Song Qingyuan shook his head repeatedly and sighed heavily.

"The more greedy people are, the easier it is to be deceived. In the same way, Xu Funian's group wanted to attract more people to raise funds, and they were so courageous that they turned their idea on the TV station. Aren't we also taking advantage of their greed?"

The market situation in the late 1980s and early 1990s fully explained what it means to be brave, starve to death and cowardly. How many of the things done by famous business tycoons in later generations were not unacceptable behaviors in the eyes of people at the time? For example, if you lose your job and go to sea to do business, for example, you can borrow a lot of money to do business.

"That's... my 3,000 yuan." While talking, the topic turned back: "Qiao Yicheng, if you can't get it back later, you can give me a lot of points."

"Are you short of this money?"

"Why is it not bad? In addition to your salary, you can also write manuscripts for the newspaper to earn some extra money, what about me? Just point at them and marry a wife."

"You just pretend to be you."

Others don't know what Song Qingyuan's family background is, but Lin Yue doesn't know. People who can play with children from provincial cadre families like Xiang Beibei and Xiang Nanfang have poor family conditions?

It’s not that there was no side description in the TV series. When Qiao Simi went to Tibet to find Qi Chenggang, Qiao Yicheng asked Song Qingyuan to check Qi Chenggang’s details through his relationship. From the following plot, it can be seen that things went very smoothly, which shows that the Song family What a powerful network of relationships.

"Hey, wait... stop, stop, stop!"

He yelled to stop three times, Song Qingyuan stepped on the brake, and the car stopped.

"What's the matter? What kind of car should you park?"

After looking around, no one was injured, and no dangerous elements were seen, Song Qingyuan was extremely depressed.

Lin Yue ignored him, pushed open the co-pilot's door and walked down, walked back a few steps along the sidewalk, looked at the window of Tang Wang Hotel and frowned.

That's right, the people sitting in front of and behind the first row of dining tables are Chen Junliang and Sun Xiaomo, the couple who work in the Xinhua Bookstore in the TV series, the former is the director, the latter is the salesperson, and Qiao Erqiang's first wife, um , the kind that cuckolds her husband... Although Qiao Erqiang's heart is not on her either.

Lin Yue overturned the old father-in-law's mother-in-law's table at the wedding banquet. Before the marriage was consummated, naturally there would be no scene where Ye Xiaolang introduced Qiao Erqiang and Sun Xiaomo. He almost ignored this woman. He didn't expect that just now Taking a quick glance, I found that she was having dinner with the guy in that episode who was even more wretched than Li Heman.

It stands to reason that with the current situation, the two have nothing to do with each other, but Chen Junliang did not get the punishment he deserved in the TV series. If there is no intersection, it’s fine. Now it’s a coincidence that the two of them have a tryst, so I have to think about it. Disgusting this stuff.

"Hey, what are you looking at? What's so interesting about eating?" Song Qingyuan patted him on the shoulder and said.

Lin Yue thought about it for a while, then made up his mind: "Go and get the camera."

"Take a video camera? What do you want to do?"

"Are you doing an interview?"

"Who are you interviewing?"

"If you are told to take it, you can take it. Why do you ask so many questions?"

"Hey, the co-author has used me as a follower."

He said so, but he walked back to the Toyota obediently, opened the rear door, and took out the camera and microphone.

"Tell me, who do you want to interview?"

Lin Yue reset the microphone cable, made sure that Song Qingyuan was ready, and stopped a man in his thirties: "Hello, sir, I'm from Nanjing TV Station, can I ask you a few questions?"

When he heard that he was going to be on TV, the man was very excited: "Okay, you can ask."

"Please come here, the lighting is better here."

Lin Yue took the man to a place a little in front of the window of Tang Wang Hotel: "Sir, do you know about fundraising?"

The man nodded: "Know a little."

"Then do you think fundraising is a good thing or a bad thing?"

"Good thing, I think raising funds can help companies solve the problem of lack of money, thereby expanding production scale, bringing more benefits and employment opportunities, on the other hand, investors can also get returns, which is more cost-effective than depositing money in the bank. "

Hey, this guy can speak the vernacular quite well.

Song Qingyuan blinked a pair of eyes that were neither big nor small, and his heart was full of the desire to complain.

"Okay, thank you for your cooperation." Lin Yue nodded with a smile on the man.

"That's the end? Don't ask a few more questions?"

"Sorry, resources are limited, we must control the length of the interview."


The man turned around to leave, but Song Qingyuan suddenly pulled him back: "Dude, what do you do?"

"Yeah, I drive a taxi."

"Driving a taxi?"

Song Qingyuan was stunned. Can a rental car have this insight?

"You say you are a TV reporter. Don't you know about the news broadcast? But if you watch more news broadcasts, you won't look like you haven't seen the world."

The man dropped the words and left.

Song Qingyuan didn't want to be too angry. He opened his mouth behind and wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything and just waved his fist symbolically.

Well, a TV reporter, an absolute cultural person, was speechless by a taxi driver.

"Stupid, the masters are among the people." Lin Yue teased in his ear.

Song Qingyuan glared at him: "Tell me, what are you doing?"

Lin Yue pointed to the two people in front of and behind the dining table by the window.

Song Qingyuan was puzzled: "What do you mean?"

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