Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1318 The best twenty-five kid in the game (two in one)

According to the plot in the TV series, Qi Weimin will go to the countryside next year, and Qiao Qiqi and Qi Weiyi have no relationship, so they moved out of the old house and rented a single room outside, just in time for Chang Xingyu to be sent abroad for study and inspection by Taili. Qiao Qiqi was dull and honest, a half-child who was as strong as Qiao Erqiang, which caused Yang Lingzi trouble during the period.

If it's just doing that, it's fine, the key is who is Yang Lingzi?

I smoke, drink and get tattoos, but I'm a good girl.

Yes, it's this kind of rubbish, and what's even more annoying is that she gave birth to a daughter, which dragged Qiao Qiqi down.

"Simei, today is the eldest brother's birthday, what are you talking about?" Qiao Sanli saw the worry in Lin Yue's eyes, and quickly tried to ease the atmosphere: "Second brother, didn't you say to show your hands today? I'll help You choose the food."

"Oh, yes." Qiao Erqiang took out the celery in the net bag and handed it to her: "The aunt who bought the vegetables said that they just collected it from the field. It has been raining a lot recently and there is a lot of mud on it. You can wash it twice more later. all over."


Qiao Sanli nodded and winked at Qiao Simi.

"Brother, let them be busy, you are a birthday star today, just wait and eat."

Qiao Simei pulled Lin Yue into the living room and turned on the TV: "Brother, have you watched TV recently? My colleagues said that Shanghai TV's "Feng Shen Bang" is very popular."


Qiao Erqiang cooked five dishes and one soup, and they ate a delicious meal. Qiao Simei was so full that she walked with her stomach covered. In her words, she missed breakfast and made up for it at noon.

Lin Yue smiled and didn't expose her.

Knowing to save your salary to go to see your lover, what about the meal money? Can't some of the food expenses be cut?

After lunch, Qiao Sanli put Lin Yue's clothes back where they should be, and washed what should be washed. It was already past three o'clock in the afternoon when the work in hand was finished.

Qiao Erqiang and Qiao Simei went to the cooking class, and the other went back to work in the hotel, and left long ago.

Lin Yue sent her downstairs.



"Wang Yiding is a nice person, and he cares about you very much. Don't keep avoiding him, or you'll be born."


Qiao Sanli didn't speak, but nodded slightly.

In Lin Yue's opinion, if there hadn't been that accident, Qiao Sanli and Wang Yiding's marriage should be the happiest among the five children of the Qiao family.


When approaching the bus stop, Qiao Sanli suddenly stopped and looked back at him.

"What's wrong?"

"Are you...are you wearing perfume?"

"No." After he finished speaking, he realized that the perfume Qiao Sanli mentioned should have the effect of [Super Sweat Glands]. He usually chooses to activate this skill in order to make a good impression when he is out on the job. , the body fluid will emit a pleasant fragrance, and there will inevitably be residues on the clothes. Qiao Sanli has just washed his clothes for him, so it is normal to have such doubts.

"Oh, it's Song Qingyuan. Every time I go out to work, I will spray some perfume on my clothes, saying that it is easier to gain the favor of the interviewee."

"No wonder."

Qiao Sanli accepted the explanation and didn't ask any more questions.

After seeing off the third sister, Lin Yue got on the bus bound for Nantah University, went to the Chinese Department to meet Qi Weimin, and talked about Qiao Qiqi.

According to his idea, he lives outside alone, if Qiao Qiqi is willing, he can move over to be with him.

Qi Weimin knew that he had good intentions, so he agreed wholeheartedly, saying that he would go back and ask Qiqi for his opinion.

Turning to Wednesday, Lin Yue received a reply from Qi Weimin, who said he was unwilling.

Well, it's understandable if you think about it carefully. Qiao Yicheng has always been picky about his younger siblings since he was a child. The three of them in the old house are used to it, and they know that he is doing it for his own good. The situation in the Qi family is different. Qi Weimin, a good brother, treats his younger siblings in one word, "favor". The so-called no comparison means no harm. Qiao Qiqi moved here to live with him? Isn't that making yourself unhappy?

Anyway, it's still more than a year before Qiao Qiqi and Yang Lingzi have a relationship, so it's not urgent, it's better to take care of Qiao's family first.

At the same time, Qiao Sanli told Qiao Erqiang about Ma Suqin selling tofu not far from the Hongbanqiao police station, and warned him not to tell others that she told the story.

Of course, this matter cannot be said. If Qiao Zuwang and Qiao Yicheng knew about it, they would decide that they would not be able to afford it.

From Qiao Erqiang's point of view, as long as he can see his master again, it doesn't matter if he is an enemy of the world, how could he betray Qiao Sanli.


A month later, a sudden cold snap brought Nanjing into mid-winter. The northern banks of the Qinhuai River had the weather of the twelfth lunar month. It was said that Xuanwu Lake was frozen. Pedestrians on the street wore thick down jackets. I am no longer self-willed, and changed into sweaters, waistcoats, and small padded jackets.

Thanks to Qiao Zuwang, the old house has a telephone installed.

Qiao Sanli dialed Qiao Yicheng's number full of curiosity, and wanted to tell him that when the old house had a phone, the person concerned was having a drink with Xu Funian and Mr. Liu, talking about the world in detail.

"See, in just over a month, the net profit has reached half of the principal, 10%, Xiao Song, this time you know Mr. Liu's strength, right? As long as you follow Mr. Liu wholeheartedly, the car is nothing, the big brother is big What, have you seen the newly built Nanhu New Village? Two years at the latest, so you can earn enough money to buy a house there."

Xu Funian held a pair of chopsticks and waved them while talking, speaking in a voice full of emotion and passion.

"Manager Xu, low-key, low-key." Mr. Liu with a mustache sat at the guest of honor and said with a smile: "When we do business, first of all, we must be trustworthy, and second, we must be pragmatic. Speech is icing on the cake, and in the end it has to be settled on tangible interests, and it is true ability and hard power that can lead everyone to make money."

Needless to say, this person does have some leadership style. In this day and age, ordinary people might really be led into the ditch by him.

Song Qingyuan smiled and said: "Mr. Liu, you are humble, come, come, let me toast you."

He stood up with the glass in his hand, and drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.

"Xiao Song can do it, he's a real person, and I like that." Boss Liu then finished the drink in the glass.

To say that the premise of this conversation, or the basis, was the 3,200 yuan placed in front of Lin Yue.

There are these "profits" in one month, and the cost can be paid back in two months. What kind of concept is this? Ordinary people can resist this temptation?

However, he also knew that this was the preferential treatment given to the two of them as employees of the TV station, and Qiao Zuwang promised that the payback period for Shamao Lane neighbors would be half a year.

"Mr. Liu, Mr. Xu, you can do whatever you want, I... I'll go to the bathroom."

Song Qingyuan stood up and walked outside, his steps were somewhat messy.

Lin Yue asked with concern: "Song Qingyuan, are you okay?"

"It''s okay, you drink with Mr. Liu, you must eat and drink well today." He opened the door and walked out while speaking.

Xu Funian pointed to the door of the box: "Is he all right?"

"There's a waiter outside, it's okay, it's okay." Lin Yue stood up, holding a wine glass and said: "Song Qingyuan can't drink, come to Mr. Xu, Mr. Liu, let's drink."

Here he drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, and the two people on the opposite side had a glass with him.

Xu Funian said: "Yes, 10% alcohol is fine, just follow his father, brother Qiao can drink."

Mr. Liu smiled and said, "Little Qiao, I'll leave the manuscript to you."

"Don't worry, Mr. Liu, I will take care of the manuscript."

"Okay, Xiao Qiao, come on, I'll pay you a toast with Mr. Xu, remember to write Hongda better."

Mr. Liu filled the glass with wine, and took Xu Funian to pay back to Lin Yue.

"I know this. The more people who raise funds, the bigger the scale of the business, and the more money they earn. These days, who would have trouble with money."

"Okay, okay, well said, I like that." President Liu laughed and drank the wine in his glass.

He wasn't surprised by Lin Yue's performance at all. How much does it cost a month to work in a TV station? Five or six hundred dollars is the sky, so why put the money with him? If you invest 3,000 yuan and get back 1,500 yuan for more than a month, what about 30,000 yuan? Compared with his return here, the salary of the TV station is a fart.

In this world, everything depends on money, what happened to cultural people? Cultural people also have to bow their eyebrows to serve MONEY.

At this time, Song Qingyuan left and returned. If walking was a little wobbly before, then now he is floating.

"Mr. Xu... Liu... Mr. Liu, I can't do it anymore, I have to... have to rest for a while, drink..."

Lin Yue said embarrassingly: "Look at your little measurement."

Song Qingyuan panted heavily and waved his hands, as if he didn't even have the strength to speak.

"Come on, Mr. Liu, don't care about him, let's drink." Lin Yue simply sat over with the wine bottle, and exchanged glasses with Liu and Xu.

After a while, the three of them were almost drunk.

Lin Yue stood up unsteadily: "Mr. Liu, Mr. Liu...Mr. Liu,'re busy drinking, the two of us...have prepared...beep...a ​​small gift for you."

"Li...a gift? There's even a...a gift, hurry... show it to me."

"Clothes...clothes? Clothes...what's wrong?"

Mr. Liu can still keep a little bit of sobriety, but Xu Funian over there has long been drunk, and his tongue has started to tie up.

Lin Yue was "tripped" by a bump on the ground and nearly fell. Fortunately, he supported a chair beside him, stabilized his figure, and picked up Song Qingyuan's shoulder bag from the ground.

"No, not this."

While speaking, he lifted his own shoulder bag, unzipped it, and took out a character clock with a height of about 20 centimeters from it.

"I found... I found it."

He picked up his things and walked to Mr. Liu's place.

At this moment, the corners of Song Qingyuan's mouth twitched while lying on his back on the chair.

He didn't know what was the point of Qiao Yicheng asking him to prepare this thing, he only knew that if things went wrong and the things couldn't be taken back, his father would definitely break his leg, because this clock was borrowed from Uncle Cao's house— —In his father's name.

"Mr. Liu, look...look at this, it's so...beautiful, it' old thing from the Republic of China era, look at the craftsmanship, the feel, come and touch it."

Bewitched by Lin Yue, Mr. Liu gently stroked the face of the clock. The light in the small eyes and the curved mouth seemed to be belittling a young lady... In fact, the appearance of the character clock is a court lady.

"I heard Mr. Xu said that Mr. Liu likes... like antiques. It took me a lot of effort to convince Second Aunt... to sell it to me, Mr. Liu, Mr. Xu, come and see, look into the eyes of a lady." , can it move, hey, just follow the pendulum like this, one left and one right, one left and one right, tick tock, tick tock..."

When he said this, he turned on [Hypnotism LV3].

tick tick ~ tick tick ~

tick tick ~ tick tick ~

Song Qingyuan was not drunk, but had been pretending to be drunk. According to the plan, he was supposed to turn on the small camera in his shoulder bag and take a sneak shot of Mr. Liu and Xu Funian when they were drunk, but Qiao Yicheng's "tick tick" seemed to have magical powers. Made him sleepy.

"Mr. Liu, do you like this gift?"


Whether it was Xu Funian or Mr. Liu, watching the pendulum and the lady's eyeballs swaying from side to side fell into a state of intoxication.

"Then we will invest more this time, you must take care of us."

"No...problem, I will return the money to you first."

"Mr. Liu, I have a question that I can't figure out all the time. I don't know whether to ask it or not."


"Since Hongda's business is very good, why don't you seek a bank loan to expand the scale, but engage in private fundraising? Doesn't this mean that the profits are distributed to those investors?"

"To them? How would we make money without them?"

"What's the meaning?"

"To tell you the truth, we don't have a way to get approval at all. The trading company is just a fake shell, the purpose is to attract more people to raise funds."

"What about the business dividend?"

"There is no business dividend, what is given to you is the funds raised by the people who joined later."

"Ah? I took their money, what should they do?"

"You got the money, tell your relatives and friends about this way to get rich, will they also use their savings to invest?"

"What do you mean? Tear down the east wall to make up for the west wall?"

"Smart, or a cultural person, the fund-raising chain is getting longer and wider, and it is passed on from ten to ten. As long as it can continuously attract new people to join, this game can continue to be played."

"Then what if you can't continue playing?"

"The money is in our hands, won't we run away if we can't continue playing? If we fly to Hong Kong, Singapore, and Macau, the money is enough for us to live comfortably for the rest of our lives."

Song Qingyuan was dumbfounded to listen to the other person. It is easy for people to lose their minds when they are drunk and tell the secrets buried in their hearts. But a big liar like Mr. Liu must be extra careful when encountering similar situations. Don't drink when you're seven or eighty percent drunk, or you've already mastered the skill of not telling the truth after drinking, and now you actually pour out all the stuff in your stomach.

Even if Lin Yue told him the truth about the fundraising, there was no such shock as the person directly admitting it.

"Amazing, awesome." Lin Yue said, "Is this different from cheating?"

"Of course there is a difference." Mr. Liu said: "If you run out, you are cheating. If you don't run out, you are not doing well, and your business is losing money."

"Come on, Mr. Liu, Mr. Xu, let me toast you. I'll pretend I haven't heard these words, and you've never said them. What should we do next? I don't care if others lose or gain, as long as we guarantee Just make money."

"Of course, I still count on you to help me make the fundraising business bigger and stronger."

Lin Yue picked up the glass, and the two men also picked up the glass with blank faces, and drank the wine inside.


With a crisp sound, the wine glass fell to the ground, and Mr. Liu spread out on the chair, as if he was too drunk to know anything.

Xu Funian swayed a few times, then lay down on the wine table, but fell silent.

Lin Yue got up and walked to Song Qingyuan's side, poking his shoulder: "Okay, stop pretending."

Song Qingyuan opened his eyes and checked the status of Mr. Liu and Xu Funian: "Drunk?"

"Yes, how about the equipment? Did it record it?"

"It's all recorded, both video and audio."

"Are you OK?"

"I'm fine." Song Qingyuan looked at him curiously: "But you, after drinking so much wine, why are you acting like a fine person?"

How come you act like a normal person? As far as his physique and abnormal skills are concerned, let alone a bottle of white wine, three to five catties will be fine.

But the truth cannot be told.

"Didn't you hear what Xu Funian said? Our family has a lot of people when it comes to drinking."


"Don't be? It's okay. There are so many problems. Come on, help me send the person to the guest room."

Song Qingyuan first put the secret recording device back into the trunk, then went to the front desk to check out, and then helped Lin Yue take Xu Funian and Mr. Liu upstairs to the guest room to rest.

Back in the parking lot, Lin Yue didn't let him drive, instead he drove by himself.

"Qiao Yicheng, you said such an important thing, why did they say it all?"

As Mr. Liu said, they are walking in the gray area of ​​the law. As long as they don't run away with money, it is a normal business behavior, but it is different if they have secretly shot video materials, which are enough to be used as physical evidence to convict a crime of fraud.

"How did I know this? I thought they could tell the truth when they were drunk. Who would have thought that Mr. Liu would tell all the tricks in it. That's good, so as not to keep pestering you, and expose the truth about fundraising earlier, and be fooled." Fewer people will be deceived."

Thinking about it, Song Qingyuan could only attribute the matter to Mr. Liu's personal reasons.

"You go home later today, edit the information in your hand, and bring it to the director tomorrow for his opinion."


This is big enough news to cause a sensation. From the perspective of society and the market, it is related to the property safety of hundreds of millions of families. Of course, he would put up all his energy to deal with news that didn't matter much.


In the afternoon of the next day, Lin Yue, Song Qingyuan, and Director Wang finalized the plan for the next step, and asked Song Qingyuan to send him back to his old house as soon as the off-duty time came.

Qiao Zuwang sat on the chair with a dark face, Qiao Sanli walked back and forth anxiously.

"What's the matter? It's a series of life-threatening calls, you still have to talk about it when I come back."

Qiao Sanli didn't go to pick up his scarf and padded clothes today, her voice was filled with uncontrollable irritability: "Brother, Simei is gone."

"Where did you go to watch the star's concert this time?"

Contrary to Qiao Sanli, he was not in a hurry, hung up the padded clothes and scarf, sat down on the chair by the dining table, picked up the tea bowl and poured a cup of hot water.

"Brother, look at this."

She handed over a note.

Lin Yue held it in his hand and looked at it. There was a line of small characters written on it——Sanjie, tell the elder brother not to look for me, I am chasing love.

"Well, this is Qiao Simi."


Qiao Sanli glanced at him reproachfully. Is this the time for sarcastic remarks? The last time Qiao Simi ran away from home was to watch Fei Xiang’s concert in Beijing. At least she knew where she went and what she was doing. Now, I just left a note saying that she is gone and still chasing love, where is her love?

Lin Yue said: "Don't worry, I dared to go to Beijing to go to a concert when I graduated from junior high school. Now that I'm this old, it's fine."

Qiao Zuwang slapped the teapot on the table: "Qiao Yicheng, what do you mean by that? You don't care? She is your sister."

Lin Yue said: "I am her father or you are her father, you are not in a hurry, why should I be in a hurry?"


Just as Qiao Zuwang was about to speak, he heard footsteps outside, and Qiao Erqiang walked in from outside.

Lin Yue glanced at him and frowned.

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