Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1319 Qiao Zuwang, if you pretend to be aggressive, you will be struck by lightning

It can be seen that Qiao Erqiang is very happy. I don't know that Qiao Simei ran away from home and sang all the way. He sang Chen Baiqiang's "What I Want in Life". A bag containing a block of tofu, bundles of tofu skins, and tofu clips made by wrapping tofu cubes in flour and frying them in hot oil.

Ordinary people would not react too much when they saw Qiao Erqiang's state. At most, they thought that this guy liked to eat tofu recently, or that the courses taught by the culinary school were abnormal, which made him dazed. Of course, Lin Yue didn't think so. In the TV series, after Qiao Erqiang found Ma Suqin, he kept buying and making tofu, and Sun Xiaomo's mother almost vomited.

"Brother is here?"

Qiao Erqiang saw Lin Yue sitting at the table with a cold face, and greeted him warmly.

"Yeah." Lin Yue responded indifferently.

"What's the matter, big brother? He looks unhappy."

Coincidentally, Qiao Sanli came up to meet her, and he asked in a low voice.

As dull as he was, he could see that the atmosphere in the house was not right, and thought that the old man was bickering with Boss Qiao again.

"Second brother, Simei, she ran away from home."

Qiao Sanli gave him a wink, meaning that you should stop talking nonsense at this juncture, and be careful of those two people taking their anger out on you.

"Simei ran away from home? What did you do?"

"What do you say about chasing love..."

While the two were muttering about Qiao Simi running away from home, Lin Yue asked Qiao Zuwang a question.

"Manager Qiao, these days... the tofu is about to vomit?"

Qiao Zuwang was already worried about Qiao Simei's trouble, and when he heard him mentioning this matter, he suddenly became furious, pointed at Qiao Erqiang and said, "Qiao Erqiang, you haven't finished your stewed tofu soup and fried tofu yesterday. , Why do you buy this again today, you love tofu so much? Make it... make tofu again and eat it all for me."

The two people talking about Qiao Simei over there turned around. Qiao Erqiang was a little confused, not knowing how he had offended the oldest man in the family.

Qiao Sanli stomped her feet anxiously: "Oh, Dad, the most important thing now is to find Simei, at least find out where she went, what time is it, and you still care about what to eat for dinner."

Qiao Erqiang said: "No, call the police."

"There's no need to call the police." Lin Yue said, "You two, go to the house and look through Qiao Simei's drawers, pillows, etc., to see if there is anything suspicious."

The two of them came to their senses immediately, and Qiao Sanli plunged into the back room and began to search for clues. It didn't take long to find a small note in the pillow case, and handed it to Lin Yue in the main room.

"Brother, look."

Lin Yue glanced blankly, picked up the phone, dialed the number, exchanged a few words with the person on the other side, and then hung up.

"If I'm not mistaken, he went to Tibet."

"Tibet?" Everyone, including Qiao Zuwang, was stunned.

"Okay, you all know where she went, so let's leave it at that." Leaving this sentence behind, Lin Yue pressed the armrest of the chair with both hands, got up, took off the padded jacket and scarf, opened the door and walked outside.

Qiao Erqiang watched him go out dully.

"Brother...that's weird."

Qiao Sanli stomped her feet angrily: "This Qiao Simei knows how to do things every day."

She simply thought that Qiao Yicheng was hurt by Qiao Simei's trip to Beijing to watch Fei Xiang's concert last time, so she turned a blind eye to her sister's willfulness again.

"Big brother, big brother."

She chased it out without her coat on.

When Qiao Sanli caught up with Lin Yue, she was already at the entrance of the alley.

It's the twelfth lunar month right now, and when it's cold, the temperature can drop below zero at night. Even though it's not night yet, it's a bit cold to wear a sweater.

"Sanli, you'll catch a cold like this."

He took off the padded jacket and put it on Qiao Sanli: "Didn't I say that she is such a big person, she will be fine, and it is so convenient to make a call now. If there is any difficulty on the way, the designated person will contact me and the second Auntie, don't worry."

"Brother, do you know something?"

Qiao Sanli tugged at the front of her skirt, and buried half of her face in the collar of the padded jacket, wrapped like a rice dumpling, which looked a little funny.

"I went to see my second aunt a few days ago, and she told me that Qiao Simei has been talking on the phone with a man named Qi Chenggang recently, who seems to be a soldier in the border guards." Lin Yue said: "Also, you didn't notice that Qiao Simei Has beauty gotten frugal lately?"

After hearing this sentence, she immediately realized that Qiao Simei had thought of going to Tibet early in the morning.

"With her temper, who do you think can stop her?"

"..." Qiao Sanli had nothing to say.

"Okay, don't think too much, it's useless to worry about it now." After leaving this sentence, he turned around and left.

When Qiao Sanli realized it, he had already walked to the street, beckoning to stop a taxi.

"Brother, your padded jacket."

"I bought a new one, help me give it to Er Qiang."

Lin Yue turned around and smiled at her, and sat in the passenger cab. A puff of hot smoke spewed out from the exhaust pipe of the taxi, and drove away.

Qiao Sanli wrapped herself in a padded jacket, took a few deep breaths, and walked towards the old house.


The next day, Lin Yue confirmed his guess based on the video images sent back by the Type III Blackfly drone.

Qiao Erqiang found Ma Suqin's tofu shop. Judging from the relationship between the two, it seems that they have been together for a while.

In the TV series, Qiao Erqiang met Ma Suqin after marrying Sun Xiaomo. Here, he and Ye Xiaolang are not married. He does not live in Sun Xiaomo’s house. The living and working area is quite far from Ma Suqin’s tofu shop. In this case, the two How did you get it together?

By coincidence? Or the power of the world? Even if the power of the world can correct it, the time when Qiao Erqiang and Ma Suqin too early.

But things are already like this, and we can only take one step at a time. He hesitated before whether he should help them match up. After all, judging from the performance of Qiao Erqiang in the TV series, even if the marriage partner is not Sun Xiaomo who has been entangled with Chen Junliang, the husband and wife will not be harmonious and happy. Yes, he has no time to deal with the bad things about his younger siblings. The TV station has already coordinated with the police station and will cooperate with him and Song Qingyuan to arrest those involved.


Twelfth lunar month twenty.

Jinling Hotel.

The Chinese New Year is approaching, and the business of the hotel is getting better and better. There are well-dressed gentlemen and ladies coming in and out. Qiao Zuwang is a little out of place among these people.

"Xiao Song, I'm not talking big. A big man like Mr. Liu is willing to see you all because of my face."

"Yes, yes, thanks to Uncle, if it wasn't for your recommendation, how could Mr. Liu have time to meet such little people as us."

"I just love listening to Xiao Song talk."

Qiao Zuwang laughed, the wrinkles on his face were huddled together. He didn't know about Lin Yue and Song Qingyuan having dinner with Xu Funian and Mr. Liu. The day before yesterday Lin Yue asked him to call Xu Funian and said to make an appointment to talk about Deng Xu Funian happily agreed to the newspaper propaganda, and made an appointment to meet Mr. Liu today.

Who does Qiao Zu look forward to? Her vanity is not much worse than Aunt Wu's. When she encounters such an opportunity, she should try her best to show off.

"Okay, you can give me the money for additional investment, and I will give it to Mr. Liu later, and I promise that you will earn more than Lao Huang and his group."

Lin Yue asked: "Did the money you invested get back to the original?"

"What do you know? I've distributed the money several times, and the money has been reinvested. What's this called? This is called reinvestment. Do you understand the profit? So you cultural people, what's the use of reading books every day? They are all outdated things, you have to keep up with the times, is there any in the business book? There is no place to teach, you have to rely on yourself, isn’t it Xiao Song?”

"Yes, yes, uncle is right, there is no business experience in the book."

"Hey, Xiao Song is a good kid."

Lin Yue glared at Song Qingyuan, in exchange for a helpless smile.

"Oh, Brother Qiao, Yicheng, and Xiao Song, I kept you waiting." Xu Funian said apologetically, "President Liu is too busy with business, no, I just sent away a few partners. When I got downstairs, I postponed an appointment with a client and asked me to come and take you up."

Qiao Zuwang complimented: "It's okay, it's okay, a busy person like Mr. Liu should wait a little longer."

"Then let's go upstairs."

Xu Funian didn't say anything more, and led the three of them to the elevator.

Qiao Zuwang said to Song Qingyuan who was walking behind: "Xiao Song, let me tell you, don't say anything when you see President Liu later, with your Uncle Qiao here, I will definitely help you get the best benefits. "

Lin Yue glanced at him, and said to Xu Funian: "Mr. Xu, the last time we ate together, I saw that you and Mr. Liu drank too much, so I sent you back to your room to rest. Didn't delay the matter?"

Xu Funian said: "No delay, no delay, Mr. Liu praised you for being able to do things after he sobered up, and even asked the kitchen to send a fruit plate for drinking to the guest room."

Qiao Zuwang, who was talking to Song Qingyuan later, stopped talking, his face looked like it had been ironed.

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