Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1320 I'm sorry, I'm a reporter

What does Qiao Yicheng mean?

He had dinner with Mr. Liu? From Xu Funian's point of view, people still have a good impression of him?

"Xiao Song? Have you met Mr. Liu?"

Song Qingyuan nodded and said: "Ah, yes, we had a meal together last time and talked about writing the manuscript. In the past two days, Qiao Yicheng has finished the manuscript and is going to show it to Mr. Liu for review. We always meet each other often, so I asked you to bring a letter to ask when it is convenient."

"This matter...why no one told me?"

Qiao Zu looked at Xu Funian who was ignoring him, then at Lin Yue who was expressionless, and then at Song Qingyuan with a smile on his lips, feeling like he was being played.

After a long time, he was just a messenger. It wasn't Qiao Yicheng and Song Qingyuan who borrowed his light to meet Mr. Liu, but he gave them a ride to go on a pilgrimage.

Thinking about the blast in the hall on the first floor just now, the old face was a little bit uneasy.


The elevator opens.

Xu Funian led the three of them out of the car and walked towards the end of the corridor.

It was not the first time for Qiao Zuwang to come here, and he still felt unsteady when he stepped on the soft blanket.

"Here we are, wait a moment."

Xu Funian explained, bent his fingers and knocked on the door of the largest guest room on this floor.

boom boom boom~

boom boom boom~

With a soft click, the door opened, and a woman with eyeliner poked out half of her face.

"Tell Mr. Liu, I've picked him up."

The woman looked at Lin Yue and the three of them, and opened the door.

Xu Funian whispered, "This is Mr. Liu's secretary, Ms. Chen."

Qiao Zuwang looked at that Miss Chen twice more, feeling extremely envious in his heart, thinking that when he raised funds and made a lot of money, he would not buy a car or change a house, but he would also have to be married to a beautiful female secretary.

Xu Funian led the three of them into the room. This is a suite. The outside is a living room with a sofa and coffee table. There is also a desk near the window on which various documents and ornaments are placed. The east and west walls are hung Hongda's business license and various honorary certificates look like that.

The last time Qiao Zuwang came here with Xu Funian, he was not even allowed to enter the house, this time he finally got his wish, not to mention how happy he is.

"Little Joe."

Mr. Liu got up from the sofa and shook hands with Lin Yue.

"Xiao Song."

He shook hands with Song Qingyuan again.

When it was Qiao Zuwang's turn, they stretched out their hands to shake hands with the man who has great powers in his mind and can make him a success by pulling out a hair. Unexpectedly, halfway through the hand, he withdrew his hand back until Xu Funian whispered next to him After saying, "His name is Qiao Zuwang, he is Qiao Yicheng's father, the one I told you about last time", then Mr. Liu handed over his hand again and let Qiao Zuwang hold it.

"Hello, Manager Qiao, I really envy you for raising such an excellent son."

"Hello, Mr. Liu, Mr. Liu."

Qiao Zuwang was very happy, but also very depressed.

He was happy because he saw the true god who led him to make a fortune, and he was depressed because Mr. Liu's words sounded like compliments to him, but he was actually saying that Qiao Yicheng was good. You must know that it was hard for him to feel proud in front of his son. In a word, return to the original shape.

"Oh, Mr. Liu, you have a good environment here."

Song Qingyuan smiled at Secretary Chen, walked a few steps in the living room, came to the window, and waved down: "Oh, the view from here is so beautiful."

Mr. Liu said: "Xiao Song, what is this? After making a lot of money, go to the Bank of China Building in Hong Kong, stand on the top floor and look into the distance, then you will know what it means to be rich and what it means to be too cold at a high place." .”

"What Mr. Liu said is true." Song Qingyuan agreed and stopped talking.

At this time, Lin Yue put the briefcase in his hand on the table, pulled the zipper, and took out five bundles of hundred-yuan bills, which were about 50,000 yuan in thickness.

One hundred yuan in those days is not like 30 years later, when you go shopping in the supermarket, you can buy a few things and they will be gone. Just talking about buying vegetables and asking the price, they are all one yuan and a few catties, and buying a popsicle costs a few cents. Double Star The sneakers are only a dozen yuan.

Qiao Zu looked at the quack old man's head in front of him, his eyes almost popped out, where did Qiao Yicheng get so much money? You must know that he has only joined the TV station for more than half a year.

"This is a fundraising fund that I and a few good friends put together. The total is 50,000 yuan. Mr. Liu will order some."

Hearing that it was money from several people, Qiao Zuwang heaved a sigh of relief, feeling a lot more balanced.

Mr. Liu was very happy, firstly because Qiao Yicheng took a lot of money this time, and secondly because good friends put money in together, what does that mean? It means you trust him, and Qiao Yicheng and Song Qingyuan's friends, there must be some from the TV station. If you have a good relationship with these people, are you afraid that there will be no publicity resources?

As a man who relies on psychological tactics to do business, he knows the importance of advertising well.

"No, no, I can trust you as a person."

"This is impossible." Lin Yue pushed the money in front of him: "A little, definitely a little. As the old saying goes, brothers and sisters settle accounts clearly, and this is not my business alone."

Mr. Liu saw that he insisted, and gave the female secretary a wink. The person sat down, unwrapped the banknotes, and counted them one by one.

Lin Yue said casually: "Mr. Liu, I think you should buy a money counter, so that you can free Miss Chen's hands."

"I had it, but it was worn out two days ago, and I haven't had time to buy it yet."

Lin Yue didn't know if this was true or not. Anyway, he made this suggestion not for Mr. Liu's benefit, but to delay time and divert the attention of Mr. Liu and others.

When the lady surnamed Chen ordered the last stack, Song Qingyuan stopped looking at the scenery outside and turned around to look at them with a smile.

Lin Yue stretched out his hand, took out a document from his briefcase and handed it over.

"Mr. Liu, this is the manuscript I prepared for you. Go over it and see if there are any problems. If there are no problems, I will let the editor of "Jinling Daily" publish it."

Mr. Liu is quite beautiful, but when he picked it up in his hand and swept it over the forehead, the smile on his face instantly froze.

The title is not "Honda's Road to Soaring", "From Fund-raising Economy to Wealthy Together", but with three words "Letter of Confession".

"Qiao Yicheng, what do you mean?"

He was furious, threw the manuscript on the table, and looked at Lin Yue with a gloomy old face.

Xu Funian took a look, and his expression changed: "Brother Qiao, what are you going to do? I'll make you rich, but you're playing tricks on me?"

He took it for granted that Qiao Zuwang knew that his eldest son was going to play tricks.

"what happened?"

Qiao Zuwang held it in his hand and looked carefully, cold sweat broke out on his forehead. His eldest son, Qiao Yicheng, actually asked Mr. Liu to admit to the crime of fraudulently raising funds.

"Second brother, Yangzi..."

Following Mr. Liu's shout, the door leading to the bedroom opened, and two burly men walked out of it.

In this kind of business, the most fearful thing is that investors who have lost their fortunes will find him desperately. It is very helpful to bring two bodyguards.

"Hit me, hit me to death!"

The two people who came out of the bedroom rushed towards Lin Yue with a murderous look, and beat him without saying a word.

Originally he was in the front, Qiao Zu looked behind, and he didn't know what happened in the middle, but the son escaped, and the father received two punches in front of him, and he was so beaten that he couldn't resist.

"Oh, don't hit, don't hit, it's none of my business, Mr. Liu, Lao's really none of my business."

Mr. Liu never forgot to yell and curse: "Bastard, don't give you a way to make money, and persuade me to surrender? Hit, hit me, beat this bastard to death."

He didn't think that doing so would bring him disaster, because in his knowledge, people like Qiao Yicheng and Song Qingyuan had no evidence to prove that he had committed a crime of fraud, and their actions were suspected of slander. So what about hitting someone? At most, I can go in and be locked up for two days, and I will pay for some medical expenses.

But the good times didn't last long, the person who was standing by the window watching the scenery took the opportunity to run to the door, grabbed the door handle and pulled it in.

The door opened, but the person didn't escape, and stepped aside.

Accompanied by the sound of hurried footsteps, five policemen in uniform rushed into the room one after another. The leader in front pointed at the second child, and the two of them, Yang Zi, yelled, "Stop!"


"Don't move, don't move!"

The raised hand stopped in the air, and the outstretched foot retracted.

The second child and Yang Zi slowly backed away, Qiao Zuwang got up from the ground with his back, his old face was bruised several times, and the suit he bought newly to meet Mr. Liu was also torn.

Once the police arrived, the mood in the room changed.

Mr. Liu and Xu Funian looked puzzled, because they didn't call the police, why did they come so timely?

The leading policeman glanced across the audience: "Liu Xinfu, who is Liu Xinfu?"

President Liu said, "I am."

"We have received a report from the masses that you are suspected of fraud. Please cooperate with the investigation and come with us."

"Officer, are you mistaken? We are a formal company with a license to operate. How can we engage in fraud?"

Thank you for the 1500 starting coins rewarded by SABER, the 100 starting coins rewarded by Kikyo Yao, Liu Zhe, Rebirth of Spark, and the book friends with the tail number 9758.

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