Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1321 Is there such a cheating father?

Xu Funian also chimed in: "Officer, they are obviously the ones who came here to make trouble, so they should be the ones you want to arrest."

Firstly, he and Liu Xinfu were grasshoppers on the same rope, and secondly, he was sure that Qiao Yicheng didn't have enough evidence to stop them from defrauding, so what's the use of reporting it? Come up with evidence. After all, the standard of commitment was there when the fund was raised, and the profit time has not yet come. Even if there are one or two breaches of the contract, it is a matter of business operation. At most, it is a civil dispute, and it cannot reach the level of a criminal offense.

So he is very confident and calm... At least on the surface, it seems that he has a chance to win.

"Xu Funian, you have defrauded Qiao's property many times before. At that time, I was young and there was no law for you. If I don't send you to prison today, I won't be called Qiao Yicheng." Lin Yue sneered, never He took out a Sony tape recorder from his pocket and pressed the play button.

The magnetic head rotates, first there is a rustling sound, and then there is a dialogue between two people.

"Since Hongda's business is very good, why don't you seek a bank loan to expand the scale, but engage in private fundraising? Doesn't this mean that the profits are distributed to those investors?"

"To them? How would we make money without them?"

"What's the meaning?"

"To tell you the truth, we don't have a way to get approval at all. The trading company is just a shell to support the facade, the purpose is to attract more people to raise funds."

"What about the business dividend?"

"There is no business dividend, what is given to you is the funds raised by the people who joined later."

"Ah? I took their money, what should they do?"

"You got the money, tell your relatives and friends about this way to get rich, will they also use their savings to raise funds?"

"What do you mean? Tear down the east wall to make up for the west wall?"

"Smart, or a cultural person, the fund-raising chain is getting longer and wider, and it is passed on from ten to ten. As long as it can continuously attract new people to join, this game can continue to be played."

"Then what if you can't continue playing?"

"The money is in our hands, won't we run away if we can't continue playing? If we fly to Hong Kong, Singapore, and Macau, the money is enough for us to live comfortably for the rest of our lives."

Liu Xinfu could hear clearly, wasn't that his own voice?

But... But when did this happen? Why didn't he remember that he had told Qiao Yicheng about it?

Xu Funian was also dumbfounded, wondering what was going on with Liu Xinfu, how could he tell Qiao Yicheng about this kind of thing? You trust him, how good he is, he turned around and sued you, with this thing, is there still a charge of fraud?

"Fake, fake, all fake, you forged it. Police officer, he forged the recording..."

Liu Xinfu's look of not admitting defeat was a bit ugly.

Lin Yue said: "The recording is fake, what about the video? When you arrive at the police station, you will see the video corresponding to the recording."

"When did it happen? When did I tell you this?"

"Of course it was the last time we had dinner together. Hasn't Mr. Liu heard of the saying of telling the truth after drinking?"

Liu Xinfu thought and thought, but couldn't find any memory of saying these words.

"Can't remember it? When you arrive at the police station, you will have a lot of time to think about it." Lin Yue picked up the confession letter on the table and sighed heavily: " could have signed it to get the confession from you. It’s a pity that it’s lenient.”

There is no one who sprinkles salt in people's wounds like this, Song Qingyuan felt that he was too short-sighted.

"Hey, the second child, Yangzi, don't be dumbfounded. You beat my dad like this, and you still want to pretend to be ignorant? How about going to the bureau to study for a while?"

"..." Anyway, Song Qingyuan didn't see how sad he was. Seeing what he said, it seemed that Qiao Zuwang was not his real father.

"Yicheng, this...what the hell is going on?"

With Qiao Zuwang's IQ, he couldn't figure out the tricks of Mr. Liu and Xu Funian for a while. It can also be said that people in this era are relatively simple. Ordinary people who lack the Internet and anti-fraud education can hardly figure it out just by talking.

"It's very simple. You were cheated by Xu Funian again. The difference is that this time you became his accomplice in collecting money."

Song Qingyuan felt that what he said was not simple enough, so he added: "Uncle, when this group of people have enough money, they roll up the money, pat their butts and leave, and those investors will not be able to get back their principal at that time." Who will you settle accounts with, you can figure this out.”

Now Qiao Zu understood, walked up to Xu Funian, grabbed his collar and beat him.

"Bastard, lie to me again, lie to me every day."




Go down with three punches.

"Ouch, ouch, comrade policeman, he...he hit people." With Xu Funian's size, he was certainly not Qiao Zuwang's opponent. Paralyzed.

"Stop hitting, let go." A policeman came over and separated the two of them.

Another policeman picked up Xu Funian's shirt and tie and led him away.

Qiao Zuwang was stunned, touching the wound on his face with his hands from time to time, grinning in pain.

"Why are you still standing, let's go."

"Officer, I... I'm a victim."

Qiao Zuwang was stunned, unable to understand why the police wanted to arrest him.

"Whether you are a victim or an accomplice, we will investigate clearly." The police who separated him from Xu Funian pushed him from behind.

"10%, 10%, you tell them that I was wronged, that I was cheated."

"One percent, one percent, this will be a young year soon, you can't just watch your dad go to jail."


Song Qingyuan walked up to Lin Yue and held out his thumb: "Okay, Qiao Yicheng, I just sent my father-in-law and mother-in-law into the cell some time ago, and now I sold my father again."

"I'm doing it for his own good." Lin Yue picked up the briefcase containing the money and turned around to leave.

"Hey, you don't think I'm not pleasing to you one day, so let me in too, won't you?"

"What do you say?"

"Don't scare me, I'm a rabbit, I'm timid."

When the two came downstairs, a group of citizens stood at the bottom of the building and watched, pointing and whispering to the few people who were escorted into the police car.

A few people who seemed to be reporters squeezed in, snapping their cameras, and some people kept asking the spectators to find out what happened.

Lin Yue saw the faces of Ye Xiaolang and Liu Xiaomeng, but did nothing, and returned to the TV station with Song Qingyuan in a Toyota car.


The twenty-third of the twelfth lunar month, the Lunar New Year.


Chirp... snap.

From the entrance of the alley came the sporadic sound of cannons and the sharp sound of the sky-swapping monkeys. The children had dismantled the hanging firecrackers one by one, pressed them under the manhole cover, inserted them into the gaps in the courtyard walls, and even ignited them in a lump of mud. It is a place where smoke and confetti are scattered, and 99% of them have been patronized by these mischievous ghosts.

The Qiao family is not impoverished, but Qiao Zuwang is very picky. In the past, the living expenses were just enough to eat, and there was no money to buy fireworks and firecrackers. Now that everyone has earned money, they have no interest in setting off firecrackers.

Song Qingyuan didn't know where to get two boxes of Erqijiao, and gave Lin Yue a box. He was too lazy to put these things, so he moved to the old house, and told Sanli to put them away, and let Erqiang wait for the Spring Festival. Let it go, for good luck.

In the past, this kid followed Niu Ye's butt every day to watch the fun, and it was his turn to play when the squib was released. He broke it from the middle and poked a stick of incense into it, and sparks shot out, like setting off miniature fireworks.

When eating dumplings in Xiaonian, everything from choosing vegetables and fillings to kneading noodles and rolling skins has to be done by hand, which takes a lot of time. Several people have been busy since the afternoon.

To be precise, only Lin Yue, Qiao Sanli, and Qiao Erqiang worked. Qiao Simei will be home today, but it will be night anyway. Qiao Zuwang was just released in the morning. It's almost better, but the spirit is not very good. When I got home, I didn't say anything and went to bed with my head covered. I didn't get up until almost five in the afternoon. After finishing the work, I sat on the sofa without saying a word, and looked at my eldest son with a displeased face.

Dig the stuffing, tie the mouth, pinch the folds, the whole action is done in one go.

In terms of the speed of making dumplings, Lin Yue can beat three Qiao Erqiang.

"Brother, how did you pack it so quickly?" Qiao Sanli looked at him, then at herself, deeply shocked.

Lin Yue didn't even raise his head: "Hurry up and finish eating, hurry up and go home, so you don't have to look at someone's ugly face here."

"You still have the face to say it." Qiao Zuwang pointed at him and said, "If you hadn't been meddlesome, would I have been arrested by the police and locked up for three days before I came out? You call it disobedience, you call it treason."

Qiao Sanli said: "Oh, Dad, you are not coming home safely."

Qiao Erqiang chimed in and said, "Yes, Dad, don't be unhappy. If it wasn't for the elder brother seeking connections to release you early, you might not even have the Spring Festival."

Lin Yue said, "I'm doing this for your own good."

"For my good? I would like to hear how you are good for me."

Qiao Zu looks so angry, this little bastard, he reported him to gather a crowd to gamble with Xu Funian before, he got caught up in the Hongbanqiao police station for a whole night, and refused to leave unless he paid a fine, now he is coming again, the key is the crime He was much more ruthless than last time, thanks to the fact that he was completely ignorant of the evil deeds of Liu Xinfu, Xu Funian and others. After three days of detention, he was released after some education, otherwise he would have to squat in there for several years.

This kid is cheating, really cheating.

So it's all for his own good? This is not bullshit.

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