Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1322 I Come From the Future

Lin Yue didn't speak, because the dough was used up, he cut a piece of dough with a knife, put it on the rolling board, sprinkled some flour, kneaded it a few times, kneaded it into long strips, cut it into small pieces with a few knives .

Qiao Sanli patted the flour on her hands, and while using a rolling pin to press the dough pieces into dough sheets, she explained: "Dad, think about it, what the elder brother did is to help you separate from Xu Funian and those people, and prove that you are also If you are fooled by them, will those neighbors who handed you money to you still ask you for money? If the eldest brother doesn’t do this, one day Liu Xinfu and Xu Funian will run away with the money, and Aunt Wu and the people in Sparrow Eye will be forgiven. Got you?"

Upon hearing this, Qiao Zuwang fell silent.

Qiao Sanli is right. If you really want to go to that point, the people who come to the door to ask for the debt can blow up the house. Now that Liu Xinfu and Xu Funian are arrested, the raised funds can be recovered. By then Comparing the bill, at least it won't cause a big mess.

"So, do I have to thank you?"

Lin Yue replied flatly, "You're welcome."

Qiao Zuwang was almost choked to death by his words, and was sent to the police station by his son, where he was trained and frozen in the prison, and he had to thank him in turn, what do you think this is.

jingle bell~

Just then, the phone rang.

Qiao Erqiang wiped the flour off his sleeves, walked over and picked up the microphone to his ear.

"Hello, Second Aunt."


After talking for a while, Qiao Erqiang hung up the phone and said to Qiao Zuwang, "Second Aunt is worried about your situation and asked if you have come back."

"Hmph, she has a conscience and knows that there is still my brother-in-law."

Lin Yue was speechless. If he had known earlier, he should not have urged the police to release him. The second uncle of the Qiao brothers and sisters had helped their family so much. Qiqi is a grown-up, and usually takes care of a few children. A few days ago, after he found out about her and Ma Yulin, he said a lot of yin and yang nonsense.

"You should really be allowed to celebrate the New Year inside."

"Brother, I was wrong, can you forgive me this time?" It was Qiao Zuwang who Lin Yue complained about, but the voice who answered the conversation came from the door.

Qiao Sanli and Qiao Erqiang turned their heads to see that Qiao Simi, who was wearing a chicken coop hairstyle, was standing under the eaves, looking timidly at the elder brother who was facing the door.

"Simei, you're back."

Qiao Sanli didn't care about cleaning the flour from her hands, and walked over to pull her closer to the room: "Look at you, you have suffered a lot on the road, right?"

From Nanjing to Tibet, you have to transfer to a car after getting off the train in Chengdu. Given the road conditions and the environment, you can imagine how painful it is to go back and forth.

After helping her take off her clothes and scarf, and warming her hands for a while, Qiao Sanli said, "Drink some hot water first."

She looked at Lin Yue, seeing that the reprimand she expected was not received, she nodded and went to sit beside Qiao Zuwang, took a sip of the water Qiao Sanli poured for her, and sighed comfortably.

Qiao Zuwang peeled off the peanut shell, stuffed the peanut kernels into his mouth, and looked at his youngest daughter playfully.

"One ran to Tibet in the winter for a man, and the other sent his father to the police station for justice. Well, I, Qiao Zuwang, have done many good deeds in my previous life to..."

While he was talking here, Qiao Sanli, who was standing between the dining table and the TV, suddenly turned around, made a silent gesture to him, and then pointed to the TV.

Qiao Zuwang and Qiao Simi watched together, and saw that Nanjing TV Station was broadcasting the news.

"Three days ago, with the help of reporters from our station, the police successfully destroyed a criminal gang that used the name of fundraising to defraud, and arrested eight criminal suspects in one fell swoop..." The dignified and beautiful hostess faced the camera Carry the manuscript smoothly.

The screen flashed, and what appeared on the screen was an interview video. On the sidewalk outside the window of Tang Wang Hotel, a man of medium build with a Hong Kong-style parted head was talking about his views on the matter of "fundraising" .

The screen flashed again, and switched to the screen of the police raiding the Jinling Hotel, capturing Xu Fu, Liu Xinfu and others, and then the interview video of the head of the Economic Investigation Brigade of the Municipal Bureau.

"Recently, some criminals have been amassing money under the banner of fund-raising and dividends. On the surface, this is a commercial behavior that benefits society and develops the economy. In fact, it is a highly deceptive and targeted speculative fraud. Most of its targets are workers and the elderly who lack sources of information..."

At the end of the report, the hostess made some concluding remarks before switching to the next news item.


"Third sister, what's wrong?"

Qiao Simei hugged the cup, buried her little face in the misty water vapor, and looked at her good sister in front of the TV with a puzzled expression.

She was either on the way to Tibet or back to Nanjing these days, so naturally she didn't know what happened at home.

Qiao Sanli didn't answer her question, turned her head to look at Lin Yue, and saw that the eldest brother had a relaxed and natural expression, and was whispering to the second strong to discuss whether to kill and wash the stinky mandarin fish, and then marinate it directly with a knife to make it stunned. Easy to taste.

"Big brother, big brother..."

"What's wrong Sanli?"

"Did you read the news just now?"

"Look, is there a problem?"

As Lin Yue asked, he arranged the dumplings in the bamboo basket neatly to avoid sticking together.

Qiao Sanli said: "Isn't this news about you and Brother Song? Why don't you have your names?"

"Brother's news?"

Qiao Simei said: "Brother is too powerful, this is to eliminate harm for the people."

Even a fool could see that she was flattering her to ask her elder brother to forgive her for being a demon.

"Eliminate harm for the people, eradicate harm for the people... He even killed his relatives righteously, hum!" Qiao Zuwang became angry when he mentioned this matter, and he could imagine how successful Ma friends would be when they mentioned this matter.

Qiao Simei was very embarrassed, she didn't know how she had offended this old man, and she realized after a while, she wondered if the den of thieves destroyed by her elder brother was related to the fund-raising operation that Qiao Zuwang was engaged in?

When she followed the clues here, Lin Yue answered Qiao Sanli's question.

"Fake fund-raising in the name of defrauding, this kind of thing will happen again in the future, that is to say, in a different way, a different conceptual problem, what the reporters who report these evil deeds are doing is killing people's money. Once someone does it because of this If interests are damaged, it is inevitable to spread grievances on those who expose the crime."

Of course he is not afraid of those crooks who will make trouble for him. The heads sent to the door will not come one to kill one, but two to make a pair. The key is Song Qingyuan. He asked Director Wang to name the two people in the report.

Qiao Simei finally found a chance to talk: "Brother, this matter is already on TV, will anyone else be deceived?"

"Yes, why not." Lin Yue said, "Do you know about the trial operation of Shenzhen Stock Exchange and Shanghai Stock Exchange recently?"

Qiao Simei nodded: "I've heard of it."

It's no wonder she "has heard of it", but she knows very well that in the current situation, even if she hasn't heard of it, she has to say she has.

Lin Yue said: "This kind of thing will happen every day in the stock market."

Qiao Sanli said, "Brother, I don't understand."

"To be honest, the stock market is similar to this kind of fund-raising situation, except that stockholders buy stocks and give money to listed companies to make them bigger and stronger. However, ordinary people don't know what the management of this company thinks. Investors, all kinds of big cakes, bragging and hype, while hollowing out the company's assets through various methods, such as manipulating the stock price to cash out at a high level, or directional issuance of ultra-high interest rate bonds, and then buying these bonds through funds controlled by their own families. Later, in the name of the company, this part of the foreign debt was repaid first, and there were related transactions, etc. In the end, all the high-quality assets went into their own pockets, leaving a debt-laden shell for the shareholders. If you want to say, this is not the same as Xu Funian and Liu Xinfu. Is there a difference in what people do? It’s just that the latter is simple and rude, and those who deceive are ordinary people, while the former has a threshold, and those who harvest are middle-class people who have some savings, and the social impact caused by the two is different.”

The whole family was dumbfounded. Qiao Zuwang, Qiao Erqiang, and Qiao Simi found that they couldn't understand what he was talking about, such as bonds, high-end cash, and related transactions. Let alone understand, they had never heard of it.

Qiao Sanli couldn't understand either, but the girl was pretty at heart, so she could more or less understand what he was trying to express.

Qiao Simei said: "Brother really knows a lot."

No compliments this time, just the truth.

Lin Yue blinked and said half-truth, "Because I'm from the future."

Qiao Erqiang said: "Brother has also learned how to tell jokes."

Qiao Sanli didn't reply, but looked at Lin Yue with admiration.

"You are an educated person after all. Most people can't understand what you say." Qiao Zu said with a strange expression.

At this moment, Lin Yue stood up suddenly, and Qiao Zuwang was startled: "What do you want to do?"

Thanks to Mo Haixuan for the 1600 starting coins, the moldy star for the 1500 starting coins, Xia Feng, Mo Yuxi, and Dugu Qiushou for the 100 starting coins.

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