Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1323 Sun Xiaomo, wake up to watch a movie

Lin Yue ignored him, went to push the door open, and a panicked face appeared in front of everyone.

Qiao Simi said, "Sparrow Eyes, why is it you?"

That’s right, it’s the squint-eyed guy who’s been chasing after Qiao Sanli in the TV series. Speaking of which, this person is quite sad. After doing so many things, he still lost to Wang Yiding in the end, so he could only set foot on the southward journey in despair. Gold rush journey.

At the end of the TV series, he didn't explain what he became like.

Sparrow Eyes raised Su Yan and Yanghe Daqu in his hands: "Isn't this a young year, let me come and see Uncle Qiao."

Upon hearing this, Qiao Zuwang regained his energy, quickly got up from the chair, and walked over with a smile: "Oh, Sparrow Eyes, I knew you were a good boy. Sometimes, you are more filial than your sons and daughters."

When he said this, he glared at Lin Yue.

"Uncle Qiao, here are the cigarettes I bought for you, and this is wine." Sparrow Eye said, looking into the room, saw Sanli making dumplings, and greeted with a smile: "Sanli, Sanli."

"Sparrow Eyes, take the things back, my dad doesn't need this."

Of course Qiao Sanli knew what he meant, and she was not happy about Qiao Zuwang's letting her into the main room.

"Brother, what are you looking at?"

The dumplings in the bamboo basket were full, and Qiao Erqiang carried them to the kitchen when he suddenly noticed that his elder brother had a weird expression.

As if to answer this question, there was a sound of chaotic footsteps at the door, and then a familiar female voice: "Brother Qiao, Brother Qiao..."

Aunt Wu? Why is she here?

Qiao Erqiang was wondering. Aunt Wu came in with two neighbors, not empty-handed, with a fish in her left hand and oranges in a net in her right hand. ...

Qiao Zuwang was immediately elated: "Aunt Wu, you also came to see me?"

Aunt Wu didn't even think about it, she walked straight to Lin Yue: "We are here to find Yicheng."

"Yicheng, thanks to you, Xu Funian and Liu...Liu what, hey, anyway, thanks to you for sending those who suffered a thousand dollars to prison, otherwise, your Aunt Wu's coffin would be gone. "

After speaking, he did not forget to give Qiao Zu a hard look.

"Yeah, yeah, if I don't have 10% to help get the money back, I really don't know how to live this year." Aunt Liu next to him chimed in: "The Chinese New Year is coming soon, this is our little wish."

Lin Yue said very politely: "Aunt Wu, Sister-in-law Liu, Fourth Aunt, I just did what I should do, so don't be so polite."

"It's not a rare item, it's just some home-cooked ingredients. Thanks to you, we didn't lose money, so you can keep it."

"Okay, then I'll take it."

Speaking of this, Lin Yue was not too pretentious, so he took the things from several people and handed them to Qiao Simei.

"Aunt Wu, Sister-in-law Liu, fourth aunt, please come in and sit down for a while."

"No, no, the family is still waiting to go back to eat. You should be busy first. When you are free, go to Aunt Wu's house to play. Aunt Wu will cook your favorite stir-fried chicken gizzards when you were young."

Lin Yuexin said that when I was young, it was because my family was poor and couldn't afford meat that I was greedy for your cooking.

"Okay, I will definitely visit you when I have time."

"When the time comes, I'll ask my daughter-in-law to introduce you to a girlfriend, how about it?"


The fourth aunt over there jokingly said: "10% of them are reporters from the TV station. There are many good-looking girls there. Can you introduce them? Let's go, let's go."

The two dragged Aunt Wu, who was famous in Shamao Lane, away.

"Brother, it's cold outside, let's go back to the house." Qiao Erqiang carried the dumplings into the kitchen, saw that he was still in the courtyard, and kindly reminded him.

At this moment, there was a voice at the door again. He thought it was Aunt Wu and the three who had left and returned. He turned his head and took a look, but found that it was not, it was Xiao Fei, the second son of the Liu family with big eyes at the alley, holding a bag in one hand. I don't know what's in the woven bag, but it's quite heavy anyway.

"Yicheng, these are peanuts grown in my hometown. My dad asked me to bring two bags and said that these are the hardest New Year's goods."

"Thank you Uncle Liu."

"Hey, don't be so polite. There is a saying in our neighborhood that distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors. Besides, you helped our family recover thousands of dollars. What are these peanuts?"


Xiaofei left after exchanging pleasantries with him.

Lin Yue still didn't go back to the house.

Sure enough, as Qiao Erqiang expected, another neighbor soon came to thank him.

In this way, seven or eight groups of people were sent away back and forth.

Chicken, duck, fish, candied dates and peanuts, dried tobacco and alcohol...

Qiao Erqiang became numb looking at the mountains of New Year's goods in the kitchen.

Qiao Simei looked at the gloomy Qiao Zuwang, and whispered to Qiao Sanli, "Sister, did I miss something?"

Qiao Zu hoped that this man was a thief. The children of the Qiao family knew better than anyone else that they would have been happy from ear to ear when they encountered such a thing as receiving a gift. Now it is the opposite, it is like cutting his flesh.

"Brother, good people get good rewards, him? Let him deal with it, and our family will be gone."


The call from the door interrupted the conversation between the two, and Qiao Sanli hurried over: "Brother, call me."

Lin Yue pointed to the gate of the courtyard: "Go out and see who is coming, and greet you at the gate."

"Is anyone else coming?" Qiao Sanli walked out puzzled.

Lin Yue turned around and went into the kitchen, put away the condolences from the neighbors, lifted the lid of the pot and started making dumplings.

Soon, Qiao Sanli went back and forth, glanced complicatedly at the elder brother who was slowly stirring the pot with a spoon under the kitchen lamp, and walked into the main room with his head down.

"Sister, didn't elder brother ask you to welcome the guests?"

"Huh? Well... let's go."

"Who, just left like this? Don't come in to see anyone."

"'s Wang Yiding."

"One minute before leaving? Then why don't you let him sit in the house for a while?"

"He has to go back to his mother."

Qiao Sanli seemed unwilling to talk more about the two of them, so she used a small broom to sweep the flour on the rolling board into a bowl, and turned her head into the kitchen with the kitchen utensils.

Lin Yue said without turning his head: "Wang Yiding is a nice person, at least..."

"I know, brother, why don't you just say it."

She put down her things and turned around to leave. She didn't go back to the house this time, but went to the roof of the side house to watch the stars.

Lin Yue knew that Wang Yiding had told her bad news this time, so he didn't take it to heart and continued cooking his dumplings.

Fifteen minutes later, the dumplings came out of the pan.

Qiao Sanli recovered her smile, Qiao Zuwang also adjusted his mood, and the family sat around the dining table.

Qiao Simi was upset and didn't make dumplings with vegetarian stuffing for her.

Qiao Zuwang thought that the third daughter who was in charge of making the stuffing didn't put minced ginger and pepper. Only Qiao Yicheng liked to eat this. He was really a white-eyed wolf with a big brother who forgot his father.

Qiao Zuwang also said that there is too little pork, and next time he will eat pure meatballs.

Qiao Sanli complained that everyone only cared about eating, and no one revealed that the dumplings were lumpy.

Qiao Erqiang yelled with pain in his molars after eating the coin.


All in all, this dumpling meal was very satisfying.


Qiao's family ate this meal with joy, but two of them were not.


The bowl fell to the ground and shattered into several pieces, the dark blue vinegar sauce spread out, and some leek leaves were floating on it.

Chen Junliang's wife clutched her chest, gasping for breath, her face full of disappointment and anger: "Chen Junliang, I always thought you were an upright person, a member of the Gu family, but I never thought you would do such a thing. It wasn't Xiaonan who called me and told me, I didn't even know that you hooked up with women in the unit behind my back."

"Haiyan, don't get excited, too excited is not good for your illness."

Chen Junliang didn't know how she knew, but what was certain was that the New Year's Eve would not be safe to eat.

"I think you want me to be too excited, it's best to die in front of your eyes, and then you can live together with that bitch, right?"


The woman dropped another bowl, and the dumplings were scattered all over the floor.

Chen Junliang wanted to step forward to stop her.

"Don't come here, I think you're disgusting." The woman looked at him coldly, her eyes full of disgust.

Perhaps because of being too excited, her legs gave way, and she fell to the ground covering her temples with her hands. Chen Junliang quickly picked up the microphone next to the TV and called for an ambulance.


Others spend the new year at home, Director Chen has to spend the new year in the hospital.

And Sun Xiaomo...

No one informed her that she was on TV with Director Chen, and she and her mother witnessed it with their own eyes.

"Xiaomo, what are you talking about? The person on the TV, the two people sitting by the window in the restaurant that happened to be photographed by the TV reporter during the street interview, is one of them you?"

Sun Xiaomo was silent.

"Didn't I tell you not to associate with him? Why did you ignore it? You child, the picture is so clear. It is impossible for the neighbors, your uncle, second uncle, and third aunt to recognize you." face, and the people in your unit... what will they think, what will they think of you?"

There is only one thought in grandma's mind now, and that is to be ashamed, too shameful.

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