Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1328 It's a good habit of mine to get revenge

The Lantern Festival is approaching on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month.

There are more and more stalls selling glutinous rice balls on the street. Many children can't tell the difference between Yuanxiao and glutinous rice balls.

The work of Nanjing Daily is busy and busy, and leisure is also leisure.

For Ye Xiaolang, the busy reason is that if she can't come up with the content approved by the leader, she will face great pressure, all kinds of anxiety, and all kinds of worries are like a whip in her back.

As for leisure, it's very simple, because the editorial about "media exposure is a double-edged sword" handed in on the fifth day of the fifth day caused a lot of discussion in the circle. The editor-in-chief was very satisfied and said that he would apply for a bonus for her. With such a high-quality article as a base, you can fish for at least half a month, just to use it to review English and try to pass the TOEFL test as soon as possible.

Although she failed to marry Qiao Yicheng, her goal in life will not change.

"Ye Xiaolang, the editor-in-chief is looking for you."

Liu Xiaomeng walked into the room from the outside with a magazine in her hand, without even looking at her, she just reminded her, went to her own seat, sat down, and continued with the work at hand.

Ye Xiaolang put aside all kinds of thoughts in his mind, got up and walked outside.

She knew why Liu Xiaomeng was so alienated from her, because two people went to the Jinling Hotel for an interview. Later, when Aunt Fang talked about Sun Xiaomo, both of them were present, but she turned her face and handed in the manuscript. Liu Xiaomeng's name also pushed down the content Liu Xiaomeng had prepared.

From her point of view, this is her own idea, why should she add someone else's name, friend? Nor can friends.

From Liu Xiaomeng's point of view, this incident fully demonstrated Ye Xiaolang's selfishness, it's no wonder he wasn't angry.

"Liu Xiaomeng, do you know why the editor-in-chief is looking for her?"

The woman on Liu Xiaomeng's left saw Ye Xiaolang leave, and immediately came over and asked her in a low voice.

"I don't know, it's not a good thing anyway."

"That's good, look at her being embarrassed these two days."

When the two complained about Ye Xiaolang's unpopularity, the editor-in-chief Hu Shumei threw a report letter in front of Ye Xiaolang.

"Ye Xiaolang, did you do this?"

Ye Xiaolang picked it up and took a look. The face that was almost written "*Life is not harmonious" was extremely ugly. She never thought that Sun Xiaomo would sue her to the president. She was obviously doing it for Sun Xiaomo's good, and Qiao Yicheng What's wrong with asking him for compensation for ruining people like that? Shouldn't it?

"Editor-in-Chief, this's quite complicated."

Hearing this sentence to excuse herself, Hu Shumei understood.

"I know you and Qiao Yicheng are very unhappy, but no matter what, you can't encourage Sun Liyun to blackmail, right? And this matter is related to the interests of the TV station and the newspaper, and you didn't think about it before doing this. as a result of?"

"Editor-in-chief, I didn't expect...I didn't expect things to become so big."

"Did you get rid of the responsibility with a single sentence? Now that Sun Liyun is in the detention center, she will face punishment in all likelihood. What about you, do you understand that you are called abetting a crime? Fortunately, no one was injured or killed, otherwise you Just wait to go to jail."

"Editor-in-Chief, I just want to suggest that Sun Liyun seek some spiritual compensation from the person who killed her daughter. Why did she instigate a crime?"

Ye Xiaolang refused to accept it.

Hu Shumei didn't want to argue with her: "You submit a resignation application and come up."

"What do you mean?" Ye Xiaolang's eyes widened, unable to understand Hu Shumei's actions.

"This is what the president means. If you resign voluntarily, you will be paid three months more salary. If you don't do this, if Sun Xiaomo comes to the newspaper again because of her mother, the salary for these three months will be gone."

After Hu Shumei finished speaking, she ignored her.

"Editor, you can't do this to me."

Ye Xiaolang couldn't accept such a punishment, it was too heavy for her.

"..." Hu Shumei said, "This is the president's decision."

Ye Xiaolang didn't know how she got out, she only knew that her job was gone, and as a college student, he didn't think she would be unable to eat, but the problem now was that without a job in a newspaper office, she had no place to live, so she had to Re-planning her future life will undoubtedly have a great impact on her study abroad plan.


Half a month later.

Outside the detention center.

quack quack ~

As the heavy iron door opened, a middle-aged woman came out from inside.


Sun Xiaomo yelled from a distance, stepped forward quickly, and supported Sun Liyun to go outside.

"Mom, how are you feeling? Is there anything wrong?"

"I'm old, and the people inside won't do anything to me." Sun Liyun said as she walked, with a faint smile on her face. The living conditions are quite poor. They eat hard corn bread and sleep on hard single beds. It is so cold at night that I want to cry.

But when she saw the man in the Toyota car who came to pick her up, her smile disappeared immediately.

That's right, that guy named Qiao Yicheng was also the one who sent her to the bureau.

"why you?"

Lin Yue said, "Didn't your daughter tell you? I'm her boyfriend now."

"Boyfriend?" Sun Liyun looked confused. She never expected such a development, and she didn't dare to write like this in fantasy novels. Two days ago, the two parties who were enemies, became boyfriend and girlfriend today?

She looked back at her daughter with a questioning look in her eyes.

"Mom, he was right."

Sun Xiaomo's words immediately ignited a firecracker.

"Do you know what you are talking about? If it wasn't for him, would you lose your job? If it wasn't for him, would your mother suffer so many days in it? Now you tell me that he is your boyfriend? You give me Say it again."


"I don't have a daughter like you."

Seeing the mother and daughter turned against each other, Lin Yue was happy: "Sun Liyun, do you think that if I have nothing to do with Sun Xiaomo, the police will issue a letter of understanding, and you will be released after only 15 days of detention? You were going to kill me at that time, if There is no special reason, who will help an enemy to offend."

"Did he coerce you into doing this? Didn't he?" Sun Liyun was not stupid, she immediately reacted upon hearing this.

"Mom, things are not what you think."

"What was that like?"


"Can you two get in the car? If you don't get in the car, I'll leave." Lin Yue didn't bother to spend time with them, and started the engine of the Toyota directly, acting like I wouldn't tolerate you.

Whose boyfriend is not respectful and polite when he sees the woman's mother, and only this kid has an expression that I don't care about you.

Sun Liyun was angry, but considering that this is a suburb, it would take a long time to go back to the city, so she didn't insist. With Sun Xiaomo's support, she got into the rear compartment of the Toyota car and let Lin Yue drive the two of them to the city.

She was very angry, especially angry, thinking that she must have a good talk with her daughter when she got home.

Originally, I went to find the surname Qiao to settle accounts, but not only did I not ask for compensation, but I also sent him to the detention center for half a month. After finally being freed, my daughter turned my face and gave me a big gift. What is compensation? If you lose your wife and lose your army, this is called losing your wife and losing your army.

"By the way, I have some good news for you. Thanks to your daughter, Ye Xiaolang was fired from Nanjing Daily. I don't think she will give you any advice in the future."

Sun Liyun looked at the face of the man in the rearview mirror, and really wanted to stab him to death, but thinking about the life of the past few days, she was scared again


a week later.

Sun Xiaomo followed Lin Yue to the skating rink not far from Xuanwu Park.

"Will it slip?"

She nodded: "I have skated rollerblading before.".

Lin Yue asked the boss for two pairs of skate shoes, and after paying the deposit, he took her inside.

He told Sun Liyun that they were boyfriend and girlfriend, but Sun Xiaomo knew very well that this friend was not that friend, so she didn't understand the meaning of this man bringing her to the skating rink.

"Why did you bring me here?"

She was about to enter the arena soon, but she still couldn't hold back and expressed her inner doubts.

Lin Yue handed her the pair of small skates: "You will know when you go in."

He didn't know what to say, but Sun Xiaomo could only hold back her temper, put on her shoes and followed him into the venue.

There were people coming and going in the skating rink, and from time to time there were novices who fell due to mistakes. Sun Xiaomo looked at the skates on the soles of her feet and felt that she could not control her balance.


"Relax, come on, take my hand."

Lin Yue grabbed her wrist, exerted force on his feet, and led her to slide a few steps forward.

"This kind of skate shoes is different from roller skates. The center of gravity is not easy to control. If you do this, your legs should be slightly bent, and the center of gravity should be lowered as much as possible. When skating forward, the upper body should lean forward slightly, look forward, and tiptoe slightly. Expand outward, the word 'eight', understand?"

"Okay, that's it, let's go..."

Because she was good at roller skating in the past, Sun Xiaomo thought she had mastered the essentials, and after sliding two meters, she suddenly exerted force, preparing for a long distance. Unfortunately, she failed, because her center of gravity was unstable, and she did not maintain a good balance. She tilted her foot and fell down. on the ice.

"Tell you not to worry, don't worry, just don't listen, Xi'an wasn't built in a day, and Rome couldn't be demolished in a day." Lin Yue walked up to her, stretched out his hand, and pulled her up from the ground.

"It's okay, I'm fine." Sun Xiaomo took a deep breath, looked at the people around her, and felt that the fall just now was not in vain, as if she had figured out the knack of the ice skates.


Just as she was about to continue sliding forward, Lin Yue suddenly called her to stop.

"What's wrong?"

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