Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1329 I, Lin Dangdang, Am I Named For Nothing (Two in One)

Lin Yue took the cotton gloves thrown by the staff and put them on for her: "It's cold here, you are not familiar with skate shoes, there will be a period of adaptation, if you fall, you will frostbite your hands."

Sun Xiaomo looked at the men who were holding her and put them on her one by one. She couldn't accept it for a while, because in the past, this guy named Qiao Yicheng was very indifferent to her, and all his words and actions were so calm and rational. It's uncomfortable, she won't accommodate her at all, she will tolerate her, and she doesn't have the gentlemanly demeanor of "ladies first".

It's right to think about it, the "girlfriend" between the two is just a performance, why she doesn't know about the performance, but the relationship? Hehe, it doesn't exist.

But today the sun seemed to come out from the west, and his attitude towards her changed drastically, his gentleness was incomprehensible.

She suddenly remembered the scene when her mother went to make trouble in front of the TV station, and the man picked her up and ran quickly to the Toyota car on the side of the road.

Perhaps, the him today and the him at that time are the real him, but why...why is he so indifferent to her?

Sun Xiaomo thought it might be her mother's fault, or it might be that he looked down on women who were mistresses from the bottom of his heart.

It would be great if he could always treat her like this...

Sun Xiaomo herself was stunned by the thought that flashed through her mind. How could she have such an idea? She was clearly fulfilling the contract, and the state of the two of them was a fake relationship.

"Hey, big... big brother..."

"Second strong?"

Sun Xiaomo was dazed for a while, and then woke up by the conversation in front of her. When she looked up, she saw Lin Yue was talking to a man with dull eyes. There was also a woman beside the man, who looked quite old.

When she looked over, the two people who were holding hands let go of their hands at once.

"Qiao Erqiang, let me tell you why your performance these days is very strange. It turns out that you are entangled with this woman again."

People can hear the emotion in the words.

Qiao Yicheng? Qiao Erqiang? Hearing this name, Sun Xiaomo still didn't understand the reason for the relationship between the two, and then related to the experience just now, she understood.

He is acting, acting for his family.

The smile on Sun Xiaomo's face turned into a forced smile, and her gaze was unnatural.

"Brother, I...I..." Qiao Erqiang wanted to explain, but he didn't know how to explain, his eyes were dodgy, and he didn't dare to look at people.

At the beginning, he was roller skating with Ma Suqin, but Ma Suqin's husband found out about it, went to Qiao's house to make a fuss, smashed the furniture, and injured him. This matter spread quickly in Shamao Lane, Qiao Zuwang was furious, Qiao Yicheng was also very angry, anyway, Qiao's family received a lot of stares because of him.

After he came out of the hospital, the machinery factory didn’t want him anymore, and Ma Suqin also resigned, and the two lost contact. A few days ago, Sanli suddenly told him that there was a Suxin tofu shop near Maqun Street in Xuanwu District, and the proprietress should be him. The master Ma who never forgot, also told him not to tell his eldest brother about this matter.

Qiao Erqiang looked over and found that it was really Ma Suqin, so he recognized him with joy, and he didn't care about Ma Suqin's persuasion, and he wanted to be nice to her with a stern face, and would go to the tofu shop to help every day, anyway, it was just like you don't want to marry attitude.

Seeing that he was so persistent, Ma Suqin could only let him go.

In fact, she also knows that Qiao's family doesn't want to see her. After all, she is a divorced woman with an eight or nine-year-old boy. Qiao Erqiang is eight years younger than her. He is still an unmarried man with a local household registration. It seems that the two are not suitable for each other.

So this relationship has always been underground, and it is not visible. Unexpectedly, the two ran into Qiao Yicheng at the skating rink today.

Qiao Erqiang knew that his elder brother had never played this game before, so he was caught off guard. He was not good at words, and now he was nervous and didn't know what to say.

"You are Ma Suqin."

Lin Yue turned his head, looked at the woman beside Qiao Erqiang and said, "The last time your husband went to Qiao's house to make a scene, I ask you, have you gotten rid of his entanglement?"

Ma Suqin smiled reluctantly: "We... are divorced."

"Brother, don't force her." Qiao Erqiang said anxiously: "I don't care what my family thinks, or what the neighbors think, anyway, I want to be with Master, if you can't accept it, then I'll move out , so as not to obstruct your eyes at home."

"Qiao Erqiang, your wings are hardened now, you don't want to accept it, do you?"

"This is my own business!"

It really is exactly the same as in the TV series. This guy has an elm head. Qiao Simei is obsessed with Qi Chenggang, and knows that that person is a lump of mud that can't support the wall. Anyway, he will beg Qiao Yicheng to forgive her, and will hug Qiao Yicheng Cheng's neck speaks softly, Qiao Erqiang doesn't know these things, he is usually dumbfounded, but when it comes to Ma Suqin, it really explodes at one point, no matter who it is, don't try to pull him back.

"At this point, I don't care if you and Ma Suqin want to get married, I just ask her." Lin Yue pushed Qiao Erqiang away, stared into Ma Suqin's eyes and said, "Qiao Erqiang proved to us how much he likes you, you What? How do you prove that you are sincere to Qiao Erqiang?"

Compared with Ye Xiaolang and Sun Xiaomo, Ma Suqin in the TV series seems to have no problem. The resistance to her marriage with Qiao Erqiang was first her man Xiao Xianming, then Qiao Zuwang and Qiao Yicheng, and then Sun Xiaomo, Qiao Erqiang messed up. After the big news, he moved out of his home to live with Ma Suqin. Faced with the de facto marriage, Qiao Zuwang had no choice but to be unhappy.

So here comes the question, how old was Ma Suqin when Qiao Erqiang and Sun Xiaomo divorced? It's only thirty-three or four-year-old, can a woman of this age still have children? If she could, why didn't she give Qiao Erqiang one? Is it because I am worried that after having a second child, Qiao Erqiang will favor one over another and treat her eldest son Ma Zhiyong badly. On the surface, the two respect each other like a guest, but in fact, she really wants to make a choice between Qiao Erqiang and the child, the answer obvious.

Regarding Qiao Erqiang's story line, Lin Yue felt that this drama was not realistic enough. Since the five members of Qiao's family are all unlucky, why not let him be more unlucky, for fear of harming social harmony, right? The one who raises a son for others and gets a good reward in the end?

Ma Suqin could not answer this question.

Qiao Erqiang distinguished: "Brother, I was the one who went to find her."

Lin Yue ignored him and continued to ask Ma Suqin: "If you promise to give him a child, I will agree to your marriage."

Qiao Erqiang was taken aback by what he said. He didn't expect his elder brother to agree to marry Ma Suqin. In his opinion, having a child is not difficult, because it is the fruit of marriage for most people.

However, Ma Suqin hesitated, and she did not immediately answer the question.

Lin Yue sneered and said, "Qiao Erqiang, you can ignore the objections of your family for her. What about her? She even hesitates to ask you to have a child. How can you make me believe that the two of you will be happy together?"

Qiao Erqiang's face was ugly, but Ma Suqin...had nothing to say.

At this moment, Dou heard a loud shout from outside the skating rink: "Ma Suqin!"

A few people turned their heads and saw a burly man with a swollen face, disregarding the dissuasion of the skating rink staff, turning over and jumping into the skating rink, walking and sliding to bring Ma Suqin by his side: "I knew you were still in Nanjing , give me money, give me money..."

Ma Suqin pushed him: "We are divorced."

"It's because of him again, is it because of him?" Xiao Xianming pointed at Qiao Erqiang and shouted.

At this time, the skating people around found that there was something exciting to watch, and slowly moved closer to watch the development of the situation.

Sun Xiaomo hid behind Lin Yue, she was a little afraid of this man.

"You go, you go..."

Ma Suqin kept pushing Xiao Xianming, but with her small body, she couldn't push him at all, and was held by the wrist, with a look of pain on her face.

"We're already divorced. If you do this again, I'll call the police."

"Call the police. I'll tell the police that I'm here to find Zhiyong. Where did you hide him?"

Ma Suqin's expression changed, what was she most afraid of? What she was afraid of was not that Xiao Xianming would come to ask her for money, but what she was afraid of was that he would compete with her for the child.

Lin Yue said: "Father wants to see his son,'s okay when the police come, don't you want to be with Er Qiang? Then return the child to his biological father. After you get married, you will have another one." gone."

Of course Ma Suqin was reluctant to give her child to be raised by such a person. She couldn't figure it out. Xiao Xianming used to ask her for money when he found her. How could he use the child as an excuse to pester her this time? When did he become so smart and find him to deal with the police? the reason?


Only Lin Yue knew the answer, because he was the one who guided Xiao Xianming to find the skating rink.

After seeing through Qiao Erqiang's lies in the old house last time, Lin Yue devoted some energy to investigating Ma Suqin's situation. He found Xiao Xianming's traces around Suxin Tofu Square, and he didn't know who told him. Getting closer to the goal.

Presumably Qiao Erqiang's panicked look before was frightened by that person. You must know that the guy was playing tricks, but he was a disregarded master, and when he went to Qiao's old house to make trouble, he beat Qiao Erqiang into Hospital.

He didn't help his younger brother to solve this trouble, but he wanted to use his strength to fight.

In the TV series, Qiao Yicheng didn't take care of things, he will take care of them.

Speaking of the three sons of the Qiao family, he became angry. The eldest wife beat the children without telling him to go abroad. Not only did she choose to forgive Ye Xiaolang, who had a lot of criminal records, but she also gave money and goods, and finally got divorced. Well, to put it bluntly, Qiao Yicheng deserves to be childless.

As for the second son of the Qiao family, there is a dull gourd. If it is true love, it is no problem to raise a son for Ma Suqin. Qiao Erqiang is a tool man for Ma Suqin.

The eldest son of the Qiao family, Qiao Qiqi, even ran away with cheap wives and wanted to be a door-to-door son-in-law.

People in the 1990s were more traditional in thinking, and the DINK family was basically not accepted by the world. For men, the succession of the family is the most important part of marriage. The few men in the Qiao family are not so good. None of them have backbone or courage. All of them were cheated miserably by women, the key is to have no regrets, what's the point of the screenwriter designing such a stupid plot? A man should make money to support his family, take on the responsibilities of a husband, be an honest person, and tolerate women's hypocrisy.

Principled forbearance is called generosity and a gentleman, unprincipled forbearance is connivance.

In Lin Yue's place, it is not impossible for Ma Suqin to marry Qiao Erqiang, as long as she can have the same feelings as Qiao Erqiang for her.

"elder brother……"

Qiao Erqiang took a step forward: "I won't let Suqin hand over Zhiyong to him."


A loud slap.

There was a bright red palm print on Qiao Erqiang's left cheek, and it took him a while to realize it. He slowly put his hands on his face, and looked at the elder brother who had always loved his younger siblings with unbelievable eyes.

"Qiao Erqiang, have you used all your masculinity to contradict your family? You are the only one in Shamao Alley if you are so confident in helping others raise their sons."

The onlookers talked a lot, and it was obvious that most of them couldn't agree with Qiao Erqiang's words.

What kind of person is Xiao Xianming? When he heard that his wife and Qiao Erqiang were roller skating, he went to Qiao's old house to make a fuss, smashed the house, and sent people to the hospital. What started was not gratitude and secret pleasure, but shame.

He let go of Ma Suqin's hand and grabbed Qiao Erqiang's collar: "What did you say, tell me what you said just now."

Lin Yue said, "How much?"

Xiao Xianming took a look at him and knew that he was Qiao Erqiang's eldest brother. Even if there were two people surnamed Qiao, he would not be afraid. Just talking about fighting, with his physique, it would be easy to defeat the two brothers. .

"Don't you want money? I asked how much do you want?"

"three hundred."

At that time, three hundred was the monthly income of ordinary workers.

Lin Yue went to take out the money in his pocket.

On the one hand, Qiao Erqiang was beaten and wronged, but on the other hand, he was very moved.

"Brother, I can't give it."

He knew who Xiao Xianming was. When he and Ma Suqin were still working in the machinery factory, this guy went to the factory more than once to ask for money. I gave it to him today, if there is a first time, there will be a second time, if there is a second time, there will be a third time...

"Isn't it shameful enough? So many people are watching."

Lin Yue counted the money in his hand, and found that it was not enough, only more than one hundred and ninety. The 300 yuan in that era, calculated according to the purchasing power, was at least equivalent to 6,000 yuan in 30 years. Without the premise of smart phones, Who would carry so much money with him? For most people, one or two hundred yuan would be considered as much.

"Xiao Mo, do you have any? Bring me a hundred."

Sun Xiaomo glanced at him with complicated eyes, took out one fifty RMB and five ten RMB RMB from her bag and handed them over.

Lin Yue handed the money to Qiao Erqiang, and then flirted with Xiao Xianming, meaning to give him the money.

Qiao Erqiang couldn't bear to look at the money in his hand, and finally gave it to Xiao Xianming.

After the man got the money, he left without saying a word.

Lin Yue didn't stay any longer, leaving behind a sentence that I'll settle the score with you when I go home, and took Sun Xiaomo away.

What Qiao Erqiang said was right, if he gave it the first time, he would do it the second time, and the third time, he made a good start for Xiao Xianming, and when he was almost lost, who would he go to ask for it later?

He wanted to see what role Ma Suqin would play in this matter.


that night.

Qiao Erqiang pushed open the courtyard door, walked into the old house, and saw Qiao Zuwang standing under the eaves at a glance.

"Qiao Erqiang, are you looking for that old woman again?"


He didn't dare to say much, and walked in with his head down.

"There are guests here today, please be smart."

The moment Qiao Erqiang walked into the main room, he immediately understood the meaning of Qiao Zuwang's words.

Qiao Yicheng came back, not alone, and brought Sun Xiaomo home. At this moment, she was sitting on the chair next to the coffee table with a blank expression, looking inarticulate.

"Second brother, second brother..."

Qiao Simi stood at the door of the east room and called him.

Qiao Erqiang walked over.

"Brother has a new girlfriend." Qiao Simei pointed at Sun Xiaomo: "He looks pretty good."

Qiao Erqiang said, "I know."

"you know?"

"I met you at the skating rink today."

"Brother never goes to that kind of place, but he actually took her to skate. It seems that he is serious."

Qiao Simi looked more excited than the parties involved.

"Second brother, why do you look unhappy? Are you unhappy that elder brother has a new girlfriend?"

"Happy, happy..."

In the afternoon, he was slapped by his elder brother, and Qiao Zuwang also found out about his relationship with Ma Suqin. The happiness here is just lip service.

"Qiao Simei, what are you mumbling about outside? Quickly, go wash the fruit in the kitchen and give it to brother and his...uh, girlfriend."

The words from the back room interrupted the discussion between the two.

Qiao Erqiang glanced at the place where the voice came from: "Did you see it? Sanli still has sharp eyesight."

"Second brother, you are talking nonsense"

Not to mention that everyone in the family knows that Sanli will hurt people when she knows the cold and the hot, even the young and old of the Qi family are deeply touched by this.

"Okay, stop complaining, it's hard to make you do some work..."

Qiao Simei stuck out her tongue at him: "You are the second brother, why didn't you say you helped me with the work? Not only did you not help, but you also urged me."

"I think Sanli wants you to take the opportunity to get in touch with that Sun Xiaomo."

Qiao Simei nodded: "Well, it's possible, maybe it's the future sister-in-law."


At this moment, the door leading to the back room opened, and Qiao Sanli came out with a pile of clothes in her arms: "Hurry up."

As soon as Qiao Simei saw it, she hurried into the kitchen to wash the fruit, lest she yell at herself again.

"Sanli, wash your spring clothes?" Qiao Erqiang said.

It's already mid-to-late March, and it's time to wear spring clothes.

Qiao Sanli nodded, walked to the main room, looked at Lin Yue who was sitting on a chair and watching TV with Sun Xiaomo, and said, "Brother, it's almost April, and it's time to change into spring clothes. If you have time on weekends, I'll help you with the sheets and bedding." I have to wash everything, and I have to take out the clothes to be worn in spring and iron them."

Lin Yue pondered for a while: "Okay."

Qiao Sanli took a look at Sun Xiaomo, went out of the main room to the yard, put the clothes in the basin next to the sink, turned on the faucet, watched the splashing water and shook her head, rubbing the clothes one by one.

"I remember you like fish the most."

In the main room, Lin Yue picked up an apple, peeled it with a fruit knife, and chatted casually.

Sun Xiaomo nodded and said, "Yes."

He handed over the peeled apple: "Er Qiang's cooking is delicious, but today I cook by myself, and I saw fresh hairtail in the kitchen just now, how about making you braised hairtail sections later."

Sun Xiaomo subconsciously took it in her hand, looking at the very cleanly peeled apple, which looked like a handicraft, her eyes were a little dazed.

His hot and cold attitude, how should I put it... made her feel very uncomfortable.

"You sit here, I'll go outside to cook." Lin Yue stood up, asked Qiao Simei to come out to talk with Sun Xiaomo, and called Qiao Erqiang to go to the kitchen to help.

When Qiao Zuwang came back with a wind goose and half a catty of meat, the food was almost done, and with the cooked food in his hand, there were five dishes and one soup, which could hardly be regarded as a family feast.

In the past, every time Qiao Yicheng went home for dinner, the two would argue a few words. This time, because of Sun Xiaomo, it was rare for her ears to be clean. Lin Yue was quite content.

"Try my braised octopus."

He took a piece of fish and put it in the "girlfriend"'s bowl.


Sun Xiaomo glanced at him, feeling flattered, and after thinking about it, she also gave him a piece of shiitake mushroom.

Qiao Simi lowered her head and chuckled on the opposite side.

"What are you laughing at?" Lin Yue said, "If you are capable, you should find a boyfriend."

"People have..."

She didn't say the whole thing, and her momentum was weak.

Qiao Simei thought that her elder brother was making fun of her, but from Qiao Sanli's standpoint, her thinking was not so simple.

After only two mouthfuls of food, she put down the bowl and chopsticks, said "I'm full", got up and went back to the house.

"Impolite." Qiao Zuwang muttered while looking at her back.

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