Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1335 I'm going to avenge myself today

the second night.

In an old tube building in Qinhuai District.

The light shone on the swirling smoke, reflecting clusters of silver textures. On the table covered with red cloth, there were cigarettes, matches and Pai Gow, and there were crackling sounds from time to time, which were the gamblers gently rubbing the cards in their hands.

"Xiao Xianming, you've been rich recently. I heard from Brother Biao that you have paid off all the money you borrowed from him. Is that the money your wife earned from opening a tofu shop?"

"Didn't I get beaten up by the boss of the Qiao family the day before yesterday?" Speaking of this, Xiao Xianming looked unhappy, and muttered in a low voice: "I don't know how that kid practiced, he looked skinny, like a bamboo pole, It's so strong."

Everyone in the room knew about it, because his face was blue and red, and his cheeks were still red and swollen. It looked like he had been beaten violently. Before he started gambling, someone asked him what was wrong, and he didn't I said I was sorry, so I recounted the fight with the two brothers of the Qiao family when I went to Zhong* Road Elementary School the day before yesterday to find my child, in exchange for repeated comfort.

"Then what?"

"Then I don't know who found Tong Biao and told him that he can help me pay back the money I owe him, but in exchange, let me not hold Qiao Yicheng responsible for knocking out my two teeth. I think this business can be done. I agreed."

It is said to be a business, but everyone here knows who Tong Biao is. He came forward to ask Xiao Xianming to let go. Does Xiao Xianming dare not let go?

"Television reporter, well-informed, it's normal to have such a network."

The man with a tear mole in the corner of his eye took out the last cigarette from the cigarette box and put it to his mouth. He just picked up the matchbox, and before he could wipe the matchstick, he heard a bang behind him, and the door was kicked. Open, and then a figure pouring in quickly.

"Don't move, don't move, put your hands up."

The green police uniform under the lights is particularly dazzling.

A few people were stunned, and quickly got up from their chairs. One guy subconsciously touched the money on the table, but was grabbed by the arm and twisted back by the policeman who walked by.

"Ah, ah, it hurts...Comrade policeman, I surrender, I dare not, please relax, relax."

Xiao Xianming was very sensible. When he saw that something was wrong, he quickly raised his hands and slowly squatted down behind his head.

This is not the first time he has been caught in a casino, so he is very experienced in this matter. Generally speaking, he will be educated in the game. After paying the fine, he will be fine the next day, even if he fails to pay. If you are fined and detained for a few days at most, it is right to be on vacation.

What's more, now that he is under supervision, does Ma Suqin dare not help pay the fine? If you dare not pay the money, you will go to the tofu shop to make trouble when he comes out. As for disappearing as in the past few days, the monk can't run away from the temple if he runs away. He knows the address of Qiao's old house. As long as he keeps an eye on Qiao Erqiang, he might not find Ma Suqin?

"Comrade police, thank you, thank you so much." At this moment, two people walked in from the outside.

Xiao Xianming heard the voice sound familiar, looked up and was stunned.

"Why him?"

When the other people heard this sentence, they also looked at the person, but found that they didn't recognize him at all.

As for the person, they don't know each other, but they all know the name of the thing he holds in his hand.


The camera swept across the table and shifted to several people squatting on the ground.

A man with a microphone came over: "Can I interview you?"

No one spoke, and everyone buried their heads very low. After doing such a shameful thing, who wants to be on TV.

"Don't want to?"

"What about you? Don't want to?"

Seeing that no one answered, that person seemed to want to have a close discussion, so he walked up to Xiao Xianming and whispered a few words.

Others couldn't hear the content clearly, but Xiao Xianming could hear it clearly.

"I know what you're thinking. Gambling isn't a big crime. It's nothing to a person like you. But it's different now. Gambling tonight As long as the news of the news is on TV, the judiciary will not give a few heavy sentences, how can we deter those Xiaoxiao who violate the rule of law?"

Xiao Xianming was a bit stubborn, but being brave didn't mean being stupid. After hearing what Lin Yue said, he immediately realized what he said.

" are plotting against me, are avenging yourself."

Lin Yue patted him on the shoulder: "Don't worry, someone will take good care of you after you go in."

After finishing the work, he stood up, turned his head and shook his head at the leader, told Song Qingyuan to go, and left with the interview equipment.

Only then did Xiao Xianming understand the meaning of the above sentence, and his face became quite ugly.

Fifteen minutes later, Song Qingyuan panned the camera and took a picture of the police escorting Xiao Xianming and others into the police car. After confirming that the material was available, he put the dust cover on and put the things into the rear compartment of the Toyota.

"This revenge... is really fast."

"What kind of revenge, this is work, this is our duty as reporters, understand?"

"Pretend, pretend to me again." Song Qingyuan was speechless, and the fool knew what he was doing: "Qiao Yicheng, I found out who messed with you, and it was really bad luck for eight lifetimes."

Lin Yue said, "I'm already very restrained."

"Is this still restrained?"

Song Qingyuan said in his heart that you have reached this point and that you are very restrained. You have seen shameless people, but you have never seen such shameless people.

How did he know that Lin Yue was really restrained in this matter. With his ability, he only charged Xiao Xianming with gambling. He really wanted to do everything right, so that it would be fine for Ya to stay in prison for the rest of her life.

The point is that it's boring, just squat in it for a year or so, and he still wants to watch the life drama of Ma Suqin and Xiao Xianming.

He always felt uncomfortable letting Ma Suqin go like this.


Another day passed in the blink of an eye.

Lin Yue finished the work at hand and watched the program recorded yesterday broadcast on TV. In a good mood, he bought two catties of oranges and a bundle of sugarcane, and walked into Shamao Alley humming pop songs that did not belong to this era.

Aunt Wu was fiddling with the dried chicken gizzards on the wall again, judging from her tightly furrowed brows, she probably found that the quantity was wrong.

"Aunt Wu, what's the matter, this is, she looks unhappy."

"Yo, Yicheng is back." She immediately changed her expression, and said with a smile all over her face, "I don't know who has been paid a thousand dollars, always stealing my chicken gizzards, and doing it every time I go out." .”

Lin Yuexin said that he would do this. Is there anyone else who is willing to do this besides Qiao Zuwang.

"Next time you go out, it's better to put them in the house, or take them to the balcony of Xiaohang's house to dry, where no one else can reach except your son and daughter-in-law."

"That's right. I'll take the chicken gizzards to dry on the balcony of my son's house. This is the safest."

Aunt Wu smiled and took off a bunch of chicken gizzards: "Yicheng, this is for you."

"No, no, no, this is not necessary."

"Take it, I remember when you were young and you ate it cutely. One time it was Sanli's birthday. Your dad's living expenses ran out, so Er Qiang went to my yard and took a bunch of chicken gizzards home to fry and eat. It's gone." At this point, she sighed heavily: "At that time... oh."

Hearing what she said, Lin Yue was naturally embarrassed to decline, and took the string of chicken gizzards: "Thank you, Aunt Wu."

"Go home quickly, you won't be able to catch up with the meal any later."

Lin Yue looked at the sky, smiled and replied "it's still early", but he didn't continue the conversation. In exchange, he gave Aunt Wu some sugar cane, and walked inside with the bunch of chicken gizzards.

When he opened the courtyard door, Qiao Simei was cleaning the yard. Seeing him coming back, she threw the things in her hand with a bang, rushed over, hugged his arm and said, "Brother, you are back... You know, you are worried about us to death."

"You miss me so much."

This Qiao Simei, when it comes to coaxing people, is really good at coaxing people, and acting as a monster is indeed a headache.

"Of course." She shook Lin Yue's hand and said, "The day before yesterday, my third sister and I went to the police station to inquire about your situation. They told me that you went out that night, and then we went to the place where you lived, and it turned out that you were in the house. No one. We waited and waited, waited and waited, and you didn't go back until the next morning, you know... Third Sister didn't close her eyes all night, thanks to Sister Xingyu who told us that I saw you in the stage yesterday, He also said that you and Brother Song are out on the field, otherwise we must be dying of anxiety."

"Didn't Song Qingyuan call our family?"


"At that time, I was busy with a case and asked him to call home to report his safety. I thought...he probably forgot."

"This Song Qingyuan is too unreliable."

Lin Yue smiled, did not respond to her complaints, and handed her the chicken gizzard given by Aunt Wu: "Put it in the kitchen."

Qiao Simi nodded, took her things and left.

He stepped into the room, raised his head suddenly, and met Qiao Sanli's gaze.

Thanks to the moldy star, drifting with the flow for the reward of 1500 starting coins, and Lu Huana and Mo Haixuan for the reward of 100 starting coins.

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