Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1336 Tongquechun Locks Erqiao Deeply

Qiao Sanli was standing at the door of the east room, looking straight at him, as if she had been standing there for a while, knowing that he came back, and heard the conversation between the two.

The scene was a little awkward.

After three breaths, Lin Yue raised the sugarcane in his hand: "Eat the sugarcane, remember that when you were young, you always gave Simei your share, and often you could only pick up the middle stem to eat."

Qiao Sanli's eyes wandered for a moment, then she nodded gently, and took the sugarcane he handed over: "Brother, you are inside..."

"I'm fine, didn't Simei tell you, Song Qingyuan got me out soon."


"Okay, don't be sad, eat sugar cane quickly."

Qiao Sanli nodded. At this moment, she suddenly felt a sense of gratitude. If the eldest brother didn't go in, maybe she didn't have the courage to talk to him. After all, she was a little embarrassed, and she was afraid that he would take the opportunity to mention her and Wang Yiding.


When Qiao Simei came out of the kitchen, she happened to see the scene where the third sister was bitten by the sugarcane skin, and she couldn't help laughing: "Sanjie, you used to say that I eat too much sugar and my teeth are damaged. You eat sugar No, I don’t see any teeth.”

"Okay, stop talking sarcastic."

Lin Yue stopped her: "Go, bring me a kitchen knife."

Qiao Simei went to the kitchen to get a kitchen knife and went into the house according to his instructions. Lin Yue took it in his hand, picked up a sugarcane, and scrubbed it a few times until only the sweet core in the middle remained.

"Brother, did you practice?"

If he was a sugarcane seller, it would be normal to have this ability to peel sugarcane. The key is that he is a TV reporter, and his skill with knives is too slippery.

Naturally, she would not know that if a person who has mastered Ba Zhan Dao and Yuanyang Yue can cut sugar cane with a kitchen knife, if he can't do any tricks, he might just find a piece of tofu and kill him head-on.

Lin Yue didn't answer, but asked casually, "Where is the second strong?"

"Second brother...Second brother was kicked out of the yard by third sister. It's been two days, and I don't know where he went." Qiao Simei felt that there was no need to hide the fact that Qiao Sanli and Qiao Erqiang were against each other, and she thought that elder brother Conditions will definitely be created to help those two people reconcile.

Where did Qiao Erqiang go?

In fact, Lin Yue knew where he was. He went to cooking school during the day and slept in Ma Suqin's tofu shop at night.

Qiao Zu looked forward to hating him for associating with the old woman and for throwing away Qiao's family members.

Qiao Yicheng helped him like this, and he, for the sake of Ma Suqin's son, chose to let his elder brother stay in the cell for a few days. He would definitely feel guilty...Of course, guilt does not mean regret.

As for Qiao Sanli, she told him the address of Suxin Tofu Shop, and there was such a commotion. Last time because of Ma Suqin, Qiao’s house was smashed by Xiao Xianming, and he was beaten to the hospital. Now my eldest brother was arrested because of Ma Suqin.

Yes, the eldest brother came out soon, but he didn't help at all with this matter, it was useless.

What is he doing back here? Does he have the face to see Qiao Zuwang? Do you have the face to see Qiao Yicheng? Do you have the face to see Qiao Sanli?

"Sanli, go and move the quilts that have been dried on the roof into the house, I have something to say to Simei."

"Hey." Sanli nodded and left.

Over there, Qiao Simei was stunned for a moment, suddenly had a bad feeling in her heart, and forced a smile: "Brother, look at your serious face, what's the problem?"

"If you were asked to choose between me and Qi Chenggang, what would you do?"


She knew why her eldest brother had a serious expression on his face. It must have been hurt by Qiao Erqiang's choice, and she couldn't help thinking of her, because she was as persistent as Qiao Erqiang when it came to love.

"No, no, I had a phone call with Cheng Gang a few days ago, and he said he respects you very much. It's too late for us to please you. How could I make you angry."

Don't say that Lin Yue won't believe it, I'm afraid Qiao Simei has no idea.

In the TV series, didn't she just elope with the scum who was expelled from the army because of her lifestyle, and forced her family to write her blessings on postcards, otherwise she would not come back.

Lin Yue just smiled and said nothing.

Qiao Simei said: "Brother, do you not believe my words?"

"Go, bring the sugarcane to your third sister." Lin Yue stuffed the freshly peeled sugarcane into her hand, stood up and said, "I have something to do at night, so I won't eat at home. Qiao Zuwang will tell him when he comes back." Be honest recently, the Municipal Bureau is planning a special action against crowd gambling."

"Ah? Let's go now." Qiao Simei thought he was going to have dinner at home.

Lin Yue didn't answer, picked up the briefcase and walked outside.

Qiao Simei sent the man to the door, watched his figure disappear around the corner, and then walked back holding the cut sugar cane.

As soon as he entered the main room, he saw Qiao Sanli standing at the door of the east room.

"What did brother tell you?"

Qiao Simi did not answer this question.

"By the way, this is the sugar cane that elder brother peeled for you." She handed over the things in her hand again.

The sugarcane skin has been peeled off, leaving only the white sweet core inside.

Qiao Sanli remembered that when she was sick and went to the health center when she was a child, Qiao Yicheng picked up a piece of sugar cane on the side of the road when she was sick and went home after getting water. It should be because it was close to the root, and the quality was not good.

When he got home, he gnawed off the black skin bit by bit with his teeth, divided the sweet core inside into small pieces, and used them to coax her to take medicine—the medicine is bitter, but the sugar cane is sweet, just swallow the medicine honestly. Being able to eat sweet sugarcane was of great attraction and comfort to her when she was a child.

"Brother... is gone?"

"Let's go."

"Why don't you keep him at home for dinner?"

"He said he had something to do tonight."

Qiao Sanli didn't speak any more, but gave her a hard look, and turned back to the house with the peeled sugar cane.

Qiao Simei was puzzled by her behavior, and murmured softly, "I won't tell you. I'm already annoyed by being told by my elder brother, and I'll be nagged by you when I go to bed at night? I'll just find a piece of tofu and kill me."

From the word tofu, she thought of Qiao Erqiang.

Since Master is right in everything and you are wrong, and since you are wrong, try to remedy it, but do nothing.

She was almost annoyed to death by Qiao Erqiang.


half year later.

Nanjing TV Station.

Song Qingyuan caught up with Lin Yue while straightening the collar of his coat.

"Hey, the Canon 100QD you brought back a few days ago, I took it to the Municipal Education Bureau's commendation meeting for outstanding teachers yesterday. If you can’t make this thing, you have to ask someone to bring it back from abroad.”

"As long as you uphold the spirit of seeking truth and being pragmatic, your dreams will come true one day." Lin Yue patted him on the back and turned into the corridor on the left.

"By the way, Qiao Yicheng, you haven't told me how much it is yet."

"I don't want your money anymore."

Song Qingyuan said solemnly: "How can it be done, such a precious thing."

Lin Yue said: "Isn't it your birthday in another week? Just treat it as my birthday present to you."

"You remember this? It's really my kindness..."


At this time, a female voice from the front interrupted the communication between the two of them. Lin Yue looked up and found that it was Qiao Simei.

"Hey, why did you come to the TV station?"

"Brother..." She glanced at Song Qingyuan, but hesitated to speak.

"You brothers and sisters talk, I'll go to the back and drive."

Song Qingyuan bid farewell tactfully and left.

Lin Yue greeted from behind: "It's 8:30 in the evening, don't forget."

"Don't worry, I won't forget."

The guy didn't turn his head back, he just raised his hand and waved to show that he didn't forget the business.

"Tell me, what's the matter?" He turned to look at Qiao Simei.

"Brother, let's go home for dinner tonight, you haven't been back to the old house for dinner for more than two months."

"That's it? I thought something big happened. Just make a phone call, and you need to go there yourself."

Qiao Simei stared at him, calling? It's not that I haven't called before, is it useful to call? Every time I say it depends on the situation, and the result of the situation is that I have to go to the field temporarily, or there are urgent drafts that need to be processed, or I will be recruited by the studio and the art department to help them.

"Brother, tell me, are you avoiding me? Are you dissatisfied with my answer?"

Lin Yue was indeed hiding from people, but not from her.

"It's really busy during this time. You heard what I said to Song Qingyuan just now. I still have to work outside at 8:30 in the evening."

Qiao Simei said: "Then tomorrow, what about tomorrow night?"

"Then who knows, I'm not a god, I can pinch and count."

"Excuses are all excuses."

Qiao Simei stomped her feet and said anxiously with a pale face: "If you don't go back to take care of Dad, my third sister and I will sleep on the street."

Lin Yue frowned: "What happened?"

"It's not Qiao Zuwang." Speaking of this, she was so angry that she didn't even call "Dad": "These days, he invites a group of people to play mahjong at home every day, and they play for ten or twenty hours. Not to mention the smoky atmosphere, and sometimes let them live in the east room and sleep on the second brother's bed, and the third sister and I... don't mention how inconvenient it is."

Lin Yue said: "Either you say that you will not go to the Three Treasures Hall if you have nothing to do, you are asking me to vent your anger for you."

He shook his head and said something that made Qiao Simei vomit blood: "It doesn't matter, I can't control it."

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