Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1337 Brothers should go in and have to go in

"Brother... I know that what happened to the second brother made you very sad, but the ones who are affected now are me and the third sister." Qiao Simei pouted her lips with a look of grievance.

At this moment, a shadow fell into her arms.

Qiao Simi subconsciously picked it up with her hand, and after a closer look, she found that it was a key.

"Brother, what is this?"

"Baibupo Community, Room 201, Unit 2, Building 3."

Lin Yue left these words and walked towards the front door.

Qiao Simei read the address silently, and suddenly remembered that a colleague mentioned a few days ago that there was a new community opened on the other side of the Drum Tower. key.

"Big Brother, Big Brother..." She quickly caught up, holding up the key in her hand and said, "Big Brother, how did you get this key?"

"You asked that, the house is mine, how did you get the key?"

"The house is yours?" Qiao Simi was taken aback: "Did you buy a house?"


He said it lightly and naturally, but Qiao Simi was the complete opposite, feeling like he ate a melon the size of Jinling Hotel.

How much is the level of the newly built community in the past two years? A good location is basically more than 1,000 yuan. Even if Qiao Yicheng is a TV reporter, his monthly salary can’t buy a square meter. If the daily expenses are removed, can he buy half a square meter?

"Don't you know that Industrial and Commercial Bank of China launched a business called housing loans?"

"A loan to buy a house?"

Lin Yue was not surprised by Qiao Simei's reaction. After the reform and opening up, banks issued interest-free loans to some businessmen to do business. Many people still had concerns and dared not accept it. The working class must agree to the operation of buying a house with a loan , It cannot be done in a short while.

Lin Yue said: "The sooner you buy with a loan, the more cost-effective it will be."


"Didn't you keep calling me old-fashioned? What's wrong now? Can't you accept this?"

"That's different."

Lin Yue smiled and stopped a taxi without arguing with her, told the driver the address of Qiao's old house, and stuffed Qiao Simei into the car.

"Brother, my third sister and I will live in the past, what about you?"

"I haven't returned the one-bedroom and one-living room I rented before."


Looking at her back in the rearview mirror, Qiao Simei always felt that after Qiao Erqiang's incident, the eldest brother in her memory disappeared.


At 8:15 that night.

Hearing the horn of the Toyota, Lin Yue came to the street with a thick coat.

"What kind of horn do you honk at night? It's called disturbing the people. Do you understand?"

Song Qingyuan was full of disdain: "If I don't honk, God knows how long I'll have to wait here."

"Okay, okay, don't be wronged."

Lin Yue gave him an address: "Pingju Village."

Song Qingyuan's face changed slightly when he heard it: "Hey, it's far enough, what are you doing there?"

Lin Yue glared at him: "It's not far away, do I need to ask you to drive here?"

"Okay, I won't be stubborn with you."

He had long been used to Qiao Yicheng's eccentricity, so he stopped asking why and started the car engine to drive east.

Twenty minutes later, they arrived at their destination, and under Lin Yue's command, they stopped at the open space in front of a certain unit building.

"Then what?"


"Waiting for what?"


"Here again." Song Qingyuan said: "I said buddy, can you speak clearly before you pull my strong man in the future."

Lin Yue glanced at him, but didn't speak.

"Looks like another long wait."

After complaining, he put the seat back, put his arms around his chest, and leaned back as much as possible, as if he was going to sleep in the car.

The two of them did a lot of things like making unannounced visits, just like he complained to Xiang Beibei and Xiang Nan's brother and sister. As a reporter, he worked as a policeman. This Qiao Yicheng is a pervert, and he doesn't know where he came from. The clues found, anyway, come and go every now and then.

But this time was different from before, about five minutes later, the man in the co-pilot suddenly straightened up, as if he had found suspicious signs. Song Qingyuan quickly got up and followed his gaze.

Then, he saw two people.

A man and a woman, depending on their age... eighteen? That's fifteen or sixteen years old.

They were holding hands under the streetlight, talking and laughing while walking, but the boy looked a little shy, it was basically the girl talking.

As for the appearance, because the light of the street lamps is relatively dim, I can't see clearly.

"Qiao Yicheng, what's wrong with you?" Song Qingyuan looked and looked, and finally determined that Qiao Yicheng's target was the two teenagers who had just walked past.

"Hey... hey... don't be stupid, you called me here at night, it's not because of them, this is puppy love at most. Could it want to have a date..."

"What are you thinking?" Lin Yue looked back: "The boy just now is my fifth brother."

"Fifth brother?" Song Qingyuan has been to Qiao's old house and knows the composition of Qiao Yi's family: "Don't you just have one brother and two sisters? Why is there another fifth brother?"

Lin Yue explained: "The boy who passed by just now was named Qiao Qiqi. My mother passed away when she gave birth to someone else. You know what kind of character Qiao Zuwang is. You don't care about the first four, let alone the one who was just born. , Later, it was my second aunt who took Qiqi to Qi's family and brought up the child."

"So that's how it is."

Song Qingyuan suddenly realized, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart that the situation of Qiao's family is really complicated.

"Then you asked me to drive here just to catch his puppy love? I said Qiao Yicheng, as for what? A fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy, just at this... ah, the age of first love, besides, your brother is also quite handsome, It's not that the girl likes him very much..."

He babbled endlessly here, while Lin Yue pushed open the car door and walked out.

"Hey, why did you go down?"

Song Qingyuan also pushed open the driver's door and walked out. He was really afraid that Qiao Yicheng's seriousness would show up, so he ran to the house to catch... er, puppy love.

In this kind of matter, he still advocates education as the main priority. After all, they all came from the rebellious period, and if the management is too strict, there will be problems.

To his surprise, Qiao Yicheng did not enter the unit building, but walked to a small shop next to it that sells tobacco, alcohol, candy and other non-staple food, knocked on the window, stared at the TV inside, and couldn't even look at it. The old man looking at the customer said, "Come to Hexuefeng."

The old man was still staring at the black and white TV on the opposite side, reached out to the shelf, and took out a pack of Xuefeng cigarettes from the cigarette storage area with great precision and threw it over: "6 cents."

It turned out to be buying cigarettes.

Song Qingyuan breathed a sigh of relief.

But at this moment, Lin Yue asked, "Can I make calls?"


After getting an affirmative answer, he directly picked up the phone, dialed a few numbers and put it to his ear: "Hello, is this the police station? I want to Minors spreading bad videos."

The old man, who was engrossed in watching TV, took off his glasses and gave him a look.

Song Qingyuan's mind was blank, and it took him a while to come back to his senses: "Are you crazy?"


Twenty minutes later, two teenagers, a man and a woman, followed the policemen out of the corridor and got into the police car next to them.

"Qiao Yicheng, I really convinced you. As for being so arrogant, you actually reported your own brother."

"I'm not reporting Qiqi, I'm reporting Yang Lingzi."


Song Qingyuan almost threw away the half-eaten instant noodle cake.

"This is not my second aunt's home, this is Yang Lingzi's home." Lin Yue threw the cigarette butt on the ground, wiped it out with his foot, and got into the co-pilot of the Toyota car: "Drive, go to the police station."

Song Qingyuan remained indifferent.

"What are you doing in a daze, let's go!"


He didn't react until he was reminded, and hurried to drive to the owner of the Toyota.

Is this Yang Lingzi's home? It means that this girl took Qiao Qiqi to watch an indecent video, this... this is too...

He didn't know whether to say it was incredible or sensational.

A little girl is pulling a boy to look at that, what does she want to do?

Fifteen minutes later, Lin Yue saw the policeman on duty at the police station. He first inquired about Qiao Qiqi's situation, and then was led to an empty room to wait.

After all, they are minors, and they mainly focus on criticism and education. There will be no real punishment, but it is inevitable to call parents.

As for Qiao Qiqi, Qi Weimin has gone to the countryside and Chang Xingyu has gone abroad, but Qiao Yicheng is here, so naturally there is no need to notify Qiao Zuwang.

On Yang Lingzi's side, her father was out of town, and her mother was helping her sister to organize her daughter's wedding things. After receiving a call from the police, she didn't dare to neglect her. She came to the police station immediately and saw Lin Yue and Song in the lounge. Qingyuan.

"Hey, there are quite a few people here." Lin Yue recognized at a glance that the mean woman who chased Ma Yulin's house and beat Qiao Qiqi in the TV series was Yang Lingzi's second aunt.

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