Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1351 If you dare to punch, you will be destroyed

In the future, let her resign and stay at home to focus on husband and child?

No, no, this will destroy Xiang Nan's temperament.

Then immigrate overseas and start a company as a proprietress?

This matter is not easy to handle, at least Xiang Nanfang's father will be sad.


Amidst such wild thoughts, the Toyota stopped in the compound, Song Qingyuan greeted him, and walked inside with the equipment.

The two walked along the sign hanging at the door, and finally stopped in the room at the end of the corridor.

The door was open, no one was inside.

A staff member came out diagonally, and after understanding the purpose of the two, he let them into the office and told them that Minister Xiang was in a meeting and had to wait for a while.

Song Qingyuan put the camera in place, and used the toilet as an excuse to leave the room.

To the restroom?

Lin Yue knew exactly what this guy was up to. During this episode in the TV series, Qiao Yicheng's clothes were torn because of a fight with his colleagues. Song Qingyuan gave him his leather jacket to wear, and made a gesture when he arrived at the destination. Looking dissatisfied with his outfit, he went to the bathroom to tidy up.

You must know that he is very familiar with Xiang Nanfang, and he is so familiar that he has no idea about the relationship. As long as he is not unkempt and disheveled, does he need to dress himself up?

So the answer can only be that he wanted to create a chance for the two of them to be alone, and intentionally matched Qiao Yicheng and Xiang Nanfang.

It's the same here, because they are the best partners, and the last time Liu Xiaomeng asked Song Qingyuan to have a meal, he revealed the news that Ye Xiaolang found a new boyfriend and opened a trading company from Shenzhen. Nanjing poured out electronic products and made a lot of money.

Song Qingyuan knew that Liu Xiaomeng was trying to squeeze him out on purpose, but he still felt a little uncomfortable. He urged Lin Yue to find a girlfriend who was better than Ye Xiaolang, and next time he took him out to open Liu Xiaomeng's eyes and kill her spirit. . In the end, Lin Yue was unmoved, or he would run on him and introduce himself a better girlfriend than Ye Xiaolang.

Now, here's your chance.


Song Qingyuan left with his front foot, and a woman walked in with his back foot.

Lin Yue got up from the sofa and looked over with a smile.

A pair of big eyes that can talk, a capable and decent lady's suit, and a bookish and intellectual beauty that rushes to her face.

That's right, it's Xiang Nan.

He knew her, she didn't know him.

"Who are you……"

"You must be Minister Xiang. I'm Qiao Yicheng from the news department of the TV station. We talked on the phone before."

"Oh, yes, I remembered, hello."


Xiang Nan stretched out his hand and shook Lin Yue's hand.

At this time, a vague fragrance floated over, and she couldn't help but feel flustered.

Because of work reasons, Xiang Nanfang doesn't like men wearing perfume. She always feels that she is not calm enough, but for some reason, the man in front of her has a surprisingly good impression on her. Without losing luxury and connotation, there is also a refreshing fragrance.

She couldn't help but look a few more times.

"Minister Xiang, Minister Xiang? What's wrong with you? Is there something uncomfortable?"

Lin Yue was very satisfied with her performance. The combination of [Teacher Killer] and [Super Sweat Gland], not to mention that normal women are hard to resist, even if he is facing lesbians, he has the confidence to make her heart beat.

"Uh, no, it's fine."

Xiang Nan smiled awkwardly, quickly put away those non-work-related thoughts, went behind the desk and sat down.

"It's getting late, let's get started."


Lin Yue walked to the chair opposite her and sat down, starting to interview work.

"Now the overall environment continues to improve. The Qixia District Education Bureau has cooperated with us, as well as the hard work and persistence of the children in the art troupe. Thanks to these, we have achieved the current results. I feel very proud, but I My job is to put forward opinions and grasp the direction of the overall situation, so only by abandoning the old-fashioned thinking and constantly improving my knowledge level and vision can we create a new situation.”

"You mean, only by managing yourself well and not being out of touch with the times can you spur and guide others?"

"The most important thing is to have the courage to accept new things. Speaking of which... we are also half colleagues. You journalists are also constantly guiding others, aren't you?"

"Yes, but I think that as a reporter, what you need most is courage."

"I agree with your point of view, and I also know that you reported the far-reaching fund-raising case last year, as well as the documentary on the living conditions of those international losers on the K3/K4 train. After hearing that it was broadcast on the provincial TV station, it immediately attracted attention. Attracted the attention of the railway department and carried out a special crackdown on criminals. Now the security situation on the train has improved significantly. Doing these things requires extraordinary courage and courage. By the way, reject the CCTV throw The olive branch needs them too."

Lin Yue's eyes widened suddenly, and the surprise visible to the naked eye spread across his face.

"How did you know?"

Xiang Nan smiled and did not answer the question.

Thinking about it with my ass, I know that it was Song Qingyuan who told her that there was no such part in the TV series because the relationship between Qiao Yicheng and Song Qingyuan was not as strong as it is here, and I even gave up the chance to enter CCTV because of him. It's only natural that the boy wants to match himself and Xiang Nanfang, and speak well of himself in front of her.

"Minister Xiang, we seem to be digressing."

Lin Yue smiled helplessly, and turned the topic back: "Young and promising female cadres like you are really rare."

Xiang Nanfang stared into his eyes and said, "It's like when you face the children in the art troupe, you can't completely treat them as children. In our work, we should open our minds so that we don't stick to Male cadres and female cadres are already labeled, aren’t they?”

Lin Yue froze for a moment: "Do you want to hear the truth or lies?"

Xiang Nanfang was also taken aback: "How can I tell lies, and how can I tell the truth?"

"I'm sorry for lying. I just said something imprecise. I hope you don't mind. The truth is that I deliberately pursue equality until the end and it will only mislead others and myself."


Xiang Nanfang was surprised, because what he said was quite serious.

Lin Yue said: "Women have the advantages of women. They are better than men in terms of affinity, control of details, and feeling each other's emotions. In the same way, men are better than women in terms of stress resistance, courage, and professionalism. This is innate. As a result of the dual effects of the day after tomorrow, if you ignore the differences and try to pursue equality, you will go too far and get twice the result with half the effort. To give the simplest example, if truck drivers engaged in transportation do not consider their professional characteristics, they hire a large number of female drivers to blindly pursue the so-called Equality between men and women is deeply irresponsible both to the drivers themselves and to those involved in the transportation system."

Xiang Nan knew what he wanted to express, and felt that what he said was indeed very reasonable, and there was no reason to refute it.

Lin Yuexin said that she is really the same as the characters in the TV series, she is an out-and-out strong woman, and she is more aggressive when dealing with herself. This may have something to do with Song Qingyuan always praising her excellence in front of her.

boom boom boom~

At this moment, a knock on the door from behind interrupted the conversation between the two.

"Hahahaha, the two of you chatted very vigorously."

Song Qingyuan walked in with a hearty laugh.

Xiang Nan glanced up, pretending to blame: "Lao Song, we are talking about work."

"It's about work, it's about work. How about it? Is our reporter Qiao's thinking different from ordinary people?" Song Qingyuan was very proud, because he could see that Xiang Nanfang, a guy who was talking in front of him all day long, was deflated. Quench your thirst with an ice-cold Coke.

"Old Song?" Lin Yue pointed to him, and then pointed to Xiang Nanfang who was sitting across from him, "with a puzzled look on his face."

Song Qingyuan patted the camera, and said cheerfully: "Oh, they are all from our own family. As for Minister Xiang, he is my younger brother."

"Ah? Why didn't you say it earlier?"


"Really forgot or fake? Did you do it on purpose?"

"I really forgot."

Xiang Nanfang interjected, "Old Song, it's exactly what you said."

She glanced at Lin Yue when she said this.

Song Qingyuan blinked and raised his eyebrows: "Yes."

"Okay, you two talk about me behind my back." He pointed at the bad friend and said, "I said, why is Minister Xiang so clear about my affairs?"

"The conscience of heaven and earth." Song Qingyuan sternly swears: "I said good things about you in front of her. Is it the south? You have to testify to me."

Xiang Nan thought about it: "Is there?"

"I said, sister, don't betray me at the critical moment. If this guy is unhappy, what will he do if he sends me to the bureau?"

Xiang Nanfang chuckled.

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