Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1352 Don't Come Over


Lin Yue worked overtime at the TV station for half a day, and was dragged by Song Qingyuan to KFC to eat a children's meal. Afterwards, this guy left with a gifted toy. He called a taxi back and bought it from the landlord. One bedroom and one living room.

He came to the second floor through the stairs, and when he was walking in the corridor, he heard a movement in the room, he unlocked the door with the key and walked into the room, followed the sound, and saw Qiao Sanli sitting on the ponytail, using Hands rubbing and washing the white shirt that was changed yesterday on the washboard.

"Sanli, why are you here?"

"Brother, you are back, are you tired from work?"

She hadn't come here since she saw him making out with Sun Xiaomo more than a year ago, and now she knew why those married people tried their best to move to their own houses, because living with the elderly and brothers and sisters, If you do something... embarrassing.

Today, she actually appeared here again.


"Oh, isn't the season changing again? I'm fine today, so I just wanted to come over to see if there are any clothes that need to be washed." She soaked the cuffs of her shirt in the water, and took them to the washboard when she was done. Rub it up and down, and said without raising your head.

Lin Yue didn't take off his coat in a hurry. He frowned and said, "It's just getting warmer, and it's not summer yet. Why do you wash it with your hands when you don't have a washing machine?"

Qiao Sanli said: "The washing machine is not as clean as washing by hand."

"Okay, don't wash this one after washing." Lin Yue walked over and rolled up the unfinished clothes and threw them into the washing machine.

"I'm fine." She took out the dirty clothes he threw into the drum again: "The water is warm, it doesn't matter."

"Qiao Sanli..."

"Brother, I know you love me, but I'm fine."


That's right, Qiao Sanli is also a bull when she is stubborn, the kind that can't be pulled back when it hits the south wall.

Thinking about the days when I was a child, seeing her insisting on hand washing, I could only let it go, "That's fine, by the way, have you eaten yet?"

Qiao Sanli shook her head.

"Wait." He left the bathroom, took off his coat and hung it on the hanger, and turned his head into the kitchen.


Not long after, the sound of quickly chopping vegetables sounded from the kitchen.

Qiao Sanli glanced at the opposite side across the wall, raised her arms to wipe off the thin sweat on her forehead, and continued to rub the clothes.

Ten minutes later, accompanied by a strong smell of soy sauce, Lin Yue came out of the kitchen with a bowl of noodles, flushed the bathroom and shouted: "Eat the noodles first, then wash them, they won't taste good if they get cold."


She agreed, shook off the water stains on her hands, walked out with a towel, saw the bowl on the coffee table, and the thinly sliced ​​sauced beef and yellow orange orange beans in the bowl, suddenly moved her index finger, sat down and grabbed Pick up the chopsticks and put the rice in your mouth, eating a mouthful of meat and noodles is a joy.

"Slow down." Lin Yue couldn't stand it any longer. It wasn't when he scrambled an egg and had to lick off the crumbs on the shovel when he couldn't eat. Now that Old Qiao's house is in Shamao Lane, the condition doesn't matter. Top-notch, that is also the upper-middle level, with her current appearance, others would think that they abused her, and she has been hungry for several days.

"Brother, I found that your cooking is better than that of the second brother."

"How long has it been since you saw Qiao Erqiang?"

"It's been half a year. I haven't been to Baibupo since I quarreled with my father."

Lin Yue knew about this, Qiao Erqiang had been in arrears with Qiao Zuwang's living expenses for half a year, because he spent all the money on raising Ma Suqin's family of three. Of course, the biggest hole was Xiao Xianming, with such a desperado and rotten gambler at the stall, how could the profits of the tofu shop and the little money Qiao Erqiang earned from working in the hotel be enough.

For this matter, Qiao Erqiang approached Qiao Zuwang. Firstly, he wanted his father to be sympathetic to his son and exempt or reduce the living expenses in the future; secondly, he was going to leave Nanjing with Ma Suqin and his mother to live in another city to avoid Xiao Xianming. Seek advice from elders.

Who does Qiao Zu look forward to? He is good-faced and greedy for money, when he heard this, he was furious, and scolded his head and face, which meant that Qiao Erqiang was determined to give up her father for an old woman. What a white-eyed wolf. When mother gave birth to him, she strangled the unfilial son to death, and then she pointed the finger at Ma Suqin, from shameless to bitch and slut, anyway, she scolded him very badly.

Qiao Erqiang, whoever you are, you can scold me or beat me, but if you want to speak ill of Master, absolutely not!

After the two had a big fight, they broke up completely. Qiao Erqiang stopped coming to the house, and Qiao Zuwang scolded his second son for being unfilial every day.

Well, Lin Yue sympathized with the old guy.

It is said that Qiao Erqiang is honest, so it depends on whether Ma Suqin is involved. In the TV series, Qiao Simei gave him the Walkman with Ma Suqin. Later, he insisted on divorcing Sun Xiaomo. After Qiao Zuwang knew that this guy got in touch with that old woman again He was furious and wanted to drive him out of the old house so as not to embarrass Qiao's family. What did Qiao Erqiang say? I won't leave, and said that the house is half of his mother's house, and he doesn't even think about whether his mother will die if he knows that he is with an old woman and helps other people raise children. Given a choice between Ma Suqin and Qiao's family, he would choose the former without hesitation.

Qiao Zu wanted to be a scumbag, let's be a scumbag, no matter how scumbag he was, he never did such a thing as completely abandoning his children and fooling around with other women, so he couldn't understand Qiao Erqiang's mood at all. It's no wonder that two people like this don't tear each other up when they talk.

"Brother, what kind of noodle is this?" Qiao Sanli didn't want to discuss too much about Qiao Erqiang's falling out with her father, because every time the elder brother talked about it, he would feel upset, and there was a high probability that he would contact Qiao Simei. , Needless to say, I must be more angry.

Lin Yue said: "Oh, I bought two catties of beef tendon the day before yesterday and made some sauced beef. I happened to still have some spicy peppers and soybeans in the refrigerator, so I made you a bowl of Chongqing noodles on the spur of the moment."

"It's... very troublesome to do this." She picked out the noodles in the bowl and said with her head down.

Or it's a woman with a delicate mind. Although the noodles are delicious, she cares more about the cost he paid for this matter. At first glance, this kind of noodles is more complicated than tomato egg noodles, soy pot noodles, and clear soup noodles. Qiao Yicheng is not a professional chef, so only those he likes can enjoy this kind of courtesy. Qiao Simei and Qiao Erqiang are Without this kind of treatment, she and Qiao Qiqi are the only ones left in Qiao's family who can make big brother so caring.

Lin Yue nodded and said, "It's more troublesome than ordinary noodles."

"Brother, thank you."

"Thank you, didn't you also help me wash my clothes and tidy my bedding? By the way..." Lin Yue changed his voice: "You came here this time just to wash my clothes, right?"

Qiao Sanli said: "I heard you had a fight with your cousin?"

"It was Chang Xingyu who told you."

"Yes, she told me about the situation at that time. In fact, my cousin was also concerned about it, and he didn't know the reason for the conflict between you and Simei and the second brother. I think if he knows the whole story, he will understand how you feel."

"So you came to be Chang Xingyu's lobbyist."

Qiao Sanli didn't deny it: "Sister Xingyu knows that you have good intentions, but Simei is too disappointing, she... is very sad."

"What about you?" Lin Yue said, "Will you disappoint me?"

One sentence stunned her.

Qiao Erqiang fell in love with someone she shouldn't love, and Qiao Simei also fell in love with someone she shouldn't love. What about her? The same is true.

The eldest brother did many things to try to change the minds of those two people. He failed and was not rewarded.

What about her?

How should she answer? How can she answer?

Qiao Sanli was silent for a moment and said: "When Yiding comes back...I...let's try."

It still sounds a bit reluctant, but finally let go.

"Sometimes when I think about it, what my big brother did was really a failure."

"Brother, I know you are doing it for my own good, and I don't want to disappoint you, but I can't guarantee it." She slowly raised her head, looked into his eyes and said, "What happened when I was young... I went to the doctor, and he said it was a kind of mental illness. I didn’t want to delay Wang Yiding, and I also didn’t want to delay other people.”

She brought up the fact that she was almost violated by Li Heman when she was a child and caused a psychological barrier, and immediately suppressed Lin Yue's idea of ​​persuading her to take the initiative.

Saying a few more words is tantamount to sprinkling salt on Qiao Sanli's wounds, and pushing too quickly may be counterproductive.

Qiao Erqiang, Qiao Sanli, Qiao Simei, none of them made him worry.

The point is, for the second and fourth child, if you can give them a slap, how far can they go, can he let go of Qiao Sanli?

Next, Qiao Sanli said something that caught him off guard—"Brother, I went to find Sun Xiaomo after sweeping Mom's grave on Tomb-sweeping Day, and she... told me everything."

Thank you for the 10,000 starting coins rewarded with a knife and no umbrella on a rainy night, Lu Huana, the 1500 starting coins rewarded by Nanhu of Phoenix Mountain, the 500 starting coins rewarded when the mountain is not high, and the 300 starting coins rewarded by kasim_arx08.

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