Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1353 Don't let Lin run away

Lin Yue raised his heart and asked, "Sun Xiaomo...what did I tell you?"

"She told me all about it."

"Told you all?"

Lin Yue was a little nervous, not because he was afraid that Qiao's family would find out about the child, but because he felt that the current situation was already chaotic enough, and if Sun Xiaomo came out to make trouble again, he would have a headache.

"Yes, from Ye Xiaolang asking her mother to go to the TV station to trouble you, to you asking her to pretend to be your girlfriend."

"that's it?"

Qiao Sanli nodded.

Lin Yue breathed a sigh of relief and at the same time was puzzled, why didn't Sun Xiaomo tell Qiao Sanli about being pregnant with his child?

Looking back at her performance in front of Chen Junliang, it is easy to understand.

Sun Xiaomo grew up in a single-parent family and suffers from epilepsy. Low self-esteem is unavoidable, and people with low self-esteem have stronger self-esteem. Before facing him, she was very tough, but now it is Qiao Sanli. Will you give in? Using children to force Qiao's family to accept her?

Let's put it this way, Sun Xiaomo's cheapness is very complicated, while Qiao Erqiang and Qiao Simei's cheapness has no bottom line.

"Brother, do you know? Sun Xiaomo is pregnant."


Lin Yue pretended not to know.

Qiao Sanli said: "Well, it looks like it's about to give birth. I asked her who the baby belongs to, and she said it has nothing to do with me."

It's no wonder Lin Yuexin said it's okay, you are his aunt.

It seems that it's time to go to the cultural center to find Han Qian, at least ask her to send some money there. Although it is her personal insistence to insist on giving birth to the child, but if she really wants to leave it alone, he can't be ruthless and can't do it.

Just as he was thinking about something, he suddenly raised his head, and suddenly found that Qiao Sanli was looking at him with something wrong, as if he was suspicious.

The third child of the Qiao family is really smarter than the second, fourth, and fifth children.


a month later.

Nanjing TV Station.


The door of the director's office of the news department was closed, and Lin Yue and Song Qingyuan walked out.

"No, you really want to go to Beijing and join CCTV?"

"It's not me, it's us."


Song Qingyuan was speechless. Just now, Lao Wang called them to the office and told them good news.

CCTV is preparing to launch a comprehensive magazine column "Huaxia Time and Space", which is expected to be broadcast for one hour. The new program has a new structure, and the manpower will naturally need to be expanded. At this time, Director Sun remembered the name "Qiao Yicheng" and gave it to Nanjing TV Station again. He called and offered another olive branch, and this time he didn't want one person, but two people, Qiao Yicheng and Song Qingyuan.

CCTV Da Niu invited him twice, the treatment and the face are given, it's interesting enough.

Director Wang thought that Qiao Yicheng couldn't refuse this time.

He did not refuse, and agreed on the spot. On the contrary, Song Qingyuan is still in the fog and a little dizzy until now.

Lin Yue said, "Isn't your family from Beijing? How great it is to be transferred to CCTV now."

Yes, the vast majority of people are willing to work close to home, but Song Qingyuan belongs to a very small minority.

"It's not that you don't know, I came to work at Nanjing TV Station just to stay away from my dad. Why do you go back?"

He just shook his head.

Lin Yue said: "How old are you, and you still fear your father like a tiger? What's wrong with going back to Beijing to work? It would be good to rent a house outside. When my parents asked, they said that they had found a girlfriend and were busy dating. , I don’t have time to go home every day. I think they can’t hold you back in matters of marriage.”

"That's a way." Song Qingyuan nodded slightly, but soon hesitated again: "No."

"Where can't it work?"

"I have no money."


This is not a lie. Song Qingyuan likes photography. In this era, the cost of buying cameras, lenses, and peripherals is simply unaffordable for ordinary people, not to mention that he still has a hobby of collecting old cameras that can be called a waste of money.

"Okay, I'll help you pay for the rent."

"You said, this is what you said." Song Qingyuan took advantage of the expression: "Renting a house in Beijing is much more expensive than renting a house in Nanjing."

"Is it still up to you to say that?"

"Hey, that's not right." Song Qingyuan stopped suddenly, looked him up and down carefully: "Is this still that stingy Qiao Yicheng I knew?"

"When have I ever been stingy to you? I gave you that Canon 100QD, right? Did you treat you to KFC? And the Hennessy XO that a friend brought back from the south last time, I also gave you love, I Did you say anything?"

"That's because you asked for something from me." On this point, Song Qingyuan saw him clearly: "Tell me, what is the purpose of this bloodletting? No, it should be said, what the hell are you planning? "


Of course, Lin Yue couldn't tell him that she wanted to go out to avoid the limelight. Now she severed ties with Qiao Erqiang and Qiao Simei, and had a fight with Qi Weimin. On the one hand, Qiao Sanli wanted to mediate and improve the relationship between the two parties. On the one hand, he was suspicious of the child in Sun Xiaomo's stomach, and if he stayed in Nanjing, there might be a big thunderstorm one day, and he would be burnt on the outside and tender on the inside, so he simply took advantage of this opportunity of CCTV dignitaries to go Let's go to work in Beijing, not only to complete the bet with Qi Weimin, but also to cool down the conflict between the two juniors of Qiao Qi and put out the fire.

Song Qingyuan glanced at the scenery outside the window, stopped suddenly, and said seriously: "Qiao Yicheng, I think you should have seen it, I really hope you are with the south, if you go to work in Beijing now, to be honest, I'm worried You miss each other."

Lin Yue also said sternly: "Song Qingyuan, let me tell you the truth. In fact, I have asked someone to find out about the situation of Xiang's family. I am a reporter from the News Department of Nanjing TV Station. If I associate with her in this capacity, others will definitely say that I am Gao Pan, now I have the opportunity to work in Beijing, when I become a CCTV reporter, I think there will be much less rumors like this."

"Are you worried that others will say that you want to join CCTV because you eat soft food?"


"I said Qiao Yicheng, you are too serious."

"It's not being serious, it's called taking it seriously."

"If you want to take it seriously, you don't have to go to this level, right?"

"What kind of background do you have? Of course you don't understand the pressure that children from ordinary families face. Marriage is a matter of thousands of years of marriage. It's not a joke. If I can't prove my excellence, don't say that I am from the south. Parents and her elder brother couldn’t get through that test. What’s more, the technology is so advanced now, you can make phone calls, send emails, and you can fly back to Nanjing in less than two hours from Beijing. Don’t worry, the distance is not a problem.”


Lin Yue patted his arm: "Okay, don't let it go, I have a way to make her believe that I am her true son."

"Really? What way? Let's hear it."

"That's a matter between the two of us, why tell an outsider like you."

"Am I now an outsider?"


three weeks later.

Ma Yulin's house.

"You said that Qiao Yicheng didn't discuss with anyone and just left. Does he still think of me as a father?"

When Qiao Zuwang talked about this incident, he was really angry. If Chang Xingyu hadn't called to tell them, the fathers would not have known that his son had been transferred to work in Beijing.

Wei Shufen said: "Isn't this a good thing? The child has entered CCTV. Speaking of which, you, Qiao Zuwang, have more face."

That's what she said, but everyone could hear the sourness in her words.

Qiao Yicheng and Qi Weimin loved to compete since they were young. Qiao Zuwang and Wei Shufen also liked to compare their children's academic performance. After they grew up, their focus shifted to their careers. Now Qiao Yicheng has gone quietly. In Beijing, from Wei Shufang's point of view, Qiao Zuwang brought Qiao Sanli to his home, and besides discussing things, he also wanted to show off.

"I said his second aunt, what do you mean by that? Or that I don't like to hear you talking, he just left without saying goodbye, and sent me away with a job transfer after calling. This is to cut off my father and son. What's the relationship? He went to Beijing, who will take care of me?"

Don't look at Qiao Zuwang's blubbering, angry face, in fact, he was very cowardly, Qiao Erqiang ran away with Ma Suqin, and the living expenses were not paid. After all, Qiao Sanli and Qiao Simi belonged to his daughter's family. When he finds the right person, he will marry. At that time, who cares about his life?

"Oh, Dad, didn't the elder brother say that? The living expenses will be paid, and the house in Baibupo will be returned to you. Why are you talking about this in front of the second aunt!" Qiao Sanli was very speechless. She felt that the two could not meet. Say a few more words and pinch them up.

"The question now is whether the elder brother's joining CCTV is a normal job transfer, or because of the relationship between the second brother and Simei."

"I think it's the latter." Qi Weimin said: "Qiao Yicheng left without saying goodbye. I am also responsible for this matter. I will call him tomorrow and ask him what he thinks."

"You, stop beating me, let me do it." Wei Shufang sighed: "I don't think he won't even give me the face of my second aunt."

Qiao Sanli and Qiao Zuwang came to Ma Yulin's house in order to let Wei Shufang persuade Qiao Yicheng not to end up like Qiao Erqiang in staying out of the house. Now that she agreed to come forward to solve the problem, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Lin Yue didn't know that Qiao and Qi's families were flying around, so he spent a few days familiarizing himself with the work here, and then came to the small red brick building in his memory with a slightly complicated mood.

In addition to what he told Song Qingyuan, he came to Beijing for another purpose - to see Wen Ju'an.

If I remember correctly, she lives in the two-story building in front of her.

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