one year later.


Song Qingyuan smiled and greeted the people passing by. Seeing Lin Yue walking up the stairs, he quickly leaned over and said in a low voice, "My dad asked you to come to my house for dinner today."

When Lin Yue heard this, he shook his head like a rattle: "I don't want to go."

Song Qingyuan twisted his arms with both hands: "If you don't want to go, you have to go."

Lin Yue said, "Are you trying to kidnap me?"

"At the beginning, you jumped up and down and dragged me to work in Beijing. What do you mean now? I'm scared."

"I really didn't expect your dad... Oh, anyway, I won't go again."

"That won't work." Song Qingyuan said: "If you dare not go, I'll tell Nanfang about your hooking up with the little girl."

"Song Qingyuan, you can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately. What's more, Xiang Nanfang and I are not in a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship. Why do you have to hang yourself on a tree like me?"

"Not going?"


"Okay, let me just say that we have been working overtime all day and night for a month, and we don't have time to come over for dinner. I'll ask the old man to talk to the director."

"Song Qingyuan, you are ruthless enough to think of such a bad move? I'll go, can't I go?"

Speaking of Song Qingyuan's father, Lin Yue was speechless. Ever since he went to their house for the first time, he saw the old man practicing calligraphy, and left a picture in his mind. Green, call him to eat at home every now and then, in the name of caring for the younger generation, but actually treat him as a free calligraphy and painting teacher.

Speaking of Song Qingyuan's father's purpose of learning calligraphy and painting is even more interesting. Others practice this not out of interest, but for self-cultivation and moral cultivation. The old man is good, just to show off among the group of retired old people.

"Brother, I'm sorry for you." Song Qingyuan patted him on the shoulder to show comfort, and stuffed a document into his arms when he was done.


"Don't you know if you look at it?"

Lin Yue opened it and took a look.

"Hot interview?"

"That's right, you and me." Song Qingyuan said: "Director Sun said, this is the highlight of the stage, and it was hard for us to win the opportunity."

Lin Yue said: "He really thinks highly of us."

"It's not about us, it's about you." At this time, a colleague from the local news department walked by, and Song Qingyuan greeted with a half-smile: "Who told you that you dare to say what others dare not say, and others don't?" You dare to interview what you dare to interview."

Lin Yue shrugged: "Okay, don't complain, doing things well is better than anything else."


In the blink of an eye, it was another half a year.

It's almost New Year's Day.

Strong winds from Siberia carried the cold air southward, and strong cooling weather occurred in most parts of the north.

Wen Ju'an got off the Audi car, tightened his generous down jacket, and ran a few steps to He Jiangsheng.

"Dad, you are back."

She was very happy, and counting the days, she hadn't seen him for three months.

He Jiangsheng didn't respond to her immediately, and shouted to the unloading workers below: "Be careful, don't bump into it, or break this thing, don't pay for it, you have no place to buy it if you have money."


"Oh, I heard it." He Jiangsheng was a little impatient: "You let me finish the work at hand first, and then we can talk, okay?"

Wen Ju'an was not angry, she was puzzled, it had been more than a year since she joined her father's company, and it was the first time she saw him so nervous about the following things.

"Dad, what is this? It's so important that you don't even care about me."

Seeing the workers finish loading and unloading the first batch of containers, He Jiangsheng pondered for a while, then took out a document from the briefcase under his armpit and handed it to her.

Wen Juanjie flipped through it in her hand, and found that she couldn’t understand it at all, only knew it was a bunch of metal bumps, and the explanations below were all in Russian characters, and occasionally saw some Chinese annotations, which were all professional terms that she couldn’t understand , What exhaust pipe, crankshaft, compressor, combustion chamber, all kinds of parameters composed of numbers and English.

"Dad, what do these... mean?"

He Jiangsheng said: "Actually, Dad doesn't understand the content very well."

Wen Ju'an was speechless: "You don't even understand yourself, so let me read it?"

"I didn't let you see this." He Jiangsheng turned the document to the end, pointed to the photo and said, "Did you see it?"

"Well, it's beautiful."

Wen Ju'an has seen many planes, on TV, in books, and in parks and museums, but none of the planes in his impression is more beautiful than the photos in front of him.

Pure white paint, streamlined body, elegant wingspan...

Wen Ju'an felt that this thing is not so much a weapon as a work of art.


She looked at the big plane in the photo, and then at the things brought into the warehouse, and felt that the gap was a bit big.

He Jiangsheng seemed to understand the doubts in her heart, and pulled her aside: "What are you thinking, it is not easy to transport these dismantled engine parts back."

"Isn't it just an engine part? It was demolished by someone else. It makes you nervous." Wen Ju'an disagreed.

He Jiang stomped his feet angrily: "You silly girl, do you know how much you can sell this thing for?"

"How much?"

He Jiangsheng went over with his ear and said a number.

Wen Ju'an was taken aback: "So many!"

"Not much, not much, who will do this business? This is the job of pinning your head to your trouser belt." He Jiangsheng muttered in a low voice, watching her and shaking his head. It's still about management, but the performance after entering the shipping company is really speechless. He can see that his daughter is not a material for doing business at all, and it's useless to force it—even though he himself is the same, if there is no Qiao Yi Cheng strategized and decided to win thousands of miles, and he was still drinking the northwest wind in Youfang Lane.

Wen Ju'an didn't hear his father's complaints, but was still thinking about the numbers above.

"Dad, you said that if the whole plane is brought back, don't generations of people need to worry about money?"

He Jiangsheng said: "Not to mention how difficult it is to transport the whole machine back under the eyes of everyone, even if it is shipped back..." At this point he stopped, shook his head and said: "Qiao Yicheng said that when doing business, do business, don't get involved with politics. Get involved."

Wen Ju'an couldn't understand the meaning of this sentence, but since Brother Yicheng said it, it must be right.

"By the way, Ju An, is your relationship with Yicheng... just getting closer?" From He Jiangsheng's standpoint, this is what he is most concerned about, because he knows this problem better than anyone else. How broad is the man with the title of "CCTV reporter" and how powerful is his ability.

He even doubted that the profession of CCTV reporter was a game for that person.

Wen Ju'an was a little embarrassed. If it was Wen Xue who asked this question, she would definitely not answer, but it would be different if it was her father. "It's still... like that."

"What does that look like? If you don't make it clear, how do I know how far you have developed?"

"It's... oh, dad... just a little more than friends, and a little less than lovers... lovers."

Wen Ju'an couldn't figure out why He Jiangsheng was so concerned about her relationship with Qiao Yicheng, and he had to ask every time he came back.

When He Jiangsheng heard that the relationship between the two of them hadn't made much progress, he suddenly became anxious: "Ji An, it's not that my father is strict with me. A man as good as Yicheng is really going to be missed. It will be a loss for you in your life, let alone without him , our father and daughter may not have a chance to meet again in this life, do you think you can't take the initiative?"

"Dad, I've already taken the initiative, okay?"

Speaking of this matter, Wen Ju'an was very wronged, every weekend she went to the TV station to find him, either to watch a movie, or to find delicious snacks hidden in the busy city, or let him drive her to the surrounding area to play. When it's raining, they both hold the same umbrella, and when they're tired from walking, they'll act coquettishly and let him carry it. But even though they're so close, Qiao Yicheng still refuses to publicly admit that she's his girlfriend.

He Jiangsheng frowned, thinking he had to find a chance to ask Qiao Yicheng, for the sake of his daughter's happiness, he would not hesitate to sacrifice his old face.


A week later, in the box on the second floor of Wu Yutai Tea House.

He Jiangsheng pushed a document over: "The turbofan engine has been delivered to Mr. Liu, and the money was credited yesterday."

Lin Yue picked up the document in front of him, flipped through it, lit it with a lighter, and threw it into the brazier beside him.

"Boss Liu also said that in the future, if you encounter unjustified matters in China, just call him."

Lin Yue smiled and pointed to the teacup on the table: "The jasmine tea in this store is good, try it."

He Jiangsheng didn't drink tea as he said, and said after pondering for a moment, "Yicheng, I have a question and I don't know whether I should ask it or not."

"What's the problem, tell me."

"What's your attitude towards Juan?"

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