Lin Yue didn't expect He Jiangsheng to be so straightforward. It seems that he worked hard for his daughter's marriage.

"Let's get along for a while longer, after all, it's been seven years."

He Jiangsheng did not accept his statement: "Yicheng, what are you struggling with? Or are there any concerns? When you found me back then, you were determined to find Ju'an."

Yes, he is uneducated, but it doesn't mean that he has lived like a dog at his age. He has seen a lot of things in society. He found that those couples who have been in love for several years rarely enter the marriage hall, which is normal. Under normal circumstances, you can get married after getting along for a year or two.

It has been more than a year since they came to Beijing to find Wen Ju'an, but the relationship between the two has not made a qualitative leap, which made him very anxious and afraid of boiled duck... No, the excellent son-in-law just disappeared, After all, there are so many beauties in Beijing and so many beauties in CCTV, compared to Wenjuan's conditions are not so good.

"Uh." Lin Yue said, "I've been traveling here and there in the past few years, and I've interviewed many people. Suddenly, I feel that Ju An and her mother are a little too much. I'm wondering if I can ease the conflict between the mother and daughter. When we are together, we can also get the blessings of the elders."

He Jiangsheng went up and down, stared at him for a long time from beginning to end, and shook his head: "Make it up, keep making it up."

If Qiao Yicheng cared so much about Wen Xue's thoughts, it would have been impossible for him to slap him so loudly and simply.

Also, a person who can play around in Eastern Europe and handle local gangsters and military leaders in Ukraine will suddenly become kind-hearted and long for blessings from others? Don't be kidding me.

"Oh." Lin Yue sighed heavily: "Okay, I'll tell the truth."

He unzipped his briefcase, took out a photo and handed it over.

He Jiangsheng took it in his hand and looked at it, his expression changed slightly, then he raised his head to look at Lin Yue, his expression changed again.

The one-year-old boy in the photo is very similar to his prospective son-in-law.

"This...he...who is it?"

"You guessed right." Lin Yue sighed again: "He is my son."

Guessing it is one thing, but hearing him admitting it is another. He Jiangsheng's face was ugly, and the hand holding the photo was trembling, thinking that he was really afraid of something.

"No wonder you have been unwilling to reveal your relationship with Ju An. It turns out that you... have been married a long time ago."

Lin Yue shook his head and smiled bitterly.

He Jiangsheng noticed the change in his expression, and his heart moved: "What? Is there something unspeakable?"

Lin Yue said: "When I was still working at Nanjing TV Station, I had a girlfriend, and we finally broke up because of emotional discord, but I didn't expect that she was pregnant and insisted on giving birth to the child. I still remember that I let Those two suites you bought in my name in Shanghai?"


"I intend to transfer them to the child's name in the future."

Now He Jiangsheng understood that Qiao Yicheng's knot was here.

It is impossible for any man with a sense of responsibility to harden his heart and ignore this kind of thing. Even if the relationship between the two parties is at odds, the woman in Nanjing can't hold back that she gave birth to a son for him. Faced with such a situation, can Qiao Yicheng have a good relationship with Wen Ju'an?

Of course it's impossible.

"Have you ever thought that she wants to blackmail you with the child?"

"No, we haven't been in touch for more than a year, and this photo was also sent to me by a friend of mine."

He Jiangsheng sighed, not knowing what to say.

"Okay, let things take their course." Lin Yue got up from the chair, took the briefcase and walked outside, saying, "Why don't you introduce a new boyfriend to Ju An."

He Jiangsheng didn't answer, he looked down at the tea in the cup and didn't know what he was thinking.


On the third day after the conversation between the two of them, Taili assigned Lin Yue and Song Qingyuan a mission to go abroad for interviews—to go to Geneva, Switzerland, to collect news materials on the establishment of the World Trade Organization. If you want to say why you chose him, the answer is very Simple, he not only knows several foreign languages, but also has a high level of understanding of Europe, which makes Song Qingyuan very speechless.

The two arrived in Switzerland by plane, and it didn't take long before they received a call from China.

It was Qiao Sanli who called and said that she had already arrived in Beijing. The textile factory she worked in closed down and was contracted by individuals. Many people were laid off. First, she was depressed because of unemployment. Having never been out of Nanjing, he planned to travel and relax. Considering that Beijing is the heart of the country, and he works for CCTV, he drove north to the capital. Unexpectedly, the people from the TV station said that he was not there, so he went abroad for an interview. Went there and gave her a phone number when it was done.

I still have to stay here in Geneva for a few more days, and I can't go back for a while, so Lin Yue called Wen Ju'an and asked her to help receive Qiao Sanli. Wen Ju'an agreed very happily and told him to stay outside. Work with peace of mind, and vowed to take Qiao Sanli to travel around Beijing, making her trip worthwhile.

Three days later, the interview came to an end, and the rest of the work was to edit the video materials and organize the text content. Song Qingyuan could handle the matter. Because he was concerned about Qiao Sanli, he boarded the flight back to China one day earlier than planned.

It happened to be nine o'clock in the morning when the plane arrived at the Capital International Airport. He pulled the trolley suitcase and came out of the safe passage. in the arms.

He looked down, it was Wen Ju'an.

"Brother Yicheng, you have been away for so many days, did you miss me when you were in Switzerland?" She raised her small face, looked at the chin with a fine stubble, and asked softly.

"Of course there is."

He patted her on the back comfortingly.

"I miss you too, every day."

At this moment, Wen Ju'an hugged him tightly like a coquettish kitten who had been separated from its owner for many days.

Lin Yue's gaze swept across the group of pick-ups outside, and she couldn't stand her enthusiasm: "Where's Sanli?"

Wen Ju'an said: "Oh, we didn't know you came back a day earlier. She drank too much during dinner last night and hasn't sobered up yet. I saw that she was sleeping deeply, so I didn't wake her up."

Lin Yue nodded, and turned his face towards the exit: "Let's go, we'll talk when we have something to say when we go back."


With a promise, she took his hand and walked outside.

More than half an hour later, the car stopped at the gate of a community.

The two went up to the second floor one after the other, Wen Ju'an opened the door, and a gust of hot air rushed in.

There is nothing more comforting than going from the freezing cold to the spring warmth of a heated room.

"Sanli, Sanli."

Lin Yue put the trolley case to the door and shouted towards the guest room.

He has been to Wen Ju'an's small house several times, and he is familiar with the layout inside. He took off his leather shoes and put on comfortable cotton slippers. Wen Ju'an has already taken off his down jacket and scarf, and only wears a close-fitting warm suit The underwear, because the size is too small, looks a little tight, which outlines her figure with a bulging front and back, with exquisite curves.

"She was drunk last night, and I couldn't carry it back alone, so I opened a room in the hotel where I was eating, and helped her to rest on it. Don't worry, it's on the east street of the community, only more than 300 meters away from here. , I went to see her before picking you up at the airport, she is fine, and it will be time for lunch in more than half an hour, I think she should wake up by then, let's go pick her up for dinner."

"You have worked hard these days."

She walked up to Lin Yue, looked him in the eyes and said, "Brother Yicheng, are you still so polite to me?"

Lin Yue smiled slightly and avoided her gaze. He always felt that Wen Ju'an's state today was a bit different from before, but he didn't care too much. After all, he had been gone for more than a week, and the time was not long or short. short.

"By the way, have you called your dad these two days?"

As he spoke, he took off his windbreaker and hung it on a hanger not far from the door. He turned around and prepared to go inside. At this moment, a pair of hands wrapped around his neck, and a warm-hearted man greeted him. kiss.


He lost the opportunity to speak just by calling out the name.

Thanks to Garfield Faner for the 1,500 starting coins, and Mao Lai Shiwen, a book friend with the tail number 0453, for the 100 starting coins.

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