Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1359 Ride on my beloved motorcycle

Who is Lin Haiwang? There is no reason not to eat the meat delivered to your door.

What about Qiao Yicheng? Wen Ju'an was his first love, and the one he loved the most when he was young.

As a sea king, he wants to lose his kidney. But from Qiao Yicheng's point of view, he wanted to distract himself. The conflict of ideas made him choose to stand still and never take the initiative to promote the relationship between two people. He did a lot of things between lovers, dating, watching movies, shopping, eating...all of these, but going to bed, reunion. Haven't had one in over years.

Now that Xiaobie is better than a newlywed, she takes the initiative to improve her relationship. Of course, Lin Yue has no reason to pretend to be a gentleman, not to mention that a gentleman has to eat sex, right?


The fire is just right, Mingjin withdraws troops here, and it's time to prepare lunch there.

The two of them took a shower together, and hugged each other at the door for a while, Wen Ju'an came down from upstairs holding his arm.

It's quite cold outside, so it's suitable to drive, but she insists on taking the 11th route. In her words, once her brother is driving, she can't hold his arm and smell the man on his body. And when they were close together, his chest was like a big tree, wide, thick, warm, and able to shield her from wind and rain.

In all fairness, Wen Ju'an is the most talkative among the women around Qiao Yicheng.

With Lin Yue's physique, he was naturally not afraid of the cold. Since Wen Ju'an liked it, he let her go.

The two walked on the street in winter, the hot breath from their mouths turned into billowing white mist, different from other people's hurried steps, Wen Ju'an's ears were red from the cold, but the smile on his lips was bright, like flowers blooming in the wrong season .

"Brother Yicheng, tell me... can I grow my hair?"


"Well... Comb it like when you first saw me."

She stood downstairs in the hotel, with her hands behind her back, waiting for the answer.

No, or "expect" is a more appropriate word.

Lin Yue said, "Okay."

She took his hand again and walked inside, but after a few steps forward, her expression changed again, she pouted and said, "Will people say that you are pretending to be tender?"

The elevator door opened and two people walked in.

"Is it still necessary to pretend to be tender? You are very tender."

Wen Juan originally wanted to discuss with him the corresponding relationship between the word age and tenderness, but recalling the tone of his words when he said this, he always felt something was wrong, until he understood the playfulness in his eyes, he suddenly realized, and suddenly Embarrassed and annoyed, his face turned red, and he raised his hand to hit someone.

Lin Yue grabbed her wrist and pulled her forward, the distance between them became zero.

At this moment, the elevator door opened, and Qiao Sanli appeared outside the car.


The word "brother" at the end was temporarily swallowed by her.

Wen Ju'an was frightened and quickly pushed him away. At this time, Lin Yue also found his sister in the elevator, and his expression was a little embarrassed.

Well, you said it was a big deal, he ran into it once with Sun Xiaomo in a fake show, this time with Wen Ju'an...and bumped into her again.

Qiao Sanli didn't know what to say on her face, and it was understandable to be human, but she just did this in the corridor. Is this still the steady elder brother?

Wen Ju'an fell into panic, lowered his head and said falteringly: "San... Sanli, I saw that you slept soundly this morning, I... I didn't wake you up."

"Heh...hehe...I said why there was no one there when I woke up. It's all because I slept too hard."

It's okay if she doesn't say anything, but this time, Qiao Sanli feels guilty again, the reason is very simple, she didn't catch up with the airport pick-up.

"Brother, I'm sorry, I wanted to pick you up at the airport with Ju An, but..."

Lin Yue shook his head, meaning he didn't blame her: "I heard from Ju An that you drank too much last night?"

"Yes, I didn't know that cocktail was particularly strong, so I drank a few more glasses." Qiao Sanli recalled the drinks she drank last night. She can't do it after eating. You know, she can drink two taels of white wine.

"How about it, are you still uncomfortable?"

"Just a little headache."

"Can we go out to eat then?"

"no problem."

"Okay, let's go, I booked a private room in Fengzeyuan, and his sea cucumber with green onion is the best in Beijing."

Next, go to the front desk to check out, then take a taxi to the dining place, and return to Lin Yue's residence at 1:30 in the afternoon. Qiao Sanli asked Wen Ju'an to go back first, saying that she had a few words to say to her elder brother.

After Wen Ju'an left, she neither visited reporter Qiao's home in Beijing, expressed her personal thoughts on decoration and space utilization, nor sat down to drink water to moisten her throat, but dropped a bomb at the beginning.

"Brother, is the boy Sun Xiaomo gave birth to yours?"

Lin Yue had long guessed that Qiao Sanli's purpose of coming to Beijing this time was not as simple as she said on the phone, because if she really went north to relax, she could call a few days in advance to make an appointment for a friendly time for both parties, but she No, when I came to Beijing, I went directly to the TV station to block people. Why did I do this?

The answer is simple, I'm afraid he will run away --- Qiao Simi got angry and got into a fight with Qi Weimin, he can go to Beijing to hide in peace, if he knew that she gave birth to him a son for Sun Xiaomo, he would go north , It's no wonder if you don't slip away with oil on your feet.

In fact, Qiao Sanli looked preoccupied when eating in Fengze Garden.


"Yes, yes, no, no, what is it?" Qiao Sanli said, "Do you know that Sun Xiaomo's mother went to find Baibupo. Fortunately, my father was not at home that day, otherwise I would definitely force you to go back and get married." .”

"Sun Xiaomo's mother went to Baibupo?"

Lin Yue thought it was Sun Xiaomo who told her about it, after all, her younger sister had doubts about it for a long time.

Qiao Sanli sighed, and told what she knew.

Before Lin Yue left Nanjing, he had made arrangements to ask Han Qian from the Cultural Center to take care of Sun Xiaomo, after all, it was inconvenient for a woman to bring a child. For more than a year, Han Qian has helped the Sun family a lot. Sun Liyun once passed by Xianlin and felt sorry, so she bought some supplements and planned to visit Han Qian's in-laws. As a result, when I came downstairs to the resident, I happened to meet Han Qian talking to a relative and friend, saying that she was going to see her godson, and then they chatted. The other party heard about Sun Xiaomo's situation and scolded the child's father as a scumbag. He knew the truth. Of course, Han Qian didn't want people to misunderstand Lin Yue, so she told that person that every time she went to Sun's house, the expensive supplements and toys she bought on the grounds of loving her godson were actually money from the child's father. They didn't marry Sun Xiaomo because they didn't love her, but they did a pretty good job with this child.

When Sun Liyun heard this, she suddenly became enlightened. No wonder Han Qian, an employee of the cultural center, can afford such expensive ingredients as sea cucumber, abalone, and bird's nest, and she speaks very brightly and is very generous. salary.

Although these things were all bought for the children, the actual situation is that many of them got into the mouths of the Sun family's mother and daughter.

The Qiao Yicheng in Han Qian's mouth is completely different from the Qiao Yicheng in Sun Xiaomo's. Sun Liyun felt that she had to talk to the father of the child, so she took her one-year-old grandson to Baibupo, and happened to meet Qiao Sanli After a conversation between the two, they found out that Qiao Yicheng had gone to CCTV, so they asked her to recognize this nephew.

It was against this background that Qiao Sanli came to Beijing.

"She wants you to marry Sun Xiaomo, and also said that if you hate her, you can meet as little as possible in the future."

Lin Yue shook his head: "You also know the situation between me and Sun Xiaomo, marriage is impossible."

Qiao Sanli thought that he deliberately found a temporary girlfriend to make up for it in order to stimulate her to associate with Wang Yiding, but the car overturned. Sun Xiaomo not only became pregnant, but also insisted on giving birth to the child regardless of his objection.

There is a saying that I do not kill Boren, but Boren died because of me. Even though she was not responsible for this matter, I still feel guilty and sad in my heart, thinking that if it is not because of her, the matter will not develop to such a field.

Lin Yue walked into the bedroom and came out about a minute later with a cassette.

"This is the recording of my negotiation with Sun Xiaomo. If her mother comes to you again, play it to her. As for the child, I recognize it, but marrying Sun impossible."

Qiao Sanli took the tape and sighed softly, her eyes were blurred and her heart was melancholy. In fact, seeing the state of him and Wen Ju'an, she knew this would be the result.

Lin Yue waved his hands, unwilling to talk about Sun Xiaomo's affairs: "Stop talking about her, how is Qiao Simei doing?"

"..." Qiao Sanli pondered, she didn't know if she didn't want to mention that person, or there was something hard to say.

Lin Yue said in a deep voice: "Tell me quickly, did she make some trouble again?"

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