Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1376 End of Volume - Qiao Erqiang (Two in One)

"Qiao Erqiang? Second brother?"

Qiao Qiqi thought she heard it wrong, since Qiao Erqiang and Ma Suqin left Nanjing, it has been seven or eight years since he left Nanjing, and he did not go home during the Chinese New Year. .

"Brother, could it be a scam call?"

Lin Yue was not happy because of Qiao Qiqi's prudence and growing maturity: "Hurry up, pack up your things and follow me to Jurong, Qiao Sanli and Qi Weimin have already passed."

Hearing that even Qiao Sanli and Qi Weimin had rushed over, Qiao Qiqi knew that something serious must have happened, so she didn't dare to neglect, and hurried to get her cell phone and car keys.

Qiao Sanli and Qi Weimin went to Jurong from Nanjing, Lin Yue and Qiao Qiqi set off from Shanghai, and it was already dark when they arrived at their destination.

The two got out of the car, walked into the office building of the police station, and saw Qiao Sanli waiting in the lobby from a distance.

"how's it going?"

Qiao Sanli shook her head: "My cousin went to inquire about the situation, and asked me to wait here."

"Where's Qiao Zuwang?"

"I was afraid that he might be in a hurry, so I didn't dare to tell him."

Lin Yuexin said that this might be a bit difficult. In the past few years, every Spring Festival, Qiao Zuwang would scold Qiao Erqiang in the yard. Slapping his ass and going away for seven or eight years, it doesn't matter if he doesn't go home, and he doesn't even make a phone call. It doesn't make much sense to have such a son.

Although Qiao Zuwang didn't take care of his five children since he was a child, but because of a woman who can abandon his parents and siblings, Lin Yue is no longer disappointed with Qiao Erqiang, but disgusted.

The reason why he rushed here after receiving a call from Qiao Sanli was more because the matter was too big for ordinary people to bear.

Qiao Erqiang killed someone.

That's what Qiao Sanli said on the phone.

Qiao Qiqi said, "Do you know which department Elder Brother is in?"

Qiao Sanli was about to answer this question when two people came out of the room on the left at the end of the corridor, one in police uniform and one in plain clothes, none other than Qi Weimin.

When he saw Lin Yue and Qiao Qiqi, his expression was a bit complicated, and he was embarrassed to pretend he didn't see it, so he could only pretend to be calm: "You guys are here."

Before Qiao Yicheng set a five-year term with him, now only three years have passed, and Qiao Qiqi's monthly income is more than his annual salary. As the person who is the chick under the wings, it is difficult to accept the fact that this young man who is only twenty-five years old has assets that he can't earn in his entire life, and he doesn't know how to deal with himself.

Qiao Qiqi was also a little embarrassed, she didn't know how to face him, so she just called out "Brother" weakly.

At this time, he was completely different from the young man who talked to the TV camera and described his business philosophy.

Qiao Sanli didn't care about the petty emotions of the two of them, she really wanted to know what Qiao Erqiang did.

"Cousin, second brother... What's going on?"

Qi Weimin glanced at the policeman: "Let him talk."

"It's like this. Qiao Erqiang came to the police station this morning to surrender, saying that he had killed someone, and hoped that we would arrest him. The bureau attached great importance to this matter and sent criminal investigators to his and Ma Suqin's home. Sure enough, they found him in the living room. A corpse. According to Ma Suqin, the deceased was her ex-husband Xiao Xianming who had been pestering her all the time. In order to avoid this man, she and Qiao Erqiang moved from Nanjing to Jurong City eight years ago to make a living. They opened a restaurant on Huayang Road. Ma Suqin’s son, Xiao Zhiyong, has a registered permanent residence in Nanjing, and he must go back to Nanjing to take the exam next year, so the two of them took their children back to Nanjing to go through the transfer procedures. Their whereabouts are unknown. The down-and-out Xiao Xianming found out, so he followed all the way to Jurong, knocked on the door at night to ask for money from the two, and took Xiao Zhiyong away if he refused to pay. Ma Suqin and Xiao Xianming got into an argument and were punched twice. Qiao Erqiang went up to help and suffered a lot. In a fit of anger, he went to the kitchen and picked up a kitchen knife for daily cooking and chopped him up. After calming down, he found that he was not breathing. After struggling all night, he came to The police station surrendered, and you all know what happened next."

When Qiao Sanli heard this, she swayed and nearly fell, but fortunately, Qiao Qiqi caught him with her quick eyes and hands.

Qi Weimin and Qiao Qiqi never got along with Qiao Erqiang day and night. Qiao Sanli grew up with him. Although he did a lot of things that made his family angry and uncomfortable because of Ma Suqin, they are still brothers and sisters. Now Qiao Erqiang Forcibly killing someone, what kind of ending is waiting for him, just thinking about it makes me afraid.

Looking at Qi Weimin, who was full of sorrow, and Qiao Sanli, who was on the verge of collapse, Lin Yue asked a question that sounded unimportant.

"Officer He, you said that Qiao Erqiang came to the police station to surrender himself?"

"Yes, that's right, it was working hours, and I saw him in the courtyard." Officer He sighed, sympathizing with Qiao Erqiang: "You said it was because of such a scum... this, alas, does it worth?"

After saying this, the police officer surnamed He shook his head, turned and left.

"Big brother, big brother, what do you think about this matter, you save second brother, save him." Sanli took Lin Yue as a straw.

"Sanli, don't worry, Er Qiang will not be sentenced to death in this situation."

Qi Weimin supported her by the shoulder and shook: "Calm down first."

Lin Yue ignored them, because there was one thing he couldn't figure out, that coward Qiao Erqiang was blackmailed by Xiao Xianming more than once when he was in Nanjing, did he resist? No, I was afraid that the other party would hurt Ma Suqin and Xiao Zhiyong, and obediently paid for it every time. After eight years, he rose up and dared to kill Xiao Xianming with a knife?

And Qiao Erqiang chose to surrender himself, why didn't Ma Suqin come with him? He fought desperately with Xiao Xianming to save their mother and son, it would be too heartless to do so.

"I have to go see Ma Suqin."

Qiao Sanli said, "I'll go too."

"You all don't go." Lin Yue stopped the three of them: "Find a place to stay at ease."

After finishing talking, he didn't say anything more, turned around and left the hall, and drove to Qiao Erqiang's restaurant on Huayang Road.


After Qiao Erqiang and Ma Suqin disappeared, he thought they had gone to the Northeast. After all, it was Ma Suqin's hometown, with the help of relatives and friends, life would be easier, but the fact is that the two were hiding in Jurong, not far from Nanjing. city.

When Lin Yue found Ma Suqin, she was setting up a camp bed in the store. Through the light from the window of the room, Xiao Zhiyong could be seen doing homework in the back room. Presumably, a homicide occurred in the residence, and the mother and son were afraid to live in it, so they moved to live in a storefront on the street.

"Tell me about the situation at that time."

Lin Yue pulled a chair and sat down near the bar. Ma Suqin was not surprised by his arrival, put down her things and sat opposite him, and began to tell what happened last night.

The police only gave a brief introduction to the case, but Ma Suqin heard a more detailed version.

After that, Lin Yue asked her for the key to the murder scene, and left the store to go to the home of Qiao Erqiang and Ma Suqin.

The lights in the entire unit were dark, and it seemed that the nearby residents were terrified and afraid to come back for the time being.

Naturally, he couldn't be afraid, opened the door and entered the house after tearing off the seal.

There was also a map of the location of Xiao Xianming when he died, and there was liquid left next to it. It was not known whether it was blood or the solution used by the criminal investigation department to extract evidence.

As his nose kept moving, he opened the bathroom door first, looked at the bathtub with water stains, then walked to the wall opposite Xiao Xianming's body, wiped it with his hand at a height of one person, put it to his mouth and smelled it, Finally, he went to the balcony outside, stared at the brazier on the ground and remained silent.

An hour later, Lin Yue returned to the hotel.

At this moment, other than Ma Suqin, Qiao Sanli, Qi Weimin, and Qiao Qiqi were sitting in the lobby.

They were all notified by his call.

"Brother." Qiao Sanli whispered his name when she saw him enter the door.

Lin Yue ignored her and stared straight at Ma Suqin.

"Ma Suqin, I really want to know whether you encouraged Qiao Erqiang to take the blame, or he wanted to take the blame himself."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone in the room was stunned.

Qiao Qiqi thought she heard it wrong: "Brother?"

Qi Weimin stood up from his chair: "Qiao Yicheng, what are you talking about? Qiao Erqiang is a scapegoat?"

Lin Yue ignored them and stared at Ma Suqin.

"I do not know what you're talking about."

Ma Suqin didn't panic, her expression was quite calm.

Lin Yue said: "Ma Suqin, you, a woman who hasn't finished elementary school, actually knows how to destroy evidence. First, you wiped off the fingerprints on the kitchen knife, and then washed the blood on the walls and floors with water. Clothes that show blood, the reason for doing this is to disturb the police's sight, right?"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Ma Suqin was a little anxious. She thought that Qiao Yicheng had asked for the door key to go to the scene tomorrow, but she didn't expect to go tonight, and she checked so carefully: "After Xiao Xianming's death, the second strong At the beginning, he said that he wanted to escape, destroying all those traces could delay the police’s action, but after I persuaded him for a long time, he finally agreed to go to the police station to surrender and seek leniency.”

"Make it up, make it up again." Lin Yue sneered: "What is Qiao Erqiang's occupation? A chef, chops vegetables and meat every day, and his right hand is much stronger than ordinary people. If he cut it down with a knife, the wound on Xiao Xianming's neck must be very deep. A lot of blood was bound to be sprayed out, and according to the data obtained from the on-site measurement and the testimony you provided, the blood splashed on the wall should be lower, but now, their positions are much higher, what does this mean? Blood sprayed out At that time, the person standing opposite Xiao Xianming was taller and stronger than Qiao Erqiang. Among the people at the scene at that time, who fit this characteristic, I think you know better than me. Ma Suqin, Ma Suqin, do you think you can wash the wall with water? Is the blood all right? Teach you a good boy, if there is another time, remember to use bleach, this knowledge point will not be taught in criminal investigation dramas and "Today's Statement."

Lin Yue glanced at the figure in the back room. In all fairness, northerners are taller and stronger than southerners because of their eating habits. Referring to Xiao Xianming's figure, is his son's height too low?

Qiao Sanli, Qi Weimin and Qiao Qiqi followed his line of sight and looked over with shock on their faces.

In order to protect Ma Suqin's son, Qiao Erqiang was willing to take the blame on himself? he a fool?

Ma Suqin said: "It was very confusing at the time, maybe I misremembered the location."

Lin Yue sighed, and took out a plastic bag from his briefcase, which contained an over-the-top belt.

"Don't think that everything will be fine if you burn the clothes. I think this belt should be able to detect the DNA of your son and the deceased. At that time, you must answer seriously. How could the belt covered by the clothes be stained with the blood of the deceased? After all, your testimony is that when Xiao Zhiyong saw Qiao Erqiang hacking someone to death, he was so frightened that he got into his room and dared not come out."


There was a crisp sound from the back room, which sounded like a glass had been knocked.

Ma Suqin panicked, opened her mouth, wanted to speak, but didn't know what to say.

From her point of view, there is no way to do this. Xiao Zhiyong's grades are very good, and he will take the college entrance examination next year. If he really gets in because of this matter, his life will be ruined. It would be better to sacrifice Qiao Erqiang, not to mention that this was his idea.

There is a scene in the TV series, Xiao Zhiyong said to Qiao Erqiang that he used to think that being a father is not a good thing in the world, which shows that he has long hated Xiao Xianming to the bone.

A father who was hacked to death by his son with knives is really a reincarnation of heaven, and the retribution is not good.

As for Qiao Erqiang, Lin Yue didn't know how to describe this... licking the dog? idiot? Receiver? Happy to be a father?

Raising a son for Ma Suqin is not enough, and now he is taking the initiative to be a scapegoat. This spirit of sacrifice, this spirit of risk, this spirit of true love, makes people cry.


Lin Yue smiled coldly, threw the things in Qi Weimin's arms, turned around and walked outside.

"Qiao Yicheng, what do you mean?"

"It means you can figure it out." Lin Yue said, "Anyway, from today onwards, I won't care about his life or death. Aren't you his good cousin? Aren't you supporting him in pursuing love? Now I think See, do you want to give him freedom, or just watch him become a moth that bravely jumps into the flame for self-righteous love."


Qi Weimin looked at the things in his hand, not knowing what to say.

Lin Yue came out of the small restaurant and got into the Audi parked by the side of the road. At this moment, Qiao Sanli opened the rear door and got in with the voice of "Big Brother, Big Brother".

"Brother, you really don't care about the second brother?"

"Why should I care? If you grow melons, you will reap beans. This is Qiao Erqiang's choice. If you want him to come out, just ask Qi Weimin. Just hand over the contents of the bag to the police, and things will be fine." There will be a turnaround.”

"Brother, thank you."

From Qiao Sanli's point of view, no matter what, without the help of the boss of Qiao's family, they would still be blinded by the police.

Lin Yue said: "By the way, you should avoid dealing with Sun Xiaomo."

This turn was a bit urgent, and she was taken aback for a moment before she realized: "You know everything?"

"Sun Xiaomo, she still has a bit of backbone, but her mother is not a fuel-efficient lamp."

"Brother, I have a sense of proportion."

"In that case, it's up to you."

Lin Yue shrugged, and when she opened the car door and walked out, she stepped on the gas pedal and left without looking back.


Regarding Qiao Erqiang's matter, Lin Yue said he didn't care, so he really didn't care. He returned to Nanjing from Jurong, he should work, he should take care of the children, and he never called Qiao Sanli and Qi Weimin from the beginning to the end.

Since Xiang Nan gave birth to two children, the focus of her life has shifted from work to family. Originally, in the TV series, she was going to go to another place to take a second job, but here she directly rejected it. After all, the energy required to take care of twin boys is far from 1+1. Simple.

Two months later, Gulou Hospital.

Because the two little ones had a cold at the same time, Lin Yue and Xiang Nanan brought a child to see the doctor. After they settled down with their son and wife, he met an acquaintance on the way from the ward to the pharmacy on the first floor to get medicine.

"Chang Xingyu, why did you come to the hospital?"

The woman who was walking quickly with her things down stopped, and when she saw him, she showed a hesitant expression and a slightly resentful expression.

"What's wrong? Who are you taking the medicine for?" Lin Yue asked again.

Chang Xingyu couldn't help it: "Brother, how could you do this?"

Lin Yue was confused by her question, and said in his heart that I didn't offend you, as if I owe you how much money.

"What about me?"

" can you hand over the matter of Qiao Erqiang to Weimin?"

It turned out that she was angry with herself for this.

Lin Yue said: "I have a tense relationship with Qiao Erqiang and Qiao Simei. It's not like you don't know it, and I think this is an opportunity to enhance the relationship between him and Qiao Erqiang."

Chang Xingyu said: "Aren't you curious who I got the medicine for? Let me tell you now, this is the medicine for Qi Weimin. Just now, he was injured by Qiao Erqiang."

Lin Yue was stunned: "Did I hear wrong? You mean that Qiao Erqiang beat Qi Weimin?"

"That's right, it's because Weimin handed over the evidence to the police."

"That should be able to clear his suspicion. He should thank Qi Weimin. Why did he beat someone?"

"The police released him and arrested Xiao Zhiyong. Ma Suqin broke up with him and returned to his hometown in Northeast China. Er Qiang thought that Weimin's actions were superfluous and meddling in his own business. Hurt."

Lin Yue suddenly laughed: "Oh, what a wonderful story about the farmer and the snake, which ward is Qi Weimin in? I would like to ask him, does he still think that as long as his younger siblings are happy and don't regret it, as an elder brother He should support him unconditionally. For the love he pursues, he neglects and hurts those who love him, Qiao Erqiang and Qiao Simei have become what they are today, and he has an unshirkable responsibility."

"..." Chang Xingyu opened his mouth, but couldn't say a word.

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