Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1377 End of Volume - Qiao Zuwang Chapter

two years later.

Qiao's old house.

"Let me tell you, if you are capable, you will deny my father just like Qiao Erqiang."

"Dad, are you done yet?"

"Enough, don't you want to hear it? Don't want to hear you go. Look at you, um, one went to the northeast after chasing an old woman, the other stayed for Qi Chenggang's widow for ten years, and you, no matter what you say Married, how old are you this year, thirty-two, you are already an old girl."

"Whether to marry or not is my business, you don't care."

" will be pissed off by you one day. Look at your elder brother, then at Qiqi..."

"What's wrong with them? According to this, the promising children who can give you money are your children. People like me who hang around under your nose every day, no matter how you look at it, it's an eyesore."


Hearing the sound of two people arguing before entering the hospital, Lin Yue rubbed his eyebrows and felt a little dizzy.


He opened the door and walked into the courtyard.

The two people who were still choking on each other just now stopped talking.

Lin Yue said, "Qiao Zuwang, haven't you always disliked Aunt Wu for being a big talker who always flatters the neighbors with our family affairs? With your voice just now, you could hear it two miles away. The people in Quanshamao Lane also know about it."

"I can't help it. Who told us that Qiao's family is a big family with a radius of ten miles." Qiao Zuwang was very proud. The eldest son is the head of a TV station, and the game company run by the younger son earns more money in one day than he has in his entire life. Now in Shamao Alley, who doesn't curry favor with him, who greets Brother Qiao disrespectfully when they meet each other?

"I heard from Sanli that you have been promoted to deputy director?"

Lin Yue said: "What does it matter to you whether I am promoted to deputy director? Tell me, why did you call me today?"

Qiao Sanli said: "Brother, Auntie Xiaohong did a good job. He didn't know why he went crazy this morning. He dropped the bowl for dinner, and even said that the food was unpalatable, so he fired him."

The aunt Xiaohong she was talking about was the nanny hired by Lin Yue to take care of Qiao Zuwang's life, and she had a good reputation in the housekeeping circle.

"Look at him, how much has he resigned in two years? Six or seven? On average, every three months, what do you want to do?"

The more Qiao Sanli thought about it, the angrier she became. It's not impossible for him to quit the nanny who took care of him, but there must be a reasonable reason, right? No, I don't know when he will quit on a whim.

Qiao Zu stared: "I paid for a nanny, but she didn't do a good job, can't I quit?"

"One thing you need to understand is that I, Big Brother, and Qiqi will pay for your nanny."

"Even if you spend money, the nanny is here to take care of me. Whether the job is done well or not is of course up to me."

Speaking of it, he was quite reasonable.

Qiao Sanli threw the broom on the ground, turned around and entered the room angrily, and ignored him.

In the past two years, she has carefully selected candidates every time. Although the nannies have more or less minor problems, they have done a good job on the whole. When things were going wrong, Qiao Zuwang was sure to see some moths there. She often came back from work to take a look. The food hadn’t been cooked, the water hadn’t been boiled, and the rubbish was piled up on the ground. She searched around and found no nanny, so she ran to Qiao Zuwang to ask. , The reply given was that he fired the man.

As for why...does it matter? Of course it doesn't matter.

The nanny is gone, who will do the work at home? Count on Qiao Zuwang? Turned into a pig's nest, he ate, slept, played cards and drank the same. She can't stand it? Then go to work!

Anyway, every once in a while, he would torment her, and he didn't know whether he was sincerely trying to get her off or flaunting his status as the head of the family.

Lin Yue took a look at Qiao Zuwang. It was 2003. Qiao Zuwang, who was 38 or 60 years old, had half his head of gray hair. He originally wanted to say something to him, but after thinking about it, he decided to forget it, so he followed in the footsteps of Qiao Sanli. Main room.

"If he wants to find it by himself, he can find it by himself. If you say you, why bother?"

"He found it by himself?" Qiao Sanli hesitated to speak, and it took a while to suppress her anger: "Forget it, I don't care if it works or not? Kindness is like a donkey's liver and lungs."

Lin Yue smiled, he knew what Qiao Sanli wanted to say.

There is a saying on the Internet that a man is a teenager until he dies, even though Qiao Zuwang is 60, this man's thoughts have not diminished in the slightest.

In the past, there were five children in the Qiao family, and he was recognized as a man who didn't care about his family. No decent woman would follow him. Now he's all right, his sons and daughters are grown up. Qiao Yicheng is the leader of the TV station, and Qiao Qiqi is making money every day. Boss, he has no worries about food and drink now, and more and more women are migrating to the city to work. Anyone with a discerning eye can understand what he wants to do.

In the past, it was Qiao Sanli's job to hire a nanny. The main reason for doing so was that he was afraid that he would be cheated.

Just like the girls in the clubhouse, those who are not beautiful have good jobs, and those who are beautiful have a high probability of being a motorcycle.

The young nanny and the older nanny not only have different professional skills, but also have different thoughts in their hearts.

"By the way, big brother, do you know that Qi Chenggang has been released from prison?"

Qiao Sanli changed the subject, jumping from Qiao Zuwang's "Old Man's Ambition" to Qi Chenggang.

"I don't know." Lin Yue said, "I remember that he was sentenced to thirteen years in prison, and he was released in a little over ten years?"

"Didn't Uncle Ma leave? I went to see my second aunt a few days ago, and she told me about it. The second aunt also said that on the day Qi Chenggang was released from prison, Qiao Simei asked Qi Weimin and Chang Xingyu to have a meal together." In the afternoon, I went to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get the certificate."

"This Qi Weimin, after Qiao Erqiang's incident, is still unrepentant."

"There is no way around this. Qiao Simi asked him to go pick him up together, and he couldn't just refuse. The second aunt said that because of the second brother, Qi Weimin felt very guilty, and shifted the responsibility of teaching Xiaorui to Chang Xingyu."

Xiao Rui is the child of Qi Weimin and Chang Xingyu, one year younger than the Qiao family's twins.

Lin Yue said, "He asked for it."

"Brother, what I mean is, you really don't care about the matter of Qiao Simei and Qi Chenggang?"

"I've got the marriage certificate, so what do I do?" Lin Yue said, "From your point of view, you will think that she is stupid, so stupid that there is no cure. When the clouds bloom and the moon shines, it is the desire of the heart for the prodigal son to return."


"Remember not to mention her name in front of me in the future."

Lin Yue unzipped the briefcase, took out 3,000 yuan and put it on the table: "Although Qiao Zuwang chose him, he can't give you this month's money."

After doing this, he left without looking back.

Qiao Zuwang pretended to invite him to have dinner at home, but he was treated as a fart.


Half a month later.

Lin Yue came to the old house again, and Qiao Sanli sat on the chair facing the door with a sullen face and said nothing.

Seeing him enter the door, Qiao Zu stood up with a smile, and led his eyes to look into the room.

Standing in front of the tea table is a woman in a striped singlet. She is about forty years old. She looks clean. She is much more attractive than her peers and has a good figure. Unlike Qu Aying in the TV series, her figure is out of shape. Can not bear to look.

"You said Sanli, I went to the housekeeping company to find a nanny, and I insisted that you come back and check it out. After a look, I'm already in my sixties, can I still be deceived?" Qiao Zuwang said: "One day Cheng, if you want to say, it’s not bad, right?”

Lin Yue ignored him, looked at the woman standing in front of him and said, "May I ask, where are you from?"

"Anhui." Maybe he felt that the expression was not clear, so he said softly: "Chuzhou, Anhui."

Qiao Zuwang said: "Yicheng, let me tell you, this Chen Fang can also sing Huangmei opera. When I went to the housekeeping company, someone came to the scene for a while. Oh, there was no one here who didn't applaud. How about it? Shall I ask her to give you a segment?"


Lin Yuexin said, are you picking a nanny? When art school recruits students? Bonus points for talent.

Of course, man, it's easy to understand.

He Jiangsheng became rich and found a girl in his mid-twenties to marry, not to mention Qiao Zuwang who had nothing to do all day and was just thinking about how to make enough money.

Qiao Sanli didn't say a word, she just sat there sullen, and she could see that this was not looking for a nanny, but looking for a stepmother for them.

"I don't agree! Dad, what we asked you to find is a nanny. You... You are looking for... Can sing, what's the use of a good voice?"

"She's quick in her hands, and she cooks deliciously. It's only this morning. You can see that the clotheslines outside are full, and the ground is so clean."

"you you……"

Qiao Sanli was so angry that he couldn't speak.

Lin Yue waved his hand to signal Qiao Sanli not to speak.

"You can hire her if you want, just promise me one condition."

Qiao Zu looked at it, and said happily, "What condition?"

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