Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1393 I Have a Female Secretary

Xiaoying endured the pain from her back, and looked at the man approaching with fear on her face. A killer struggled to get up, and kicked him until he fell to the ground and moaned.

"Boss, let's go, let's go."

She could feel that the men who walked over step by step were definitely not comparable to those killers.

With a cold face, Lan Bowen raised the stick in his hand and smashed it.

Lin Yue took a step forward, the movement followed by the attack, the elbow went up, hit Lan Bowen's wrist, Bengfei swung the stick, and swung his right hand forward.


Very crisp applause.

Lan Bowen was staggered and wiped the corner of his mouth with his hand, only to find that it was bleeding.

There was another rush of footsteps, and the killer who was stopped by Lan Bowen's other two bodyguards came after him.

Xiaoying gritted her teeth and pushed Lan Bowen hard: "Go, go!"

These people are not as simple as trying to hijack rich people to extort money. The moment he was flanked by a van, he knew that someone wanted his life.

"Let's go!"

There was another coquettish sound.

Seeing the woman picking up a machete and rushing towards the opposite side, he sighed, turned around and ran away quickly.

"Well, that's right, you should look like you're running for your life when you run for your life."

Lin Yue turned his head away from the blade, leaned forward, grabbed Xiaoying's arm to the back, and pushed hard, knocking down the two killers who were chasing him to the ground.

Because of the large range of motion, which involved the wound on her back, she trembled in pain, all the strength in her body dissipated, and it took a while to catch her breath, struggling to get up from the ground.

At this moment, the sound of the wind from the side and front came into my ears, and I saw a shadow of a fist passing by, a killer was hammered in the chest, and the whole person flew out, hit the wall on the right side with his back, fell to the ground with his hands covering his chest, and let out a hoot Oh wheezing, it looks like it's in excruciating pain.

The masked man stepped on the ground with his foot, stepped on the stick and pulled it back, using the inertia to pull it up, and slapped forward with his right hand.


Swinging the stick turned into a black shadow, right in the middle of the assassin's face with the knife in the back, only heard a scream of "ah", and even the man with the knife fell to the ground exhausted, moaning endlessly.

A killer got up from the ground behind the masked man, picked up the guy next to him, and slashed. Unexpectedly, the guy in front of him suddenly lowered his head, turned around and kicked his legs, stepped forward, and received a cannon punch.


The killer, who was not on his feet, spat out a mouthful of blood, and flew seven or eight meters away, before falling to the ground with a thud.

This scene frightened the killers on the ground. Those who could move lost their minds. They just lay there obediently, not daring to breathe, not to mention moaning.

Lin Yue clapped his hands, walked in front of Xiaoying, and without waiting for her to react, he knocked her unconscious with a palm, turned around and walked away with his shoulders.

It wasn't until his back disappeared at the end of the corridor that the killers dared to stand up and go over to their companions to check their injuries. Those who could move picked up those who couldn't, and limped towards the evacuation point.




The sound of the waves echoed in my ears.

The tingling pain from the back awakened Xiaoying's consciousness little by little, she coughed weakly, and slowly opened her eyes.

Beyond the line of sight is the constant ups and downs of lights.


It's not the lights that are up and down, it's her body that is up and down. To be precise, she is now on a boat.

The boat was not big, and the power of the motor was small. The sound of rattling was almost obscured by the surge caused by the sea wind. A fisherman in a dark green shirt stood at the bow of the boat, as if he was looking at something.


With the sound of cloth being torn and the sea breeze hitting her body, she woke up suddenly, and instinctively responded to the man who tore her clothes.

The fist that was thrown out was surrounded by a palm, and she couldn't move forward. As for her, because she moved too violently and pulled the wound, she let out a miserable snort, and all the strength was exhausted. Her face, which had just recovered a little blood, suddenly turned pale as snow.

"If I were you, I would definitely figure out the situation before doing anything at this time."

Lin Yue held the hemostat in his right hand, and in front of it was the catgut used to suture the wound. As long as he was not a fool, he would know what he was going to do next.

The dim light shines on Xiaoying's back. The skin of a girl of this age should be described as smooth and smooth, but there are more than a dozen large and small scars on her body.

"Hey, did you have an unfortunate childhood?"

Xiaoying shivered, but she didn't turn her head back. She lay on the table in front of her, gritted her teeth and said, "Who are you? What exactly do you want?"

Lin Yue expertly passed the catgut through the flesh on both sides, and stitched up the bleeding wound bit by bit.

"Can I not answer?"


He pulled the gut a little harder, the girl's body trembled, and she raised her head and took a sharp breath.


Lin Yue cut off the thread, then threw the hemostat and scissors into the white porcelain plate next to it, and put them out of the way.

Just as Xiaoying was about to get up, he held her down again.

"do not move."

After speaking, he unscrewed a small round box, scraped some anti-inflammatory ointment and applied it to the newly sutured wound, walked to the chair by the window and sat down, picked up the mineral water bottle next to him and took a sip of water.

Xiaoying grabbed the torn shirt and turned to look at him, her eyes full of doubts.

"Are you hungry?"

Lin Yue picked up the chocolate bars on the table and threw them over.

She caught it casually, glanced at the night sky outside, tore open the wrapping paper, and took a piece into her mouth.

"Where are we going?"

"Go to MO."

She suddenly thought of Lan Bowen, and suddenly became anxious: "Boss... Where's the boss?"

Lin Yue said: "He is fine, he was rescued by your companion."

Hearing that Lan Bowen's life was not in danger, Xiaoying breathed a sigh of relief, broke off another piece of chocolate and put it in her mouth. After chewing a few times, she made a swallowing movement, which seemed to be a little dry, and her brows frowned slightly.

Lin Yue took out a bottle of mineral water from the plastic bag behind her and threw it to her. This girl obviously had a baby-toothed face, and she had no aura at all, but no matter in the movie or now, she tried her best to maintain With her cold demeanor and her persistent persistence, I really don't know whether to call her ridiculous or cute.

"What are you looking at?"

Catching the flash of banter in his eyes, Xiaoying's heart tightened and she cared very much.

Lin Yue didn't answer her question: "Don't you really want to know my purpose? It's very simple, I need a bodyguard."

The man on the opposite side said in front of her that he needed a bodyguard, and she was Lan Bowen's bodyguard, what did that mean?

"Do you still need bodyguards?"

She just watched helplessly as the man across from him beat those killers to the ground. If someone hired a bodyguard who could fight better than herself, she was not qualified to be his bodyguard at all.

Lin Yue said, "Isn't it fun being a bodyguard? What about the secretary?"

Xiaoying shook her head and said, "Sorry, I have a boss now."

Lin Yue smiled noncommittally, took out the phone from his pocket, unlocked the screen, swiped his finger a few times, and handed it to her.

On the other side of the camera is a man, bound hands and feet and sitting on a chair.

"Lan Bowen bought off the security of the Harbor Skyline Hotel in advance, so that we can reach the equipment room without any danger... The young master stayed in the van. He was responsible for dealing with emergencies and taking everyone away..."

Xiaoying recognized that person.

A Teng, one of her partners, disappeared after returning from the reception of Dongyou Financial Co., Ltd. Everyone suspected that he was an insider and leaked the information to the police. Now it seems that he is not, this unlucky child was arrested , and then recruited every step of the action, large and small details.

"Do you know him? I think you must be very familiar with it." Lin Yue took the phone back and put it back in his pocket.

"If you don't agree, then I guarantee that this video file will appear in Mr. Zhang's e-mail tomorrow. I believe you should be able to imagine what kind of punishment Lan Bowen will face next."


Of course Xiaoying knew what the consequences would be if he did so.

Lin Yue continued: "Isn't he your savior? How should you choose at this time..."

"Needless to say, I promise you."

Not to mention, Xiao Nizi is quite decisive.

"Okay, I look forward to your next performance."

"Now is it time for you to tell me what to do in MO?"

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