Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1394 add another female bodyguard

Lin Yue said, "Look for a bodyguard."

"Looking for a bodyguard?" Xiaoying was stunned: "Didn't you just..."

"You are my secretary."


"I like to bring two beauties by my side, one civil and one military, two generals, can't you?"

Xiaoying was completely speechless, this was the first time she met such a person.

Lin Yue drank all the water in the bottle, looked at the innermost compartment and said, "The wound on your back has just been stitched up, now you need the most rest, and you still have half an hour to arrive at the pier, go take a nap. "

Xiaoying thought for a while, and thought that he had no malicious intentions. Judging from the current situation, if the other party really wanted to do something to her, there would be no need for such trouble.


Lin Yue stopped her: "I hope you are a person with professional ethics. If I find out that you are secretly in touch with Lan Bowen, you know what the consequences will be."


At this moment, a cat meowed from the left side of the ship, and a blind black cat walked in, kicked its legs on the floor, and swished into Lin Yue's arms.

"Xiahou, say hello to sister Xiaoying."

The little thing turned his head obediently, and called out to the woman standing in front.

Xiaoying looked at a person and a cat who didn't know how to describe it, pressed down her little thoughts, and walked towards the cubicle.

She really wanted to tell Lan Bowen about A Teng and this man, so that he could prepare early, but the other party seemed to easily see through her heart and gave her a big blow.

Take the risk of being caught, and what Lan Bowen did at the opening reception of Dongyou Financial Co., Ltd. will be exposed. If you don’t do anything...

She hesitated, and finally chose to depend on the situation.


Just as she was holding the doorknob, a man's voice came from behind her again, and she stopped and looked back.

"Nice underwear, I like it."

It was only then that she realized that when she walked over, she had spent all her energy thinking about things, she hadn't protected her privacy, and he had seen her from behind.


After thinking for a long time and not knowing how to express her inner emotions, she could only snort coldly, open the door of the compartment and walk in.



The Studio City Hotel shrouded in night has a Hollywood-style sci-fi feel, and the "8"-shaped Ferris wheel in the middle looks like a magic door leading to another world.

Xiaoying stood in the front square, looking at the children playing and playing on both sides of the fountain, not knowing the purpose of the new boss bringing her here.

Lin Yue walked in and said, "I don't understand why I brought you here, do you?"

She nodded slightly.

Lin Yue said: "At the same time that you and Lan Bowen were attacked, Shao Zhilang also experienced an interception."

"Master? How is he?" Xiaoying didn't think he was lying to herself, because it was unnecessary.

"Don't worry, there is no danger to your life. You should go back to HK now. After all, the outside world is so dangerous."

"It's fine."

She breathed a sigh of relief.

"Lan Bowen and Shao Zhilang were hunted down at the same time, don't you think you should ask why?"

"What do you want to say?"

"Who do you think wants them dead the most?"


She didn't want to answer this question until she knew Lin Yue's real purpose.

"Don't want to say? It's okay, someone will answer this question for you."

Lin Yue winked at her, pulled the cleaning cart at the door of the utility room and walked forward, stopped at the door of room 2115, bent his fingers and knocked.

boom boom boom~

"who is it?"

A woman's voice came from the room.

Lin Yue responded, "The hotel cleaner."

Xu Shi confirmed the existence of the cleaning car through the cat's eyes, and the door opened with a click.

Just when a beautiful woman's face flashed on the opposite side, Lin Yue raised the [obsidian] in his hand.

"Go in."

The woman backed away with a cold face, and he pushed open the door and walked in.

"A female killer who dared to stay at the scene of the incident after the mission failed. It seems that you are the right target and will not call the police."

"I don't know what you're talking about. I'm just a Korean tourist in MO. What do you want? Money? As long as you don't hurt me, the money in the bag is yours." She said in Mandarin with an accent Said.

Lin Yue glanced at the laptop on the table and told Xiaoying, "Help me tie her up."

The female killer said coldly: "Who are you? What do you want to do?"

"Is this question important?"

After confirming that the other party's hands were tied with a rope, Lin Yue put away the [Obsidian], said "Take care of her", and went to open the laptop.

The female killer's complexion became more and more ugly, because the program, article, and mailbox she added passwords could not constitute an obstacle, including bank transfer information, online communication records, and forged identity information, which only took less than half an hour. hours are extracted.

Xiaoying was also in a daze, she only knew that this man named Lin Zhai was very good at kung fu, and it was no problem to play a dozen or so. She didn't expect that apart from this strength, he was also very good at computer games. on it.

Lin Yue turned the notebook screen, pointed to the content on it and said, "Miss Li Chengmin, I want you to repeat your identity information again."

This time the female killer did not speak.

"There is a lot of savings in the bank... I pay the medical expenses for my mother who is hospitalized every month, the tuition fees for my younger brother's college education, and the high mortgage. I really can't see it. You are still a woman who takes care of the family. What is this? The female version Is this killer not too cold?"

As soon as the words fell, the millions of dollars in Li Chengmin's account were instantly cleared.

The woman sitting on the head of the bed was suddenly very excited, and ran towards Lin Yue, cursing "Damn guy" in Korean.

Xiaoying grabbed it but didn't catch it, and watched Li Chengmin bully Lin Yue to his chin.

At this moment, a hand quickly pinched her neck and pressed down. Li Chengmin's body was bent into a C, unable to move his hands and feet, his face began to turn red, and the pain continued to ferment.

Feeling that she was about to suffocate, Lin Yue gave her a hand and pushed her down on the bed.

"Because all you take are assassinating drug dealers, villains, and underworld jobs, work for me for a year, and the money will not only return to your account, but I will also pay you 20% of the total amount on this basis Of course, you can also choose to refuse."

He turned to look at Xiaoying: "MO and HK have the same alarm number, you should know this common sense."



Li Chengmin, who was panting heavily on the bed, looked at the man across from him with a face of humiliation.

Of course she knew what the words above meant.

If you choose to be his thug, you will get money if you are safe and sound. If you choose to refuse, I am sorry. The police will teach her to be a man in the next few years.

"I promise you."

"That's right." Lin Yue smiled and closed the laptop: "The ugly words, let's talk about it first, if I find out that you have two hearts, the identity information of your mother and brother will appear on your enemy's account immediately." in the mailbox."


Looking at Li Chengmin's resigned face, Xiaoying didn't know whether to sympathize with her or gloat, and said she deserved it—she almost killed Shao Zhilang.

"Now tell her who sent you to MO to assassinate Shao Zhilang."

Lin Yue's question interrupted Xiaoying's wild thoughts, and she quickly looked up at her new partner.

Li Chengmin said, "Lin Dongyou."

Lin Dongyou? Chairman of the board of Dongyou Group?

Lin Yue said: "Then here comes the problem. Since she was arranged by Lin Dongyou, the group who attacked Lan Bowen in Shenzhen Nanshan should also be instigated by Lin Dongyou. The key is how did he know the whereabouts of the two? Yes, he has a good reason." It is suspected that what happened at the reception was done by people from Demao, but Lan and Shao are not the only ones in Demao Group, so why should it be them and not someone else?"

Of course Xiaoying knew what he meant: "You mean... there is Lin Dongyou in Demao?"

Lin Yue said: "Not only that, that person's position is not low."

Xiaoying lowered her head when she heard the words, listed the people who knew about it, and did multiple-choice questions in her mind, trying to determine who the traitor was.

Lin Yue ignored her and threw the coat hanging on the hanger to Li Chengmin.

"Miss Li, how about visiting the night scene of MO with me?"


After Lin Yue left, Xiaoying kept walking around the room, knowing that someone in the group's senior management wanted to harm Lan Bowen and Shao Zhilang, she was very irritable and anxious. Knowing this, the man handed over A Teng's confession to the police in a fit of anger.

Half an hour later, she made a difficult decision.

Push open the door and go out, came to the casino below, found a man dressed as a tourist borrowed a mobile phone, pressed Lan Bowen's number and put it to his ear.

When the microphone sounded the connection tone, a person snatched the phone.

"Do you not hesitate to do this for him, do you know who he is?"

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