Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1395 The logic of women, hehe...

Xiaoying looked up and found that it was Lin Yue who was supposed to have dinner with Li Chengmin.

"Shouldn't you be..."

"Shouldn't it be something? Having dinner with Miss Killer, or flirting with each other?" Lin Yue said: "Although her performance in "Love Saint" is irresistible to any man, I've always been clear about what's going on and what's going on. There is still a focus on entertainment."

The first sentence is normal, but what the hell is the latter sentence?

Xiaoying fooled him.

At this moment, the call was connected. Although he snatched the phone away, he did not hang up.

"Hey, who are you looking for?"

Lan Bowen's question came from the receiver.

At this time, Lin Yue made a move that surprised her, and actually handed the mobile phone in front of her.

Xiaoying looked suspicious.

Lin Yue covered the microphone with his hand: "I bet, even if you tell him that someone in Demao wants him dead, he won't choose to leave."

Lan Bowen seemed to sense that there was something wrong with the call, so he raised the volume: "Speak, talk...Xiaoying, is that you?"

Hearing this, Xiaoying no longer hesitated, put the phone to her ears, held the receiver with both hands and said, "Boss, someone in the group's senior management colluded with Lin Dongyou and wanted your life and the young master's life, you must be careful."

Lan Bowen was very excited: "Xiaoying, where are you now?"

"I..." She wanted to say that she was in MO, but after noticing Lin Yue's warning gaze, she swallowed the words that rushed into her throat: "Boss, I'm fine, take care."


She hung up the phone, turned around and threw it into the arms of the mainland tourist who didn't want to cause trouble and hid far away.

"Why didn't you stop me?"

Lin Yue said: "First, as long as Lan Bowen doesn't provoke me, I'm too lazy to mess with him; second, I believe that even if you tell him that someone from the top management of the group is going to harm him, he will not leave, and he will fight for it more actively. Brazil's access to drug dealers; and third, I don't want you to hate me."

Lan Bowen wants to get involved in the drug trade?

Xiaoying was taken aback. You must know that the company's business is online gambling and money laundering. It is true that there are crimes against the law, but it is not like the drug business. She will think of what happened when she was a child.

"Let's go."

Lin Yue threw a white box to her.

Xiaoying woke up startled: "What is this?"

"I just bought a new mobile phone for you when I was hanging out with Li Chengmin on the first floor."

When fighting with the killer before, her mobile phone broke, so after knowing that someone in the top management of Demao was going to hurt Lan Bowen, she could only go downstairs to borrow someone else's mobile phone to make a call. Unexpectedly, the new boss is quite careful. , even this kind of thing is taken care of.

Aside from his threats to ask her to do things for him without mentioning, helping her to sew up the wound, agreeing to her warning Lan Bowen, and remembering the small details of her broken mobile phone, seriously, this boss treats her well.

Lin Yue walked faster and faster in front, she could only trot all the way and chase after her.

"Hey, can you stop walking so fast?"

"Don't hurry up, that big eater Li Chengmin will eat up all the dishes I ordered."


Xiaoying stayed where she was.

Isn't it so greedy? This character set has changed a bit, and she can't accept it for a while.


The next day, Lin Yue returned to the police station, and was called by Zhu Xuan as soon as he entered the door.

"Just in time, let's go."

Throw the gun and earphones to him while talking.

Lin Yue pretended to be puzzled: "No way, MADAM, pull my strong man as soon as I come back, can you let me take a breath?"


Zhu Xuan grabbed her arm and walked out: "Q SIR called us to save people, and people will die if it is too late."

"Save people? Save whom?"

"Miss Nail."

"Sister Nail? What happened to her?"

"Hey, I don't have time to talk, I'll tell you on the way."

The two went outside and got into a small car. Zhu Xuan put the phone on the center console, turned the steering wheel tightly, started in second gear, and rushed out of the garage.

"Zhu Xuan, I'll send you the location. When you reach the target, stand by and wait for my order."

"Understood, Q Sir."

Zhu Xuan said while driving quickly according to the route planned by his colleagues in the monitoring room.

About twenty minutes later, the car stopped in front of an unfinished building, and she began to check the body armor and equipped gun.

At this time, only a few gunshots came from the building. Lu Zai, who was sitting in the co-pilot, was about to open the door when Zhu Xuan held him down: "Don't worry."

As soon as the words fell, two cars rushed out behind the plates piled up on the periphery of the construction site, quickly drove into the main road, and left without dust.


With the Q SIR command coming from the headset, Zhu Xuan pushed open the car door and led Lu Zai and Lin Yue towards the building ahead.

When I rushed to the place where the gunshots came from, I saw a male body lying on the ground, judging from the injuries, he was shot dead.

Just as Lu Zai was about to look for something to prove the identity of the deceased, there was the sound of rushing water from the reservoir in front of him, so he ran over to take a look below.

"MADAM, it's Sister Ding, Sister Ding is inside."

Lin Yue and Zhu Xuan hurried over and pulled the man out together.

According to the plot in the movie, after Ding Xiaojia helped Shao Zhilang get rid of the female killer, he was arrested by Demao people not long after returning to Hong Kong. Guo Ming watched the surveillance video of the casino and thought she was suspicious, so he asked someone to arrest her , and ordered Lan Bowen to investigate the relationship between her and Shao Zhilang. Fortunately, Shao Zhilang had two mobile phones and did not reveal his identity as a "police undercover". However, the device was under Guo Ming's subordinates. Then Tan Huanxi came to the scene after receiving the notice from Q SIR, and used means to help Ding Xiaojia pass the test by feigning death. After that, Zhu Xuan received the order to come to respond.

The weather was a bit cold, and Ding Xiaojia was wet all over, with his hands folded on his chest, his face was pale and trembling, and he looked frightened.

"Lu Tsai, the guards are waiting for reinforcements."

Zhu Xuan took off his coat and put it on for her, and led the people outside.

"Lin Yue and I will move the person to a safe place first."

Lu Tsai nodded: "Okay, be careful on the road."

Because Ding Xiaojia was emotionally unstable, Lin Yue drove this time, and Zhu Xuan took care of her behind.

When the car entered the urban area, her condition improved a lot. Zhu Xuan briefly asked about the situation at the scene. She kidnapped Guo Ming, the chairman of the board of directors of Demao Group, and tried to start with her, and confirmed that Shao Zhilang was an undercover police officer. over again.

After listening to her narration, Zhu Xuan was puzzled.

"So, the deceased was Guo Ming's man? Not only did Shao Zhilang not be exposed, but he was also successfully cleared of suspicion?"

She couldn't figure it out, Guo Ming obviously went after Shao Zhilang, but in the end he shot himself in the foot.

Lin Yue glanced at the two people in the rearview mirror: "MADAM, do you still remember what happened to Q SIR and Sister Ding in MO that you told me on the way here? You said that Shao Zhilang was targeted by a female killer. If It’s not Sister Ding and Q SIR, maybe my life is gone. I always have a question, Shao Zhilang stays in HK most of the time, why did something happen when he went to MO this time? How did the female killer determine the whereabouts of the target? Now It seems that there is an answer to this question, nine times out of ten he was betrayed by Guo Ming's gangster."

Ding Xiaojia thought of the scene where Lan Bowen found the tracker in Shao Zhilang's phone, and then found the matching locator in the hands of the dead horse boy, so he couldn't help but nodded slightly.

"Then can we make a bold guess that the Demao Group is not monolithic. Some people have long disliked Shao Zhilang and wanted to find a chance to get rid of him. It just so happened that he asked Sister Ding to go to the MO joint, and there was no one with him. , which creates the conditions for the killer."

Zhu Xuan thought of a word.

"The master of high power?"

"That's right." Lin Yue continued: "Sister Ding said that in the end, Guo Ming's subordinates shot and killed the horse boy. I think... this should be killing people to silence them."

Ding Xiaojia said: "Isn't Guo Ming the chairman of the board of directors of Demao? Is he still afraid that Lan Bowen and Shao Zhilang will take his seat?"

Lin Yue said: "What if his shares are held by someone else?"

"You mean... there is a bigger boss behind him?"

"That's right, we have always suspected that people from Demao did what happened at the opening reception of Dongyou Financial Co., Ltd. Now you know who did it."

"Lan Bowen?"

Ding Xiaojia and Zhu Xuan looked at each other, and had a structural understanding of the case and the situation of Demao.

"But I have a question that I can't figure out."

The two looked over together.

"what is the problem?"

"How did Lan Bowen know that the man had a tracker in his hand? If that shot hit the wrong target, I think with Guo Ming's personality, he would never let it go."


The question stumped them both.

Zhu Xuan's curiosity was completely aroused: "Tell me, why?"

Lin Yue stepped on the brakes slowly, stopped one meter away from the traffic stop line, turned around and looked at the two of them and said, "If I know, why do I ask you?"

"Cut." Zhu Xuan glared at him fiercely: "I don't think you will let go of this opportunity to prove that you are smarter than others."

Lin Yue said, "You know me so well?"

"Of course, I am not as good as you in logical reasoning ability, but it depends on people, I still have some ability to ask myself."

"Well, I admit that you guessed it right, I just figured out this problem too."

"Don't be a fool, just tell me the answer directly."

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