Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1396 Oppa, the hot dog is delicious

"All right."

He said yes, he could do it slowly, stepped on the accelerator slowly, shifted to the forward gear later, and started the car when the whistle of the car behind him sounded, until Zhu Xuan's face turned from cloudy to cloudy, he said in a calm and unhurried manner : "If you are an invisible rich man who started a gray business, in order to hide the eyes and ears of others, you can hand over the business to others, one day is fine, one month is fine, one year? Two years? Five years? Will you always feel at ease?"

"You mean..."

Zhu Xuan seemed to have thought of something, but he was a little uncertain.

"That's right." Lin Yue said: "The most common method is to place one's own undercover agent next to this person to achieve the purpose of surveillance, so as to form a strategic advantage and prevent problems before they happen."

Ding Xiaojia said, "You mean, the actual controller behind Demao betrayed Guo Ming?"

"Yes." Lin Yue confirmed her guess.

"But why..."

"Why does the actual controller of Demao want to betray his capable general? It's very simple. First, Guo Ming has been sitting as the chairman of the board for so long. There must be some indiscretion. The accuser no longer needs Guo Ming, and there is a new candidate for the successor of the chairman of the board."

"That person is... Lan Bowen?"

"The answer is correct again." Lin Yue said with a smile: "This is also the reason why Guo Ming tried every means to kill Lan Bowen."

Ding Xiaojia said: "Guo Ming wants to get rid of Lan Bowen. If this matter gets to the ears of the boss behind the scenes, he will definitely be unhappy."

Lin Yue said: "That's why he disclosed the news to Lan Bowen, and borrowed Lan Bowen's hand to give Guo Ming a blow."

"What about me?"

"You... you were an accident in Guo Ming's script. How would an ordinary woman react when she saw that the female killer was going to kill a man who was not related to her but just met today? I think the biggest possibility is to turn around. Let's go, how about you? How did you do it? Not only did you meddle in Shao Zhilang's business, but you were also good at it, and ended up ruining the mission of the female killer. Can Guo Ming not be angry after knowing this? Plus you and Q SIR are in the hotel Suspicious interaction, and get caught."

"Hmph, I will be killed by him sooner or later."

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became, and the more she thought about it, the more aggrieved she became. Anyway, every time her boyfriend gave her a job, she would be cheated in the end. This time, she almost lost her life. It was really hard for her.

Lin Yue just smiled and didn't answer.

Many posts on the Internet made fun of Guo Ming, a big guy who is stupid, with a basically negative IQ, and was beaten by Lan Bowen the whole time.

The plot of the movie is scattered and chaotic, mainly because of the limited duration. It is necessary to take care of these complex relationships and conflicts of interests, and to maximize the plot points to pretend to be X for the protagonist. The portrayal of several villains is not enough. I feel that the plot is simple, the main line is weak, and the villain's IQ is worrying.

Lan Bowen put Lin Dongyou together at the opening ceremony of Dongyou Financial Co., Ltd., and here Guo Ming leaked Shao Zhilang's whereabouts to the killer Lin Dongyou invited. Was this just to kill people with a knife? I'm afraid it's not that simple. You must know that Mr. Dong and Lin Dongyou have had a feud for a long time. After confirming that Mr. Dong was suspicious of him and was going to hand over the drug business to Lan Bowen, Guo Ming chose to contact Lin Dongyou and the downstream drug dealer Tan Huanxi. What, one can imagine.

It was just that he misjudged the situation and thought that Mr. Dong would not touch him for the time being, but was sent to the west by a time bomb.

But here is the same as there is no surveillance camera in the tunnel, there is a small BUG.

The farce at the opening ceremony of Dongyou Financial Co., Ltd. ended, and the stock price of Dongyou Group fell sharply the next day. Mr. Dong called Guo Ming and said that it was thanks to Guo Ming who informed him to sell the shares of Dongyou Group that he could earn back the former Lin Dongyou pit. his money.

If the purpose is to make money, the official operation of Dongyou Financial Co., Ltd. will definitely become a force to support the stock of Dongyou Group, thereby raising the stock price. If you sell it at this time, will you earn more?

Assuming that a person can predict in advance when a stock will fall sharply, selling stocks in advance can only be said to avoid risks, while real investors will take advantage of the situation to short Dongyou Group's stocks to earn high returns.

Hehe, if the enemy loses money, it means I make money. Is this what the director wants to express?

Soon, the car stopped at an apartment building, and Lin Yue and Zhu Xuan took Ding Xiaojia to a two-bedroom apartment on the sixth floor.

When something like this happened, Q SIR arranged for Che Mianzai and several police officers to protect her in the apartment, and told her not to go wandering outside recently, so as not to be arrested by Guo Ming's men again, unless she wanted Tan Huanxi to expose her identity , Really die once.

Lin Yue didn't leave in a hurry, sat down on the sofa, tore open a bag of potato chips, and said while eating: "Sister Ding, I heard from MADAM that Tan Huanxi is your godfather?"

"That's right." Ding Xiaojia, who just took a shower and changed into clean clothes, wiped her hair and nodded in response.

"Can you tell me your story?"

"no problem."

She sat down on the sofa opposite and began to tell about Tan Huanxi's legendary life.


At the same time, Q SIR met Shao Zhilang in a corridor.

The situation was similar to that in the movie. Shao Zhilang confirmed from Q SIR that the BLACKJACK file had been destroyed and the linker was dead, which strengthened his determination to continue pretending to be an undercover police officer.

But there is one thing that Q SIR didn't tell him, that is Ding Xiaojia is not dead.

Lin Yue is very clear about why things are like this, the reason is very simple, Q SIR has doubts about whether Shao Zhilang is BLACKJACK.

It is not a trivial matter that Kang Daoxing's computer was hacked. There will definitely be official records, and anyone who is interested will know it. What's more, the hacker checked the BLACKJACK file and then accessed the Kang's password table. It took more than two months. Later, Ding Xiaojia received a text message written in Kang's password.

So who can be sure if the person who contacted her is a real BLACKJACK or a fake BLACKJACK?


a week later.

Shao Zhilang was still sleeping on the bed, and Lan Bowen's people called the door, took him to the airport, and told him that his destination was Brazil, and because of special circumstances, his mobile phone had to be confiscated.

Before, he kept revealing that he wanted to participate in the drug trade, but Lan Bowen kept ignoring his demands and didn't want him to get involved in this area, but now... it seems that the situation has changed.

Boarding the plane, I saw Lan Bowen reading the newspaper in the cabin. Instead of asking why he suddenly changed his mind, he chatted about another topic.

"Is there any news about Xiaoying?"

Lan Bowen shook his head: "But it is certain that her life should not be in danger."

"Why?" Shao Zhilang said, "Didn't you say she was robbed?"

"That person was not in the same group as the killer who attacked us back then. And Xiaoying called me afterwards and told me to be careful of Guo Ming. After a while, I called that number again and found that the other party was a mainland tourist who had returned to China. It’s in the mainland, although he didn’t hear the conversation between Xiaoying and the man with him, but the relationship between the two seems to be good, and the other party bought her a new mobile phone.”

Shao Zhilang said: "Hearing you say that, I'm even more curious. It's not for money or to influence us. What's the purpose of that person kidnapping Xiaoying?"

Lan Bowen said: "Could it save her?"

"Are you kidding, would you do such a boring thing?"

Lan Bowen smiled and didn't explain why he thought so. In fact, he also realized it after a flash of inspiration after knowing Guo Ming's plan.

Just like he didn't want Xiaoying and Shao Zhilang to go to Brazil with him to get in touch with the drug trade, maybe that man kidnapped Xiaoying to keep her away from danger.

At this moment, the vibration from the soles of the feet diverted the attention of the two people.

It was the plane that started taxiing on the runway.

About a minute later, accompanied by a roar, the small airliner soared into the sky.


after one day.

HK Central, Forever Paradise.

Li Chengmin came out with a hot dog bun. While eating his mouth full of oil, he repeated in Korean that it was so delicious. Why didn't he think about visiting the night market when he came to HK before.

"You know, with your current appearance, no one will believe that you are a female killer who once strangled a Burmese drug lord with a wire rope."

Li Chengmin stuffed the last piece of sausage into his mouth, wiped off the sauce on his fingers, swam over like a water snake, and hugged his arm.

"Ouba...he really likes you, look at how we look like a couple now."

"Is it?"

Lin Yue smiled playfully and looked at her deeply.

Li Chengmin's heart shuddered, and there was a trace of panic in his eyes.

It's not that she hasn't been distracted in the past few days, but she has seen him hit the bullseye of a dart board with a dagger twenty meters away, bent two steel pipes with her bare hands, and even watched him drink a little wine once, and wanted to search him After being warned by the cat's eyes with the gun on her body, she was completely discouraged.

"Brother, you left Xiaoying and took me out because you just want to date someone."

"NO, NO, NO." Lin Yue shook his finger and said, "I brought you out for business?"

"What kind of business?"

Almost the weight of the whole person was pressed on his body, and even the breath in his ear was wet and greasy.

Lin Yue said: "You are good at seduction. If Xiaoying is seven points, no, five points coquettish than you, I don't have to work so hard and spend so much energy on her."

Thanks to the book friends with the tail number 5787 for the 500 starting coins, cooked and turned off the lights, and the book friends with the tail number 5344 for the 100 starting coins.

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