Lin Yue said, "Why?"

Li Chengmin leaned his head on the edge of the bed and looked at him: "Why did she leave suddenly? Why did you promise her?"

"Simple, because I told her a message."

"what news?"

"Lan Bowen is a policeman."


Li Chengmin was taken aback. Although she didn't know much about that person, such a change of identity still made her a little hard to accept. An undercover agent actually became the acting chairman of the board of directors of Demao Group... This is really surprising.

But compared to this matter, she cared more about the boss's coquettish manipulation.

"Why did you tell her the news?"

She is Korean, and her way of thinking is somewhat different from that of the Chinese, but no matter how different she is, she can also see in this matter that this young, handsome, and intelligent boss treats her differently from Xiaoying. The relationship just now was just a fish-and-water relationship between a man and a woman. I like it a little bit, and it has nothing to do with love, but I treat that girl who is younger and more beautiful than her very carefully.

Lin Yue smiled: "In Chinese culture, there is a word called playing hard to get."

Li Chengmin looked puzzled, but unfortunately Boss Lin didn't intend to answer this question.


The story line of Lan Bowen and Shao Zhilang is exactly the same as in the movie. After the drug dealers were dealt with and Mr. Dong got the goods back, the two drove into a stadium, where they had a wonderful show, which can also be said It is a tribute to the brotherhood in Hong Kong movies, like "Brothers are in your heart, you can't feel it, and I will say 10,000 words are nonsense".

Lin Yue has watched too many Hong Kong movies, and even played brotherly love in "Chasing the Dragon". He was not touched by the relatively weak emotional depiction in this movie, but Lan Bowen first shot to interfere with Shao Zhilang's hearing. Then use Morse code to send a message, telling Q SIR that he is the real BLACKJACK. I appreciate the details.

After the two returned to HK, the police closely monitored them to determine who was the real undercover agent.

Lan Bowen's real identity is Bo Zai, the son of Superintendent Kang Daoxing, and Ding Xiaojia has been with Kang Daoxing for several years, so he has some understanding of Superintendent Kang's son. Logical reasoning, she and Q SIR are more and more inclined to believe that Lan Bowen is the real BLACKJCAK.

As for Shao Zhilang.

The two speculated that his purpose was to have both sides, to collect information from both the police and Demao, in order to play a trick of praying mantis to catch cicadas and orioles, and finally robbed Mr. Dong's batch of goods.

A billion dollar business, few gamblers can resist such a temptation, not to mention he has always wanted to win Lan Bowen once.

A few days later, Dong Baihao hosted Tan Huanxi and Lan Bowen at home to discuss the next drug delivery, and it was also a test --- to test whether Tan Huanxi was an undercover police officer.

The old man's performance was remarkable, and he was not caught by Dong Baihao.

The day before the drug delivery, Lan Bowen was still persuading Shao Zhilang not to get involved in this matter, but Q SIR thought it was a useless effort, and Shao Zhilang would not let go of this great opportunity, after all, he had already revealed the deployment of the police.

the second night.

Lan Bowen and Xiaoying came to the parking lot.

"I don't understand, why do you want to come back? Is the new boss treating you badly?"


"Xiaoying, I asked who kidnapped you, but you didn't tell me, and I asked why you came back, but you didn't tell me, so how can I trust you?"

"Boss, stop talking. You saved my life. As long as I have one breath, I won't let others hurt you."

"I don't need your protection, let's go."


She was unmoved, as if she had never heard of it.

This was the third time he had driven her away, but it didn't work.

Ever since he realized that the mysterious person kidnapped Xiaoying might be out of good intentions, he had a bad feeling that it might be right for her not to be by his side, but no matter what, he never expected that she had been silent a few days ago. He came back loudly, and kept silent about being kidnapped.

Who is Lan Bowen? A smart person with an IQ of 140 can naturally perceive Xiaoying's maintenance of that person, or be grateful...feelings? Otherwise, she wouldn't be so strict and refuse to disclose the other party's situation.

She protected him because he was her boss and savior, and she kept that man's secret. The reason... is a bit intriguing.

Lan Bowen knew that he was an undercover agent. As the drug delivery day approached, the threats from Dong Baihao and Shao Zhilang also increased day by day. If Xiaoying followed him, his life would be in danger, so he kept using various excuses to drive her away. , however has no effect at all.

I really don't know if she is loyal, or if she is more loyal than some men.


At this moment, Xiaoying touched his hand, and the handbag that was originally on the crook of his arm slowly slipped off.

Lan Bowen noticed that something was wrong, the exit of the parking lot seemed to be blocked by a car.

A figure flashed past the side and rear pillars, followed by flames gushing from the muzzle and piercing gunshots.

Without saying a word, Xiaoying pushed his head down, pulled out the pistol on his waist, and fired several shots at the killer who was ambushing behind him, pushing the man forward along the gap between the vehicles.

bang~ bang~ bang~ bang~

There were constant gunshots, and the bullets hit the vehicle shell with sparks flying everywhere, and cement debris flew everywhere.

Seeing the number of killers, Lan Bowen knew that it would be impossible to hide in place, so he broke the window of a car, put down the handbrake, and pushed the car forward, using it as a shield to resist the enemy's attack.

However, as they approached the entrance bit by bit, another group of people came out from the side, forming crossfire with the previous killers.

Seeing that Xiaoying was about to fall into a state of being attacked from both sides, she quickly pulled Lan Bowen behind a pillar.

At this time, the helper who received the distress message arrived and covered Lan Bowen to leave, only to find that the woman opposite had been shot in the abdomen.

"Go, go, go..."

The scene in front of him reminded him of the scene when he was hunted down by a masked killer in Nanshan District, Shenzhen. At that time, Xiaoying was stabbed. This time...

"Boss, let's go." The two behind desperately dragged him into the car.

He could only watch from the rear window that the woman who was fighting the killer for him was drowned in the hail of bullets.

The moment the car turned into the safe passage, there was a small commotion behind the killer's camp. The killer who landed in the second-to-last row watched helplessly as his companion's neck was broken by a masked man wearing sunglasses.


The creak of the broken neck bone drilled into the ears like a curse.

Soon, the people in front all reacted.

Although I don't know how that person got around behind them, but the current situation is...he must be killed.

Six pistols pointed at Lin Yue at the same time.

A dazzling white light suddenly bloomed, and the entire parking lot seemed to be a little sun.


There were screams, followed by continuous gunfire.






Xiaoying was also flashed into the eyes, but because of the location, it was not as serious as the killers. After the strong light faded, she slowly regained consciousness and tried to open her eyes.

At this time, the pain in the abdomen came, and I subconsciously covered it, and the blood stained the palm of my hand.

The gunshots... why did it stop?

When she asked this question, a person walked over in the haze.

She tried to raise the gun, but it was snatched away and thrown aside.

Then, the man picked her up.

"You owe Lan Bowen, you paid it with your life, now...your life is mine..."

This voice is so familiar.

She wanted to ask why are you here? But because of the sudden relaxation of her mind, the feeling of weakness flooded her body like a tide and engulfed her.


at the same time.

In the apartment building where Ding Xiaojia lives.

She fled desperately, ran desperately.

She didn't know why, Q SIR clearly said it was safe here, and even assigned her a security guard, but as the door was blown open, a group of killers flooded into the room and shot at anyone, if it wasn't for Che Zimian desperately stopping the enemy, Push her out the back door, now I'm afraid it's already...


The elevator door opened, and two faces flashed in the car.

She froze for a moment, then her legs gave way, and she collapsed to the ground.

"Ah Xuan..."

As her gaze sank, she saw blood in the car and the body of a strange man.

Zhu Xuan quickly supported her: "Sister Ding, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, but Che Zai noodles..."

Zhu Xuanchong nodded left and right, and the two agents walked to the inner room with guns in hand. She pulled Ding Xiaojia into the elevator and pressed the button for the first floor.

"Fortunately, Lin Yue told me that Dong Baihao knew your location and sent a group of killers to deal with you, otherwise..."

She didn't say anything after that.

"Where's Q SIR?" Ding Xiaojia was worried about her boyfriend.

"Q SIR received a summons from Lin Yue and went to arrest the surname Dong. She asked me to go there as soon as I rescued you."

"I am coming too."

"But sister Ding... okay."

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