Mr. Dong was very upset, super upset, even worse than knowing that Guo Ming betrayed him and swallowed the last batch of goods.

Because he was played, thoroughly played.

The last time the incident happened in Brazil, he couldn't be found out, so he lost a sum of money, and there was no fear of his life. But this time it was different, the goods worth one billion were seized by the police in one go.

He didn't know who leaked the news.

Blue Bowen?

Tan Huanxi?

Shao Zhilang?

Now that there is no time to track down the traitors, he just called Wu Bai and asked him to kill all these people.

And he, it's time to run for his life. If he doesn't leave and is caught by the police, he will know what is waiting for him, just think about it with his ass.

Putting on his gun and getting the flight done, he came down from upstairs, and as soon as he got to the living room, he saw a person sitting on the sofa.

Qin Huanxi.

The middleman from Southeast Asia, now it seems that the police did not arrest him, it can only show one thing, this guy is an undercover agent.

"Alan said that everyone has a choice. I don't know if Mr. Dong wants to go through the front door or the back door? One NB, one CIB, anyway, no matter which one you choose, you will end up in jail."

Mr. Dong looked at each other coldly and did not speak.

Tan Huanxi smiled and said, "I don't choose either, you can still choose this."

He picked up the dagger on the table and turned it around: "Keep your eyes."

Dong killed his wife and gouged out her eyes. Today is the time to take revenge.

Mr. Dong pondered for a moment, then suddenly pulled out his gun: "Go to hell."

However, with a gunshot, he screamed, the things in his hand fell to the ground, his left hand was covering the wound on his right shoulder, his expression was distorted, and his face was full of pain.

Tan Huanxi still smiled and said: "Oh, I forgot to tell you, the attack team of the Criminal Intelligence Division is right behind me."

As if responding to his announcement, a few people came in from behind, but they were not members of the Criminal Intelligence Division's attack team. Q SIR walked in the front, followed by Zhu Xuan and Ding Xiaojia. The cigarette butt was thrown on the ground, and he stepped on it hard to make sure it would not ignite the carpet before walking into the living room.

Ding Xiaojia saw Tan Huanxi on the sofa at a glance, and said happily, "Godfather, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, fine." He responded to her question with a smile.

In order to prevent the criminal from committing suicide or resisting, Zhu Xuan walked over and twisted Mr. Dong's arm.

At this time, Lin Yue said: "Mr. Dong, you didn't expect Tan Huanxi to betray you, did you? He obviously tried to test him back then, and he could bear the hatred of killing his wife with a calm demeanor. This acting skill is beyond the reach of ordinary people. But don't be sorry, you're not the only one being tricked."


While Dong Baihao's house was unfolding the scene of revenge, there was an air of incompatibility with the times. In the dilapidated Meiji restaurant, Shao Zhilang was eating noodles with his head bowed, his slurping voice sounded uncomfortable.

Lan Bowen sat on the opposite chair, slowly placed a pistol on the table, squinted at his good brother, and felt an indescribable gloom in his whole body.

"Xiaoying is dead."

Shao Zhilang stopped, but he didn't look up, his eyes fixed on the peony print on the tablecloth.

"You are so cruel."

Lan Bowen took it for granted that Shao Zhilang betrayed him, because he was not caught by Dong Baihao. If Shao Zhilang hadn't tipped off the news, how could he and Xiaoying be intercepted by the killer... Although he didn't know how Shao Zhilang saw through him of identity.


Put the chopsticks on the bowl.

Shao Zhilang got up and left, as if he didn't intend to explain, let alone communicate with him.

Xiaoying died.

This incident was not only a heavy blow to Lan Bowen, but also to Shao Zhilang. The reason why he didn't want to say anything was because he had already said what he wanted to say when he was in Brazil. It’s useless for me to say ten thousand words.”


Lan Bowen pushed a mobile phone over, and the picture showed a little girl sleeping soundly with a teddy bear in her arms, and a time bomb was placed near the head of the bed.

It's Wenwen, the child adopted by Amei, the owner of Meiji restaurant.

"Want to be buried with La Wenwen? Do whatever you want." Shao Zhilang turned and left, because Wen Wen had always been close to Lan Bowen, and he didn't believe that this guy could do anything.

"For so many years, because of Wenwen's lack of access to Jianghu affairs, you left her TOEFL to take care of your sister and aunt. You are really a great father."

Lan Bowen actually knew that Wenwen was his adopted daughter, and Shao Zhilang couldn't move anymore.

As frequent customers of Meiji Restaurant, although the two have been joking about one wanting to take Wenwen as a daughter, and the other wanting to marry Wenwen as his wife when she grows up, talking is one thing, but the real situation is another.

Lan Bowen is Xiaoying's savior, he has always cared for her, and now she is dead.

Shao Zhilang is Wenwen's savior, and treats her like a daughter.

Lan Bowen thinks that he told Dong Baihao that he killed Xiaoying. In order to avenge her, he might blow up Wenwen to death.

He looked at the pistol on the table, and then at the remote control of the time bomb slowly raised, his eyes became colder and colder.

Lan Bowen wants him to commit suicide, otherwise Wenwen will be killed.

Just like the plot of the movie, Shao Zhilang compromised and cursed, "The police will suffer retribution if you do this." The bullets are also empty.

It turned out that Lan Bowen was testing him.

The two sat down again, and Shao Zhilang said that he confirmed that Lan Bowen was an undercover agent through the Q SIR response, because his good brother has an IQ of 140. If he does not want to be watched by the police, the police will definitely not succeed.

After breaking this secret, he knew that he was a fake BLACKJACK and his identity was exposed, so it was not hard to guess his intentions when the police were paralyzed, so even if he knew the time and place of Dong Baihao's drug dealing, he didn't find anyone to do it.

While chatting about Xiaoying, the door of the restaurant opened, and Dong Baihao's general, Wu Bai, walked in with a dagger.

Having experienced the incident in the underground parking lot, Lan Bowen and Shao Zhilang were not surprised that the "Captain of Brazil" would appear here. One was holding a beer bottle, the other was shaking the tablecloth, and the three of them fought together.

In the first round, Wu Bai stabbed Lan Bowen and Shao Zhilang each. Fortunately, they were not serious. The two worked together to knock them to the ground, and were about to leave when they were done. into a woman in a leather jacket, leather pants and high heels, with a gun in her hand.

"Wow, why is it you?"

Shao Zhilang was taken aback, his face was full of surprise.

"You know her?"

Lan Bowen asked out of breath, clutching his wound.

"The female killer I met when I was meeting with the police in MO."

"Dong Baihao really thinks highly of you."

Lan Bowen and Xiaoying met a group of gunmen in the parking lot. It was obvious that Wu Bai had come to deal with Shao Zhilang, and now there was another female killer. This configuration was a bit high.

"Perhaps... the surname Dong thinks I'm an undercover police officer."

"Hey, I'm dead now."

The two of them had been stabbed with a knife, and they were inconvenient to move. Now that the female killer came in with a gun, normal people would not think that they had a chance to make a comeback when they saw this scene.


There was a small sound behind them, and the two turned their faces to see that Wu Bai got up from the ground, and at this moment, a black shadow sprang out from the front side.

Before they figured out what happened, Dong Baihao's general let out a miserable snort, covered his eyes and fell to the ground.

The female killer walked between the two, and raised the gun in her hand to meet their puzzled eyes.




Wu Bai was shot in the chest, fell to the floor and twitched a few times before making a sound.

"You're welcome. If there is another time, remember to watch the enemy die before playing cool, or you will be struck by lightning."

The black cat that caught Wu Bai blind jumped onto the dining table and jumped onto her shoulder with its strength. One person and one cat ignored the surprised and suspicious eyes of the two and walked away.

Shao Zhilang wrapped his bleeding right hand with his left hand, looked at the woman's back and said, "Is she here to save us?"

Lambosheng sat down clutching the wound on his abdomen, gasped and said, "The way she speaks reminds me of someone."



Naturally, it was the mysterious man who kidnapped Xiaoying back then, and made fun of them for not running for their lives.


Zhu Xuan took out the handcuffs and handcuffed Dong Baihao, pulling him up from the ground.

"Yes, you are not the only one being tricked, but also the police." At this moment, Lin Yue turned around slowly and looked at Tan Huanxi on the sofa: "When a person walks on the border between black and white, you say...he Is it Black? Or White?"

Ding Xiaojia, who threw herself on Tan Huanxi, was a little confused: "Lin Yue, what do you mean by that?"

Lin Yue said: "The meaning is very simple, the person you put your arms around is the real boss behind the scenes."

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