Of course, Lin Yue had no reason, nor was he interested in explaining to them that Captain Excellent Era was going to be replaced soon.

Come out of the conference room and go downstairs. If the plot doesn't change because of his arrival, Team Excellent Era boss Tao Xuan should be having a showdown with Ye Qiu, forcing him to resign as captain and hand over the account of "One Leaf Knows Autumn" To the rookie Sun Xiang who performed well last season.

Ye Xiu, he doesn't like it...at least the drama version doesn't like Ye Xiu, and Sun Xiang doesn't like it either. Now that the system lets him dress as Chen Yehui, he can't stay in Excellent Era anymore.

Of course, if you don't like it, you don't like it. If there is no benefit, he has no motivation to waste time and energy on these people.

By the way, the task content has not been determined yet.

Thinking of this, he turned his attention to the system space, and pulled down the menu to the taskbar.

Main task: Destroy Glory by non-hacking and commercial means.

Side mission (1): Form a team and win a league championship trophy.

Side task (2): play the main/supporting role in the crying drama (every person whose spirit breaks down can get 20,000 RMB).

Mission Difficulty: Normal.

Mission time frame: 2022-2026.

The main mission is to destroy the game of Glory?

I am the Great Demon King? Oh no... let the game that poisoned the flowers of the motherland die?

It is really the consistent style of the system.

However, it is somewhat difficult to destroy Glory by non-hacking and commercial means. It is not allowed to use [hacking] skills, and it is not possible to destroy Glory through the commercial means he is best at. What should I do?

Four years, no, more than three years.

The main task has to be considered in the long run.

As for the side mission, it can be put on the agenda as soon as possible.

As he thought about it, he walked forward, and when he came to the corridor outside the second meeting room downstairs, he happened to see the back of Ye Qiu turning and leaving.

No need to think about it, the Glory textbook was kicked out by the team.

Actually... You can't say that. Tao Xuan thinks that Ye Qiu wears a mask every time he plays, doesn't take commercial performances, doesn't take commercial endorsements, and can't create value for Team Excellent Era, so he made last season's highlight Sun Xiang, who performed well, recruited Team Excellent Era as the captain, replaced Ye Qiu who had been going downhill, and wanted him to be a training partner for the team. Ye Qiu couldn't accept this kind of thing, and after handing over Yiye Zhiqiu's account, he directly chose to retire.

So strictly speaking, he was forced to retreat by Tao Xuan.

Lin Yue paused for a moment, pushed open the door of the second conference room and walked in.

Tao Xuan and Sun Xiang were talking about Ye Qiu being forced to retire, and they were stunned when they saw him come in.

"Chen Yehui, why did you come in without knocking?"

Tao Xuan knocked on the table and said, it could be seen that he was very upset, after all, he had a bad fight with Ye Qiu just now: "If you came to me to plead for Ye Qiu's expulsion from the team, there is absolutely no need for that, Although he is gone, I can trust his vision."

Lin Yue chuckled: "Tao Xuan, I think you made a mistake."

Instead of calling the manager, call him by his first name, and the disrespect for the boss has risen to a higher level.

"Since you didn't come to me to beg for mercy, what did you come to me for?"

"Terminate the contract."

"Terminate the contract?"

Tao Xuan laughed twice, pushed away the chair and stood up: "Chen Yehui, you can terminate the contract if you want? Who do you think you are? It's okay to terminate the contract, can you afford the liquidated damages?"

Lin Yue said: "For the time being... I can't afford it, but I don't want to. Since you don't agree to terminate the contract, I choose to retire."

When Tao Xuan heard this, his expression changed from disapproval to anger, and then mocking.

Sun Xiang, who was sitting next to him, was even more contemptuous: "Who do you think you are? A low-ranking rookie who also retired like others, really makes people laugh."

The retirement of a great master like Ye Qiu is a big news that will cause a sensation in the entire e-sports circle. For someone like Chen Yehui who just made a fool of himself in the game to retire, it will only make people laugh and laugh at him.

This circle is as realistic as the competition. The winner is the king and the loser is Kou. A player like Chen Yehui who has just been promoted from the second team is not even Kou.

Lin Yue didn't get angry, and picked up the ID card on the table: "Is the other person you're talking about Ye Qiu?"

He shook the things in his hand: "Sun Xiang, do you think that once Yiye Zhiqiu's account is in your hands, it will become a recognition? No, it will become a curse for your entire career, and everyone will regard you and If you compare Ye Qiu, you will live in his shadow forever, who is the clown and who is ridiculous, let's wait and see."


The ID card returned to the table, and Team Excellent Era's red leaf icon flashed a strange red.

Sun Xiang was angered by this sentence: "Who do you call a clown?"

His occupation is a battle mage, and Ye Qiu's occupation is also a battle mage. Now that he came to Excellent Era, he inherited Ye Qiu's captain position and account number. If you want to talk about the most unforgettable thing, just like what Chen Yehui said, he He didn't want to be Ye Qiu's shadow, he wanted to prove that he was the future of Glory, and Ye Qiu... Ashes to ashes to ashes, this is the destination that an old player who is behind the times should have.

Lin Yue smiled, threw away Chen Yehui's Demon Swordsman's ID card, turned around and left, and didn't bother to talk to this so-called e-sports rookie who was in middle school rather than childish.

As a person who has experienced many worlds, for him, the so-called passion is the recruits who have been forced out of the trenches for reimbursement; The self-movement of the second-year-old patient, the so-called explosion, removed the soundtrack of some plots in the TV series and watched it again, so embarrassing that he could pick out a three-bedroom apartment.

"You stop..."

What Sun Xiang couldn't stand the most was others' ignorance of him. Top players like Fighting God Ye Qiu, King of Fighters Han Wenqing, and magician Wang Jiexi were fine. How dare a low-level guy like Chen Yehui?

Tao Xuan reached out and pressed his shoulder.

"Chen Yehui, do you know what it means for a player like you to retire?"

Lin Yue paused, but didn't look back: "Of course."

In the e-sports industry, don’t say that tactics are updated very quickly. If you don’t practice for a month or two, your understanding of the game will be far away from others. The feel, reaction, awareness, and state will all decline severely. There is a level, definitely not an easy task.

A player of Ye Qiu's level will definitely find a qualified training partner when he comes back after retiring. Fighting God is very likely to return to the top. He Chen Yehui? Why.

Lin Yue said: "Isn't it just one year? I will come back after one year."

"Cut." Sun Xiang suppressed his unhappiness, curled his lips and sneered.

Lin Yue continued: "Come back for Excellent Era, and we will be buried together with glory."

The two people heard that their faces changed, but they quickly returned to normal, and they took this sentence as the nonsense of a mental patient.

Funeral for Excellent Era, it's quite normal to think about it in my heart.

Burial with glory? This is simply a dream. Glory is a competitive event that is recognized even by the Asian Games. He has been an e-sports legend for ten years. He is a mere pawn. Is it possible that he wants to bring down the world tree of Glory?

Lin Yue glanced sideways at the two of them, then walked out of the second meeting room.

After leaving, I went down to the next floor, came to the dormitory of the first team, found my room, entered the password and walked in, looked around and shook my head, opened the closet, stuffed daily necessities and autumn clothes into the suitcase, and put the team uniform He took it off, casually threw it on the bed, and walked outside with the suitcase without hesitation.

Coming out of the dormitory area, I happened to meet Ye Qiu who was forced to retire in the lobby on the first floor. Maybe the suitcase in his hand was too conspicuous, or maybe he didn't expect things to develop to this point. Looking at him puzzled.

As if Lin Yue didn't see him, he pulled the suitcase and walked forward. The moment he passed by, he remembered something. He took out the Team Excellent Era team logo that he had put in his pocket after the game, and flicked it. Steadily into the trash can.

Ye Qiu said, "Don't you think this is too much?"

He passed by the showroom just now and put Team Excellent Era's team logo under the trophy. Where's Chen Yehui?

Lin Yue has no malice towards e-sports, but just like what Tao Xuan and Sun Xiang said, no matter the competition or the team, they all speak with their strength. No matter how disobedient God of Fighting is, he is also a banner, and he is a role that can be replaced at any time. , which is tantamount to garbage.

The team abused me thousands of times, and I treat the team like first love?

Stockholm Syndrome?

He is not in the habit of repaying evil with kindness.

"do not think so."

"That's the team you've been in for two years, don't you think you should maintain some respect?"

"I'm sorry, I'm not as noble as you... No, I should say I'm deceiving myself and others. In my opinion, it's just a profession. If I'm not happy with it, I should abandon it like a shoestring."

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