Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1406 Ye Xiu, you are not qualified to be the captain

Ye Qiu said: "E-sports starts with love and finally sticks to it. People like you will never be able to become a qualified professional player."

"A certain crosstalk artist said that if you don't understand the situation, you should advise people to be magnanimous, and stay away from him, otherwise you will be hurt when you are struck by lightning. I seem to have said this more than once, but people who persuade people to be magnanimous are in my It is about to be relegated to the hate list. People who have been chattering like a saint all the time, put on a face of a life mentor and say plausible truths, are the ones who should be struck by lightning. Ye Qiu, the times are different. Brainwashing, you have to do it It's a little more subtle, don't think that everyone is like the group of middle school boys around you, with a face in their twenties, but a naive brain."

When Lin Yue watched online dramas, he just laughed while watching, the laugh of sneering.

TV series like "Thirty Only", "Ode to Joy", and "Golden Years" have distorted values, but they will show a realistic side to a certain extent. After all, they are based on life, and the drama "Full-time Master", The protagonist smiles sweetly from beginning to end and adds those seemingly positive and positive preaching. For a person like him who has experienced too much, there is only one feeling, that is fake big empty.

Later he figured it out, it was still a problem with the audience, most of the audience of the show were teenagers and teenagers who had never experienced social lashing. For non-original fans like Lin Yue, it was like adults watching Ultraman. It's not embarrassment in capital letters, but the embarrassment that fills the screen and is about to overflow. As long as the protagonist is not embarrassed himself, the embarrassment is the embarrassment of others.


At this moment, the door of the hall opened, and Su Mucheng walked in with a pack of snacks on her back. She seemed to have heard Lin Yue's disrespectful words, and said with a cold face, "Chen Yehui, is this how you treat the captain?"

It could be seen that she only heard the latter part and did not know the root of the controversy.

"Attitude, don't think that everyone will praise him." Lin Yue said with a smile: "Speaking of attitude, I would like to say a few more words about the topic of respect just now."

He turned around, looked at Ye Qiu and said: "In ancient costume movies, there is a saying that is often said before the duel between masters. What kind of hero is hiding your head and showing your tail. And you wear a mask every game. You like this, Have you respected your opponents? Have you respected your fans and the people who watch the game video?"

Ye Qiu said, "I am..."

There were only two words, and he swallowed the latter.

Lin Yue said: "Afraid that your family members will find out that you will embarrass the Ye family? Or should you practice the nonsense of 'e-sports is glory, not showing off'?"

The first sentence was nothing, but the latter sentence annoyed Ye Qiu: "What did you say, tell me again."

"E-sports is about glory, not showing off, I's a piece of nonsense!"

To Lin Yue, it was nonsense, to Ye Qiu, it was a creed of life, and the anger surged from the internal organs.

"You know, many great writers in history were not good-looking. In order to win the favor of women, they had to compete with those handsome people in other ways. Later, people called it talent, and the peacock's tail was just for showing off. , in order to get the right to mate. Fundamentally speaking, showing off is an unavoidable part of human social behavior. It can make food delicious, but it is not the fundamental value of food. Anyone can say beautiful and pretentious words, but self-righteous preaching regardless of the occasion or the object will only make people disgusted.”

After leaving these words, he ignored Su Mucheng's eyes and walked towards the revolving door.

"Stop and speak clearly."

"Sigh." Lin Yue sighed, and turned to look at a man and a woman opposite: "So, you, the captain, are not forced to retire at all, but you are not qualified to be the captain of a team."

Even Su Mucheng was annoyed by these words: "Chen Yehui, you are a player who just joined the first team from the second team, and you are the least qualified to say such things."

"Is he a battle god? Glory textbook? The creator of Excellent Era's three consecutive championships? Do you think this is the qualification to be a captain, Su Mucheng? Merit and strength are never the absolute conditions for being a team captain, and they don't have to be." It is the soul of a team, but the person who can unite the strength of all the people in the team, unite them sincerely, and fight for the immediate goal. A professional player, normally speaking, from adult to twenty-three years old, belongs to In the golden age, the state of life in the future will continue to decline, let’s say ten years. A ten-year career is just a stage in life. After this stage, what can they gain when they are nearly 30 years old? Occupational diseases? Out of touch with society? Be a security guard? Be a network administrator? Can you afford a house? Can you get married? If you can’t earn the wealth and fame of ordinary people for most of their lives in these ten years, what will they do in the future? And you, don’t accept business If you don’t do endorsements, you can’t cash out your achievements and create benefits for the team. Naturally, everyone will not get much money. Do you let everyone in the team play with you a small game of ‘competition is not showing off but glory’? Do you have a mine at home? , You can afford it, they can't afford it, in modern society, a man has no bread, and he doesn't even have the courage to say love. There is a saying that it is easy to conquer the world, but difficult to occupy the world, so people like you are only suitable for conquering cities and conquering territories. Boundless territory, not qualified to be the leader of an already famous team."

Su Mucheng said: "We never thought of making Ye Qiu responsible for our lives, as long as he can lead the team to win the championship is enough."

Lin Yue said: "Then please tell him, if you don't have the awareness to be responsible for other people's lives, then concentrate on playing the game, don't preach to everyone, it will only make him more hypocritical."


Ye Qiu felt that this word was very harsh.

Lin Yue said: "Wear a mask during the competition and don't show your true colors. Whether you want to keep a low profile or you are afraid that your family will see it, this will make you look different and impress the audience. Don't you think it's not showing off? It's better than showing off." Show off? If you really don’t want to show off your skills, why join a team, why participate in major competitions, it would be great to be a master among the people.”

Ye Qiu said: "A realistic person like you can't appreciate the joy of e-sports at all."

"You want to say that only in professional leagues can you have opponents who can compete with you and bring you happiness, so you have to join the team, right? With participation, this set of e-sports system has been created, so that players with various purposes have a stage to show their ambitions, and their interests are accommodated. Without businessmen and capital to open the way, glory will only be a pan of sand, wind As soon as you blow it, it will fall apart, so if you only have the structure of playing e-sports, if you want to find happiness here, please follow the rules of the game.”

This was the last sentence Lin Yue said. When Su Mucheng and Ye Qiu realized it, he was gone, only the revolving door in front was still moving, and the snowflakes were still floating.

Chen Yehui?

This is the man who used despicable means to get Qiu Fei down?

Su Mucheng couldn't figure out when he became so eloquent that even Ye Qiu, who was usually the most eloquent, was speechless when he spoke to him.

"Ye Xiu, what's going on?"

Fortunately, she realized it in time, it doesn't matter if Chen Yehui changed his personality, he was just an inconspicuous marginal character, the key was Ye Qiu, she didn't understand what happened, how could he deteriorate to the point of not being the captain.

"Is it because of Chen Yehui?"

"No." Ye Qiu shook his head, "I asked to retire on my own initiative."

He walked outside without looking back. Because he was too shocked, Su Mucheng was stunned for a moment before he realized: "Then I will go with you."

Ye Qiu closed the door, looked at her through the glass and said, "Stay in Excellent Era and fight hard, for me and for Mu Qiu."

Su Mucheng compromised.

Ye Qiu left.

Just like the plot in the episode, Ye Qiu turned his head and went into the Xingxin Internet Cafe opposite. He originally wanted to find a warm place to think about what happened today, but after sitting down, he realized that the tenth district of Glory was open tonight. , then took out his good friend Su Muqiu's ID card and inserted it into the card slot, started the game, transferred Lord Grim to the tenth district, and prepared to restart the goal of making the god-level weapon, the Thousand Chance Umbrella.

Afterwards, seeing that the proprietress of the Internet cafe, Chen Guo, was very passionate about Glory, she even said something that made him a confidant, proving that Chen Yehui's argument was bullshit, so she temporarily decided to stay and work as a network administrator at Xingxin Internet Cafe.

Speaking of which, network management is the closest profession to Glory.

The next day, Ye Qiu let Chen Guo see his useless life, just changing a light bulb, unexpectedly caused a power outage in the entire Internet cafe, and then he was slapped hard, basically equivalent to signing a contract of prostitution.

In the evening, the Internet cafes that resumed business ushered in a small peak of passenger flow.

At this time, a person who walked in at the door caught the attention of the proprietress sitting behind the bar.

He was wearing a baseball cap and a black mask underneath, covering most of his face.

Thank you for the 200 starting coins that I am not a crime, and leave a trace every step of the way. I am Xiou, and I received 100 starting coins for picking up shells at the beach.

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