Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1413 The Great Hero of the Cooking Class

Lin Dingding glanced at him, opened the lunch box, and said happily, "Where did you get this?"

Xiao Suizi was very curious when she saw her beaming eyebrows, and turned her face to that side, and saw five or six lotus root boxes lying in the lunch box, wrapped in batter outside, deep-fried until golden, and meat fillings were faintly visible inside , Just looking at it makes people move their index fingers and salivate.

She was also surprised, where did Liu Feng get this thing.

"Didn't you make dumplings tonight? There was some stuffing left at the end. Lin Yue cut two pieces of lotus root, wrapped them in some batter, and fried them with the oil left over from the cooking. They were supposed to be taken by the political commissar to entertain the brother troops. As a guest, I couldn’t come because I had an emergency, so I happened to pass by in the corridor, and the political commissar gave me half of it.”

"Oh." Xiao Suizi said, "So the political commissar rewarded you."

Liu Feng smiled and said, "Do you want to come too?"

Xiao Suizi looked at Lin Dingding, who was holding the lunch box with shining eyes, and was not ashamed to ask for it, so he ordered his own lunch box with chopsticks: "I'll just eat dumplings."

Liu Feng nodded, without persuading her, he took out the Movado watch and handed it to Lin Dingding: "Here, the watch you asked me to take to Beijing for repair has been repaired."

Xiao Suizi glanced at Chen Can on the table in front, and picked up the dumpling that Lin Dingding disliked: "Don't waste it if you don't eat it, I'll take it to the band."

After speaking, he walked to the front and pushed the bowl in front of Chen Can: "Don't you always say that you don't have enough to eat? Eat everything I gave you, and there is no leftover."

At this time, Hao Shuwen came over with a bottle of old Shanxi mature vinegar, glanced at the tacit understanding of the man and woman, smiled and sat down beside Liu Feng, and was about to ask him and Zhuoma if they would like some, when she suddenly caught a glimpse of the lotus root box in the lunch box , while Lin Dingding was focusing on the watch, he poked it down with a chopstick, picked up the biggest one and put it in his lunch box.

"Okay, Lin Dingding, he actually eats alone."

"Hao Shuwen!"

She quickly grabbed the lunch box and stared at the head of the house angrily: "Liu Feng gave it to me."

Hao Shuwen took a bite of the lotus root box she snatched. The batter was fried just right, crispy and crispy. If the heat is less, the noodles will be soft, and if it is more, it will be burnt. The meat filling inside is fragrant and delicious, not greasy at all: " Mmm, it's delicious."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Liu Feng: "Where did they come from? Are there any more? Huo Lei*, don't think about Ding Ding all the time, give me some too."

"Do you still want to eat?"

"Yes I do."

Hao Shuwen glanced at Lin Dingding. This female art soldier from Shanghai was protecting her lunch box tightly. Her eyes seemed to say, is it easy to eat something from her hometown when she ran from the eastern coast to the southwest of the motherland?

"Then go to the back kitchen and have a look. If Lin Yue is still there, maybe I can fry some for you."

Everyone in the whole work group knew that Hao Shuwen had a big face, and the team leader had to give her some face, and the people in the cooking team also fawned on her, and it was commonplace to open a small stove or something.

"Is that what he did?"

"That's right, after you finished making the dumplings and left, he cooked a few more dishes."

The lotus root box was made by the female soldiers who left the kitchen after making the dumplings, so she and Lin Dingding only knew about Lin Yue's beating, but they didn't see him kicking Wang Lingzhi away, the cooking squad leader, and made four dishes and one soup for the political commissar There is a scene of entertaining guests from the friendly army.

Hao Shuwen said: "I thought Wang Lingzhi would retaliate against him for what happened in the afternoon. It seems that those small eyes are quite generous."

Liu Feng shook his head: "It's the Chief Secretary's idea."


The two female soldiers were stunned, and even Dolma next to her looked at Liu Feng with a puzzled expression, wondering what kind of operation this was. Lin Yue did such a bad thing and was still reused?

"Hey, I heard from Chen Can that two of Sun Tao's ribs from the cooking team were kicked and he was transferred to the military hospital. The political commissar has already called that Lin Yue to the office and said that he will be punished." Xiao Suizi went back to her room. Sitting down, half of the face is sweet and half is gossip.


The female art soldier didn't know why the chief secretary did this, but Lin Yue knew.

Regardless of the great power in the hands of the Chief Secretary, who is in charge of food, clothing, equipment and materials, and money, the focus of work is still on the leadership of the cooking team. There is a problem with eating big pots of food. If you don’t spend your own money, you don’t feel bad. The chief steward is in charge of the money. In this regard, he naturally has the idea of ​​careful planning and good steel used on the cutting edge. Han Dazhi, as a fellow villager of Wu Tong, the deputy squad leader, can clean a pot for 20 minutes. One can imagine the business performance of the cooking class How bad it is, now there is a thorny guy who can't deal with the deputy squad leader, can pick three without a hair, and is very proficient in kitchen affairs, so naturally he has to use it and give Wang a good blow Lexus, Wu Tong and others.

"Is there anything else you want to say?"

The political commissar sat behind the desk and looked at him seriously.

Lin Yue said, "No."

"This is the army, a place where discipline and principles are emphasized. They don't unite with comrades, improve their professional level, and fight fiercely all day long. Do you know that Sun Tao has been transferred to the military hospital. The doctor said that he broke two ribs. At least two months to recuperate."

"I accept the punishment."

"Is admitting punishment enough?"


Seeing that he was silent, the political commissar looked up and down several times: "Why didn't you speak? What about the arrogance in the fight?"

Lin Yue said, "Who told them to grab my chocolate?"

"Then you can hit such a heavy hand? Fortunately, it's only a broken bone. What if you beat someone to death?"

"Murder pays for life and pays for debts."

"The bones are still quite hard." The political commissar walked behind the desk for a while with his hands behind his back: "Go back and write a review and hand it in tomorrow. Remember, it must be profound and comprehensive."


"Also, starting today, you will also be in charge of Sun Tao's work in the cooking class, until he recovers and is discharged from the hospital."

"no problem."

"Okay, go back and reflect on your mistakes."

Lin Yue gave a military salute, turned and left the office.

He was not at all surprised by the lenient punishment of the political commissar. Everyone in the Quanwen Workers knew how miserably he was bullied before. It is impossible for the political commissar not to know about flattering them to gain some approval.

Yes, he beat people to the hospital, but Han Dazhi, Fu Zhuoran and Sun Tao were the first to fight. If they hadn't robbed the chocolate, the two sides wouldn't have fought, and they would have beaten them into a bear It's embarrassing to say so.

Besides, as a soldier, being bloody is one of the necessary traits. Soldiers in the army come from all over the world, with different diets, cultures, and living habits. How can there be no friction and conflict? It is inevitable to fight against each other. , not a principled error.

There is also the chief secretary, seeing his strengths, being able to fight and cook delicious food, it is impossible not to speak well for him at the political commissar.

Not long after Lin Yue left, the chief secretary came to the political commissar's office.

"Where are people?"

"I sent him back."

"Is there no heavy punishment?"

"No, but..."

The chief secretary knew what he wanted to say, that kid had changed a lot from before: "Don't worry, I will pay close attention to his situation."


When Lin Yue returned to the cooking class, he happened to meet Liu Feng coming out of the cafeteria with the breeder He Dachao. When he saw him, he rushed to meet him: "The political commissar asked you to talk?"


"What did he say?"

Lin Yue knew what he was worried about: "Write an examination seriously, and let me do Sun Tao's work before he is discharged from the hospital."

When Liu Feng heard about it, he breathed a sigh of relief, with a smile on his face: "Do you want me to write it for you?"

Soldiers in the 1970s generally had a low education level. Lin Yue dropped out of school before finishing high school, and then signed up to join the army and came to the art troupe. Liu Feng’s education level was much higher, and he graduated from junior high school...Of course, for some reasons, This junior high school graduation is hydrated.

Lin Yue said, "No need."

"Is it really useless?"

"Of course." Lin Yuexin said that he was joking. In terms of cultural level, the entire art troupe combined might not be as high as him: "By the way, see what happened when you ran out in a hurry."

Liu Feng glanced at He Dachao, who was anxious and embarrassed to urge him: "The pig ran away, and Dachao asked me to help catch it."

"Where did you go?"

"They said they ran off to the street."

"Let's go, I'll go with you."

"You don't eat anymore?"

He was afraid that Lin Yue would waste time looking for pigs, and he would have no dumplings to eat when he came back.

"I'm a cook in the cooking class, and you are actually worried that I will be hungry."

Liu Feng was right when he thought about it. In the past, he might have really starved, but with the play in the afternoon, the situation must have changed.


Without further ado, the two followed He Dachao and ran out.

At this moment, Lin Yue remembered that he hadn't confirmed the content of the task yet.

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