Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1414 I never curry favor with anyone

Ever since I entered the world of "Youth", I have never stopped doing things at hand. Before, I glanced casually and didn't have the energy to think deeply. Now I have time to sort out the task settings.

Main task: Change the fate of Liu Feng and He Xiaoping.

Side missions: good will be rewarded with good, and evil will be rewarded with evil.

Mission Difficulty: Normal.

Task time frame: 70s-90s.

Is the main mission to change the fate of Liu Feng and He Xiaoping? Even if the system doesn't require him to do this, he will do it, otherwise his mind will be hard to calm down, but what the hell is this side mission that good will be rewarded with good, and evil will be rewarded with evil? Can't it be as specific as the main task?

When Lin Yue complained about the system in his heart, there was a sound of beating gongs and drums in front of him.

bang bang bang~

bang bang bang~

Boom, boom, boom~ boom, boom~

He looked up and saw a group of people holding red flags and banners and shouting slogans coming from the other side of the street. There were crowds of onlookers on the side street. Children in red scarves poked their heads out of the alley from time to time, toward the people blocked by the team. Companions made funny faces, while emotional young people in the buildings on both sides threw candy and colored paper down.

"There, there... in the crowd."

The breeder He Dachao took a look and found the pig in the cooking class, good guy, with two lumps of mud sticking to his chubby buttocks, and he was arching inward against the direction of the team.

The people from the cooking class were about to go over to arrest him, but Liu Feng grabbed He Dachao: "Be careful, don't go over there."

Only then did he notice a Jiefang brand light truck carrying people passing by, followed closely by the gongs and drums. A few people could only stand on tiptoes to observe the commotion in the crowd, while walking close to the parade and onlookers squeeze.

"Lin Yue, where's Lin Yue? Have you seen Lin Yue?"

After chasing for a while against the flow of people, Liu Feng found that Lin Yue had disappeared, who was behind him just now.

He Dachao shook his head: "I don't know."

Ma Chaoqun, who came with them to look for the pig, said: "He can't lose it. Finding the pig is the most important thing right now."

A pig can produce 150 catties of meat. There are more than 100 people in the art troupe. During important festivals like Spring Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, and National Day, there is a shortage of meat and egg products on the market. Even if the army needs it, it is not easy to handle. After all, it is not a war environment. Priority is given to the supply of materials. The so-called clever woman cannot cook without rice. In order to ensure the supply of meat and food, the army usually feeds pigs and chickens to supplement meals.

If this thing gets lost, it will inevitably be recorded as a major demerit. Can He Dachao be in a hurry.

"It's all the fault of Wang Youquan and the others. A group of people rushed to clean the pig house, but the door was left open, and the pig ran away. They were lucky. Seeing that they had stabbed Lou Zi, they all ran away."

"Can't you just watch from the sidelines?"

Ma Chaoqun looked back at the two of them and said: "The group of young masters, one of them said the other, are they capable of work?"

When the two blamed He Dachao for negligence, Lin Yue saw He Xiaoping through the window not far away outside the Dongfeng Photo Studio. She was wearing Lin Dingding's military uniform and was smiling very happily facing the camera lens.

This girl, because of her father, the one thing she wants the most is the approval of others. After her mother remarried, her stepfather disliked her, and her brothers and sisters also bullied her. The response was not to ask her to be safe outside and take care of herself, but to take a photo of her and send it back as soon as she got the military uniform, so that the neighbors in the neighborhood would know about it.

The rain had stopped, the road was still slippery, and there was an inexplicable fishy smell floating in the air.

Lin Yue raised his head, sniffed the smell of the street carefully, and plunged into the alley on the right.

On the other side, He Dachao was so anxious that he broke out in a cold sweat. The parade had already passed, and the crowd of onlookers had also dispersed. But what about the pig? Sheds and alleys criss-cross and extend in all directions. Where can I find them in this situation?

"Dachao, don't be in a hurry, so... let's go find them separately. I will go to the ceramic factory, and Ma Chaoqun will go to the South Gate Supply and Marketing Cooperative..."

Before he finished speaking, he heard the low barking of a dog from across the street, followed by the chirping of a pig.

"Look, there, there."

Ma Chaoqun pointed to the sow coming out of the alley and said loudly.

When the two of them looked, a yellow dog flashed out from behind the pig's buttocks, barking at the sow and driving it to the position of the three of them. Holding a stick.

One person and one dog drove the lost sow back to the main street like this.

"What's going on?"

"What's going on? Isn't it looking for a lost pig?"

Liu Feng pointed to the yellow dog who was circling around Lin Yue, wagging its tail, and said, "I'll say it."

"Oh, I met it in the alley across the street. Without it, I wouldn't know where to find this pig." As he spoke, he kicked the sow's ass, in exchange for a groaning pig cry.

He Dachao patted his apron, took out a baked dumpling from his pocket, and handed it to Badun.

"Little guy, thank you, otherwise the sow got lost, and I would be blamed if the director didn't scold me to death."


The dog barked at him, rolled up the dumplings with his tongue, and ate them all in two or three strokes.

Liu Feng said: "Since we found it, let's go back."

He Dachao took the stick from Lin Yue and drove the sow back with Ma Chaoqun.

At this time, Liu Feng found that the yellow dog who didn't know what kind of dog it was had been following Lin Yue's buttocks, and had no intention of leaving at all, and seemed to regard him as his master.

In an art troupe of more than 100 people, there will be more or less leftovers from meals. It is normal operation to feed pigs and chickens with rice scraps and vegetable scraps in the kitchen. No one will say anything about raising a dog, let alone without it Nine out of ten times, the sow will never be found. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the hero of the cooking class.

As long as it has no master and does not hinder the training of the soldiers in the regiment, it is willing to follow Lin Yue, and no one will mind its own business.


The three of them drove the sow back to the regiment. Wang Youquan and others breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that the pig was found.

Lin Yue ordered He Dachao to find something to eat for eight meals, and then turned to Liu Fengchao and walked into the cafeteria—when the dance team and the band were eating, he was called to the political commissar's office for a review, and he hadn't eaten until now, because Liu Feng had eaten Half of them told He Dachao to chase after the pigs, and he didn't eat two bites of that bowl of dumpling wrappers.

Seeing them coming in, Zhuoma, who was washing dishes in the sink next to him, joked, "Hey, Huo Lei* is back, have you found the pig?"

"I found it." Liu Feng said with a smile, "Not only was the pig found, but a dog was also abducted."


"The pigs raised in the cooking class are fine. Does this count as interracial love?"

"See what you said."

Lin Yue glanced at Chen Can and Hao Shuwen, who were facing away from them. The influential figure in the Art Army was preaching her fallacy that "dragons beget dragons and phoenixes beget phoenixes, and mice like to make holes". Sitting down at the dinner table, holding his own lunch box and pulling dumplings into his mouth.

"Hey, Lin Yue, I heard from Liu Feng that you made the lotus root box?"

Hao Shuwen turned around after cleaning the lunch box, and saw Lin Yue sitting on the opposite table. Thinking of what happened just now, she walked over and said, "If you are free these two days, can you fry some more for me?"

Lin Yue said without raising his head, "No time."


There was a burst of laughter from the side, and Zhu Ke said: "He sent Sun Tao to the hospital, and the political commissar fined him to do the work of two people. Of course, there is no time to help you make small troubles."

Lin Yue frowned, feeling a little annoyed at these sarcastic remarks. To him, this kind of punishment made no difference, but after the political commissar finished talking with him, Zhu Ke knew about it. What does it mean? It means the kid has been staring at him.

Hao Shuwen said: "Is there no time to fry a few lotus root boxes?"

Lin Yue still didn't lift his head and said: "No."

The voice was cold and the tone was bad.

When Hao Shuwen heard this, she became furious: "Lin Yue, I ask you to help because I think highly of you, don't be ignorant, don't you know how to cook a few dishes, what a cow."

She is the head of the dormitory for the female art soldiers, and also an announcer. She has a good family background and is also pretty. Everyone in the art troupe does not spoil her, let her, and coax her. Three-point thin noodles, let’s talk about cooking a small stove. Only when others are sick, the cooking team will cook a pot of noodles, steamed bowls of egg custard, and so on. As long as it’s not too much when it comes to her, the squad leader Wang Lingzhi will basically be satisfied. her request.

Now, this guy who had just been punished by the political commissar rejected her so forcefully, which made her very upset and felt ashamed.

Lin Yue ate the last dumpling, picked up the lunch box and walked to the sink: "I eat your rice and use your sesame oil. Do you need to think about it? Just stay here."

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