


Clang, clang~


Listening to the sound of cooking from the kitchen, Xiao Suizi felt as if he had traveled back in time.

Five years ago, she and He Xiaoping were sitting outside waiting for him to turn on the small stove. At that time, the cooking class would chat while cooking. It's the same as quarreling.

"If you didn't leave, it's fine if you didn't leave. If you follow Xiao Hua's group and leave the next day after eating the breakup meal, where can you still eat the meals made by Squad Leader Lin?"

"That's right, that's right, it's worth staying for another two months for the food made by Squad Leader Lin. I'm afraid I won't be able to eat such delicious food again after I go home."

"Squad Leader Lin, what Squad Leader Lin, are you confused? Three years ago, he was the company commander. I haven't seen him for three years. He should be the deputy battalion now."

The curtain at the door of the kitchen was lifted, Lin Yue walked out, looked at the four men sitting at the table on the left and said, "I'm retired."

Ten years ago, there were more than 100 people in the art troupe. Now, there are less than ten people in the whole yard. Some are waiting for the relevant procedures to be completed, some are reluctant to part with their girlfriends in the city, and some are simply nostalgic for life here. Reluctant to leave.


"Retired from the army."

Several people's faces changed, Lin Yue retired from the army? They don't understand that if a combat hero like him continues to stay in the army, it should be no problem to be promoted to a regiment-level cadre in a few years, so why did he leave the army?

"I asked to be discharged from the army on my own initiative." Lin Yue brought out the prepared dishes: "I have been a soldier for so many years, but I have never been filial. My parents are old and my health is not as good as before. I want to go home and find a divorced They work closer."

Those people hurried up to meet them, took the tray, and put the dishes inside on the dining table.

Twice-cooked pork, mapo tofu, fish head with chopped pepper, and a large bowl of three fresh soup.

It may be that the topic of "going home" is too important. After those people sat down for a long time, Lin Yue took out a bottle of white wine from behind: "When I was looking for cooking utensils at the back, I found that there were two bottles of wine. You should drink first. Come on, I'll make two more dishes."

Those people glanced at Xiao Suizi who was waiting for him at the dining table on the right, and smiled at each other.

"Success, let's drink first, and wait for you to come over, Squad Leader Lin."

"They're all retired from the army and still call it that."

Lin Yue patted the man on the shoulder and walked back.

"We don't care what your position is in other troops. Here, you are the old squad leader of the cooking squad who takes care of our food and drinks."

"Okay, okay, I'm the old squad leader, that's fine."

Lin Yue lifted the curtain and walked in.

Out of politeness, those people looked at Xiao Suizi and pointed to the dishes on the table with their chopsticks, asking if they wanted to come and eat together.

She smiled and waved her hand.

Naturally, they wouldn't force it. They went to the place where the cutlery was placed by the cafeteria window to find a few small bowls. When they came back, they unscrewed the wine bottle, poured half a bowl of wine for everyone, and chatted while eating and drinking.

After the art troupe was disbanded, all the people including the cooking team left, and the few remaining people had to start their own gangs. Life is getting better and better these days. Of course, you can’t be hungry, but the taste is not flattering. Now squad leader Lin When he came to visit them after retiring from the army, he was naturally asked to cook a few dishes for everyone to satisfy their hunger.

After a while, Lin Yue came out with two rice bowls, walked up to Xiao Suizi, put the dishes on the table, and took out half a bottle of wine and two glasses: "Okay, let's eat."

The rice bowl on the left is twice-cooked pork and mapo tofu, which can be seen to be mixed from the dishes of those people. The rice bowl on the right is sweet and sour fish made from the fish pieces left over from the chopped pepper fish head. There are also five lotus root boxes.

"What...what's going on?" She pointed to the lotus root box and asked Lin Yue.

"This? This is owed to you."

"Owe me?"

Lin Yue said: "Do you still remember the day when He Xiaoping came here? Lin Dingding didn't like dumplings at night, so Liu Feng took my fried lotus root box and gave her. Hao Shuwen and Zhuoma both snatched a piece, but you didn't." , make it up for you today."

Xiao Suizi looked at the five lotus root boxes clinging to the edge of the rice bowl, her eyes turned red.

This is a special dish in Shandong and Shanghai. Lin Dingding is from Shanghai, and she is also from Shanghai. Although she is not as self-willed as Lin Dingding and always wants to be loved by others, it does not mean that she will not be touched by what he does.

Some things may seem small, but they mean a lot.

"What do you mean, I'm still crying, isn't it just a few lotus root boxes, if I like to eat, I'll make it for you when I have time."

It was good that he didn't speak, but as soon as he spoke, her tears fell down and wet the dining table.

Lin Yue leaned forward: "If you do this again, they will laugh at you."

Xiao Suizi hastily wiped two handfuls on his face with his hands, trying to hide his gaffe.

Lin Yue unscrewed the lid of the wine bottle and poured her a glass of wine: "Come on, let's have a drink."

She picked up the cup and touched him, raised her head and let out a sigh of relief: "I thought I'd never see you again, where have you been these two years?"

Before today, her memory of Lin Yue stayed in 1979. Liu Feng told them in a tone full of self-blame and annoyance that Lin Yue led nearly a battalion of enemies to the south in order to create a chance for their troops to break through.

After that, she inquired many times, but did not get any news about him. Many people said that he was killed in battle, and the poor body could not be found.

Lin Yue said: "At that time, the enemy forced me to a mountain, and I ran out of bullets and food. In order not to let them capture me, I jumped off the cliff. I thought I would fall to my death, but I was rushed to the enemy by the river. Occupying the area, he was rescued by an old farmer, because of serious injuries, he lay in bed for half a year, and it was only after the war ended that he found a chance to return to China.”

"You...have suffered a lot."

"No matter how hard it is, can it be harder than those brothers lying in the cemetery?"

Xiao Suizi stopped talking, she didn't want to continue this topic. People who have never experienced war may get excited when they mention this matter, thinking that it is the nature of a man to fight the enemy bravely, but 99.9% of people who have really experienced war are not. Would like this to happen again.

"Come on, drink."

"drink wine."

Some words are in the wine, needless to say.

Those few people were good at reading things, they were almost finished eating, they came to toast Lin Yue with a glass of wine and left, the two of them drank until the night fell.

After washing the tableware and putting them away, they came out of the cafeteria, and when they passed the newsstand in front, Lin Yue stopped, pointed to the bright Chinese watch pattern on the upper right corner and said, "This..."

Xiao Suizi breathed out the smell of alcohol and said, "I drew it, how about it?"

Lin Yue said, "Well, I have five successes."

"Is it only 50%?"

She was a little disappointed.

She used to be in charge of publishing blackboard newspapers. She was very good at writing articles and making up stories, but she was not so good at drawing on the blackboard. Once, because the assessment score was too low, the chief secretary asked her to go to Lin Yue to find a solution.

Think of him as a cook who has not graduated from high school, what can he do? She was very emotional about this matter, and because Lin Yue and Chen Can were at odds, and she liked Chen Can, she naturally didn't want to be his partner, but since it was the chief secretary's order, she had no choice but to follow through.

It has been proven countless times that this guy can always surprise people.

When he took a box of crayons to the newsstand and quickly and meticulously left chalk drawings one by one on it, she was stunned, and everyone who saw this scene was stunned.

Later, she asked the Chief Secretary why he knew that Lin Yue could do this well. The Chief Secretary gave her several purchase orders. After seeing the handwriting, typesetting, and small neat symbols on the paper, she understood. Although she didn't know why, But obviously, it is absolutely impossible for an ordinary "high school student who has not finished reading" to write such a receipt, and later events also proved that this person is probably the most educated person in the regiment.

"Then add 10% to 60%. If you want to surpass me as a teacher, you have to practice for a few more years."

Xiao Suizi looked at his playful face under the street lamp.

"Say, how many unknown skills do you hide?"

"You really want to know?"


For some reason, she didn't answer the question, and suddenly raised her head after a while: "Can you hug me again?"

Thank you for the 1500 starting coins rewarded by Fu News, the 500 starting coins rewarded by Xinxin Xiangrong, the tail number is 2342, and the 100 starting coins rewarded by Legend.

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