Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1421 I want to write a book for you


Hug her again?

Lin Yue froze for a moment, remembering the scene when she hugged her when she pushed him.

"Why did you suddenly think of this?"

He smiled and took a step forward, naturally pulling her into his arms.

The sweater was soft, her body was a little stiff, and the hand around his shoulder was getting harder and harder.

"I... have been admitted to university."

"Well, I saw it in your dormitory just now, Peking University, yes, she is indeed a talented woman in our group."

He was a little surprised by this request just now, but now he understands.

He told those people in the cafeteria that he would go home after retiring from the army and find a job close to his parents. Where is his home? Southern Yunnan. As for Xiao Suizi, she is going to study in Beijing. After this farewell, who knows if there will be a chance to meet her in the future.

The light from the street lamp illuminated the two people below.

If in the past, someone was appointed to whistle, they might have been criticized by the superiors, but now it is hard to find anyone in the huge yard, and the two are only accompanied by shadows on the ground.

After a long time, Lin Yue patted her on the back: "Okay, okay, it's not about life and death, there will be a chance to meet again."

Xiao Suizi didn't speak, just hugged his body.

Lin Yue struggled a bit, and found that something was wrong, his chest was wet.

"Are you crying?"

Xiao Suizi didn't speak, but grabbed his clothes tightly.


Lin Yue sighed, he knew why she was like this, not all because the two parties wanted to part ways, just like when she pushed him in the dormitory, her emotions towards him were very complicated.

five minutes?

ten minutes?

May be longer.

Xiao Suizi finally stopped crying, Lin Yue pushed him away: "I'm going to the 452 Hospital tomorrow, are you going?"

Hearing the words "452 Hospital", she suddenly thought of a person, raised her head, and looked at Lin Yue's face by the light of the street lamp.

He didn't speak, just nodded slightly.

Xiao Suizi said, "Go."

"Okay, then I'll come pick you up tomorrow morning."

"Yeah." Xiao Suizi suddenly remembered his daily living problem: "Then where do you live at night? Do you want me to tidy up a room for you..."

"No need." Lin Yue said, "I live in the guest house in front."

"Then... I'll take you to the gate of the courtyard."


He did not refuse, and accompanied by Xiao Suizi, he left the compound and returned to his residence.


The next day, when he passed by, Xiao Suizi was already dressed and waiting for him at the door, holding a net bag in his hand, which contained fresh bananas and apples, which should have just been bought at the morning market, with dew still hanging on the outside.

"So early? I thought you'd sleep in longer? Have you eaten yet?"

Lin Yue asked casually, and suddenly noticed some dark circles around her eyes: "Did you sleep well last night?"


"Let's go. I know there's a good breakfast shop nearby. It's next to the bus stop. I'll take you there to eat."

Lin Yue didn't ask Xiao Suizi why he didn't sleep well. In short, it was either his own problem or that person's problem. After speaking, he led her to the west.

The breakfast shop he was talking about was just a shack by the side of the road, and there was no signboard. A tin stove was set up in the open space, and a few dining tables and small horses were set up.

The boss wears an apron and kneads the noodles on the chopping board, pats the flour on his hands from time to time, lifts the steaming pot cover, and stirs the noodles inside, while the boss wife takes out the cleaned bowl and puts seasonings in it And side dishes, wait patiently for the hot noodles to come out of the pan.

Sitting on the ponytail, Xiao Suizi looked at the two people supporting each other and said, "That's great."

Lin Yue said: "Most of the good literary and artistic works are born out of reality. In this world, it is easy to make money, but to write a well-known work that is regarded as a classic by readers, you must be good at discovering those things that are close to life. , and something higher than life."

Xiao Suizi is less than 30 years old now, far less experienced than Lin Yue in terms of writing and life.

She humbly asked: "What is something close to life but higher than life?"

"You said that the two of them supported each other and were very happy. This is something that is close to life. Roadside stalls, hot soup noodles, husband and wife shops, silent cooperation, familiar eyes, and every move is full of fireworks. But if Let me tell you, the boss is a rascal. If the boss’s wife hadn’t forced him time and time again, coupled with the reality of his mother’s illness, he would not have taken this step. Like many hesitant people, he would think that the times are true. Is it different? What if the social situation changes again? Will it become the object of ban and punishment again? The process of ordinary people’s lives and thoughts changing under the ups and downs of the times, if you can grasp the essence of it, I think... you will definitely realize your ideal."

What is her ideal?

Be a writer.

Xiao Suizi seemed to have realized something. He lowered his head and thought for a long time. Thinking that Lin Yue had almost finished his noodle soup, he suddenly raised his head, looked at him and said, "I know what I'm going to do in the next few years."

"What are you doing?"

"I'm going to write a novel."


But what she said next left Lin Yue speechless.

"I want to write your story, no... it should be our story, the story of all of us."

Lin Yue lit a cigarette after eating the noodles, smiled at her and shook his head.

"Youth"? How did I become her original intention to write this book? What about commemorating the lost youth of a generation?



The bus rolled up a ball of loess and went away with heat.

Lin Yue and Xiao Suizi walked towards Hospital 452 with their net bags containing fruit.

The corridor was a little dark, and the bright wall gave people a cold feeling, and there was a smell of disinfectant that could not be taken away by drafts.

"how's it going?"

Seeing Lin Yue coming out of the office, Xiao Suizi rushed to meet him.

Lin Yue pointed to the white coat coming out from behind: "Doctor Gao said that he took us there himself."

Xiao Suizi nodded and gave Doctor Gao a polite smile.

"Doctor Gao, how is her condition? Has she gotten better recently?"

She always felt very depressed. When she saw the word "psychiatry", she finally couldn't help but pick out the question in her throat, trying to break the shuddering silence.

Dr. Gao shook his head: "It's still the same."

Xiao Suizi asked again: "Does the hospital have better treatment methods?"

Dr. Gao pointed to his head: "Her illness is here, and medicine can only control it, but cannot cure it, and her condition..."

At this moment, Dou heard a woman's shout from a room in front.

"Don't come here, don't come here, don't come here at all."

"Ah...go, go away, go away...I let you go away."

"Help... help... help..."

Doctor Gao frowned, quickened his pace and walked towards the place where the sound came from. Lin Yue and Xiao Suizi looked at each other and understood the emotions in their eyes.

Although almost three years have passed, this voice... is unmistakable.

The two looked at each other and nodded, and quickly followed.

At this time, the sound of debris falling to the ground came from that room, and two nurses ran out of the ward one after another, looking inside with panic.

"What's going on?" Doctor Gao asked.

One of the female nurses said: "Just now, she was listening to military songs there, but after the fighter jets from the military area flew over, she changed like this."

Lin Yue and Xiao Suizi walked up to Dr. Gao and took a look inside. They saw a woman standing in the sunlight holding a syringe, looking at the people outside with a look of horror. The excited look made people believe that as long as she entered the ward without authorization, she would Come over without hesitation.

Dr. Gao said: "What's going on with you two, have you all been told to be careful, have you been ignoring everything?"

The two nurses were ashamed: "Director Gao..."

At this moment, something unexpected happened. The woman in the ward tilted her head for a while, then suddenly dropped the syringe in her hand and ran towards the door with bare feet.

Seeing that she had dropped her sharp weapon, the male nurse was about to go up to stop her, but Lin Yue grabbed him from behind and took a step forward.

The woman kept on stepping, and plunged her head into his arms, hugging him tightly: "Go, go...let's go...leave...leave here...well...a lot of enemies, all...everyone is dead! It's gone, they're all dead..."

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