Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1422 Goodbye Hao Shuwen

"Run, run... run..."

She pointed to Dr. Gao and Xiao Suizi standing at the door and said, "Don't come here...don't come don't come here, I...I have grenades...there are grenades, there are grenades..."

"Lin Yue, Lin Yue... take me away, you... take me away... I... I want to go back, I... I want to go home..."

As she spoke, she squeezed into Lin Yue's arms, her whole body trembling, her eyes wide open, her face so pale that no trace of blood could be seen.

Xiao Suizi, who was standing at the door, felt very sad, couldn't bear to watch this picture, her eyes were slightly red: " wake up..."

She didn't finish her sentence because Dr. Gao stopped her and closed the door gently.

"let's go."

Seeing that Xiao Suizi didn't respond after speaking, Dr. Gao said, "Your name is Xiao Suizi, come on, let's talk in the office."

"But Doctor Gao..." She was really worried about Hao Shuwen.

"Don't look at her being very emotional now, but I can tell you responsibly that her condition has improved." Dr. Gao said while winking at the nurse standing next to him. The two nodded, turned and left .

"Is she getting better?"

"That's right." Dr. Gao said, "It's been more than two years, and she didn't recognize her parents when they came. Once, she pushed her father to the ground. Even the nurses in the hospital had to have two or more people present to touch them." Touched her body. But you see now, she not only calls out his name, but also takes the initiative to get close to others, which has never happened before."

Xiao Suizi remembered that when the art troupe had not disbanded, everyone came to see Hao Shuwen. As the two people with the best relationship, she wanted to hug her but was pushed away. I knew that Dr. Gao was right.

"Go to the office and talk."

After Dr. Gao finished speaking, he took her back to the office and asked her to sit down, "Do you want to drink water?"

Xiao Suizi shook his head: "No need, I'm not thirsty."

Dr. Gao nodded, without forcing, habitually picked up a pen and tapped on the medical record, looked into her eyes and said: "I have read her information, and she is because she was captured by the enemy and watched helplessly. Watching those guys brutally execute her comrades. Her family conditions are good. She has never experienced these things since she was a child. Army-controlled area, to rescue people."

Xiao Suizi said, "That's right."

She only found out about this after the fact. She heard that after Lin Yue rescued her, she arranged for two soldiers to escort her back to China. She fell ill on the way and even scratched the face of the soldiers escorting her.

"It's a good thing that she can call his name now." Dr. Gao said, "Mental diseases are very different from physical diseases. There is an old saying in China that heart disease needs heart medicine. I think it is very difficult to apply it to Hao Shuwen. Appropriate, this is a good start, let them stay for a while."

Xiao Suizi sighed and turned to look in the direction of the ward.

No matter how you looked at him back then, he was not pleasing to the eye, but he didn't expect to treat him as someone closer than his parents after a war. Some things in this world are really hard to figure out.

She thinks of herself from Hao Shuwen again, why isn't she like this, but... To a certain extent, she is not as good as Hao Shuwen, who can so simply throw herself into his arms to find a sense of security.


Half an hour later, Xiao Suizi returned to the door of the ward. The door was open. Hao Shuwen sat quietly on the bed, listening carefully to Lin Yue playing the rusty harmonica.

This piece of music is very familiar. He made a trip to the Northwest two years after he returned to the band. It has a very nice name, "Velvet Flower". Every time other people's parents send things or letters But when He Xiaoping has nothing, he will play this piece, sometimes on the piano, sometimes on the accordion, and sometimes on the so-called violin that he is least good at.

Although the members of the band have great opinions on him, and Zhu Ke and Chen Can have deep prejudices against him, when he plays this piece, he will put down what he is doing and listen quietly.

If Liu Feng is doing it for the pleasure of helping others, or Huo Lei* is too dazzling, so dazzling that everyone feels inferior, inferior enough to want to see if there is a dirty side under his kind appearance, then for Lin Yue, it is out of jealousy I am so jealous that I wish such a person would be envied by the heavens and die young. Later, Liu Feng cried and said that when Lin Yue led nearly a battalion of enemy troops into the deep mountain in order to save the brothers below, she saw Zhu Ke and Xiao Ballet heaving a long sigh of relief from behind. I never spoke to those people again, and even when I was having a break-up meal, I didn't drink a glass of farewell wine... It's ridiculous that those people still think that she probably hates him too.

"There is a beautiful flower in the world, that is youth spit out fragrance."

"Clanking and hard bones blooming."

"Bleeds of blood stained it red."


"Velvet flower, velvet flower."


"The cliffs are full of fragrance all the way."

"There is a flower of a hero in the world."


Xiao Suizi's eyes opened wider and wider, staring straight at Hao Shuwen who was humming softly with the melody in the sun.

This song was obviously written by Lin Yue to He Xiaoping... But now, she sings it so naturally, as if she has practiced it many times.

She didn't dare to disturb this scene. She didn't dare to enter the ward until the last note fell and Lin Yue looked at her with a smile.

"Hao Shuwen, look who's here."

Following his reminder, the woman on the hospital bed turned her head, and her eyes stayed on her face for a while, as if thinking.

"Xiao... Suizi? Suizi?"

"You...can you recognize me?" Xiao Suizi glanced at Lin Yue with unconcealable surprise on his face.

Hao Shuwen smiled at her with dull eyes: "Suizi, you lost, it was me...won..."

Xiao Suizi heard this sentence, looked at the person who might not know what he said, but simply wanted to say this sentence, cried out loudly, holding Hao Shuwen's body with tears streaming down his face, choked up and said: "Yes, you won, I lost...I...lost."

Looking at the two people on the hospital bed, Lin Yue felt a little complicated. In "Fang Hua", He Xiaoping couldn't bear the stimulation of the war, and her spirit collapsed. Now she became Hao Shuwen here, which can be regarded as paying for what she did. There is a price for it.

Dr. Gao was very happy to know that Hao Shuwen had recovered, and wanted to tell her parents about it, but Lin Yue stopped him and told him to wait until the two left.

He agreed, but he hoped that Lin Yue could spend more time with Hao Shuwen, so the two stayed from morning to evening before leaving.

Before leaving, there was an episode. I thought Hao Shuwen would cry like a child and not let him go. This didn't happen, but she did something that Xiao Suizi couldn't understand. Before the two of them left the ward, she called Lin Yue to stop, and ran over to wrap his arms around his neck as if suddenly awake, and then pulled his clothes.

Xiao Suizi thought she was sick and wanted to call a nurse, but the two separated quickly. Hao Shuwen sang "Ronghua" and returned to the hospital bed and sat down, holding the harmonica Lin Yue left her and blowing towards the window.

She used to be an accordion player in the regiment, so it is quite normal to be able to play the harmonica.

After coming out of the hospital, Lin Yue walked forward for a while, only to realize that Xiao Suizi was a long way behind, with a preoccupied look on his face. He didn't know if he was worried about Hao Shuwen's situation, or felt that it was time to go, and get along with him Once she got on the bus, she went back to the compound, and he went to the station, and there was no intersection since then.

"What's the matter? You look preoccupied." Lin Yue stopped in his tracks, waiting for her to catch up with him.

Xiao Suizi raised his head, hesitated to speak, hesitated for a while, and pointed in the direction of the hospital behind him: "Just now...Hao Shuwen and you..."

Lin Yue said, "Do you want to ask what she did to me before leaving the ward?"

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