Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1423 There is always a naughty girl who wants to bite me

Xiao Suizi nodded slightly, and glanced away, not daring to look at him.

She knew that she shouldn't ask this question, it was the privacy of the two of them, but she was very concerned about this matter, and she was about to part with him, and she really didn't want to let the relationship that she didn't know how to sort out It became more complicated, and if she didn't figure it out, she would definitely lose sleep tonight.

Lin Yue took a step closer, unbuttoned the second button of his jacket, grabbed the collar and pushed it back, exposing most of his shoulders.

Xiao Suizi was startled, and instinctively wanted to close her eyes, but in the end she restrained herself, and then she saw what Lin Yue asked her to see, a very deep tooth mark.

"This is……"

She was stunned for a moment before she realized: "Hao Shuwen bit it?"

"Yes." Lin Yue said, "I rescued her from the enemy and bit her when I ran back with her on my back."

He tugged at the collar and fastened the buttons again.

The words were casual, but she could imagine how tense and dangerous it would be to walk through the enemy-controlled area, and how difficult it would be to bring the collapsed Hao Shuwen and several others back safely.

Just like his performance in the art troupe, even on the battlefield, the man in front of him is so dazzling.

"Does it hurt?"

Lin Yue shook his head lightly.

This statement is not to say that there is no pain, but to express a sense of relief that everything has passed.

Xiao Suizi felt that this question was a bit redundant, knowing that he would not say whether it hurts or not, and then she recalled what happened when He Xiaoping ate dumplings on the first night when she came to the art troupe. Lin Yue kicked down and cracked the water pipe. The water splashed all over Hao Shuwen's body. When she returned to the dormitory to change her clothes, she said that the matter was endless and she would definitely come back with revenge. So, does this bite mark fulfill her promise?

"It's getting late, if you don't leave, you won't be able to catch the bus." Lin Yue reminded that the 452 Hospital is a bit far from the Yuanwen Gongtuan's yard, and they stayed at Hao Shuwen's place for a whole day. up.

"Lin Yue."

Xiao Suizi called him to stop.

"What's wrong?"

"I'll accompany you to the 452 Hospital to see Hao Shuwen, can you... can you also accompany me to see someone else?" She obviously lacked confidence when she said this: "But... it may be a little far away."

"Tell me, where are you going?"

Xiao Suizi mentioned a place name.

"Meng Zi."

Lin Yue took two deep glances at her, and said straight away: "Okay."

Xiao Suizi was very happy that he could say that, because she could stay with him for two more days, but even so, she found that she couldn't laugh because that place was too heavy.


The train from Chengdu to Kunming took a whole day, and it took another five or six hours from Kunming to Mengzi.

Coming out of the train station, it was already afternoon.

Xiao Suizi looked at the cloudless sky and stretched long.

"You've been on the train all day, give it to me." Lin Yue took the bag in her hand and walked towards the exit leading to the square in front of the station.

"Didn't you also take the train all day?"

"I have more energy than average."

Saying this from someone else's mouth is called bragging, and speaking from Lin Yue's mouth, at least to the members of the art troupe, they would think it was just stating a fact.

I remember that in the Spring Festival of 1972, the head of the department ordered the cooking team to kill the pigs that had been raised for two years. The pigs weighed more than 200 catties, and they were put in other places. It took at least five or six people to do it together. At that time, Deputy Squad Leader Lin and Fang Linkai did it. As a soldier, Fang Linkai yelled for sore hands and back all morning the next day. Deputy Lin Kai The squad leader has nothing to do, he should be shopping for vegetables, he should be chopping ribs chopping ribs, his energy is unbelievably good.

Of course, on this point, he behaved differently as early as 1971 when he visited the training troops.

There were many similar situations in the future. In the end, the chief secretary strictly ordered the people in the art troupe not to tell the outside about Lin Yue, because he was worried that the leaders of other troops would find out and poach him away. Where would he find such a capable person? The monitor of the cooking class?

However, this matter was known by the superiors. A head of the anti-aircraft artillery regiment came to find the political commissar to poach people, saying that Lin Yue was a waste of talent in the art troupe. Space is worse than being a cooking class monitor in an art troupe.

The political commissar and chief of staff had no choice but to take the head of the group to find someone, but just happened to see Lin Yue playing "The Song of the Far East Guerrilla" in the training room, surrounded by a circle of people, all surprised when he learned it. playing the piano.

The two were very surprised by this, but they just gave them a reason to refuse politely. Who said that his playing skills are not good enough. Being the monitor of the cooking squad is a part-time job and a hobby. They are glowing, as a musician, look at this piano, isn't it pretty good.

The head of the group saw that there was no show, and left in the car after listening to two pieces of music. From then on, Lin Yue was no longer just a cook, but also a member of the band, although Captain Liao didn't like him very much, until he The military song he wrote was favored by the chief, and he was awarded the title of the top talent in the art troupe, but that's a later story.

"What are you still doing, let's go."

The greeting sounded in his ears, Xiao Suizi withdrew his gaze towards the sky, walked out of the train station with Lin Yue, and got into a van.

She thought it would cost a lot of money, but Lin Yue once again showed his amazing bargaining power. After a few words, the driver agreed to only charge for gas. I still remember that after 77 years, people in the regiment would rush to help He went out to do shopping, because as long as he was by his side without delaying work, he would get discounts that ordinary people could not get if he was by his side when shopping. In the eyes of the group members, after all, most of the owners of the stalls selling women's products are women... This incident made the men in the group very unhappy, and they often talked about it behind their backs, saying that he was a bad boy and would please old women. , In the future, in the society, the ability to eat soft rice is absolutely first-rate.

As the car moved, people in national costumes and shirts and trousers flew back outside the window, and the tires ran over the potholes and bumps.

"Let's eat something."

Seeing that she didn't speak, Lin Yue kept looking out of the window, took out two boiled eggs from her bag, peeled off the skin and handed them over. Since she entered Yunnan, she didn't eat well. He looked like he had no appetite.

She looked at the boiled egg handed in front of her, took it after a moment of hesitation, and whispered a thank you, but didn't eat it, just held it in both hands, staring at the white and tender egg white in a daze.

"Why don't you eat?"

Xiao Suizi shook his head: "Do you still remember what happened after your second meritorious service?"


Lin Yue nodded. At that time, his superiors were going to ask for credit for him. He didn't ask for it, but he made a request because he saw that the doctors and nurses in the field hospital were working too hard. Doing so will also help them create more realistic and emotional works, and better serve the unit.

"That incident touched everyone too much."

When he said this, Xiao Suizi's hand holding the egg trembled a little.

Lin Yuexin said that it is right to be touched.

The two chatted one after another, and she didn't finish eating the egg for almost half an hour. After the van arrived at the destination, the driver gave them a complicated look, and really drove away with only a few cents. .

A gust of wind blew, and the leaves of the birch trees swayed gently. Not far away was an open field, and there were tombstones one after another on the cement-painted ground.

This is where Xiao Suizi will come, the cemetery where dear comrades-in-arms are buried.

"What about things?"

Hearing Lin Yue's question, she opened the zipper of her bag and took out a bunch of colorful flowers, which she picked on the mountain behind Yuanwen Gongtuan's compound, and carried it all the way from Chengdu to Mengzi.

"Let's go." Lin Yue lit a cigarette and walked towards the solemn place.

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