Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1424 Farewell, Chen Can

After passing the green grassland in front, and passing a path made of bluestone slabs, you enter the scope of the cemetery.

There are two plainly dressed middle-aged men on the right side, they should be a couple. The woman is holding two glass bottles in her arms, which contain pickled scallions and hot peppers. The man is half squatting in front of the tombstone, holding Holding a bottle of wine, his lips moved, not knowing what he was talking about.

It could be the games your son used to play when he was a kid, or it could be those unfulfilled promises.

Xiao Suizi looked around as she walked, she knew what would happen here long before getting on the train, but when she got here, seeing the scene in front of her, she still felt blocked and uncomfortable.

At this moment, Lin Yue suddenly stopped in her tracks. She focused all her attention on the pair of middle-aged men, and instead of paying attention to the situation ahead, she bumped her head against his back.

"What's wrong?"



Xiao Suizi missed a step, looked ahead, and it really arrived.

She thought it would take some effort to find it, but she didn't expect it to be easy, but... the mood is really not relaxed.

There is a shining red star on the tombstone made of cement, and a few yellow flowers bloom on the square tomb behind it, and a bunch of green grass grows straight up.

As his gaze sank, that worrying name came into view.

Chen Can.

Yes, the person lying in the tomb is Chen Can, the man she has had a crush on for many years.

As far as the people in the regiment knew, Lin Yue had done meritorious service four times.

For the first time, the dog he raised saw through the enemy's ambush. Because of the hasty fight, the enemy not only failed to take advantage, but left more than 20 corpses and ran away. The transport troops were able to send supplies to the front line in time.

In this battle, Ba Dun was wounded and left the battle zone.

The second time, the troops led by Lin Yue successfully ambushed an enemy company, wiped out nearly a hundred enemies, and won the attention and awards of their superiors. After that, the art troupe received an order to help in the field hospital. It took only three days before and after, but their performance... was very, very average.

For the third time, Lin Yue led two people deep into the enemy's rear, successfully marked the opponent's transport convoy and important communication hubs, guided the fighter planes to severely damage the enemy's logistics support system, and brought huge advantages to the frontline combat troops. This time, as A fighting hero who came out of the art troupe, he gave a speech in front of everyone, a speech that made Chen Can, Hao Shuwen and others feel ashamed.

Afterwards, Chen Can voluntarily asked to go to the front-line combat troops, while Hao Shuwen... She picked up the camera and went to the front as a reporter accompanying the army.

Later, Chen Can was honorably sacrificed in a battle, and Hao Shuwen was admitted to the psychiatric department of 452 Hospital when she saw her again.

The fourth and last time was when Lin Yue led nearly a battalion of enemies into the forest and won an excellent opportunity for Liu Feng's troops to break through. Since then, there has been no news, and it was only two days ago that he saw him returning home safely. Country him.

Any one of these four meritorious service is enough to earn him the title of "Battle Hero".

"Suizi, Suizi, what's wrong with you?"

Lin Yue's call woke her up again.

"Oh, nothing."

"Then don't be dazed and offer flowers."


She stepped forward and put the flower clusters picked from the mountain behind the compound on the altar in front of the tombstone. Only then did she realize that someone had been there a few days ago, because there was a bunch of withered small white flowers under the tombstone.

"Tell him a few words, I'll go over there."

After leaving these words, Lin Yue walked further inside.

Xiao Suizi didn't care, because she knew that this cemetery meant her only one friend, while for Lin Yue and Liu Feng, there were many comrades who had carried guns and fought together.

"Chen Can, I'm sorry, it's been more than two years, this is the first time I've come here to see you, because I didn't know how to face you before, but now... I don't think so much, because he came back and told me with practical actions that people cannot always live in the memory of the past. Thank you for accompanying me through the ten years of youth."

She took another thing out of her bag and put it next to the flowers.

It was Chen Can's cornet, and he made up his mind to give it to her for safekeeping when he went to the front line, hoping that she would hand it over to him when he came back, became one of the thousands of regrets surrounding this cemetery.

She looked up and saw Lin Yue squatting in front of a tombstone, not knowing what to say to the comrades inside.

Xiao Suizi stood up slowly, stroked the cold tombstone, looked at him not far away, and a mist slowly covered her eyes.

In the past ten years, she liked Chen Can at the beginning, she really liked him, and hated him because of the bad relationship between Lin Yue and Chen Can, but then she didn't know when there was a change. It started when the chief secretary asked them to publish a blackboard newspaper together. Everyone thought that he was an energetic cook who cooked delicious food, but only after getting in touch with him did he realize that the advantages he had shown in the past were just the tip of the iceberg. Popular verses can also tell the embarrassing things about Hemingway's participation in World War I, and once copied "Time and Water" by a poet named Steiner for her.

Chen Can doesn't understand these things, and many people in the group don't understand. She is very curious why he understands, and then this somewhat complicated mood snowballs and accumulates. When she realizes that she is slowly When she really fell in love with him, it was during a quarrel that she chose to stand beside Lin Yue and argue with Chen Can, Zhu Ke and others.

After realizing this incident, she was very flustered, because it was a betrayal of her past self, and Lin Yue was more patient with He Xiaoping than she was with her. What she couldn't understand was that Chen Can seemed to be aware of her change, and followed suit. He has changed and is more considerate to her.

The delicate relationship between Lin Yue, her, and He Xiaoping, the delicate relationship between her, Lin Yue, and Chen Can, the delicate relationship between her, Chen Can, and Hao Shuwen, the delicate relationship between Liu Feng, Lin Dingding, and Lin Yue, Liu Feng, He Xiaoping, and Lin Yue The delicate relationship... She didn't know how to face this complicated network of relationships.

Until... I learned the news of Chen Can's sacrifice.

She put all the responsibility on Lin Yue, thinking that if it wasn't for him, Chen Can would not have sacrificed, and Hao Shuwen would not have gone crazy. She hated him and told herself every day to hate him, to hate him, and to stay away from him, but Who would have thought that not long after, Liu Feng cried and told He Xiaoping that in order to save his company, Lin Yue sacrificed himself and led nearly a battalion of troops into the forest.

Everyone thought he had died as well, and what was even more distressing was that even the remains could not be found.

Only then did she realize that the hatred caused by Chen Can was very fragile. Sometimes when she saw the collection of poems he hand-copied for her, she would even think that if history could repeat itself, she would be willing to die in his place.

However, things are unpredictable. Two days ago, he appeared at the door of the dormitory and said that he was back.

The joy she lost and regained, the panic she didn't know how to face, and the guilt she felt for betraying Chen Can made her not know what to do, so she beat him. She wanted to go to Beijing to go to school to escape this relationship. , But when I saw the faded blackboard drawing, I remembered the old days, and couldn't help but ask for a hug.

That's why seeing Hao Shuwen rushing over desperately and looking for a sense of security in his arms, I envied her for being able to get what she wanted very simply.

They stayed in the hospital for a day, and Xiao Suizi also struggled for a day, and finally decided to go to Mengzi, because there was a knot in her heart that had to be untied.


She raised her head and saw Lin Yue approaching step by step. There was not much sadness on his face. How can I say that expression... It was more like a kind of indifference after seeing too much life and death.


She withdrew her hand from the tombstone.

"Then let's go, we won't be able to catch the bus back to the city any later." Lin Yue glanced at the sky and said calmly.


She took a deep look at the cornets and flowers on the altar, smiled and waved, and followed Lin Yue to the outside.

When the two came to the entrance of the cemetery, a one-armed man in his mid-thirties blocked their way.

"Comrade Lin Yue, I didn't expect that we would meet again in the past few days. What are you?"

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