Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1425 I am kind and forced to be the King of the Sea

"Yes, we meet again." Lin Yue said, "I will accompany her to commemorate a comrade-in-arms."

"That's right." The man said, "I have already handed in your donation to the bureau. The director originally wanted to thank you personally, but you didn't leave your unit phone number, and you didn't leave your home address. I don't know where to send the thank you letter." send."

Lin Yue shook his head: "That's not necessary."

At this time, Xiao Suizi tugged at his sleeve from behind, and looked at the one-armed man suspiciously.

He introduced casually: "Oh, this is the grave guard of the cemetery, and she is also a comrade in arms who participated in the self-defense counterattack. She is Xiao Suizi, and she used to work in the art troupe."

Xiao Suizi waved his hand: "Hello."


After saying hello, she remembered the bouquet of white flowers placed in front of Chen Can's grave: "You came here a few days ago? Why didn't you tell me?"

Lin Yue said, "I don't worry about you coming here alone."

Xiao Suizi: "..."

The one-armed man said: "Speaking of which, after checking the file afterwards, I found out that you are the combat hero. With such a large amount of money, you should have donated all your retirement fees, right? Although I am an outsider, I shouldn't care about this matter." thing, but I still..."

Lin Yue waved his hands, looked at the middle-aged couple who hadn't left the cemetery and said, "Stop talking, I just did what I should do."

"Oh well."


Lin Yue nodded slightly at him and was about to leave the cemetery when the one-armed man said "please wait a moment".

The two stopped and looked back.

"Comrade Lin Yue, it's like this. The cemetery management office received a call before. It was a Mr. Hao called from Chengdu. He hopes you can call him back as soon as possible." After saying this, he He took out a note from his pocket and handed it over.

Lin Yue took it in his hand and looked at the phone number on it.

"okay, I get it."

The one-armed man stopped suddenly and gave him a military salute.

Lin Yue returned a military salute, took Xiao Suizi's hand and walked towards the bus stop 300 meters away.

"Who's calling?"

"Hao Shuwen's father."

"Hao Shuwen's father?" Xiao Suizi thought for a while and understood. Before coming to Mengzi, she had told the gatekeeper of the compound her itinerary, lest the old man mistakenly think that she would not go back and mess up the things in the dormitory. Hao Shuwen's father knew their whereabouts through this method, and called in advance to let the gravekeeper pay attention to the situation in the cemetery.

"Then what are you going to do?"

It was because of Lin Yue's speech that Chen Can and Hao Shuwen were ashamed and determined to go to the front line without dishonoring the name of their parents. Just like she thought that Lin Yue had indirectly killed Chen Can, there was no guarantee that Hao Shuwen's parents would not think so. If Lin Yue called them, would he be reprimanded? Even swearing?

Lin Yue didn't answer the question immediately, but pointed to the south: "Get in the car first."

Xiao Suizi turned her face to see that a blue and white passenger car was driving towards her. Judging from the shaking windows, they had to stand and enter the city.


two days later.


452 Hospital Psychiatry.

Xiao Suizi followed Lin Yue into the office and met Hao Shuwen's parents and Dr. Gao.

This is not the first time she has seen Father Hao and Mother Hao, maybe because she knows that today's situation is a bit special, she has no airs, so she got up from the chair when she saw them come in.

Doctor Gao said, "Old Hao, he is Lin Yue, she..."

Hao's father said, "I know. I saw it when I went to see Wenwen before. His name is Xiao Suizi."

Xiao Suizi wanted to salute, but after thinking about what Lin Yuelai had said to her before, she put her hand down again: "Hello Uncle, Hello Auntie."

Two days ago, back in Mengzi City, Lin Yue got off the car and dialed the phone number on the note that the one-armed man gave him. She didn't know what the two parties said in detail, but it took quite a long time. A few minutes, and then he came back with her.

After the two parties were seated, Dr. Gao looked at Lin Yue and said, "I think... Mr. Hao should have told you everything when he called."

Lin Yue nodded.

"This is the result of my consultation with several doctors of the same specialty. Although there is no guarantee that this will cure her illness, it will definitely bring positive results." Dr. Gao handed over a consultation record.

Lin Yue took a look at it in his hand, and there were indeed consultation opinions and signatures of several experts on it.

Hao's father said: "Comrade Lin Yue, I know your deeds, and I recognize your deeds. I don't think you are at fault for Wenwen's matter. On the contrary... If it wasn't for you, we might not even face our daughter. I can’t see you anymore, I didn’t have the opportunity before, now please allow me to express my sincerest thanks and respect to you as a father.”

Lin Yue stretched out his hand to support him: "You don't have to do this, I should do it."

It can be seen that Hao's father is not a person who loves to circle around: "In order not to cause trouble to you, I have already said what I think when I called. Since you are willing to come back, I think it should mean that you are willing to help Wenwen. .”

"You're right."

Hao's father and Hao's mother looked at each other with joy on their faces.

"For this matter, if you have any requirements, just ask, as long as I can do it, I will try my best..."

Lin Yue waved his hand and interrupted his words: "I promised to help her because of my friendship as a comrade-in-arms, not because of your identity. Although I held a negative attitude towards many of her views when I was in the art troupe, But since she had the courage to leave the art troupe and choose to go to the front as a military reporter, with me, the past grievances have been wiped out, otherwise I would not have risked the safety of myself and my subordinates to take her away from the enemy. Save it."

"Okay." Father Hao said: "He is a man with clear grievances and grievances, affection and righteousness."

He knew very well what was going on with Lin Yue. He even talked to the director general of the former Cultural Workers Corps, who had already been discharged from the army, about it.

"But there is one thing I have to tell you clearly. She is taken care of in the hospital. She lives comfortably and has no worries about food and clothing. If she goes north with me, the conditions may be much worse."

"I know what you mean."

It seems that Hao's father has considered this issue: "For Wenwen, for us, the most trusted person in the world, besides her brother, is only you."

Hao's mother, who had been silent all this time, got up and said, "Our whole family is very grateful for your help Wenwen, how can we blame you for this kind of thing, and Dr. Gao also said that since you came, she is doing well. She has improved a lot, and she can take care of herself in life, except that she still has troubles when she wakes up from nightmares at night, but her father and I think that with you by her side, this situation should change."

"In this case, it just so happens that Suizi is going to Beijing to study at university, so I can take a companion, let's go there together." Lin Yue glanced at Xiao Suizi: "You guys help her pack her personal belongings these few days, and I will pick her up in a week."

Mother Hao said, "Okay, no problem."

Seeing that a consensus was reached, Lin Yue didn't stay long, and after saying a few words, he got up with Xiao Suizi and said goodbye.

"That way we can all be together again."

Xiao Suizi was very happy. Two days ago in Mengzi, when Lin Yue told her Father Hao's words and his decision, he felt more excited than receiving the admission letter.

When the two left the 452 Hospital, they were convinced that Hao Shuwen's condition was improving. Dr. Gao immediately reported the matter to Hao Shuwen's father, and then invited experts from several hospitals in the city to come for consultation. The treatment plan was for Lin Yue to take her out of the hospital and try to relieve her illness and open up her knots by contacting her comrades in the former art troupe.

Where do most of the art troupe come from?

The answer is simple, Beijing.

And where is the university she is going to go to? The answer is Peking University.

what does that mean? it goes without saying.

At this moment, Lin Yue, who was walking in front, suddenly stopped, turned to look at her, and asked a question: "Suizi, do you know where Liu Feng has gone? I asked someone in the army, and the other party Said he was discharged from the military as well."

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