Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1426 Emma, ​​the dowry is ready

Xiao Suizi said, "I know that."

Lin Yue said, "Do you still have contact?"

Xiao Suizi nodded: "After you disappeared, Liu Feng felt very sad. He thought he was the one who harmed you, and he felt very guilty all the time. However, the frontline staff never found the body. He insisted that you were still alive, saying that you would always bring Surprise. Later, in order to find you, he chose to retire and went to Beijing."

"What did he go to Beijing for?"

"Didn't you entrust Baton to He Xiaoping's care? He thought that if you were alive, you would find it one day."

Not to mention, this Liu Feng is still a bit clever, he knows to go to Badun and wait for the rabbit.

Xiao Suizi continued: "He knows that I am also looking for you, and will write to me every once in a while asking for information, so... I know where he is."

"That's great. Hao Shuwen used to have a good relationship with Liu Feng. Let's find him first when we arrive in Beijing."


At this time, Lin Yue noticed that her expression was a little unnatural: "What's wrong?"

"No... nothing."

Without thinking too much, he turned around and continued walking towards the bus stop sign.

Xiao Suizi sighed from behind.

She was very happy that he could go to Beijing, but on the other hand she felt at a loss, because there were not only Liu Feng, Zhu Ke, Little Ballet, Dolma, but also He Xiaoping in Beijing.


Ten days later, Beijing Dongcheng.

Lin Yue walked in front, Xiao Suizi walked behind holding Hao Shuwen's hand.

The gate of the mansion in the alley, the stone lions outside the gate of the mansion and the stones on the horse-holding posts, the uneven green brick roads are filled with candy wrappers stuffed by children, and the old woman with cloudy eyes is sitting under the eaves of the verandah, shaking her cattail fan and facing the horses. Young men and women passing by on bicycles commented.

If you add the old man walking in four directions with a birdcage in his hand, using authentic Beijing movies to say what kind of trouble the so-and-so kid has done, it will be perfect.

For the scene in front of him, Lin Yue could only use the word "long absence" to describe it.

"is it here?"

Seeing Lin Yue stop, Xiao Suizi took a look at the private courtyard opposite, and felt that the treatment was a bit extravagant.

"That's right, it's here."

As he spoke, he stepped into the courtyard.

The space inside is not big, with four main rooms, two side rooms, and a small flower garden with several clusters of roses.

Lin Yuechong yelled inside: "Is anyone there?"

Soon, the spring-hung door opened, and an old man and a young man walked out from the east room.

"Who are you……"

asked the young man with a straight waist.

That look, that standing posture, that temperament, can't be mistaken, he is a soldier.

"My name is Lin Yue, from Chengdu."

"Oh, it's Battalion Commander Lin." The young man dashed down the stairs, held his hand in both hands and said, "It's a pleasure to meet you, my name is Chen Hui, and it was Xiao Lao who asked me to wait for you here. I'm going to pick you up at the train station, but..."

Lin Yue waved his hand: "It's not necessary, I'm actually quite familiar with this area. By the way, I've already retired from the army, so don't call me Battalion Commander Lin anymore."

Father Hao said that he can rest assured that Hao Shuwen will follow him, but how could he not care about it at all, after all, he is his own daughter. When he and Xiao Suizi were still in Chengdu, Father Hao entrusted his old friend in Beijing to help find a house so that they could have a place to stay when they arrived. .

However, because the train passed by Henan, he decided to go to see a comrade who was injured by a landmine during the war. He was expected to be a few days late, so he called and told Father Hao’s friend that he didn’t need to send someone to pick him up. He could find the paper address on the strip.

"Then, Comrade Lin Yue." Chen Hui always felt a little uncomfortable calling him that, but he had heard the story of the man in front of him from Mr. Xiao, and he was more of a legend than a battle hero.

"Oh, by the way, let me introduce you. This is Aunt Hong, the person Mr. Xiao hired to take care of your daily life."

Lin Yue smiled and called "Aunt Hong".

The middle-aged woman beside Chen Hui smiled shyly, and it was obvious that she was an honest and responsible person.

"Hao Shuwen, Xiao Suizi." Lin Yue also introduced the second daughter to them.

Chen Hui nodded to them, and then picked up the luggage on the ground: "You must be tired after sitting on the train for so long, let's go, let's go into the room and rest for a while."

Of course Lin Yue was fine, but Xiao Suizi and Hao Shuwen couldn't do it. They had two dark circles under their eyes, and they didn't feel well rested.

"Let's go."

Lin Yue held Hao Shuwen's hand and walked towards the house.

Her situation is indeed much better than before, but she still shows fear in front of strangers.

Xiao Suizi yawned twice, and was about to carry the bag in. At this time, Aunt Hong took the heavy suitcase in her hand first. She couldn't refuse, so she could only let nature take its course.

After settling down, Lin Yue did not immediately go to find Liu Feng, but gave Hao Shuwen a week to adapt to the environment here. Every morning, he would take her to Shichahai or Ditan Park for a walk, and at noon to the most popular Wangfujing and Dongdan markets, and specially After rushing early in the morning, I went to watch the flag-raising ceremony with Xiao Suizi. After she gradually got used to the life here and stopped showing nervousness to pedestrians and vehicles on the street, she called Xiao Suizi and went to Liu Feng to work. place.


In Shazikou outside Yongdingmen, there is an old shopping mall waiting to be demolished. Due to inconvenient transportation and poor living conditions, it is abandoned by young people who pursue fashion and like cleanliness. Only some elderly people will come to hang out nearby. Shop for some usable daily necessities in the shops with the "clearance processing" sign. In this era when you can make money by selling anything, it is in stark contrast to the popularity of Xidan, Dongdan, and Chang'an Street business districts.

"Are you sure it's here?" Xiao Suizi held the note with the address in his hand, looked left and right, and found that the place is too messy, with unauthorized wiring, crooked shacks, and piles of rubbish. The corner of the wall, the dilapidated eaves and the messy antenna poles on it... This... is far behind the alley near the Baoguo Temple that Lin Yue took her to a few days ago.

"No mistake, it's here."

He walked in while talking, when a black cat jumped out of the roof on the right front, which scared Hao Shuwen, and hugged his arm at once, his face was pale, his eyes were dull, and his nails scratched his skin. white seal.

"Don't be afraid, it's fine, it's just a cat." Enduring the pain, he patted the back of her hand: "Do you still remember Liu Feng? Liu Feng, the live thunder of our art troupe"

Hearing this name, Hao Shuwen's spirit relaxed a lot, the panic in her eyes slowly dissipated, she looked at him and said, "Liu Feng?"

"Yes, Liu Feng, the Liu Feng who always helped your band carry and lift, once the straps of your accordion came apart, he was the one who sewed it for you."

Hao Shuwen seemed to be recalling the past, with a smile on her lips: "Liu Feng, is he... all right?"

"I'll take you to find him now. Whether he's doing well or not, you can ask him yourself later."


At this time, Lin Yue made a movement that surprised Xiao Suizi, and suddenly put Hao Shuwen behind her back, and strode forward.

Was that how he carried her back to the camp during the war...

"The terrain here is complicated, do you want to ask someone?"

Andingmen Street in the early 1980s was very different from 40 years later. The judging criteria of future generations can definitely be called the adjective "slums". It is necessary to find the red art dance on the note in this messy building complex. Group, the difficulty is easier than finding a needle in a haystack, and harder than panning for gold in the waves.

"No need." Lin Yue looked back at her: "Don't worry, I said if I can find it, I will find it."

"What time is it, you still have to be brave." Xiao Suizi was a little annoyed.

Lin Yue said, "Aren't you curious about what else I can hide from you?"

Xiao Suizi frowned: "What do you mean?"

"The eyes of an eagle, the ears of a wolf, the strength of a bear, the speed of a leopard...well, I don't have any of these."

"Lin Yue!"

"But I have a nose comparable to a hound's. I can smell Liu Feng's sweat when he was working two miles away. And do you know that Liu Feng is not the only acquaintance here."


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