Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1427: Liu Feng Chapter (Part 1)

Walking through a narrow alley, going up the rusty stairs to the second floor, turning a few more turns, hearing the sound of washing mahjong tiles, smelling the pungent smell of smoke, and seeing some Pulling the curtains tightly, the person who played the video inside, finally, Lin Yue stopped in front of a corridor full of sundries.

Ding Ding Dang Dang~

Xiao Suizi leaned forward and looked in the direction of the voice.

I saw a man wearing an old military uniform that had been washed white and had two holes in his shoulders, his back was facing them, and he was holding a small hammer and beating on the fallen table.

Not knowing if it was telepathy, or the gaze from behind was too hot, he suddenly stopped what he was doing and turned his head slowly.

Those eyebrows, that face, and the unshaven beard on the chin, it's not who Liu Feng is.

dang lang~

With a soft sound, the iron nail in his mouth fell to the ground.

Liu Feng stood up slowly, with a dazed expression, as if he couldn't believe the scene in front of him.

Xiao Suizi smiled at him: "Liu Feng, what's the matter? The person who thinks about it day and night came to him, but he didn't dare to recognize him?"

One step, two steps, three or four steps...

Liu Feng walked faster and faster, his steps changed from slow to steady, and he came to Lin Yue without saying a word, and hugged his body directly.

"I knew it, I knew it... You really belong to the cat, and you have nine lives."

This guy didn't become disabled, and his hands were quite strong. Even with Lin Yue's physique, he felt a little pain from being photographed, but he didn't push him away.

"Do you think I will be as stupid as you? I will fight the enemy desperately at every turn. If I can live, who will die with you?"

Liu Feng's eyes turned red when he heard the familiar tune, but he is a man after all, men bleed but don't cry, unlike Xiao Suizi and Hao Shuwen, who can use crying as a channel to vent their emotions.

Who is willing to accompany you to die if you can live.

How many times I dreamed back at midnight, I was awakened by this sentence.

At that time, his company was surrounded by the enemy, and when he was about to fight the enemy, Lin Yue gave him a slap in the face, and ordered him to look for the right time to lead the troops to break through, and then plunged into the half-person-high The grass was gone.

That was the last sentence Lin Yue said to him before his "sacrifice". He is not a qualified company commander, and it is because of the wrong things he did to Lin Yue before.

The fault here wasn't that he didn't listen to the advice during the war and insisted on choosing the shortcut. As a result, he was ambushed by the enemy, surrounded by left and right and forced into a desperate situation. It was related to Lin Dingding.

In the days when he was in the art troupe, he had always liked Lin Dingding silently. On weekdays, he asked for his health and cared for him in every possible way. Take it to heart, because who is he? I have been to Beijing to participate in the commendation meeting, and those who have received awards are good to everyone.

Lin Yue hinted time and time again that he should not waste energy on Lin Dingding, saying that she has a bad personality, flirting with Dr. Zhang while hanging on to Officer Wu, and enjoying his fawning in the art troupe. She is definitely the scumbag among scumbags .

He didn't believe it, even if Lin Yue took him to witness Lin Dingding dating Dr. Zhang at a movie watching event organized by the hospital, he didn't take it to heart. Of course, Lin Dingding has a very reasonable reason. When she was shopping, she suddenly had a stomachache. Dr. Zhang took her to the hospital for treatment in time. The reason is that dead noodles are difficult to digest and are not good for the stomach.

At this time, the higher-ups gave the art troupe a place to enter the military academy, and after he came out, he would be a first-class company. According to the political commissar's intention, Lin Yue was allowed to join, because any fool could see that he had great potential, and he would definitely not dishonor the reputation of the art troupe. Surprisingly, he refused and gave up the spot to Liu Feng.

Why, it's very simple, because in Lin Yue's heart, Lin Dingding is a woman with high spirits and loves vanity. Liu Feng went to the military academy, was promoted to the company, and with outstanding qualifications, it is possible to catch up with Lin Dingding.

It's hard for the superior to say anything about this matter. After all, Liu Feng was already well-known, but he gave up. The reason is that he will not see Lin Dingding when he goes to the military academy to study, and he may not be able to return to the art troupe after he comes out.

Lin Yue was so angry, he scolded all over his head and covered his face, and said that he was just an elm head who didn't understand women's hearts.

On the other hand, Lin Dingding knew that Lin Yue was speaking ill of her behind her back, and that this guy had teased her many times before contacting her again, so she held a grudge and played a trick of alienation.

According to Lin Yue, he was just planning to make Liu Feng completely give up on this woman, but at that time he was a love brain, thinking that what Lin Dingding said was right, it was Lin Yue who used the power of the cooking squad leader to cook hometown dishes. Seduce and molest her.

So the two fought, and the incident became a big one. The entire art troupe knew about it. Zhu Ke, Xiao Ballet and others jumped up and down, trying to take the opportunity to smear Lin Yue, but after the investigation team came, they were settled by the investigation object. , Lin Dingding found Liu Feng again, and told him in tears that his innocence had been ruined, and he was ashamed to stay in the art troupe.

After thinking about it, he finally thought of a good way to calm things down, that is...sacrifice himself, and then he took the initiative to go to the investigation team to confess, saying that those accusations were all slander, because he saw Lin Dingding's attitude towards Lin Yue Bi had a good attitude towards him, so he was jealous, so he took advantage of the problem and wanted to use the fight to make things worse and force Lin Yue to leave.

Here he took all the faults on himself, so there was nothing to say, and soon he was punished, and he was sent from the art troupe to the logging company to be the platoon leader. In this way, Lin Dingding kept his reputation, and he was in the woods. After the outbreak of the war, he volunteered to go to the front line, and the next step was Lin Yue's feat of single-handedly winning the opportunity for his company to break through regardless of the previous suspicions.

He blamed himself and felt guilty, he was simply a hopeless bastard.

It was with this guilt mentality that he submitted an application for discharge after the war, and came to Beijing to seek a living, and to stay by Badun's side until his brother Lin returned. This stay lasted for two years, but I didn't expect him to wait...Although it was Lin Yue who found him.

"Suizi..." After a few breaths, the two separated, and Liu Feng looked at the woman standing beside him.

"Liu Feng, I am admitted to university, Peking University."

She mentioned this in the previous correspondence. Liu Feng was not surprised that she could be admitted to university, but he didn't expect that she could be admitted to Peking University: "Really, it's really amazing."

Xiao Suizi glanced at Lin Yue. If it weren't for his encouragement and guidance in the past few years, how could she have been admitted to the top universities in China.

Liu Feng stretched out his hand: "Congratulations."

Xiao Suizi gave him a high five to celebrate.

At this time, he looked at the woman behind Lin Yue again, his eyes swept back and forth several times, and he couldn't believe it for a while.

"Hao... Shuwen?"

Today, Miss Hao was very strong. Although she was a little slow in her response, she finally nodded slightly.

Liu Feng looked at Lin Yue with a puzzled face: "She...was brought by you?"

After the war, he went to the art troupe, and learned about Hao Shuwen’s experience from Zhuoma, Zhu Ke and others. Afterwards, he also wanted to visit the 452 Hospital, but because of some concerns, he finally failed. I really didn’t expect to see her in Beijing. .

Lin Yue said: "Doctor Gao said that taking her to see her comrades in the former art troupe more would help her recover."

Liu Feng understood, gave Hao Shuwen a complicated look, and sighed heavily.

"By the way, how did you find this place?"

Speaking of this, Xiao Suizi looked at Lin Yue dumbfounded, thinking that maybe this guy really has a nose comparable to that of a hound, and with this intricate terrain, if no one guides the way, 90% of them will be dizzy myself.

At this moment, a male voice came from behind, interrupting the conversation of several people.

"Liu Feng, have you finished your work? It's waiting to be used."

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