Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1428: Liu Feng Chapter (Part 2)

Xiao Suizi felt that the voice sounded familiar, and when he turned around quickly, he was stunned.

She remembered what Lin Yue said when she came, but she didn't expect that they were really acquaintances.


The famous broken mouth in the art troupe is also the vanguard of the anti-Lin Yue group.


This "Zhu Ke" stunned the visitor, because from his perspective, he could only be sure that Liu Feng was talking to a few people, but it was not enough to see the facial features of the person clearly.

"Xiao Suizi?"

He took two quick steps forward, looked at the woman's face outlined by the light, and was stunned for a moment: "Why did you come to Beijing?"

"Why can't I come to Beijing?"

The name "Zhu Ke" was called out because of surprise, but the rhetorical question later was a bit cold.

Yes, the two sides are comrades-in-arms, but after Lin Yue disappeared, the behavior of Zhu Ke, Xiao Ballet and others annoyed her very much, and their attitude of speaking was of course not polite.

"Hao Shuwen? Lin..."

Zucker didn't waste too much time with her, because the next discovery was too appalling.

"Lin... Lin Yue? Are you alive?"

Lin Yue said, "What? Are you disappointed that I didn't die?"

" could it be." Zhu Ke was of course disappointed. In his perception, death on the battlefield should be the fate of an advanced person like Lin Yue. But now, he is actually alive. up.

"I'm very happy, really..."

No one will believe this, but what is admirable is that this guy doesn't blush when he lies. , dare to show dissatisfaction.

Xiao Suizi ignored Zhu Ke, but turned to Liu Feng, as if complaining that he didn't mention this matter when he wrote to him. If he knew that he was with Zhu Ke, he would definitely persuade him to find another job.

"Zhu Ke, what are you doing? I asked you to come out to see if Liu Feng finished his work. Why are you still chatting with someone?"

It was another familiar voice, but it was a woman.

Xiao Suizi didn't have time to force Liu Feng to express his opinion, so he looked behind Zhu Ke.

Little ballet?

This is really... It's a little too much to say that the enemy's road is narrow, but I really didn't expect that there would be two annoying guys every time I met, and the joy of reuniting with Liu Feng disappeared all of a sudden.

"Xiao Suizi? Hao Shuwen? Lin... Lin Yue?"

With exactly the same reaction and tone as Zhu Ke, Little Ballet was stunned by the scene in front of her, and her steps changed from fast to slow, as if she didn't know how to face the scene in front of her.


Zhu Ke quickly coughed and rescued the little ballet.

"Heh... When did you guys come? Why don't you tell me in advance, so that I can pick you up with Little Ballet."

As he spoke, he hugged the woman who walked over boldly.

Xiao Suizi frowned and asked, "Zhu Ke, Little Ballet, you?"

"Oh, we two got married last month."

Zucker and Ballet are married?

Her expression changed, and she was a little surprised by this development, but after thinking about it, she was relieved. After all, they both came from Beijing and served in an army, so they have a relationship foundation. It makes sense for them to get married after retiring. .

Little Ballet laughed and said, "Suizi, we thought you had returned to Shanghai, but we didn't inform you about this. You won't blame us, right?"

"Then... congratulations to you two." Xiao Suizi didn't want to talk to the two of them, but as the old saying goes, you don't reach out and don't hit a smiling face, so she couldn't talk coldly when the two took the initiative to explain.

Lin Yue was not interested in talking nonsense with these two people, so he patted Hao Shuwen on the back of the hand: "Do you remember them two?"

"Remember, Zucker, little Ballet."

Zhu Ke and Chen Can are close, and Little Ballet is her half attendant. Since she can call Liu Feng by name, she will not forget them.

"Then do you want to chat with them?"

Hao Shuwen glanced at him and shook her head.

Lin Yue was puzzled: "Why? Aren't they your good friends?"

She didn't answer, just looked at him and shook her head.

"Since you don't want to, let's ask Liu Feng to eat. If I remember correctly, there is a Yuan Zhao Ji nearby. Their fried liver and pork buns are delicious."

Hao Shuwen nodded like a chicken pecking rice.

Liu Feng noticed the interaction between the two, and his face was full of sorrow. The eldest lady who used to stab at the name "Lin Yue" now regarded him as the closest person.

"Have you been admitted to university? Or Peking University? She is indeed a talented woman in our group."

"What about you? What have you been doing recently?"

"Oh, Zhu Ke and I formed a dance team. Isn't it popular to go overseas recently? This can be regarded as a job well done."

"According to this...the Hongyi Dance Troupe belongs to you?"

"That's right, right, Dolma, do you know? She is now a part-time teacher of the dance troupe. It's a pity that today is not the weekend, otherwise you will be able to see her."

Little Ballet is very proud. You must know that she used to be one of the bottom few people in the dance team and was often scolded by the team leader. Now the team leader has gone back to the cultural station in her hometown to retire. Hao Shuwen suffers from mental illness and is rated as an advanced dancer every year. Huo Lei* has become a handyman, and she and Zhu Ke have become their own bosses. Although it is still in its infancy, it is not easy to make money with the resources in the hands of the two elders?

Lin Yue patted Xiao Suizi's shoulder from behind, meaning that it was almost done, and Hao Shuwen didn't want to stay here any longer.

She was the same, she didn't want to talk to these two jealous people, she just thought that after ten years of comrade-in-arms, and Lin Yue came back safely, there was no need to have the same knowledge as them, just maintain the relationship of ordinary friends.

"Hey, Lin Yue, you were the deputy battalion commander during the war, and now you're in the main battalion." At this moment Zhu Ke asked him a question.

Lin Yue noticed that Little Ballet gave him a hand. Maybe he thought he was troublesome. After all, when he fought with He Xiaoping in the art troupe, he was frightened by the destructive power of his anger. Still fearful until now.

"No, I'm discharged."

"Retired from the army?" The husband and wife looked at each other, very surprised by this development.

"Then you came to Beijing this time... just like Suizi, to go to university?"

It's easy for them to understand this question. Back then, he and Xiao Suizi were partners in publishing newspapers and wrote several award-winning songs. It didn't make sense that Xiao Suizi could be admitted to university. He couldn't. Since he is still alive, then he After two years of accumulating achievements on the battlefield, it is not a matter of course to be promoted to a regiment-level cadre. If you want to ask, what is more promising than this? I'm afraid I only have to go to university, and I have to go to a university at the level of Tsinghua University, Peking University, and Fudan University.

"No, I came to Beijing to look for a job."

After saying this, Zhu Ke and Little Ballet looked at each other with a little bit of micro-expression on their faces.

The number one talent in the art troupe, the battalion commander Lin with outstanding military exploits, actually gave up his iron job and chose to find another way of life. This... is indeed Liu Feng's good buddy, equally stupid, equally stupid, and equally stupid.

Little Ballet thought of a word—the aftermath of the war. After much deliberation, there was only this explanation: "I remember that you play the piano well, how is it? Are you interested in becoming a musician in the dance troupe?"

This is Beijing, not an art troupe, and society is not a battlefield. Liu Feng, who used to be advanced every year, is now repairing tables for them. Knowing that Lin Yue has ruined his future, the little ballet is hard-nosed.

Zhu Ke also smiled and said: "Yes, we are all comrades in the art troupe, and we should help each other."

"I'll go back and think about it." Lin Yue winked at Liu Feng, and led Xiao Suizi and Hao Shuwen out along the way they came.

Little Ballet glanced at the half-repaired table and wanted to stop Liu Feng, but Zhu Ke stopped him.

"The Hao family has a lot of friends in Beijing, tearing up our face is not good for us."

"Hey, you said, he really came to Beijing to find a job?"

"My, I think he wants to be the son-in-law of the Hao family."

"Huh? Hao Shuwen is like that."

"Have you forgotten what the people in the regiment said about him?"

Little Ballet recalled the topic of everyone discussing what Lin Yue might do after retiring. Everyone agreed that no matter how difficult the conditions were, he would not starve to death, because he could eat soft food.

On the other side, Xiao Suizi was full of confusion, not understanding why he said he was here to find a job.

"What did you mean by what you said just now?"

"What words?"

"Looking for a job."

"I'm not looking for a job, so you support me?"

Xiao Suizi's face was a little red, and she didn't know how to respond. She came to Beijing to study at university. Even if she really wanted to, she didn't have the money to support him. What's more, she was 100% sure that this was a joke. The meaning of flirting.

Lin Yue didn't care about her changes, and when Liu Feng came to him, he asked a very important question: "Do you know where He Xiaoping's family lives?"

Thanks to the black blue copper, the old man wants to return to vulgarity, so he rewarded 1,500 starting coins, the social brother Z gave 200 starting coins, and Wuyan Emperor Zun rewarded 100 starting coins.

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