Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1432 End of Volume - He Xiaoping Chapter (Part 2)

At this time, Hao Shuwen, who had been standing by the side, ran to the place where He Xiaoping dropped her bag, picked it up, and walked back to the people.

"This is your... your bag."

"Thank... thank you."

He Xiaoping was stunned by her attitude, and didn't know what was going on. You must know that Hao Shuwen is a famous figure in the art troupe, and she is also the head of their dormitory. Her family background is very good, and she usually talks to him with arrogance. Looking down on everything, why kindly pick up her bag?

"What's up with her?"

Lin Yue said, "Go in and talk."

He Xiaoping noticed that the middle-aged women in front had gathered together and pointed at them, so without hesitation, she led them into the small courtyard.

Although there are only three rooms, it is a single family with a small courtyard of 30 to 40 square meters. This configuration is much better than the ten or twenty households in Nancheng crowded into a large courtyard.

The living room is well lit. Although the furniture is old from 20 or 30 years ago, the walls have obvious cracks, and the place where the stove is placed has been blackened, but the floor is cleaned very clean, and daily necessities, large and small, are well placed. Neat, it can be seen that Zhu Bin is a clean and very self-disciplined person.

"This is the plan determined by Dr. Gao and other experts... Hao Shuwen's father has prepared a residence for her, which is just north of Shichahai, in Xiaoshikou Hutong near Deshengmen."

"I know, I know, I used to go there for a walk."

He Xiaoping listened to the conversation between her father and Lin Yue, and scenes from the past flooded her mind.

I remember the first conversation with Lin Yue was on the way of the 1971 Art Troupe to condolences to the field training troops. He helped her carry the bucket and secretly gave her a few pieces of liqueur chocolate. The second conversation was after the performance. Lin Dingding and Hao Shuwen questioned her about taking pictures of the costumes secretly. She wanted to lie and conceal it, but under Lin Yue's "testimony", she could only admit that Lin Dingding and Hao Shuwen thought she would be reported by Lin Dingding and Hao Shuwen for stealing things from her roommate. I hate him so much, how did he know that he changed the subject and dragged Lin Dingding and Chen Can into the water, telling them that as long as they dared to go to the political commissar to sue He Xiaoping, he would sue Lin Dingding and the photographer officer Wu for dating The state and Chen Can's state of stealing fruits and vegetables from the kitchen will be criticized by everyone.

Lin Dingding and Hao Shuwen's expressions at that time made her think of the words "Shuangda's eggplant" inexplicably.

I thought Lin Yue was here to expose her, but I didn't expect it to be well-intentioned. This matter really went to the political commissar. She is also a good soldier who recognizes her mistakes and admits them. Where is Lin Dingding? To put it more seriously, this is called breaking the discipline of the army and corrupting the style of work.

I really didn't expect that Miss Hao, who had taken the lead to exclude her, would go crazy. She said that the way she looked at her just now was somewhat fearful and flattering, which made her very uncomfortable, and felt that Hao Shuwen in this state was a little pitiful.

Originally, Lin Dingding plotted against Lin Yue and instigated Liu Feng to fight with Lin Yue, which caused the relationship between the two to plummet. She was very disappointed with the people and things in the regiment. Later, when the war broke out, Lin Yue volunteered to go to the front line. After the first meritorious service, Ba Dun withdrew from the front line, because her right hind leg was hit by a stray bullet and needed someone to take care of her. The political commissar entrusted her with this task and transferred her to the logistics and communication department to work as an operator. It is said that this was also Lin Yue's job. mean.

So she didn't join the art troupe to do voluntary labor in the field hospital, and she didn't listen to Lin Yue's speech when he returned to the art troupe after his third meritorious service, and she didn't know that Hao Shuwen and Chen Can went to the battlefield until one day Liu Feng found her and cried bitterly. He told her that Lin Yue was missing, and that he was sorry for him, and also for her...

Because she could not accept this fact, she left her post and went to the front line to find someone. After being found out by her superiors, she was fired. However, considering that she was the person who took care of Badun, he arranged for her to work as an operator in the Post Office in her hometown. .

In fact, everyone knows that the leader did this for her own good.

She cried for several days, but it was of no use. If crying worked, there would be no Meng Jiangnu story.

Afterwards, He Xiaoping left the south with Badun and returned to live in Beijing. She believed that as long as Badun was here, he would come back one day.

Later, Liu Feng came, and her father also watched the moonlight when the clouds opened. He came back from the Northwest, and even arranged for him to work at the Municipal Federation of Literary and Art Circles.

Two years passed in a blink of an eye, and finally, the person she was waiting for came to her.

happy? Happy? Excited? excited? joy?

There are many good words, but none of them can describe her current mood.

"Xiao Ping, Xiao Ping..."

Her father's call woke her up.

"What's the matter, Dad?"

Zhu Bin said, "Did you hear what I told you just now?"

"Ah? What are you talking about?"

"I'll let you go to the deli on the front street to buy some delicious food. Tonight, our father and daughter must have a good drink with Lin Yue."

"Oh, okay, I'll go right away."

She quickly got up from the chair, turned around and walked outside.

"Xiaoping, I'm with you..."

Xiao Suizi originally wanted to say "I'll go with you", but at this moment Liu Feng pulled her and hurried to catch up with He Xiaoping.

Xiao Suizi thought about it for a while, and suddenly understood that the reason why He Xiaoping hated Liu Feng was that Lin Yue fell into the enemy-occupied area in order to save him. Now that Lin Yue is back, there is no need for the relationship between the two of them to continue to froze. Let's go outside together now. Buying food is just a good time to talk about things and let everything go back to the way it was before.

He Xiaoping came to the alley and found that the middle-aged women who had gathered together to gossip before had dispersed, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Although I was used to this situation when I was in the art troupe, it would be a lie to say that I didn't care at all.

"Xiao Ping."

She turned her head and saw that Liu Feng was chasing him.

"You didn't wait in the house, why did you come out?"

"I will go with you."


He Xiaoping agreed, turned her head and continued walking.

Liu Feng hastened two steps towards him: "What happened before... was my fault. If I had listened to you..."

He Xiaoping interrupted: "Didn't you mention this?"

"You weren't..."

He Xiaoping glanced at him. Liu Feng had approached her many times since he came to Beijing, but she didn't give him a good face, and she didn't respond to the apology about Lin Dingding's incident.

"What happened in the art troupe...I don't care anymore."

After she finished speaking, she smiled: "During the Chinese New Year, I went to Fayuan Temple to pray for blessings and made a wish with the Bodhisattva. As long as he can come back, I will cancel all the previous grievances and never resent anyone."

Liu Feng was taken aback by what he said.

Don't hold grudges against anyone anymore?

That is to say... she forgave him?

"By the way, where do you work now? I never asked you how you are doing."

She had noticed that Liu Feng had two holes in his shoulders before, and his complexion was not very good, as if he had not recovered from his illness for a long time.

When Liu Feng took her to Chengdu, he helped her a lot along the way, and he was very kind to her when he was in the art troupe. If it wasn't for the Lin Dingding incident and Lin Yue's disappearance, she would definitely not have watched Liu Feng live such a life.

"I work in the dance troupe of Zucker and the Little Ballet."

Zucker, little ballet.

He Xiaoping's footsteps paused as the names caught his ears. Although he had made a wish to the Bodhisattva, as long as Lin Yue came back, he would cancel all the past grievances, but enlightenment is one thing, and body memory is another.

Once upon a time, Little Ballet's family situation was similar to hers. Originally, two people whose parents had the same experience should sign up for a group to keep warm, but they didn't. Instead, Little Ballet became Hao Shuwen and Lin Dingding's follower, taking pleasure in bullying her.

Lin Yue said that this is called personality distortion. Only by bullying her can Little Ballet gain a sense of superiority, and at the same time gain the approval of Hao Shuwen and Lin Dingding. In many cases, the friendship between women is very ugly. Start alone.

She went back late because she was training in the training room alone, and the little ballet framed her, saying that she did this to collect clothes that she dared not accept during the day, and she had to search for confirmation.

It was Lin Yue who called the team leader and sent the female soldiers under the pretext that he suspected that Hao Shuwen, Lin Dingding and others had stolen the jerky made by the cooking team. They satirized, and at the end they complained that the people in the cooking class had been working for nothing these two days, kicking the escalator in the corridor to pieces, and the little ballet almost scared him to pee.

As for Zucker...

Zucker is even worse.

Thanks to Cup Quilt 666 for tipping 5000 starting coins, William Carloing for tipping 3000 starting coins, Garfield Faner for tipping 1500 starting coins, paying news for tipping 500 starting coins, blinding the eyes of the next life, tail number 2342 My book friend, brother Jiang gave me 100 starting coins.

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