Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1431: End of Volume - He Xiaoping's Chapter (Part 1)

Lin Yue turned his face to look, and saw a black figure jumping out from the left front of the alley, turning around on the green brick ground, and rushing towards their position.

"Eight meals."

He called out from a distance.

The dog ran faster. Although its posture was a bit ugly because of the injury to its right hind leg, it was not slow at all compared to a healthy dog.


It almost threw Lin Yue to the ground, grabbed his chest with both feet, wagged its tail, and licked its tongue fiercely. The intimacy was the same as that of long-lost relatives.

Xiao Suizi said in his heart that when he was in the art troupe, Lin Yue didn't treat him very well. He usually fed him some leftovers, let him carry it by himself when he was sick, and sometimes threw things to him. I took it on the battlefield, but I shot the enemy and got a hole in its butt. After going through so many painful things, it actually didn't hold any grudges at all, and fully demonstrated the advantages of a dog who doesn't mind being poor.

"Stop licking, it's all saliva."

Lin Yue acted disgusted and pushed the dog's head aside.

Ba Dun bounced his four legs, turned left and right around the four people, and looked very excited.

Xiao Suizi always felt a little strange. If you calculate the time, Baton must be in his teens, and he definitely deserves the adjective "old dog". Apart from being unnatural, it is not much different from ten years ago.

"Lin Yue, Lin Yue..."

At this moment Liu Feng patted him on the shoulder and pointed forward.

Xiao Suizi turned his face and looked around, and saw a man in his sixties, with white hair, wearing a navy blue Chinese tunic suit, and a walking stick in his right hand, who seemed to have limited mobility , Presumably, he discovered the abnormality of Baton, and followed him out to check the situation.

They looked at the old man, and the old man looked at them.

Liu Feng introduced: "He is He Xiaoping's father, Zhu Bin, Mr. Zhu."

Lin Yue stood up and said something that surprised the two people behind him: "I know."

He didn't explain in detail, and walked quickly to the old man.

"Uncle, do you still recognize me?"

"I know it, I know it..." Zhu Bin stretched out his hand tremblingly, grabbed his wrist, and said incoherently because he was too excited: "Lin Yue, you are Lin Yue... Many people say that you sacrificed, only Xiaoping doesn't believe it , she said that you will definitely come back, just like you brought me back to her... Sure enough, you did not disappoint her. "

Lin Yue patted the back of his hand and said, "Don't get excited, speak slowly."

"Yes, yes, not excited, not excited." He said not excited, but his hands were shaking uncontrollably.

Lin Yue sighed in his heart, saying that he survived those tragic years, but he couldn't recover quickly from this mental trauma.

"Uncle, come, let me introduce you, they are all Xiaoping's comrades in arms, Xiao Suizi, Hao Shuwen."

Liu Feng naturally needs no introduction.

Zhu Bin nodded and greeted them with a smile.

Xiao Suizi didn't hold back, and asked Liu Feng in a low voice, "How did he know He Xiaoping's father?"

"have no idea."

This is also what puzzled Liu Feng.

Zhu Bin came back in 1980, and Lin Yue disappeared in 1979. How could these two people meet?

Lin Yue heard the question and answer of the two people, but did not explain.

Zhu Bin also heard the question and answer of the two people, but he didn't explain it, because after having that experience, he has become very cautious now, and he is very careful, hiding all opinions and thoughts that may cause disputes in his heart.

Why did he know Lin Yue? They had met a few years ago. According to Lin Yue, they were ordered by their superiors to go to the Northwest to collect folk songs in order to write more popular and morale-inspiring military songs, because Xiaoping had heard about his I took the time to clear up the relationship and get a chance to meet him.

In addition to bringing him a photo of his daughter in military uniform, Lin Yue also gave him hope to persevere. To put it bluntly, without him, the father and daughter might not even have the chance to meet each other.

This is also the reason why they were very excited after seeing Lin Yue. This kind of kindness can be said to be irrepayable to their father and daughter.

"Uncle, I came to Beijing this time. First, I wanted to come and see Xiaoping. Second, Hao Shuwen was a little stimulated during the war. The doctor said that more contact with former comrades would help her recover. "

"Xiao Ping..."

Zhu Bin was about to say that Xiaoping had gone to work and would be back in about half an hour, but stopped in the middle of the conversation because there was a person standing at the entrance of the alley.

"Lin... Yue?"

Lin Yue turned his head to look at this call that seemed to contain infinite affection, and a woman in a dark blue shirt with a butterfly pattern stared at him blankly.

"Xiao Ping."

He raised his hand and waved.

The girl on the opposite side swayed slightly, threw the satchel with the tools on the ground, ran at the fastest speed, and slammed into his arms.

"It's really you... I... I'm not dreaming, am I?"

Her hands were grasping and pulling desperately behind Lin Yue, and her clothes were all crumpled.

Xiao Suizi and Liu Feng stood aside, didn't speak, and didn't bother them, because when they saw him before, they were in the same mood and behaved in the same way.

Zhu Bin's eyes were a little red. Although he had only been back for a year, he knew how much his daughter cared about the man in front of him. He woke up from sleep by calling his name countless times, and told himself in sweat that he was not dead and would come back I will definitely come back; I always prepare an extra pair of bowls and chopsticks when making dumplings during the festival. From the beginning to the end of eating, I look at the door over and over again. I asked her to cook a small stove in the back kitchen, saying that she was at her stepfather's place, and grandma didn't love her uncle or uncle. Every piece of meat would be hidden under the bowl and eaten under the quilt at night. What did he do? What's more interesting is that the two squad leaders of the cooking class accused Lin Yue of stealing things because of this matter, and finally checked the amount of ingredients in the back kitchen. Not only did those two people not spoil him , on the contrary, because he did not unite his comrades, he always caused troubles for the chief secretary and had a bad influence. Finally, he was sent to the logging company, and Lin Yue became the monitor of the cooking squad. He also said that Wu Tong and Wang Lingzhi were stupid. I like him, those two people are too blind, fanning the flames, jumping up and down, they are digging their own graves.

Seeing her daughter crying first and then laughing, laughing and then feeling sad, eating dumplings and still wiping her tears, Zhu Bin could understand how hard her life in the art troupe was, the one who took special care of their father and daughter How important a man is in a daughter's heart.

"This is the clothes I just bought, if I grab them, they will be torn." Lin Yue patted her on the back: "Okay, your father and Suizi are here, and the neighbors in front were also alarmed, so calm down , have something to say at home, okay?"

When He Xiaoping heard these words, she stopped grabbing her clothes, but she remained the same and didn't respond.

Zhu Bin said: "Lin Yue is right. There are many people out there who are distracted. Xiaoping, if you have anything to say, go home and say it."

The two most important men in her life said so. She took a deep breath, wiped away the tears on her face, slowly let go of Lin Yue's hand, and adjusted her mood to greet her comrades.

"Suizi, Hao... Shuwen."

Although she didn't know why Lin Yue brought her here, she knew that now was not the time to talk about it.

Finally, she looked at Liu Feng and smiled.

"Come on, let's go into the room and talk." Zhu Bin pointed at the courtyard door with his crutches, his eyes passed through several people, and fell on the middle-aged woman who heard the commotion outside and came out to watch the excitement.

He Xiaoping is 25 this year, and her job is not bad. There are many people who want to introduce her to her, but all the matchmakers who came to the door were kicked out by her without exception. The outside world has a lot of discussions about this matter. Being so close to Lin Yue, one can imagine what kind of talk it will bring to those gossips. Just thinking about it is enough to make people headache.

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