Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1430 I think whoever gets rich will get rich

Lin Yue smiled: "I lived in Beijing when I was a child, and there are some things I read in books."

Regarding this answer, Xiao Suizi expressed doubts. No matter how flexible the text is, can it show the entire Beijing city in front of readers? Judging from Lin Yue's performance when he took her and Hao Shuwen shopping, it was a walking map of Beijing, and it also had an explanation function.

But she couldn't refute what he said.

Lin Yue didn't want her to focus on this matter, so he changed the topic to Liu Feng.

"You have been in Beijing for almost two years, and Zhu Ke and Little Ballet have only been back for a few months. Why did you go to work with them?"

Sure enough, when Xiao Suizi heard these words, he became interested all of a sudden: "Yes, Beijing is so big, I can't find a subsistence job anywhere, so I have to do odd jobs for them."

Liu Feng said: "I used to help people unload goods at the train station. Once I accidentally twisted my waist. I went to a nearby hospital to see a doctor. It happened that Zhu Ke went there for a physical examination. He said he knew the doctor there. I asked him to help find the doctor. Acquaintances, see if I can get a prescription in the hospital and go to the pharmacy outside to get the medicine. Later, when he saw that I was struggling, he invited me to work in the dance troupe formed by him and Little Ballet, saying that everyone is a comrade in arms of the art troupe and should take care of each other. And the work over there is easier, not as tiring as unloading goods at the train station."

"So you just listened to them?" Xiao Suizi said, "Do you know that Zhu Ke did this to humiliate you."


"You used to be an advanced individual in our art troupe, a model worker, a live thunder*, and now you do odd jobs for their dance troupe. Judging from Zhu Ke's bossy tone just now, do you think they regard you as a comrade in arms?"

"I didn't think too much about it." Liu Feng said: "As long as the money can be paid on time."

Xiao Suizi was at a loss for words, he didn't know whether to say that he was sincere, or that he had a hard head: "You said that you are also a company commander after all, and you have a lot of discharge fees. Why did you become like this?"

Liu Feng put down the fried liver that was half drunk, and said casually, "I donated it."


She looked at Lin Yue, then at Liu Feng, not only speechless, but also heartbroken this time.

"You guys really deserve to be a pair of good comrades in arms."

When several people chatted here, Hao Shuwen, who was drinking soda in a glass bottle, suddenly sang.

"Send your comrades on the journey."

"Two tears in silence."

"Camel bells ringing in my ears."

"The road is long and foggy."

"Revolutionary careers often part ways."

"The same thing separates two feelings."

"Comrades, comrades."

"Dear brother."


She sang very affectionately and naturally, and she was not restrained because she was in the restaurant now. The guests at the table next to her stopped and listened fascinated.

Xiao Suizi was stunned for a while, and smiled at Lin Yue.

When she finished singing, the three applauded together.

Hao Shuwen looked at him and said, "Do I sing better than... He... He Xiaoping?"

Everyone in the art troupe knows that this is the song written by He Xiaoping. The background is that He Xiaoping has never been able to get the resources to perform on stage. In order to create conditions for her, he received an order from his superiors in the art troupe to visit the veterans. I wrote such a song a few days ago.

"Yes, you sing well."

Hearing Lin Yue's praise, she smiled happily.

At this time, the waiter who came to deliver the buns also praised her for singing very well, but Hao Shuwen didn't respond, completely ignoring the existence of that person.

"Come, try their meat buns."

Lin Yue picked up a bun with chopsticks and put it on the small plate in front of Hao Shuwen, and said to Liu Feng, "I remember you said that your family has been carpenters for three generations."


"Why don't you quit your current job and start a decoration company."

Decoration company?

Not only Liu Feng was dumbfounded, but Xiao Suizi was also shocked by this proposal, never expecting him to dare to think so much.

She can still understand opening a restaurant as a chef, applying for a job as an editor at a newspaper, and a decoration company... Referring to Lin Yue's previous performance, this span is not so large.

"It's okay for me to build a sofa and make a table and chair set, but I can't open a decoration company..."

Liu Feng is very clear about his position. It's fine to be a tinkerer, but he's not the type to start a company and be a boss.

Lin Yue said: "I said you can do what you want."

Wan Shi pointed to the shantytowns to be demolished in the south and said: "This is the capital, and people from all over the country come here, which will inevitably create a large demand for housing. Now that a house is built, it must be renovated. According to the words in the book, this is a business opportunity." .”


"No but, don't forget, you owe me your life, if I tell you to do it, you have to do it."

Liu Feng was speechless.

Xiao Suizi looked at him suspiciously: "How do you say that what comes out is what comes out? Can this work?"

Lin Yue said, "When have I let you down?"

In "To Our Dying Youth", he is a top student in the Department of Civil Engineering. In "Ip Man", he is a visiting professor of the Department of Architecture at HK University. In "Golden Years", he is a doctoral student in the Department of Architecture. In 1981 Is it difficult to do decoration in Beijing?

Obviously, the answer is NO.

Asking him such a question made Xiao Suizi dumbfounded. Yes, one of the things this guy is good at is bringing surprises to people. Since he wants to lead Liu Feng to open a decoration company, he must be sure to eat this meal .


"It's none of your business, study hard."

Lin Yue's words sealed off all her imagination.


That evening.

A yellow van stopped by the side of the road. Lin Yue pushed open the door, took Hao Shuwen's hand and helped her out of the car, followed by Liu Feng and Xiao Suizi.

"Where are you going?"

Liu Feng pointed to the front: "See that alley diagonally opposite? Turn in and walk all the way to He Xiaoping's home."

"Are you sure it's here?"


Xiao Suizi couldn't understand why he asked this unnecessary question: "Liu Feng would come to see the eight meals every once in a while, how could he remember wrongly."

After speaking, he observed that Lin Yue's attention was not on her at all, but was staring blankly at the sign at the entrance of the alley.

"What's wrong?"

"Wei Ran Hutong?"

"This alley... is there a problem?"

Lin Yue said: "Do you know the old things in the south of the city?"

Xiao Suizi nodded.

She had heard of the book, but for some reason, hadn't read it.

"The author of "Old Things in the South of the City" lived in this alley when he was a child. He didn't expect He Xiaoping to live here now..." Lin Yue thought about it, it's wrong: "Liu Feng, I remember when He Xiaoping said that her home was in the art troupe. Near Changchun Street, why did you come to Liulichang?"

Liu Feng explained: "Changchun Street is the home of his mother and stepfather. She is with her father now. This is the place where she lived when she was a child. It was sealed off later, and his father gave it back to them when he came back. The two women live here."

"Her father is back?"

Xiao Suizi will always remember He Xiaoping's expectant eyes after seeing her father's letter.

Liu Feng said, "I came back last year."

"Then why didn't you tell me when you wrote to me?"

"How did I know you would care about this?"


Xiao Suizi was speechless.

"Let's go." Lin Yue interrupted the dispute between the two and walked towards the alley.

He Xiaoping's father is back. This is really a happy thing. You must know that in the movie, He Xiaoping hides under the quilt and writes a letter to her father. Now, she no longer has to endure the abuse from that stepfather, stepfather's children, and stepfather's nanny.

Also, her name should be changed to Zhu Xiaoping instead of He Xiaoping now.

Hao Shuwen's mood was a little low, she lowered her head and walked forward in small steps, giving the impression of a child who made mistakes.

Lin Yue walked forward for a while, and found that she was a little behind, so he stopped and waited, and was about to say some comforting words to ease her nervousness, when Xiao Suizi pointed to the front: "Hey, look quickly. "

There was unconcealed excitement in her voice.

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