Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1434 End of Volume - Xiao Suizi

Zhu Ke picked up the tea mug and blew on the tea leaves floating on the water, and took a sip.

"He said that the dances of our dance troupe are too old, and people are tired of model operas. Now that the reform and opening up, foreign things are pouring in, such as TV sets, refrigerators, tape recorders, jeans, etc., the materials are getting better and better. I will definitely pursue spiritual entertainment when I come down.”

At this point, he took out a stack of photos and handed them over.

He held the little ballet in his hand and glanced at it. In the photo, a man in black clothes, black trousers, black hat and white shirt pinched his hat with one hand and put his feet in the other, leading a group of men in shiny clothes behind to show off their dancing postures. That image, that Temperament is completely different from what is taught in the art troupe.

"This is?"

"It was created by foreigners, and they say it's called break dance."

Little Ballet said, "Then show me this, what exactly do you want to say?"

"Boss Liang intends to invest in us."

"so good?"

Little Ballet was very excited when I heard about it. Overseas Chinese, in this era, are either synonymous with being rich or cultured. At worst, they are more knowledgeable than people in China.

Zhu Ke said, "But he made one condition."

"What conditions?"

"He said that Shanghai used to be a well-known international city, and opening a performing arts company there has advantages over Beijing, and he wanted to invite us to develop there."

"That's no problem." Little Ballet is not stupid. Of course, she knows that Shanghai is more influenced by Western culture than Beijing. If she really wants to change the style of the dance team, it is more wise to choose Shanghai as the base, and those women in the art troupe who are dressed in foreign styles, Lin Dingding, Xiao Suizi, Hu Mei... are all from Shanghai.

Zhu Ke said: "But after going to Shanghai, the family relationship is no longer needed."

"It turns out that you are worrying about this matter." Little Ballet didn't take his concerns seriously at all: "Yes, now we can rely on the relationship of the elders to get a few more businesses, but we can't keep living on our laurels. Now Boss Liang is willing to invest in us. money, and also provide technical support, everything is ready, and the east wind of reform is also there, so why do you hesitate.”

After hearing these remarks, Zhu Ke put down the tea mug and made a decision in his heart: "Okay, listen to my wife, I will call Boss Liang tomorrow."

Little Ballet leaned over with a smile, put her arms around his neck and said, "By the way, I heard from Zhuoma that Liu Feng is now bringing a group of veterans to work in construction."

"What's the matter? Liu Feng used to like to do mud and water work when he was in the art troupe, and his father was a carpenter, so this is considered his old profession."

"You said... who gave him the idea of ​​working alone?"

"Who else could it be, Lin Yue?"

"Hmph, this guy is still so annoying."

"He thought it would be so easy to be a boss. With Liu Feng's character, we'll just wait and see. It's unknown whether he can get the project money back. If he can make a fortune, I'll screw his head off and play as a ball."

"Indeed, he's not the type to do business."


Seven years later.


Xiao Suizi walked to the sink, turned on the tap and washed his face, looked at the face in the mirror that could be described as "mature", and shook his head gently.


Looking back suddenly, she is 32 years old.

What does the 32-year-old think of herself?

The vast majority of people care about nothing more than two things, career, love, and family.

In terms of career, she can give herself 80 points, because she has realized her dream. Yes, she is a writer now, and she is a successful writer. This time, she came to Haikou to hold a new book signing event. Things come.

What about love?

It's been four years, and no man can make him fall in love. To be precise, after such a long time, that man still firmly occupies her heart, let alone put another person in, there is no room for a foot.

She knew it shouldn't be like this, since she decided to quit, she had to be willing to admit defeat and be responsible for her own life, but many times it was one thing to realize it, and another thing to actually do it.

Family, love is not available, and family is out of play.

At the age of 32, she is still single. People who know her don’t know what will talk about her behind her back, but fortunately, the profession of a writer does not need to deal with many people.

The weather in Haikou was very hot, and the water marks on her face dried up quickly. She unzipped the satchel and took out a square glass bottle from it.

Anyone who reads it will first feel that this is a perfume bottle.

It is indeed a perfume bottle, but it is not the perfume sold in luxury counters such as Chanel, CK, Armani, and LV. The liquid in it has a very special origin.

Xiao Suizi opened the bottle, poured out the last bit of perfume, rubbed it on his wrists and ears, he was reluctant to throw away the empty perfume bottle, closed the cap and put it back in the bag, looked at the face in the mirror and said: " He Xiaoping, the perfume you have been using is the sweat from his body, although I have given you up, I am the first person who knows this secret."

In fact, she was not only the first person to know the secret of the perfume. On the night she left Beijing, she also took away the perfume bottle that Lin Yue had prepared for He Xiaoping and left a note. I gave him something precious, and in exchange, it shouldn't be too much to leave with a taste that belongs to him, and it should be considered as a thought.

This bottle of perfume has been with her for four years, and it is finally used up today.


She sighed heavily.

da da da ~

Accompanied by a crisp crash, a woman in white high-heeled shoes walked into the bathroom.

"What's the matter? Sigh, I feel sad when other people's books don't sell well, and your book sells well, but you also look sad. Those who don't know think that our publisher has deducted your manuscript fee."

Xiao Suizi said: "How did you develop your 'advantage' of being so venomous?"

The woman who walked into the bathroom was Zou Qian, an editor of the publishing house. The two had known each other for more than three years, so they were old friends. Naturally, they would not be cautious when speaking.

"Why, envy? Naturally."

As Zou Qian said, she took out her makeup box and touched up her makeup in the mirror.

Xiao Suizi glared at her, then turned to leave.

"Hey, by the way, someone called you just now, because you weren't here, I asked the front desk to write down the other person's phone number, and you can call them back when you have time."

"Didn't that person say who he is?"

"It seems to be... said to be your former comrade in the art troupe, surnamed Zhu."

Surname Zhu, Xiaoping?

Xiao Suizi pondered for a while, said "OK", turned around and left the bathroom, and walked towards the front hall.

As for why she left Lin Yue, it was not that she lost to He Xiaoping, but that she gave up on her own initiative, because she felt that He Xiaoping was more suitable for him than she was.

In her sophomore year, she, He Xiaoping, Hao Shuwen, and Lin Yue had dinner in Donglaishun. She asked Lin Yue if he had any plans to get married, and his answer was that he had no such idea, because no matter what, Hao Shuwen had no idea. Before, he would not just give up like this. If anyone wanted to marry him, he had to accept Hao Shuwen's existence.

Accepting Hao Shuwen is not a problem for her and He Xiaoping.

The problem is, after two years, she came to a conclusion that He Xiaoping is better at taking care of people than she is, doing laundry, cooking, grocery shopping, cleaning... she does housework very well and has a gentle personality. would be a good wife.

As for her, she was much inferior in comparison, so after thinking about it, she decided to leave.

In her junior year, she found Lin Yue, stayed with him for one night, and left the next day. Since then, she has never contacted her former comrades in the art troupe. Unexpectedly, after four years, He Xiaoping actually called Haikou, this surprised her very much. Could it be... What happened in Beijing?

After a little hesitation, she walked to the front desk, looked at the staff and said, "Did someone call me just now?"

"Oh yes."

The staff handed her the note on the side: "This is the number."

"Okay, thank you."

Xiao Suizi picked up the phone and dialed the number on the note. When the connection was connected and she heard the voice from the loudspeaker, she was a little dumbfounded.

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