Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1435 Goodbye Lin Dingding

I thought it was Xiaoping calling. After all, her father's name was Zhu Bin. In 1982, she went to the Civil Affairs Bureau to change her surname back to "Zhu". The name He Xiaoping was just because she had been called him for more than ten years and got used to it.

However, it turned out that this comrade-in-arms surnamed Zhu was not He Xiaoping, but Zhu Ke. He was in a complicated mood for a while, thinking that something happened to Lin Yue.

Zhu Ke called her for a simple purpose.

Counting the days, it has been almost ten years since the art troupe disbanded. He wanted to hold a comrade-in-arms meeting and invite her to Shanghai to participate.

She didn't agree or refuse, saying that she would seriously consider it.

Zhu Ke proposes a comrade-in-arms meeting...who will attend? Will Lin Yue and Hao Shuwen go?

Would it be embarrassing if she went? If she doesn't go, can we meet again in the future?

Zhu Ke didn't say whether Lin Yue and Liu Feng would go or not, but what was certain was that Lin Dingding, who was married overseas, would go.


Three and a half months later.

Shanghai at the turn of spring and summer is the season with a lot of rain.

Xiao Suizi came out of the train station, got into a taxi, reported the address of the hotel, and stared at the rain-smeared windows in a daze.

After struggling for three full months, she still came.

I don't know who I will meet, whether there is someone I have been thinking about day and night, how is he and He Xiaoping... how.

Ten minutes later, the taxi stopped at the entrance of the Jincang Wenhua Hotel. Xiao Suizi glanced at the screen-like tall building in front of him, thinking that Zhu Ke and Xiao Ballet could do it. It seemed that they had made a lot of money in the past few years.

Get out of the car, there is a waiter to help with luggage.

"I'm here to attend the comrades-in-arms meeting held by Mr. Zhu Ke." She explained her purpose to the front desk lady.

"Oh, this way please."

The waiter led Xiao Suizi into the elevator room and pressed the button for the 12th floor.

When she was young, the car door opened, and the waiter led her to the door of the innermost private room, and made a gesture to invite her in.

Xiao Suizi nodded and stepped into the room.

There was silence first, and then warm greetings.

Zhu Ke, who was wearing a black suit, stood up and greeted the door: "Comrades, the great writers of our art troupe have arrived. Come, everyone applauds and welcomes you."

clap clap clap ~

There was applause in the room.

Xiao Suizi looked inside. Little Ballet, Tan Zao, Dolma, Sun Yanyan, Hu Mei, Qi Baota, Wu Xiaohao...

There are quite a few people who come to the comrades-in-arms association, roughly 17 or 18 people. You must know that the art troupe used to have more than 100 people. According to this level, at least 20% of them can come today. Going back to the hometown, those who are transferred to other jobs, those who get married, those who get married, live in different places, and live separately. It is not bad to have more than twenty people.

"Come, Suizi, sit inside."

Zhu Ke enthusiastically let her go to the little ballet.

"Have been sitting on the train for several hours, are you tired? Come on, drink some water first."

Hu Mei picked up the teapot and poured her a cup of green tea. Qi Baota's face was reflected in the cup, a little dazed and distorted.

After ten years of separation, I see my former comrades-in-arms again. How should I put it? There is a bit of estrangement in the intimacy, and there is some confusion in the estrangement. At the end of the confusion, there is emotion. .

"Hey, Suizi, I heard that you have a new book called "Youth", how is the sales?" Sun Yanyan asked with concern.

Xiao Suizi nodded: "Well, it's okay."

"It's more than okay." Little Ballet said, "When Zhu Ke called Suizi before, she was holding a signing event in Hainan."

Zhu Ke said: "I also specially asked Xiaolei to go to the bookstore to buy a copy."

His wife's real name is Chang Honglei. Because she learned ballet when she was a child, people in the art troupe nicknamed her Little Ballet.

"Isn't it?" Wu Xiaohao patted the table and said, "I remember that Suizi's father is a writer, so this can be regarded as inheriting his father's career."

"This is called blue out of blue is better than blue."

"Yes, yes, yes, green out of blue is better than blue. I think Suizi was a well-known blackboard newspaper expert when he was in the art troupe. In a blink of an eye, he has become a great writer now. How time flies."

"Who said it wasn't?"

Xiao Suizi kept smiling while listening to these people's flattery. In fact, she really wanted to ask them, have you read my new book?

Zhu Ke said that he asked Little Ballet to go to the bookstore to buy a copy. Now it seems that 80% of them have not read it, otherwise they would not have mentioned the content of the book. After all, the characters in the book can be found in the people of the art troupe.

She prefers to listen to them talk about the content of the novel and talk about the past, rather than lamenting how famous she has become and how much she has received for a book.

"Zhu Ke, didn't you say Lin Dingding would come?"

"Yeah, she called me yesterday, but this morning she said she had something urgent at hand, so she was a little late."

"Oh." Xiao Suizi nodded, and grabbed the edge of the chair with the hand under her body: "Who else will come today? Hao is it? Do you know?"

Zhu Ke looked at Dolma: "Dolma, you are from Beijing, how is the person you contacted?"

"I haven't seen Hao Shuwen. Her nanny said that Hao Shuwen's mother brought her back to Chengdu, and she should live there for a while, but I left the invitation letter for her. As for whether she will come...just I no longer know."

Hao Shuwen was mentally ill, Zhu Ke and Lin Yue had a bad relationship, and when he returned from meritorious service, his speech in the art troupe made everyone feel uncomfortable and embarrassed, so everyone didn't want Lin Yue to come to this party from the bottom of their hearts.

"I really hope she can come to Shanghai, because if she misses this time, no one knows when the next meeting will be."

Yes, ordinary people don’t want to see Hao Shuwen and Lin Yue, but Zhu Ke and Little Ballet sincerely hope that they can come, because they can show off their achievements. The bosses of the top ten performing arts companies in the industry, the group of art troupes How many of them are worth more than them? Zhuo Ma just said that he can't earn much money as a teacher at Beijing Dance Academy, and he plans to come to Shanghai to hang out with them.

People who were mediocre in the past have made great achievements. Of course, they have to show off in front of comrades, partners, and classmates who are outstanding. In this day and age, riches and honor do not return to their hometowns, and brocade clothes go out at night, that is not called low-key, that is called stupid.

boom boom boom~

At this time, a knock on the door interrupted the conversation of everyone in the room, and as the waiter opened the door, a woman dressed in a western style walked in from the outside.

A white dress, square heels with metal buckles, a Chanel bag on her shoulder, and a gold watch on her wrist are really eye-catching, but what's even more eye-catching... is her rounded face. Everyone didn't recognize her for a while until Xiao Suizi tentatively asked, "Yes, Lin Dingding?"

"You are Suozi!"

Lin Dingding recognized her at a glance, because her appearance has basically remained the same compared to before.

"Cough... Ding Ding, welcome back home."

Although it was surprising how Lin Dingding looked like this, as the initiator of the comrades-in-arms association, Zhu Ke still warmly welcomed her to sit next to Xiao Suizi, after all, they were roommates in the same dormitory.

The others also stood up and greeted her with a smile.

Little Ballet feels proud. Lin Dingding, Hao Shuwen, Xiao Suizi, Zhuoma, these people are the top beauties in the art troupe, what about now? Lin Dingding is so fat, Hao Shuwen is mentally ill, Zhuoma looks very old because of her unlucky marriage, only she has taken good care of herself in the past few years, and everyone who sees her says she is thin-skinned and slender, not like a third-year-old. teens.

Of course, Xiao Suizi is not bad, but that is intellectual beauty, completely different from her sexy fashion.

"Oh, it's been ten years since we left the art troupe, Ding Ding, your husband must be very good to you."

"That's it." Lin Dingding shook the diamond ring on his hand: "See, this is the tenth wedding anniversary gift he gave me. I just bought it today."

"Wow, diamond ring."

"So lovely."

"I really envy you for marrying such a good husband."


There was a lot of discussion.

boom boom boom~

At this moment, there was another knock on the door, and the waiter pushed the door open. After a few breaths, a person's face came into view.

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